Događaji - najave i recenzije :: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: CineStar Osijek [14.-20.11.2024.] [program] [nagradno darivanje]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 21:00 (GMT 1)

Uronite u mračni svijet paranormalnih istraživanja s mlađim Hellboyem, smještenim u 1955. godinu, u rane dane B.P.R.D.-a (Biro za paranormalna istraživanja i obranu). Hellboy (Jack Kesy) se pridružuje istraživačici Bobbie Jo Song u misiji transporta opasnog pauka. No, kada pauk pobjegne, njihov lov kroz divljinu Apalačkih planina vodi ih do Toma Ferrella (Jefferson White), vještca koji se vraća nakon dugo vremena kako bi ispravio svoje grijehe. U njihovoj potrazi nailaze na Coru Fisher, djevojku koju je Tom davno napustio. Zajedno se suočavaju s nizom zlih sila koje prijete njenoj duši. Dok mračna magija i zlokobna stvorenja preplavljuju ovu atmosferičnu priču, Hellboy mora iskoristiti svoje vještine i nadnaravnu snagu kako bi porazio sile tame. Za sve ljubitelje Hellboy stripova i filmova, ova avantura donosi mješavinu horora, akcije i okultnih tema, te vraća omiljenog junaka u novom, mračnijem svjetlu.

[Nagradno darivanje]

Portal Osijek031 daruje 1x2 ulaznice za film "Hellboy: Izopačena sjena". Nagradno darivanje možete pronaći na našoj Facebook stranici.

Portanova centar, Svilajska 31 a, Osijek, 060 32 32 33, Cijena 1,71kn/min za pozive iz fiksne mreže s PDV-om. Cijena 2,92kn/min za pozive iz mobilne mreže s PDV-om.
BLITZ-CINESTAR d.o.o., Branimirova 29, 10000 Zagreb
OIB 24146311117; MB 1734067,

Moja CineStar srijeda

Ostvarite pogodnost kupovine ulaznica SRIJEDOM po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Mogućnost kupovine ulaznica i za IMAX i 4DX projekcije po povoljnijoj cijeni!

Ulaznice možete kupiti na blagajnama CineStar kina, Cinematima, putem iCineStar aplikacije ili ONLINE kupovinom.

Dodaci (4DX, 3D, eXtreme, VIP i LOVEBOX sjedala, te dodataci za filmove čija je dužina trajanja veća od 120 min, 140 min i više) se naplaćuju u punoj cijeni na povoljniju cijenu kino ulaznice unutar usluge Moja Cine Srijeda.

Prilikom korištenja Stars Club 2x Bonus kartice u svrhu plaćanja usluge Moja Cine Srijeda bilježe se bodovi na kartici.

Pogodnost Moja Cine Srijeda ne vrijedi:
- blagdanima i praznicima
- za pretpremijene projekcije
- za Gold Class projekcije
- za Spektakle u CineStaru (opera, balet, koncerti)
- za dokumentarne filmove u regularnim dvoranama, IMAX-u i Gold Class-u
- za ostale sadržaje koje CineStar odredi

Blitz-CineStar zadržava pravo da određene filmove i projekcije koje prikazuje srijedom, izdvoji iz akcije Moja Cine srijeda. Tada se ulaznica naplaćuje po punoj cijeni.

Za sva pitanja obratite nam se na: info@cinestarcinemas.eu

Tekući CineStar raspored je uvijek dostupan u tjednom pregledniku najava, pri vrhu naslovnice portala Osijek031.com i u mjesečnom pregledu - Najave 031


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De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus

SKS Germany´s Airworx Plus 10.0 review Tot op de PSI luchtdruk reguleren Met de robuuste, extra hoge Airworx Plus 10.0 is elke ...... Lees verder: De Airworx Plus 10.0: Robuust en luxueus



In this post, I will demonstrate a new feature introduced in 12c : In database archiving. It enables you to archive rows within a table by marking them as invisible. This is accomplshed  by means of a hidden column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE. These invisible rows are not visible to the queries but if needed, can be viewed , by setting a session parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY.


-- Create test user uilm, tablespace ilmtbs
-- Connect as user uilm
-- create and populate test table (5 rows) ilmtab with row archival clause
-- Note that the table has an additional column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE automatically created   and has the default value of 0 (indicates that row is active)
-- Note that this column is not visible when we describe the table or simply issue select * from ...
-- We need to access data dictionary to view the column
-- Make two  rows in the table inactive by setting ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column to a non zero value.
-- Check that inactive rows are not visible to query
-- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = all to see inactive rows also
-- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = active to hide inactive rows
-- Issue an insert into ... select * and check that only 3 visible rows are inserted
-- Set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = all to see inactive rows also
-- Issue an insert into ... select * and check that all the rows are inserted but ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE    is not propagated in inserted rows
-- Disable row archiving in the table and check that column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE is automatically dropped
-- drop tablespace ilmtbs and user uilm

