
New Report Recommends Changes to Handbook for EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System Assessments

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) should make changes to its integrated risk information system (IRIS) assessments handbook to ensure it provides clear operational instructions for those conducting assessments, and transparency regarding the assessment process, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - December 2021

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Ceremonial Presentations of Nobel Prizes to be Held at U.S. National Academy of Sciences Locations in Washington and Irvine – Dec. 6 and 8

During Nobel Week 2021, ceremonial presentations of Nobel Prize medals and diplomas to 2021 laureates who are based in the United States will take place at the National Academy of Sciences.


U.S. Should Create National Strategy by End of 2022 to Reduce Its Increasing Contribution to Global Ocean Plastic Waste, Says New Report

The United States should create a national strategy by end of 2022 to reduce its outsized and increasing contribution to plastic waste in the world’s oceans.


Lessons from COVID-19 on Executing Communications and Engagement at the Community Level During a Health Crisis

On May 20, 2021, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine held a virtual convening of public health and communications practitioners to examine the challenges, opportunities, and lessons they saw while executing effective communications and community engagement in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


New Report Assesses the Feasibility, Cost, and Potential Impacts of Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal Approaches - Recommends U.S. Research Program

The U.S. should undertake a new research program to better understand the potential risks and benefits of ocean-based interventions to remove or sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and learn how these methods could be used to mitigate the impacts of climate change.


Actions Needed by Higher Education Institutions, Technology Companies, Federal Agencies to Increase Representation of Women of Color in Tech

A range of organizations across the tech ecosystem — tech companies, colleges and universities, professional societies, and government agencies — should take steps to improve the representation of women of color in tech fields and careers.


U.S. Coast Guard Should Issue Guidance for Improving Safety of ‘Duck Boats’ Used for Commercial Passenger Service, Says New Report

The U.S. Coast Guard should issue a range of new guidelines and requirements to ensure the safety of passengers and crew on DUKWs or “duck boats”— those familiar amphibious vehicles often used for touring the streets and waters of many cities.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - January 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Transportation Research Board Convenes Annual Gathering of Government, Industry, and Research Professionals

Industry leaders, policymakers, administrators, and researchers will gather in person from Jan. 9 to 13 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., for the 101st annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB).


Technoscientific Research - A Missing Term in R&D Discourse

In a new NAE Perspective, Venkatesh Narayanamurti reflects on the need for more effective R&D funding, especially in technoscientific research, a key engine of innovation.


Dr. Carlotta Arthur Named New Executive Director of Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education at National Academies

Following a national search, Carlotta M. Arthur will join the National Academies as the new executive director of the Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education on Feb. 14.


National Academies’ Gulf Research Program Announces Six Early-Career Research Fellows Focused on Offshore Energy Safety

Six scientists have been selected for the Offshore Energy Safety track of the Early-Career Research Fellowship (ECRF), announced the Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - February 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Safe Passage for Scientists - Evacuating Scientists and Engineers from Afghanistan

When the Taliban captured Kabul last year, a group of scientists and engineers with ties to the National Academies were desperately seeking a way out of Afghanistan. During a recent webinar, Vaughan Turekian recounted the effort to get these scientists and their families to safety.


New Report Reviews VA Monograph on Economic Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Service and Emotional Support Dogs for Veterans with PTSD

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine released a final report today reviewing the second draft of a U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) monograph, The Economic Impact and Cost Effectiveness of Service Dogs for Veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which assesses the economic impact and cost-effectiveness of programs involving trained service dogs or emotional support dogs and veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


Traumatic Brain Injury Categories Should Be Updated and Personalized to Better Guide Patient Care, Says New Report

Every year, nearly 5 million Americans are evaluated for traumatic brain injury (TBI). But many individuals and their caregivers don’t get needed follow-up support after initial injury. A new report recommends structural changes to improve TBI research and care over the next decade.


Patients as ‘First Responders’ — What COVID-19 Teaches Us About Timely Diagnosis

COVID-19 has offered several lessons about improving diagnosis — from expanding testing availability, to making at-home testing easier, to empowering people with data. At a recent workshop, experts discussed how to apply these lessons to the diagnosis of other health conditions.


As New Variants of the Coronavirus Emerge, Reaching the Vaccine-Hesitant Takes on New Urgency

As the omicron variant of the coronavirus sweeps through the U.S. and other parts of the world — and with the possibility of emerging new variants looming — building confidence in vaccines has become even more important. How can knowledge from the social sciences inform effective communication around vaccines?


