
Essential college physics / Andrew Rex, Richard Wolfson

Rex, Andrew F., 1956- author


Essential university physics / Richard Wolfson, Middlebury College

Wolfson, Richard


Thermodynamics, kinetic theory, and statistical thermodynamics / Francis W. Sears, Gerhard L. Salinger

Sears, Francis Weston, 1898-1975


The Promise and limits of private power [electronic resource] : promoting labor standards in a global economy / Richard M. Locke

Locke, Richard M., 1959-


Hard sell [electronic resource] : work and resistance in retail chains / Peter Ikeler

Ikeler, Peter, author


The new leadership paradigm : a leadership development textbook for the twenty-first century leader / Richard Barrett

Barrett, Richard, 1945- author


Leading with emotional courage [electronic resource] : how to have hard conversations, create accountability, and inspire action on your most important work / Peter Bregman

Bregman, Peter, author


Responding to global poverty : harm, responsibility, and agency / Christian Barry, Gerhard Øverland

Barry, Christian, author


Statistics : principles and methods / Richard A. Johnson (University Of Wisconsin At Madison), Gouri K. Bhattacharyya

Johnson, Richard A. (Richard Arnold), 1937- author


The twittering machine / Richard Seymour

Seymour, Richard (Journalist), author


Everything I have learned about values / Richard Barrett

Barrett, Richard, 1945- author


Water-rock interaction: proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, 27 June-2 July 2004, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA / edited by Richard B. Wanty, Robert R. Seal

Online Resource


Structural geometry of mobile belts of the Indian Subcontinent Tapas Kumar Biswal, Sumit Kumar Ray, Bernhard Grasemann, editors

Online Resource


Geological tour of Devonian and Ordovician magmatism of Kuznetsk Alatau and Minusinsk Basin: Altay-Sayan Region, Siberia / Richard Ernst, Vassily V. Vrublevskii, Platon Tishin, editors

Online Resource


Earth science for civil and environmental engineers / Richard E. Jackson (Geofirma Engineering Ltd.)

Hayden Library - QE40.J34 2019


L'exception et la France contemporaine: histoire, imaginaire, littérature / Marc Dambre et Richard J. Golsan (éds)

Online Resource


Mémoires occupées: fictions françaises et Seconde Guerre mondiale / Marc Dambre (éd.) avec le concours de Christopher D. Lloyd et Richard J. Golsan

Online Resource


What Is Africa to me?: fragments of a true-to-life autobiography / Maryse Condé ; translated by Richard Philcox

Hayden Library - PQ3949.2.C65 Z4613 2017


Tristan Corbière: oysters, nightingales and cooking pots: selected poetry and prose in translation / translated by Christopher Pilling ; edited by Richard Hibbitt and Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe ; with an introduction by Katherine Lunn-Rockliffe

Online Resource


Gaming in social, locative, and mobile media / Larissa Hjorth, Ingrid Richardson

Hayden Library - GV1469.17.S63 H58 2014


Online game pioneers at work: interviews with some of the top online game pioneers of our times / Morgan Ramsay ; foreword by Richard Bartle

Online Resource


MMOs from the inside out: the history, design, fun, and art of massively-multiplayer online role-playing games / Richard A. Bartle

Online Resource


MMOs from the outside in: the massively-multiplayer online role-playing games of psychology, law, government, and real life / Richard A. Bartle

Online Resource


MMOs from the Outside In: The Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games of Psychology, Law, Government, and Real Life / Richard A. Bartle

Online Resource


Explore/create: my life in pursuit of new frontiers, hidden worlds, and the creative spark / Richard Garriott with David Fisher

Hayden Library - GV1469.34.A97 G37 2017


Maid: hard work, low pay, and a mother's will to survive / Stephanie Land ; foreword by Barbara Ehrenreich

Browsery HD6072.2.U52 L363 2019


A certain Plume / Henri Michaux ; translated from the French by Richard Sieburth ; preface by Lawrence Durrell

Browsery PQ2625.I2 A2 2018


Cryptography arithmetic: algorithms and hardware architectures / Amos R. Omondi

Online Resource


Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: Compounds with Se / authors: Hartmut Bergmann, Hiltrud Hein, Peter Kuhn, Ursula Vetter ; editors: Gerhard Czack...[and more]

Online Resource


Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry: compounds with Te, Po / authors: Ingeborg Hinz, Peter Kuhn, Ursula Vetter, Eberhard Warkentin ; editors: Hartmut Bergmann, Hiltrud Hein, Ingeborg Hinz, Ursula Vetter

Online Resource


Perspectives on early Andean civilization in Peru : interaction, authority, and socioeconomic organization during the first and second millennia BC / edited by Richard L. Burger, Lucy C. Salazar,Yuji Seki

xiv, 234 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm


Ahab's rolling sea: a natural history of Moby-Dick / Richard J. King

Dewey Library - PS2384.M62 K56 2019


The dolphin letters, 1970-1979: Elizabeth Hardwick, Robert Lowell and their circle / edited by Saskia Hamilton

Dewey Library - PS3515.A5672 Z48 2019


The politics of Richard Wright: perspectives on resistance / edited by Jane Anna Gordon and Cyrus Ernesto Zirakzadeh

Dewey Library - PS3545.R815 Z798 2018


Quai Branly - La naissance d'un musée de Richard Copans

Dans les trois mois qui précèdent son ouverture, en juin 2006, le nouveau bâtiment du Quai Branly devient un musée. On y apporte des centaines de milliers d'objets qui constituent ses réserves. On y installe plus de 4000 oeuvres venues d'Asie, d'Océanie, d'Afrique et d'Amérique. Issues de collections privées, du Musée des arts africains et océaniens (MAAO) et du Musée de l'Homme, ces objets nous invitent à changer de regard sur le monde.


Passive and active measurement: 21st International Conference, PAM 2020, Eugene, Oregon, USA, March 30-31, 2020, Proceedings / Anna Sperotto, Alberto Dainotti, Burkhard Stiller (eds.)

Online Resource


Die Feen: Grosse romantische Oper in drei Akten in einer Bearbeitung für Kinder = The fairies: great romantic opera in three acts in an adaption for children / Richard Wagner ; musical arrangement, Marc-Aurel Floros ; text version, Daniela Baumann ;

Browsery DVD W125 fee ar


Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel / music by Richard Rodgers ; book and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II ; based on Ferenc Molnár's play "Lilion," adapted by Chad Beguelin ; directed for the stage by John Rando ; directed by by Gl

Browsery DVD M1500.R63 C3 2017


Das Liebesverbot: opera in two acts / a Teatro Real, Sintonía Media, Euroarts production in coproduction with TVE ; by Richard Wagner ; libretto by Richard Wagner ; Kasper Holten, stage director ; TV director, János Darvas ; TVE producer, Jos&#

Browsery DVD W125 lie


Chasing Trane: the John Coltrane documentary / Meteor 17 in association with Crew Neck Productions presents ; a film by John Scheinfeld ; produced by Spencer Proffer, John Beug, Scott Pascucci, Dave Harding ; written and directed by John Scheinfeld

Browsery DVD ML419.C645 C43 2017


Drama research methods : provocations of practice / edited by Peter Duffy, Christine Hatton, and Richard Sallis


Ocular drug delivery: advances, challenges and applications / Richard T. Addo, editor

Online Resource


Law and Economics of Personalized Medicine: Institutional Levers to Foster the Translation of Personalized Medicine / Karin Bosshard

Online Resource


The therapeutic use of N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) in medicine / Richard Eugene Frye, Michael Berk, editors

Online Resource


The Practice of Consumer Exposure Assessment edited by Gerhard Heinemeyer, Matti Jantunen, Pertti Hakkinen

Online Resource


The ArcGIS book: 10 big ideas about applying geography to your world / Christian Harder, editor

Rotch Library - G70.212.A7352 2015


The Palgrave handbook of dark tourism studies / Philip R. Stone, Rudi Hartmann, Tony Seaton, Richard Sharpley, Leanne White, editors

Online Resource


Understanding GIS: an ArcGIS Pro project workbook / David Smith, Nathan Strout, Christian Harder, Steven Moore, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrøm

Rotch Library - G70.212.H358 2017


Understanding GIS: an ArcGIS Pro project workbook / David Smith, Nathan Strout, Christian Harder, Steven D. Moore, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrøm

Rotch Library - G70.212.H358 2018