Implementation :

-- Create test user, tablespace and test table
SQL> conn sys/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1 as sysdba
sho con_name


SQL> set sqlprompt PDB1>

PDB1>create tablespace ilmtbs datafile '/u02/app/oracle/oradata/cdb1/pdb1/ilmtbs01.dbf' size 1m;
grant connect, resource, dba  to uilm identified by oracle;
alter user uilm default tablespace ilmtbs;

conn uilm/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1
sho con_name

-- create table with "row archival clause"
PDB1>drop table ilmtab purge;
create table ilmtab (id number, txt char(15)) row archival;
insert into ilmtab values (1, 'one');
insert into ilmtab values (2, 'two');
insert into ilmtab values (3, 'three');
insert into ilmtab values (4, 'four');
insert into ilmtab values (5, 'five');
-- Note that the table has an additional column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE automatically created    and has the default value of 0 (indicates that row is active)
PDB1>col ora_archive_state for a20
select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
1 one             0
2 two             0
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
-- Note that this column is not visible when we describe the table or simply issue select * from ...
PDB1>desc ilmtab
Name                                      Null?    Type
----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
ID                                                 NUMBER
TXT                                                CHAR(15)

PDB1>select * from ilmtab;

---------- ---------------
1 one
2 two
3 three
4 four
5 five
-- Since the column is invisible, let me try and make it visible
-- Note that Since the column is maintained by oracle itself, user can't modify its attributes
PDB1>alter table ilmtab modify (ora_archive_state visible);
alter table ilmtab modify (ora_archive_state visible)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-38398: DDL not allowed on the system ILM column
-- We need to access data dictionary to view the column
-- Note that this column is shown as hidden and has not been generated by user
PDB1>col hidden for a7
col USER_GENERATED for a20

from user_tab_cols where table_name='ILMTAB';

----------- -------------------- --- --------------------
ILMTAB      ID                   NO  YES
ILMTAB      TXT                  NO  YES
-- We can make selected rows in the table inactive by setting ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE column to a non zero value.
This can be accomplished using update table... set ORA_ACRHIVE_STATE =
. <non-zero value>
. dbms_ilm.archivestatename(1)

-- Let's update row with id =1 with ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE=2
     and update row with id =2 with dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2)
PDB1>update ilmtab set ora_archive_state=2 where id=1;

update ilmtab set ora_archive_state= dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) where id=2;
-- Let's check whether updates have been successful and hidden rows are not visible
PDB1>select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
-- The updated rows are not visible!!
-- Quite logical since we have made the rows active and by default only active rows are visible

-- To see inactive rows also, we need to set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = all at session level
-- Note that the column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE has been set to 1 for id =2 although we had set it to 2 using
PDB1>alter session set ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = all;
select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
1 one             2
2 two             1
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
-- Note that the column ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE has been set to 1 for id =2 although we had set it to 2 using    dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2)

-- Let's find out why
-- Note that The function dbms_ilm.archivestatename(n) returns only two values    0 for n=0 and 1 for  n <> 0
PDB1>col state0 for a8
col state1 for a8
col state2 for a8
col state3 for a8

select dbms_ilm.archivestatename(0) state0 ,dbms_ilm.archivestatename(1) state1,
dbms_ilm.archivestatename(2) state2,dbms_ilm.archivestatename(3) state3  from dual;

-------- -------- -------- --------
0        1        1        1
-- In order to make the inactive rows (id=1,2) hidden again, we need to set the parameter ROW ARCHIVAL VISIBILITY  = Active
PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility = active;
select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
-- Let's issue an insert into ... select *
-- Note that only 3 new rows are visible
PDB1>insert into ilmtab select * from ilmtab;

select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0

6 rows selected.
-- I want to check if hidden rows were also inserted
-- Let's check by making  hidden rows visible again
-- Note that only visible rows(id=3,4,5) were inserted
PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility=all;
select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab;

---------- --------------- --------------------
1 one             2
2 two             1
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0
3 three           0
4 four            0
5 five            0

8 rows selected.
-- Let's set row archival visibility = all and then again insert rows from ilmtab
-- Note that all the 8 rows are inserted but ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE ha not been copied    ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE <> 0 in only 2 records (id = 1,2) even now.
PDB1>alter session set row archival visibility=all;
insert into ilmtab select * from ilmtab;
select id, txt, ora_archive_state from ilmtab order by id;

---------- --------------- --------------------
1 one             0
1 one             2
2 two             0
2 two             1
3 three           0
3 three           0
3 three           0
3 three           0
4 four            0
4 four            0
4 four            0
4 four            0
5 five            0
5 five            0
5 five            0
5 five            0

16 rows selected.
-- Disable row level archiving for the table
-- Note that as soon as row archiving is disabled, pseudo column ora_archive_state is dropped automatically
PDB1>alter table ilmtab no row archival;
select id, txt, ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE from ilmtab;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00904: "ORA_ARCHIVE_STATE": invalid identifier

PDB1>col hidden for a7
col USER_GENERATED for a20

from user_tab_cols where table_name='ILMTAB';

----------- -------------------- --- --------------------
ILMTAB      ID                   NO  YES
ILMTAB      TXT                  NO  YES
Note : Had we created this table using sys, we could not have disabled row archiving .