New Report Recommends Renewed Us-federal Investment in Chemical Engineering Directed to the Energy Transition Medical Advances and Other Challenges

To maintain U.S. global leadership and meet societal challenges — including generating medical advances, furthering the energy transition, and making food and water safer and more sustainable — new investments, collaborations, and educational practices in the chemical engineering field are needed.


Systems for Providing Protection from Inhalation Hazards Should Extend to the Public and Broader Groups of Workers, Says New Report

The COVID-19 pandemic and more frequent wildfires have highlighted the need for respiratory protection for the public and all types of workers, including essential and gig economy workers. A new report recommends frameworks to ensure both groups receive timely access to appropriate respiratory protective devices and guidance on their effective use.


Augmenting Our Thinking through the Nexus of Engineering, Science, Technology, and Art

The world faces enormous challenges of unprecedented complexity—problems that intertwine in a dizzyingly interconnected, interdependent, and changing landscape. Few of them—especially those dealing with energy, environment, and social structures—admit clean solutions with clear endpoints.


A Decade of Success - ‘Creative Mind’ Traveling Exhibit Spotlights Prominent Black Scientists and Researchers

“The Creative Mind” has spent the last decade bringing heightened visibility to the contributions and stories of trailblazing African Americans in science, engineering, and medicine — such as mathematical engineer Christine Darden, astronaut Mae Jemison, zoologist Shirley Malcom, and many others.


New Awards in Science Communication Totaling $600,000 Annually Launched by Schmidt Futures and the National Academies

The new Eric and Wendy Schmidt Awards for Excellence in Science Communication aim to recognize and develop excellence in science communication by research scientists and by early career, local, and freelance science journalists. The program will provide winners with cash awards as well as training and resources to further expand their communications skills.


Expanding the Pool of Tech Talent

A recent report — and the subject of an upcoming symposium — examines what’s driving the underrepresentation of women of color in tech education and careers, and how universities and tech companies can help remedy it.


New Report Recommends Changes to U.S. Organ Transplant System to Improve Fairness and Equity, Reduce Nonuse of Donated Organs, and Improve the System’s Overall Performance

Almost 110,000 Americans are waiting for organ transplants, but there are significant inequities in who gets access to the waiting list and an eventual transplant. A new report recommends several policy changes to create a more fair, equitable, and patient-focused system for organ allocation.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - March 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


CHR Statement regarding Attacks on Health Care in Ukraine

The National Academies’ Committee on Human Rights issued a statement expressing concern at reports of indiscriminate military attacks in Ukraine that have included health facilities, and supported global calls to respect and protect access to health care in Ukraine, and in all conflict setting


NAS and NAM Presidents, Other Experts Urge Biden Administration to Reinstate Presidential Bioethics Commission

A presidential commission on bioethics has not been appointed since 2017. The Biden administration should reinstate a presidential bioethics advisory commission to help inform policy decisions that have bioethical implications, urge the NAS and NAM presidents and other experts.


‘New Space Ecosystem’ Should Be Leveraged to Provide Transformative Science Advancements, Says New Report

Rapid advances in small satellite technology and associated launch and production capabilities have transformed the space industry. A new report recommends ways the government can partner with commercial entities to enhance national missions and make transformative science advancements.


International Treaty, Transparency Measures Recommended to Build Resilience of America’s Medical Product Supply Chains

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. has experienced shortages of masks, medical gowns, ventilators, and drugs, but demand surges and supply constraints for medical products predate the current public health crisis. A new report recommends measures to improve supply reliability for medical products, during both emergencies and normal times.


‘We Stand With Our Colleagues in Ukraine,’ Say U.S. National Academies Presidents

The presidents of the U.S. National Academies issued a statement condemning the “horrific and unprovoked” Russian invasion of Ukraine. “We stand in solidarity with the scientists, engineers, health care workers, and other colleagues in the research community of Ukraine, who like all Ukrainians, are doing their best to survive and resist.”


NIH Should Standardize Questions Used to Collect Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Data in Studies and Surveys, Says New Report

The National Institutes of Health should adopt new practices and standardized language to collect data about sex, gender identity, and sexual orientation from survey respondents or research participants. Better measurements will improve data quality, as well as NIH’s ability to identify and understand LGBTQI+ populations.


