
French Town Rolls Out Massive 1,400-Foot-Long Carpet Made of Grass (Video)

Artists installed a grass carpet through a French town to celebrate the 10th anniversary of its arts and nature trail programs.


How to Use Plantings to Protect Your Garden From Thieves

It's not pretty, but a fact of life, gardens are rich pickings for thieves.


Cornell Installs Indoor Lawn to Soothe Students During Finals (Video)

The university brings the outdoors in to help students relax and focus on studying.


This robotic lawnmower fuels itself with the grass it cuts, then harvests excess biomass for later use

Could this be the lawnmower we've all been waiting for?


Leaf blowers are still a scourge of humanity

Is it time to ban these useless and unnecessary noise and pollution machines?


All of Existence Should Be Revered: Hinduism & The Environment

Hinduism is the oldest


The Thoroughly Positive Effects of Positivity & Why Environmentalism Could Use More Of It

There's a really fascinating feature over at Greater Good on the powerful transformative effects that positive emotions have on our wellbeing, our lives, our bodies, those around us. I won't relay all that Barbara


Republican Presidential Hopefuls Out Of Step With Their Religions On Climate Change

Here at TreeHugger we've long documented how every major religious group has come out supporting strong action on climate change, so the following irony, pointed out by Climate Progress shouldn't come as a shock: Even


We Are An Intrinsic Part Of Nature, Not Separate From Anything Else: Buddhism & The Environment

For many


Humans Are Trustees Of Allah's Creation: Islam & The Environment

"The world is sweet and verdant


A Responsibility To Defend A Fragile & Glorious World: Judaism & The Environment

"A Jewish ecology is 'not


The First Worldwide Green Hajj Guide & Eco-Mosques in Qatar: More on Islam & The Environment

Some timely examples of the intersection of Islam and environmental stewardship, both coming via the good folks over at Green Prophet: 1) Any new mosque built in Qatar must be eco-friendly, and 2) a new green guide to


Reflections on 9/11 & Our Response to Tragedy

photo: Rebecca Wilson/CC BY Editors note: The following guest post is by Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati an American-born renunciate at Parmarth Niketan ashram in Rishikesh, India (full bio below). While this post may be a bit broader than other items in the


World's First Green Pilgrimage Network Launches At End of October

An interesting step towards eco-friendly spiritual travel: The Alliance of Regions and Conservation, working with WWF, is about to launch the Green Pilgrimage Network. The program, to formally kick off at an event in


Map Documents World's Sacred Forests & Help Save Them From Destruction

Globally, religious groups own 5-10% of the world's forests and influence much more.


What Is The Gift Economy & Why Do We Need It So Badly? Charles Eisenstein Explains (Video)

Watching this video on Sacred Economics may be the best 12 minutes and 18 seconds you spend today.


If More of Us Love Nature, The Environment Will Take Care of Itself

Like the word 'sustainability', 'environmentalism' has become a hollow word, a word divorced from meaning, a word lacking in soul, separated from its essence.


Buddhist monks are protecting snow leopards from poachers

A new study in the journal Conservation Biology found that snow leopards living near Buddhist monasteries in Tibet are being helped by monks who actively patrol the forests to prevent poachers from killing the endangered cats.


Evangelical Christians call on Obama to protect public lands from oil and gas leasing

Rev. Richard Cizik and the nonprofit New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good have released a video message to President Obama calling on him to do more to protect public lands from destruction by private industry.


Still lots of life in the Green Living Show

Could it be that green living is making a comeback?


In California, people without rooftop solar panels pay a $65 per year subsidy to those with them

Solar power is a wonderful thing but the benefits are not evenly distributed.


Duke Energy dedicates $25 million to EV charging in NC, promises 300 MW of battery storage

In a compromise with environmentalists, the energy giant is committing some significant resources to clean tech.


Turn out the lights at noon for Daylight Hour

Natural light is free and plentiful and the day is long.


California utility offers rebates and incentives for going all-electric

SMUD demonstrate that all-electric living is actually cheaper than gas.


Why is the Trump administration putting a tariff on Chinese LEDs?

Could it be that more efficient lighting means less coal being dug to power it?


Hard Brexit: Northern Ireland may need thousands of generator barges to keep the lights on

It turns out leaving the EU is quite hard. Who knew?


What's all that stuff on Sir Adam Beck's head?

It's an interesting art installation that brings some attention to an electrifying man.


California utilities will pay you to drive electric

And why not?


Why we need "all of the above" carbon-free power sources

More on why the 626 environmental groups demanding action on climate change shouldn't be doctrinaire.


If you think the Green New Deal is tough to do, think about the Rural Electrification Administration

Starting in 1936 they wired the entire country, the houses, the tools and the farms, changing America. It is time to think big and do it again.


Surprise! Study finds that gas heating is cheaper than electric

That doesn't mean we shouldn't still be trying to electrify everything.


Crisis for electronics recycling as glass market collapses

Ian Urbina reports at The New York Times on the negative side effects the tech industries shift to flat screen technology has had on the market for recycling old television and computer monitor glass


Microsoft puts disposable wifi routers into magazine advertisement

Microsoft decided that a good way to advertise its cloud-based Office 365 software would be to actually put a T-Mobile wifi router with 15 days of free wifi inside a magazine advert.


New report card for best electronics recycling shows Staples in the lead

A new report card from the Electronics TakeBack Coaltion shows how each retailer stacks up when it comes to recycling the merchandise they sell us.


Phoneblok is radical vision of what tech could be

Critics have been quick to say that Phonebloks isn't realistic with the current market. What they are missing is that this is the entire point of the project. Phonebloks aims to alter the present, but re-imagining the future.


Haunting photos show human impact of digital waste

Photographer Michael Ciaglo has shared his haunting photos from Agbogbloshie, the "digital dump" on the outskirts of Accra, Ghana.


African inventor makes 3D printer with... E-waste

Kodjo Afate Gnikou is a 33 years old inventor from Togo, in West Africa. Using mostly e-waste that he found in a scrap yard, he built a functioning 3D printer that he calls W.AFATE.


Eco-Mobius is a modular, 'forever' smart phone

Phonebloks was a great idea - mix-and-match pieces means upgrading from a basic platform is forever. Now it has a first competitor - the Eco-Mobius.


10 recycling and waste management trends to look out for in the near future

There's a lot to look forward to, but what should we expect to see more of in the short-term?


New smartphone coating could make your screen shatterproof

A coating made from copper nanowires could make those smartphone screens a lot tougher and help the gadgets to last longer.


The true impact of not recycling our old electronics

Here are some staggering numbers of what could be saved.


Computer chips made from wood could biodegrade

The innovation could mean less e-waste at the end of our electronics' lives.


Fungi can recycle your smartphone battery

The best way to extract all of those valuable metals in old electronics may be to grow some fungus.


2020 Tokyo Olympics medals will be made from metals recovered from e-waste

By reclaiming precious metals from its 'urban mine' of obsolete electronics, Japan may be able to produce the medals for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics from recycled materials.


Battery recycling machine gives grocery store coupons in exchange for your old batteries

The machines are popping up at grocery stores in Norway.


The awful reality of e-waste as told in numbers

From 50 million tons of e-waste generated annually to 350,000 cell phones thrown away every day, the numbers behind our digital addiction are staggering.


How a cheap plywood temporary building became the inspiration for Google's new headquarters

It may well be more Jane Jacobs and Stewart Brand than it is Bjarke Ingells.


Google's self-driving car hits the road this summer

These may be limited to 25 MPH, but the era of autonomous cars is coming at us really fast.


10 beautiful underwater views from Google Street View

Take a virtual tour of these amazing spots.


Google to transform carcass of Alabama coal power plant into clean-powered datacenter

Using the bones of old-world infrastructure to build new-world infrastructure.