-- cleanup --
PDB1>conn sys/oracle@em12c:1523/pdb1 as sysdba
drop tablespace ilmtbs including contents and datafiles;
drop user uilm cascade;



Oracle 12c Index




SQL*Plus error logging – New feature release 11.1


One of the most important things that a developer does apart from just code development is, debugging. Isn’t it? Yes, debugging the code to fix the errors that are raised. But, in order to actually debug, we need to first capture them somewhere. As of now, any application has it’s own user defined error logging table(s).

Imagine, if the tool is rich enough to automatically capture the errors. It is very much possible now with the new SQL*PLus release 11.1

A lot of times developers complain that they do not have privilege to create tables and thus they cannot log the errors in a user defined error logging table. In such cases, it’s a really helpful feature, at least during the unit testing of the code.

I made a small demonstration in SCOTT schema using the default error log table SPERRORLOG, hope this step by step demo helps to understand easily :

NOTE : SQL*Plus error logging is set OFF by default. So, you need to “set errorlogging on” to use the SPERRORLOG table.

SP2 Error

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With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

SQL> desc sperrorlog;
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------

 USERNAME                                           VARCHAR2(256)
 TIMESTAMP                                          TIMESTAMP(6)
 SCRIPT                                             VARCHAR2(1024)
 IDENTIFIER                                         VARCHAR2(256)
 MESSAGE                                            CLOB
 STATEMENT                                          CLOB

SQL> truncate table sperrorlog;

Table truncated.

SQL> set errorlogging on;
SQL> selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message from sperrorlog;





11-SEP-13 AM





selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.

ORA Error

SQL> truncate table sperrorlog;

Table truncated.

SQL> select * from dula;
select * from dula
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message from sperrorlog;





11-SEP-13 AM





select * from dula
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Like shown above, you can capture PLS errors too.

If you want to execute it through scripts, you can do it like this, and later spool the errors into a file. I kept these three lines in the sperrorlog_test.sql file -

truncate table sperrorlog;
selct * from dual;
select * from dula;

SQL> @D:sperrorlog_test.sql;

Table truncated.

SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.
select * from dula
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist





11-SEP-13 AM

SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "D:sperror..." - rest of line ignored.




11-SEP-13 AM
selct * from dual;
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning "selct * fr..." - rest of line ignored.




11-SEP-13 AM
select * from dula
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist


Check Oracle documentation on SPERRORLOG.

In addition to above, if you want to be particularly specific about each session’s error to be spooled into a file you could do this -

SQL> set errorlogging on identifier my_session_identifier

Above mentioned IDENTIFIER keyword becomes a column in SPERRORLOG table. It would get populated with the string value “my_session_identifier”. Now you just need to do this -
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message
2 from sperrorlog
3 where identifier = 'my_session_identifier';

To spool the session specific errors into a file, just do this -

SQL> spool error.log
SQL> select timestamp, username, script, statement, message
2 from sperrorlog
3 where identifier = 'my_session_identifier';
SQL> spool off


Tips to install Oracle 11gr2 RAC on AIX (6.1/7.1)

AIX is like an Unix environment awesome original, same to HP-Unix, and, if you have a plan to install Oracle RAC, you need to pay attention. I note some tips in this article to help.

1. Checking Operating System Packages

# lslpp -l bos.adt.base bos.adt.lib bos.adt.libm bos.perf.libperfstat 
bos.perf.perfstat bos.perf.proctools rsct.basic.rte rsct.compat.clients.rte 

If not, install on AIX source by smity. It's easy, but remember, some packaged requires your IBM's account to download.

2. Verify UDP and TCP Kernel Parameters

# /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral

If you expect your workload to require a high number of ephemeral ports, then update
the UDP and TCP ephemeral port range to a broader range. For example:

# /usr/sbin/no -p -o tcp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o tcp_ephemeral_high=65500
# /usr/sbin/no -p -o udp_ephemeral_low=9000 -o udp_ephemeral_high=65500

3. Checking Resource Limits:
To ensure that these resource limits are honored, confirm that the line login
session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix is set in /etc/pam.conf.For example:

dtsession auth required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
dtlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
ftp session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
imap session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
login session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rexec session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
rsh session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
snapp session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
su session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
swrole session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
telnet session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
xdm session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
OTHER session required /usr/lib/security/pam_prohibit
websm_rlogin session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
websm_su session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix
wbem session required /usr/lib/security/pam_aix

4. Tuning AIX System Environment
Confirm the aio_maxreqs value using the procedure for your release:
AIX 6.1 and 7.1:

# ioo -o aio_maxreqs
aio_maxreqs = 65536

The aio is Asynchronous Input Output is an exciting parameter, I tried to control and modified it many times, but it's strongly to do from Oracle advices,


Adjust the initial value of aio_maxservers to 10 times the number of logical disks divided by the number of CPUs that are to be used concurrently but no more than 80

Oracle document refer: https://docs.oracle.com/database/121/AXDBI/app_manual.htm#AXDBI7880

5. Tuning Virtual Memory Manager

vmo -p -o minperm%=3
vmo -p -o maxperm%=90
vmo -p -o maxclient%=90
vmo -p -o lru_file_repage=0
vmo -p -o strict_maxclient=1
vmo -p -o strict_maxperm=0

Note: You must restart the system for these changes to take effect

6. Increase System block size allocation

# /usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a ncargs='128'

7. Configure SSH LoginGraceTime Parameter
On AIX systems, the OpenSSH parameter LoginGraceTime by default is commented
out, and the default behavior of OpenSSH on AIX can sometimes result in timeout
errors. To avoid these errors, complete the following procedure:
7.1. Log in as root.
7.2. Using a text editor, open the OpenSSH configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
7.3. Locate the comment line #LoginGraceTime 2m.
7.4. Uncomment the line, and change the value to 0 (unlimited). For example:
LoginGraceTime 0
7.5. Save /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
7.6. Restart SSH.

8. Setting priviledge to Oracle ASM Luns
Same to Solaris, HP-Unix. Remember, when you've got failure of ASM configuration, you need to flush out the disk's slice/partition by OS command "dd". And the slice/partition/LUN allocated from storage to IBM, has got different first alphabet to other platform. The alphabet begins by "r", example:

7.1 ORC and Voting disk
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk5 -> OCR
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk5 
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk6 -> Voting Disk
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk6
7.2 Datafile, Archivelog and Backup 
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk2
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk2
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk3
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk3
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk4
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk4
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk9
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk9
# chown grid:asmadmin /dev/rhdisk10
# chmod 660 /dev/rhdisk10

9. Enable simultaneous access to a disk device from multiple nodes
To enable simultaneous access to a disk device from multiple nodes, you must set the appropriate Object Data Manager (ODM) attribute, depending on the type of reserve attribute used by your disks. The following section describes how to perform this task using hdisk logical names

8.1. determine the reserve setting your disks use, enter the following command,where n is the hdisk device number

# lsattr -E -l hdiskn | grep reserve_

The response is either a reserve_lock setting, or a reserve_policy setting. If the attribute is reserve_lock, then ensure that the setting is reserve_lock = no. If the attribute is reserve_policy, then ensure that the setting is reserve_policy = no_reserve.

8.2. If necessary, change the setting with the chdev command using the following syntax, where n is the hdisk device number:

chdev -l hdiskn -a [ reserve_lock=no | reserve_policy=no_reserve ]

For example:
# chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_lock=no
# chdev -l hdisk5 -a reserve_policy=no_reserve

8.3. Enter commands similar to the following on any node to clear the PVID from each disk device that you want to use:

# /usr/sbin/chdev -l hdiskn -a pv=clear

When you are installing Oracle Clusterware, you must enter the paths to the appropriate device files when prompted for the path of the OCR and Oracle Clusterware voting disk. For example: /dev/rhdisk10

9.Configure Shell Limits
9.1. Add the following lines to the /etc/security/limits file:

fsize = -1
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = -1
rss = -1
stack = -1
nofiles = -1

9.2.Enter the following command to list the current setting for the maximum number of process allowed by the Oracle software user:

/usr/sbin/lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc

If necessary, change the maxuproc setting using the following command:

/usr/sbin/chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=16384

10. Configure User Process Parameters (Verify that the maximum number of processes allowed for each user is set to 2048 or greater)
Enter the following command:

# smit chgsys

Verify that the value shown for Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed for each user is greater than or equal to 2048. If necessary, edit the existing value.
When you have finished making changes, press Enter, then Esc+0 (Exit) to exit.

11. Configure Network Tuning Parameters:
To check the current values of the network tuning parameters:

# no -a | more

If the system is running in compatibility mode, then follow these steps to change the parameter values:

Enter commands similar to the following to change the value of each parameter:

# no -o parameter_name=value

For example:

# no -o udp_recvspace=655360

Add entries similar to the following to the /etc/rc.net file for each parameter that you changed in the previous step:

if [ -f /usr/sbin/no ] ; then
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_sendspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o udp_recvspace=655360
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_sendspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o tcp_recvspace=65536
/usr/sbin/no -o rfc1323=1
/usr/sbin/no -o sb_max=4194304
/usr/sbin/no -o ipqmaxlen=512

For the ISNO parameter tcp_sendspace, use the following command to set it:

# ifconfig en0 tcp_sendspace 65536

By adding these lines to the /etc/rc.net file, the values persist when the system restarts.

12. Automatic SSH configuration
By default, OUI searches for SSH public keys in the directory /usr/local/etc/, and ssh-keygen binaries in /usr/local/bin. However, on AIX, SSH public keys typically are located in the path /etc/ssh, and ssh-keygen binaries are located in the path /usr/bin. To ensure that OUI can set up SSH, use the following command to create soft links:

# ln -s /etc/ssh /usr/local/etc
# ln -s /usr/bin /usr/local/bin

In rare cases, Oracle Clusterware installation may fail during the "AttachHome" operation when the remote node closes the SSH connection. To avoid this problem, set the following parameter in the SSH daemon configuration file /etc/ssh/sshd_config on all cluster nodes to set the timeout wait to unlimited:

LoginGraceTime 0

13. Shell Limit
Adding these line in /etc/security/limits

fsize = -1
core = 2097151
cpu = -1
data = -1
rss = -1
stack = -1
nofiles = -1

14. Create groups and users

# mkgroup -'A' id='1000' adms='root' oinstall
# mkgroup -'A' id='1031' adms='root' dba
# mkgroup -'A' id='1032' adms='root' oper
# mkgroup -'A' id='1020' adms='root' asmadmin
# mkgroup -'A' id='1022' adms='root' asmoper
# mkgroup -'A' id='1021' adms='root' asmdba
# mkuser id='1100' pgrp='oinstall' groups='dba,asmadmin,asmoper,asmdba' home='/portalgrid/grid' grid
# mkuser id='1101' pgrp='oinstall' groups='dba,oper,asmdba' home='/portaloracle/oracle' oracle

# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/grid
# mkdir -p /portalapp/app/oracle

# chown grid:oinstall /portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid <- GRID_HOME
# chown grid:oinstall /portalapp/app/grid <- GRID_BASE (ORACLE_BASE for Grid user)
# chown -R grid:oinstall /portalapp
# chown oracle:oinstall /portalapp/app/oracle
# chmod -R 775 /portalapp/

15. Setting the profile
15.1. Grid Profile

export TEMP=/tmp
export TMP=/tmp
export TMPDIR=/tmp
umask 022

export ORACLE_HOSTNAME=portal1
export ORACLE_BASE=/portalapp/app/grid
export ORACLE_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
export GRID_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid
export CRS_HOME=/portalapp/app/11.2.0/grid


16. Prevent Xserver does not display correct term

# startsrc -x

17. Create the following softlink needed for some Oracle utilites

# ln -s /usr/sbin/lsattr /etc/lsattr

To check existing capabilities, enter the following command as root; in this example,
the Grid installation user account is grid:

# /usr/bin/lsuser -a capabilities grid

To add capabilities, enter a command similar to the following:

# /usr/bin/chuser capabilities=CAP_NUMA_ATTACH,CAP_BYPASS_RAC_VMM,CAP_PROPAGATE grid

18. Remember to run the Installation fixup scripts

$ ./runcluvfy.sh stage -pre crsinst -n node -fixup -verbose

With Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2, Oracle Universal Installer (OUI) detects when the minimum requirements for an installation are not met, and creates shell scripts,
called fixup scripts, to finish incomplete system configuration steps. If OUI detects an incomplete task, then it generates fixup scripts (runfixup.sh). You can run the fixup script after you click the Fix and Check Again Button.

19. In the installation progressing, when root.sh at node 2, can the error such as "CRS appear in node 1, did not attemp to stop cluster, re-join cluster, by pass and continue installation.
- If Xterm did not occur, then do: $ export ORACLE_TERM=dtterm
- Manually export ORACLE_BASE, ORACLE_HOME when make an installation before running runInstaller.sh
- If /tmp is too small <500MB, then make a private directory point to other directory, change owner to grid, oracle user, example:

A. Grid

# cd /portallog
# mkdir /portallog/tmp
# chown -R grid:oinstall /portallog/tmp

B. Oracle

# cd /portal
# mkdir tmp
# chown -R oracle:dba /portal/tmp 

C. Export

# export TMP=/portallog/tmp
# export TEMPDIR=/portallog/tmp
# export TMPDIR=/portallog/tmp

Hope this help.


NIP Friday #15 ...

This week’s photo's are an extension of the last installment of Nude In Public Friday. They were taken on the same day, just a little farther down the road.
I'll leave the possible captions for the pictures up to you... hee hee!

I've received a lot of email in response to my "Pop Machine" photo from a few weeks ago.

I would say that it was the most popular Nude In Public Friday so far! For those who have asked, yes, there are more hotel pictures and I'll be sharing them over the next few weeks.


NIP Friday #16 ...

Well, it's the end of the week and time again for Nude In Public Friday.
This weeks picture was taken during an evening of flashing a little over a year ago in Denver's North Cherry Creek area.

I think most women, at one time or another, have either performed a quick boob flash in an elevator or have at least been tempted to. I mean it's exciting.There you are in public and all of a sudden you have few moments of privacy to go a little crazy. Add to this the excitement of the possibility of being caught should the elevator doors open, and you can really see why elevators play into so many fantasies .

I've had my share of experiences in elevators and it would be fair to say that I've went down more often than I've gone up in them.


NIP Friday #17 ...

I picked this week’s picture for Nude In Public Friday for one reason... it reminded me of the warm summer evening that it was taken. Why do I find this so appealing you may ask? Four inches of fucking snow on May 1st, that's the reason! I awoke yesterday to the snow. I had to drive to a meeting in Castle Rock in it and got stuck in an hour long jam on the way back... Colorado weather, you've got to love it.

If my memory doesn't fail me, this picture was taken last summer on our way to dinner up in Longmont. It was warm, I was horny and I thought that I would show some boobage. I certainly didn't feel that way yesterday.


NIP Friday #18 ...

This is the 18th installment of Nude In Public Friday and I've received a lot of positive feedback so far. Out of the previous 17 NIP posts, the two most popular seem to have been the hotel pop machine and elevator pictures.

I suspect that there's some kind of freudian correlation between my tits and the machines going on here, all I know is that I've received more email from those two posts, than all the rest combined.

Most of them wanted to know if I had more of these photo's and would I post them. In an attempt to fulfill these requests, I'll be posting a few more from those two occasions over the next couple of weeks.


NIP Sunday #19 ...

Yes, I know that it's normally NIP Friday, but do to circumstances beyond my control, it's just going to have to be NIP Sunday this week.
As promised, here is another of the " Pepsi machine " photos that Rick took of me at the hotel earlier this year.
When I think about it, I've taken quite a few pictures around pop and other types of vending machines in the past.
I also remember a few occasions doing a lot more than just posing around them...
I had wanted a Mountain Dew but the damned machine gave me a Dr. Pepper. Which reminds me of that old and extremely bad joke, "Why does Dr. Pepper come in a bottle?" ... ... "Because his wife died." *** groan ***


NIP Sunday #21 ...

This weeks Nude in Public Sunday #21, fulfills my earlier promise to post more pop machine shots. I'm surprised at how popular these have been. These were a little trickier because I decided to run down the hall buck naked. I can only imagine what people saw through their "peep holes". They were really fun to do.
In case you were wondering, I was prepared to hide behind the ice machine if need be! Then again, it's the idea of getting caught that makes it such a turn on.


Fireline Fused Cristal 0,06 mm nu voor maar € 10,00

Fireline Fused Cristal Merk: Berkley Lengte: 110 meter De nummer 1 transparante superlijn ter wereld. Kenmerken van de Fireline Fused Cristal: - 3x sterker dan een mono lijn - Ultiem gevoelig. - Schuurbestendig - Extreem sterk - Ook geschikt voor op de molen De lijnen zijn in drie verschillende diameters te verkrijgen. Iedere diameter heeft weer een andere draagkracht.


12 Volt verwarmde Handschoenen van Gerbing

Gerbing biedt een breed scala aan 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen aan. Deze zijn eenvoudig aan te sluiten op een 12 volt accu van een voertuig door middel van de accu-aansluitkabel. Ook zijn ze aan te sluiten op onze 12 volt draagbare batterijen waardoor onze verwarmde handschoenen ook gebruikt kunnen worden voor willekeurige outdoor activiteiten. Wij gebruiken de beste verwarmingstechnologie die er is en daardoor kunnen wij ook een levenslange garantie geven op de verwarming. Door middel van het hoogwaardige Microwire ® verwarmingssysteem, waarop patent is aangevraagd, zijn het de warmste handschoenen die ooit ontwikkeld zijn. Alle 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen worden geleverd met een accu-aansluitkabel en een in-line junior controller om de warmte van de handschoenen te regelen. Gerbing heeft de volgende typen 12 volt handschoenen in het assortiment: T-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met bescherming en een mogelijkheid om kleine batterijen te plaatsen (B12V-1400). G-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een basic leren, waterdichte motorhandschoen met een kortere schacht die. De G-12 heeft niet de mogelijkheid om gebruikt te worden in combinatie met kleine batterijen die in de schacht geplaatst kunnen worden. XR-12 verwarmde handschoen: Een leren waterdichte handschoen met extra knokkelbescherming. Net als de T-12 is deze handschoen ook te gebruiken met kleine batterijen. L-12 verwarmde handschoen. Een dunne lycra handschoen die veel gebruikt wordt bij het ultra light vliegen. Deze kan aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig maar kan ook aangesloten worden op een draagbare 12 volt batterij zoals de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. TEX-12 vewarmde handschoen: Een iets dikkere textiele handschoenen met wat extra gripprotectie aan de binnenkant van de handschoen. Deze kan net als de L-12 aangesloten worden op de accu van een voertuig of op de B12V-5200 of de B12V-8000. De TEX-12 is niet geschikt voor op de motor maar is geweldig voor de brommer, scooter of op de fiets. Al onze 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen zijn te combineren met met al onze andere 12 volt producten zoals de 12 volt verwarmde jas, 12 volt verwarmde broek en 12 volt verwarmde sokken


Elektrsich verwarmd binnenvest 12 Volt Gerbing

7 VOLT VERWARMDE JAS De meeste mensen zullen in eerste instantie denken dat de verwarmde handschoenen en verwarmde sokken de beste producten zijn! Het is echter zo dat op het moment dat handen en voeten koud worden dat veroorzaakt wordt door een koude romp. Op het moment dat de vitale organen te koud worden zal er extra warmte uit de handen en de voeten gehaald worden met als consequentie dat de handen en voeten als eerste koud worden. Daarom worden er ook veel meer 12 volt verwarmde handschoenen en 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen verkocht. Maar eigenlijk zijn onze verwarmde jassen functioneler. Nadat Gerbing een 12 volt verwarmde jas op de markt heeft gebracht voor de motorrijder zijn wij uiteraard ook begonnen met een verwarmde jas te ontwikkelen voor mensen die last hebben van kou bij willekeurige outdoor activiteiten. Dit heeft geresulteerd in een 7 volt verwarmde jas met afritsbare mouwen. Deze kan dus ook als bodywarmer gedragen worden. Deze jas heeft vier elementen. Twee elementen op de borst, één op rug en één in de kraag. Deze jassen worden geleverd met een 7 volt batterij kitje (B7V-2500 KIT) bestaande uit twee 7 volt batterijen met een ingebouwde temperatuurregelaar en één dubbele lader. Dit zijn dezelfde batterijen die gebruikt worden voor al onze 7 volt verwarmde handschoenen, 7 volt verwarmde sokken en alle overige 7 volt producten. De batterijen zijn eenvoudig te bedienen. Ze zijn voorzien van een powerknop en daarmee worden de batterijen aangezet en men kan tevens met deze knop de temperatuur instellen en de batterijen uitzetten. De verwarmde jas is verkrijgbaar in de maten XXS tot en met XXXL en zijn voor zowel mannen als vrouwen. De kleur is zwart. Deze 7 volt verwarmde jas draag je over één laag kleding en onder de gewone jas.


Svartzonker Signature series 8´6" 40-140g - Spin

Svartzonker is niet enkel een beroemde kunstaasbouwer, hij is ook een uitstekend hengelbouwer. We voelen ons vereerd om u een speciale roofvis serie aan te bieden waarvoor enkel uiterst lichte componenten gebruikt werden.


Reins 1,2" Rockvibe Shad

De Rockvibe Shad is hét succesnummer van Reins. Gevist met dropshot, een loodkopje (Aji-Meba Jig Head of Platon !!), texas rig, carolina rig of op een jigkop vangt men op zowel zoet als zoutwater.


D.A.M Litanium Mactron 15.00/13.00

•Mooie allround stok met 3 kits Hengel 13.00 mtr/ 11.50 mtr 5 delig ( 6.00 mtr ) topset 4 delig ( 4.70 mtr ) topset 3 delig ( 3.00 mtr ) topset Onze prijs € 289.00 13.00 meter Onze prijs € 259.00 11.50 meter


te koop: shimano aspire competition 13m nieuw

te koop: shimano aspire competition 13m nieuw. topsets en cupset apart verkrijgbaar.tophengel elastiek gemonteerd. eventueel ook op 14.5m verkrijgbaar.


vaste stok presto ignition a60 13 m gis larc

hengel preston ignition a 60 13 m. de eigenschappen van deze hengel is suncore fusion en magic steps. ook nog larc en gis systeem. 2 topsets van 5 delen. ook nog kokers bij geleverd. 3 keer mee gevist zo goed als nieuw dus.weg wegens niet meer vissen op het kanaal.advies prijs is 1799 euro.je mag bieden vanaf 750 euro vindt ik een goede prijs.


maver 301 13 meter maver top game fighter 11.5 meter

wedstrijdhengel maver 301 13 meter4 keer 5 delige topsets2 keer 3 delige topsets1 keer 5 delige cupset1 keer extension 11.5 en 10 meterextra 1 keer bedrukt 10 meter deelmaver top game fighter 11.5 meter


vaste hengel colmic 6002 11.5m brasem/kanaal

hengel colmic 6002 1150minclusief:mini deel dat past om 11.5m en 10m en 8m te vissenmini deel om 6.5m en 5m te vissen2 topsetten 4 delen em-95 van 4.6m1 topset 2 delen super match van 3m1holdall race foudraal om hengels in te bewarentubes voor stok en topsettennieuwprijs rond de 1400 euro!!zeer lichte hengel ideaal voor kanaal en brasemvisserij. is nog in nieuwstaat. inclusief foedraal en beschermtubes.


Gli articoli più letti nel 2011

Fine anno. Questi sono i 5 articoli più letti e pubblicati nel 2011 su Fucinaweb. La classifica tiene conto sia delle visite del sito, sia delle letture tramite il feed RSS. Guerrilla web project management Le slide con l’audio della … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Gli articoli più letti nel 2011 proviene da Fucinaweb.


10 accorgimenti per migliorare il checkout e-commerce

68%. E’ la percentuale di visitatori che aggiungono almeno un prodotto al carrello senza concludere l’acquisto. Un numero alto, perché il carrello è usato come contenitore temporaneo, ma soprattutto perché il percorso di acquisto è spesso molto lungo e complicato. A Meet Magento presenterò alcuni suggerimenti per … Continua a leggere

L'articolo 10 accorgimenti per migliorare il checkout e-commerce proviene da Fucinaweb.


NBA DFS: 3/21 Injury Update

The Fantasy Executive provides you with an NBA DFS injury update to help you cash in on DraftKings and FanDuel!


NFL Adopts 7 Rule Changes for 2016

The NFL adopted seven of the rules changes proposed at the NFL owners meetings, with more possibly coming on Wednesday.


2016 Fantasy Baseball Injuries to Consider (Premium)

Dr. Roto looks at several MLB players recovering from injuries to determine whether or not you should be afraid to draft them this Fantasy Baseball season.


Build Your Own 2016 NFL Mock Draft!

Do you have what it takes to build the perfect NFL mock draft? Test your skills and attempt to beat our experts!


2016 Fantasy Baseball 5 Star Rated Draft Kit

FullTime Fantasy Sports's 2016 Fantasy Baseball Draft Kit provides a comprehensive package of content that will help you DOMINATE YOUR LEAGUE!


2016 Fantasy Baseball Projections (Premium)

Enjoy FullTime Fantasy Sports's in-depth 2016 Fantasy Baseball projections brought to you by the world's No. 8 ranked Fantasy Baseball player, Shawn Childs.


2016 PGA DFS Masters Cheat Sheet

PGA DFS Expert Shawn Childs put together a massive Masters cheat sheet to help you win the big bucks on DraftKings!:


Week 1: AL East Closer Report (Premium)

Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League East.


Week 1: AL Central Closer Report (Premium)

Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League Central.


Week 1: AL West Closer Report (Premium)

Senior Fantasy Baseball Expert Shawn Childs examines the backend of each team in the American League West's bullpen as we get ready for opening day!


Scouting The NBA DFS - Thursday, March 31 (Premium)

There are some fantastic DFS value plays for this 6-game slate of NBA action. Find out who you should target for your DraftKings and FanDuel lineups in our daily breakdown


Week 1: Fantasy Baseball Central

A hub for all of Week 1's Fantasy Baseball articles and videos by your FullTime Fantasy Sports Experts!


2015 NFL Free Agency & Trades Tracker

NFL Free Agency starts March 12th. This page will track all the player signings and trades. -Harvin to SEA, Boldin to SF, M Wallace to MIA, M Bennett to CHI,


Guy Kawasaki: 120 day Blogging 'Expert'

I'm beginning to think that I should change the name of this blog to the daily FISKing of Guy Kawasaki.

So-called expert Guy Kawasaki (blogging 120 days and counting... and no, I'm not giving him a link unless he returns the favour) throws us more pearls about how to evangelize huckster our blogs.

It seems that one of his favorite pastimes is to email everyone that has the misfortune to come across his computer. Then again, Guy has his own unique definition of what constitutes spam:

"When I started this blog, I sent out 10,000 email announcements... for example, when a bozo includes you on a large carbon-copy email, mine the addresses."
I rather liked Dave Winer's response the best:
"Disclaim: Scripting News does not meet the high standards of 120-day blogger Guy Kawasaki."
Guy calls it "evangelizing". I call it a pain in the ass.

UPDATE: Better Bad News picks up the ball with "Who Gives a Shiitake". And the blogfather himself Dave Winer liked the post so much that he even linked to it. I'm honoured folks.
Related links: business, marketing, daily fisk, guy kawasaki, humor, dave winer


9/11 Remembered

As we remember that tragic event four years ago, I decided to make available the 9/11 video clip showing a plane crashing into the second tower. You can grab a copy of it here.


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