Premium Cigar Ingredients as Harmful as Cigars and Cigarettes - Health Effects Depend on Frequency, Patterns of Use

Overall cigar consumption has increased since the 1990s, but there is limited research on “premium” cigars. A new report examines the short- and long-term health effects of premium cigars, who is using them and how often, and marketing practices and consumer perceptions.


GRP Executive Director Lauren Alexander Augustine Testifies on Climate and Community Resilience

Lauren Alexander Augustine, executive director of the National Academies’ Gulf Research Program, discussed community resilience strategies before the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis at a March 9 hearing.


Gulf Research Program Launches Program to Improve Forecasts of Important Currents of the Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf Research Program (GRP) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine announced the award of $22 million to support three consortia that will undertake the third phase of the Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems (UGOS) program.


‘Nation’s Report Card’ Assessment Should Make Changes to Contain Costs, Allow Innovation in Education Testing and Research, Says New Report

The National Assessment of Educational Progress — which produces the “Nation’s Report Card” and other critical education data — should make changes to understand and reduce its costs and open the door to innovation.


Designing COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements and Incentive Programs — New Expert Consultation

Vaccination mandates and requirements can be effective in increasing COVID-19 vaccination rates, but their success depends on being targeted and on building trust, says a new rapid expert consultation, which also outlines considerations for using incentives to promote booster uptake.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - April 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Breakthrough Prize Foundation Partners with U.S. National Academy of Sciences to Support Scientists Forced to Flee Ukraine

With a $1 million donation, the Breakthrough Prize Foundation joins a growing number of individuals and institutions that are supporting an NAS effort to help displaced Ukrainian researchers relocate, continue their work, and stay connected to the international scientific community.


Executive Director of the Transportation Research Board Announces Retirement

Neil Pedersen, executive director of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, announced he will retire in the early fall of 2022. The National Academies will launch a nationwide search for Pedersen’s successor.


A Full Assessment of the Effectiveness of Gulf Restoration Efforts Will Require Improved Analysis and Coordination, New Report Says

Assessing the success of ecological restoration efforts since the Deepwater Horizon platform explosion and oil spill in 2010 will require continued improvements in data analysis and coordination across the Gulf of Mexico region.


Wide-Ranging Systemic Changes Needed to Transform Nursing Homes to Meet Needs of Residents, Families, and Staff

To provide high-quality care for all nursing home residents, the U.S. must strengthen the nursing home workforce, improve emergency preparedness, and increase the transparency and accountability of nursing homes’ finances and operations, among other actions.


Ensuring Human Control over AI-Infused Systems

Human control over technology was a concern thousands of years ago when early humans sought to ensure safe use of fire. Later, control over horse-drawn wagons and eventually steam engines led to debates about how to make the most of their benefits while limiting dangers. Now questions of control are central in the design of AI-infused technologies, for which some advocates envision full machine autonomy while others promote human autonomy.


NCES Should Make Strategic Changes to Meet 21st-Century Education Data Needs — New Report

The National Center for Education Statistics should make strategic changes to meet new education data needs by investing in a culture of innovation, new types of data, and expanded data access services, says the final report in a series written for the Institute of Education Sciences.


Report Identifies Priority Planetary Science Missions, Planetary Defense Efforts, and Strategic Investments for the Next Decade

A new decadal survey presents a comprehensive plan for the fields of planetary science and astrobiology, identifying priority missions, planetary defense efforts, strategic technology and infrastructure investments, and ways to support the profession.


New Publications Examine the Use of Procedural Justice to Address Sexual Harassment, Describe Innovative Policies to Stop ‘Passing the Harasser’

The Action Collaborative on Preventing Sexual Harassment in Higher Education today released three new individually authored publications to serve as resources for higher education institutions as they work to prevent sexual harassment and mitigate the damage it causes.


Applying procedural justice to sexual harassment policies processes and practices

This perspective paper addresses the recommendations of a 2018 report by the National Academies on sexual harassment by exploring how a procedural justice framework could help guide improvements and revisions to policies, processes, and practices within higher education institutions with the potential to mitigate the negative experiences and outcomes of those affected by sexual harassment.


American Chemical Society Joins U.S. National Academy of Sciences in Effort to Support Researchers Forced to Flee Ukraine

With a $500,000 donation, the American Chemical Society has joined the U.S. National Academy of Sciences in an effort to help researchers who are being forced to flee Ukraine because of Russia’s invasion.


Reports & Events Monthly Calendar - May 2022

“Reports & