
Strategic Commitment, Long-Term Investments Needed by Defense Department to Expand Research Capacity at HBCUs and Other Minority Institutions, New Report Says

A new report examines how the U.S. Department of Defense can increase the capacity of historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and other minority institutions to conduct defense and national security research.


Recidivism is an inadequate measurement of a persons success after release from prison

Recidivism is an inadequate measurement of a person’s success after release from prison. Researchers should develop supplementary measures that evaluate multiple areas of a person’s life — including employment, housing, health, social support, and personal well-being — and that examine interactions with the criminal justice system with more nuance.


To Modernize the Consumer Price Index, BLS Should Accelerate Use of New Data Sources and Provide Price Indexes for Different Incomes, Says New Report

To modernize the consumer price index — the most widely used measure of inflation in the U.S. — the Bureau of Labor Statistics should accelerate its use of new sources of data and develop price indexes based on different income levels, says a new report.


Automated Research Workflows Are Speeding Pace of Scientific Discovery - New Report Offers Recommendations to Advance Their Development

Automated research workflows — which integrate computation, laboratory automation, and tools from artificial intelligence — have the potential to increase the speed of research activities and accelerate scientific discovery. A new report recommends ways to advance their development.


The Gulf Research Program Contributes to First In-Person Gulf of Mexico Conference

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine was an active contributor at the first in-person Gulf of Mexico Conference (GoMCon) held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from April 25-28. The four-day conference gathered more than 800 researchers, resource managers, and interested stakeholders, and highlighted the intersection of scientific research and the management of human and natural systems in the Gulf of Mexico region.


National Academies’ Gulf Research Program Awards $8.6 Million to Promote Equity in Health and Community Resilience for At-Risk Communities

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced grant awards totaling $8.6 million for 11 new projects supporting health equity and community resilience.


Lack of Equitable Representation in Clinical Trials Compounds Disparities in Health and Will Cost U.S. Hundreds of Billions of Dollars - Urgent Actions Needed by NIH, FDA, Others to Boost Representation

Lack of representation in research is compounding disparities in health outcomes, with serious consequences for underrepresented groups and the nation as a whole. Urgent actions are needed by NIH, FDA, and others to boost representation of racial and ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented populations in clinical trials and research.


Advancing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in Competed Space Mission Leadership at NASA Will Require Extensive Efforts Along Entire Career Pathways, Says New Report

To meet its diversity and inclusion goals for competed mission leadership, NASA should invest in STEM career pathways, partner with historically Black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions, and expand training and mentorship opportunities, among other actions.


Tackling the Challenges of Our Time Requires All of Us to Be at the Table

At a recent event, acting director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Alondra Nelson discussed the urgent need to improve equity in science, and the role community engagement can play in tackling the problems that lay ahead.


New Publication Explores How to Prioritize Investments in Infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico

The recently passed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act presents a unique opportunity for the U.S. to improve its transportation, water, communication, and energy systems.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - June 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academy of Medicine Names 11 Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence for 2022

The National Academy of Medicine has selected 11 professionals for the 2022 class of the NAM Scholars in Diagnostic Excellence program, which supports the scholars in a one-year, part-time experience to advance their diagnostic skills, reduce diagnostic errors that lead to patient harm, and accelerate their career development as national leaders in this field.


The Growing Role of Clinical Engineering - Merging Technology at the Point of Care

As health care delivery systems increasingly depend on technology, the expertise of clinical engineers in the use and management of this technology is critical for achieving best outcomes. In a new NAE Perspective, Thomas Judd and Yadin David discuss the indispensable role of clinical engineers in merging technology at the point of care.


Science Academies Call on G-7 Governments to Take Urgent Action to Accelerate Decarbonization, Develop Antiviral Drugs to Increase Pandemic Preparedness, Address Other Global Challenges

Science academies from the G-7 nations issued statements urging their governments to take action on four global challenges — developing antiviral drugs to prepare for future pandemics, speeding progress on decarbonization, protecting the oceans and sea ice, and implementing a One Health approach to zoonotic disease and antimicrobial resistance.


International Science Academies Meet in Poland to Explore How to Support Ukrainian Science and Researchers

The U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the Polish Academy of Sciences brought together leaders from the National Academy of Sciences Ukraine and several other national academies for a meeting in Warsaw to identify concrete actions the international science community can take to support Ukrainian researchers and science capabilities.


Multisector, All-of-Society Transformation Needed to Ensure Aging Societies Worldwide Are Poised to Thrive by 2050, Says New Report

Ensuring that populations globally are actively engaged in society while living longer, healthier lives will require a multisector, all-of-society approach. A new NAM report provides a roadmap with recommendations for addressing the needs of older people in the next five years and other actions to improve healthy longevity by 2050.


Gulf Research Program Announces Five Early-Career Research Fellows in Human Health and Community Resilience

Five scientists have been selected for the Human Health and Community Resilience track of the Early-Career Research Fellowship (ECRF), the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine announced today.


CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Needs Investment, Regulatory Reform, and Other Changes to Meet New Infectious Disease Challenges, Says Report

The CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine should create an effective and innovative quarantine station model to confront new challenges in preventing the spread of infectious diseases in the U.S., and requires new investment and regulatory reforms to do so.


Action Steps For Rebuilding Ukraine’s Science, Research, and Innovation

The leaders of the national science academies of the United States, Ukraine, Poland, Denmark, Germany, the United Kingdom, and ALLEA have developed an action plan for the international science community to build a strong science, innovation, research, and training system in Ukraine.


National Academies’ Gulf Research Program Awards $3.7 Million to Support Innovative Community Engagement Methods and Enhance Data Usage to Develop Equitable Outcomes to Climate Hazards

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced grant awards for 13 new projects totaling $3.7 million.


Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade Could Worsen Reproductive Health in U.S., Exacerbate Health Inequities

In a statement, National Academy of Sciences President Marcia McNutt and National Academy of Medicine President Victor J. Dzau said that the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade “will likely make it even more difficult for women to access high-quality health care in this country.”


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - July 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Two Decades of EngineerGirl - Building a More Diverse Field

Roadblocks to pursuing a career in engineering can appear early in life. For 20 years, NAE’s EngineerGirl program has worked to help overcome these obstacles by reinforcing young women’s interest in engineering and connecting them with the larger STEM community.


Renewing U.S. Infrastructure for Resilience and Equity

The recently passed bipartisan infrastructure law is poised to enable nationwide investments in roads, bridges, broadband, and more. A new National Academies initiative aims to help states, regions, and communities coordinate their investments and maximize the benefits.


New Report Calls for Expanded PFAS Testing for People With History of Elevated Exposure, Offers Advice for Clinical Treatment

Testing for exposure to PFAS — chemicals used in a broad range of consumer products for decades — should be offered to patients who are likely to have a history of elevated exposure. A new report provides advice to the CDC on how clinicians can interpret test results and deliver follow-up care.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - August 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


EPA Should Conduct Ecological Risk Assessment of UV Filters Found in Sunscreen to Understand Their Impact on Aquatic Environments, Says New Report

EPA should conduct an ecological risk assessment of ultraviolet filters used in sunscreens, given the evidence that aquatic ecosystems in the U.S. and possibly endangered species are exposed to these UV filters, and given the importance of these ingredients in skin cancer prevention.


TRB Announces 24 Minority Student Fellows for 2023

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) today announced the 2023 class of Minority Student Fellows. As part of its commitment to increasing diversity and inclusiveness in transportation, the TRB Minority Student Fellows Program funds students from minority-serving institutions to attend and present their research at the TRB Annual Meeting and help them engage in TRB’s network of transportation professionals.


We Stand Ready to Put Landmark Legislation into Action, Say National Academies’ Presidents

Historic legislation has been enacted to boost U.S. competitiveness and security, spur innovation, and make real progress on climate change and human health, said the National Academies’ presidents in a statement. “The National Academies stand ready to mobilize the broader science, engineering, and medical and health communities to help inform and implement solutions.”


‘A Marathon, Not a Sprint’ — How Can Cities Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Also Improve Mobility?

Emission reduction goals, changing transportation patterns caused by COVID, an influx of infrastructure investments, and the need to support mobility for all residents together present a challenge for planners. A recent webinar explored how cities can support a transition to more equitable, lower-emissions urban transportation systems.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - September 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


National Academies’ Gulf Research Program Announces 2022 Cohort of Science Policy Fellows

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced the four recipients of its 2022 Science Policy Fellowship.


Potential Effects of Operating a Terrestrial Radio Network Near GPS Frequency Bands Assessed by New Report

The radio frequency spectrum is a natural resource that underpins all wireless activity. A new report assesses the likelihood of harmful interference from operating a radio network near GPS frequency bands, and considers approaches for evaluating concerns.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - October 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Engineering the Transition to Net-Zero Carbon Emissions

In an interview, NAE President John Anderson discusses the national and global transition to net-zero carbon emissions and how engineers — and NAE in particular — can support that shift. Energy Transitions is the theme of NAE’s annual meeting this year, taking place Oct. 2-3.


Maintaining U.S. Global Leadership in Science and Technology Requires Greater Focus on Strengthening Innovation, Not Solely on Restricting Access to Specific Technologies

To maintain U.S. global leadership in science and technology, federal agencies should pursue a coordinated risk-management approach that protects the United States’ own capacity to innovate, rather than emphasizing the protection of specific technologies from access by competitor nations.


Coeur d’Alene Lake Recovering After Century of Mining, Not Currently at Risk of Anoxia, Says New Report

Coeur d’Alene Lake in northern Idaho is beginning to recover from nearly a century of mining in its watershed. A new report finds metal concentrations are slowly declining and the lake is not currently at risk of anoxia.


As COP27 Approaches, Report Recommends New Global Emissions Information Clearinghouse, Steps to Improve Accuracy and Usability of Information

As the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP27) approaches, a new report recommends steps to improve the accuracy and usability of greenhouse gas emissions information for decision-makers, including creating a global information clearinghouse.


Gulf Research Program Welcomes 2022 Cohort of Seven Early-Career Research Fellows in Environmental Protection and Stewardship

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced its 2022 cohort of Early-Career Research Fellows in the Environmental Protection and Stewardship track.


Exploring Sanctions and Early Interventions for Faculty Sexual Harassment in Higher Education

This perspective paper is a product of the Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. It is intended to identify and discuss a topic in need of research.


Now is the time to imagine the research enterprise we’ll need for the future

The theme of the National Academy of Medicine’s 52nd Annual Meeting, taking place Oct. 16-17, is “Revolutionizing the Biomedical and Health Sciences.” NAM President Victor Dzau discusses challenges and opportunities for the health and medicine research enterprise in the decades ahead.


National Academies Announce Inaugural Recipients of Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communications

The 24 inaugural recipients of the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communication have been announced. Given by the National Academies in partnership with Schmidt Futures, the awards recognize science journalists and research scientists who have developed creative, original work about issues and advances in science, engineering, and medicine.


Advising the Nation After Roe v. Wade - Cascading Impacts on Women’s Health, Family Well-Being, and Society

For decades the National Academies have provided objective, expert advice to help the nation understand issues related to maternal and reproductive health, unintended pregnancy, prenatal care, racial and ethnic disparities in health care, and abortion.


VA Should Focus its Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry on Communications and Improving Health Care

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ Airborne Hazards and Open Burn Pit Registry should be optimized to be a user-friendly resource and focus on improving health care quality and access for veterans and providing two-way communication between veterans who participate and the VA.


Current EPA Framework Effective for Evaluating Scientific Evidence Used in Setting National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Says New Report

The EPA’s current framework for evaluating the scientific evidence used to set national air quality standards is effective, reliable, and scientifically defensible, according to a new National Academies report.


Gulf Research Program Awards $3.4 Million To Reduce the Burden of Disaster-Related Mental Health Consequences

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today announced awards totaling $3.4 million to support four projects that reduce the burden of disaster-related mental health consequences with a focus on acute disasters.


Engineering and the Diversity Imperative - The 15th Grand Challenge

Engineering impacts everyone. Diversifying the field is imperative if we want to build on engineering’s legacy of extraordinary impact.


To Improve Methods for Estimating the Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Low-Carbon Transportation Fuels, More Research and Focused Verification of Emissions Needed

Life cycle assessments of low-carbon transportation fuels — such as electricity, biofuels, or hydrogen — are valuable tools for measuring environmental impacts, but uncertainties remain in the models that are currently used, and further research should be conducted to strengthen their reliability.


Conference of Global Science Academies, Including Young Academies for the First Time, Will Explore How to Make Research Systems More Inclusive, Effective, and Sustainable

The Triennial Conference of the InterAcademy Partnership and the Worldwide Meeting of Young Academies will take place Nov. 1-3. The conference will convene the world’s senior and young science academies to explore how to make research structures and processes more inclusive, effective, and sustainable.


Scientific Organizations Form International Group to Advance Ukrainian Science and Support Researchers - Breakthrough Prize Foundation Provides $3 Million

With a $3 million donation from the Breakthrough Prize Foundation, a high-level, international coordinating group of scientific organizations has been established to take concrete steps to support Ukraine’s scientists and research community with the aim of rebuilding a successful global science and innovation system in Ukraine.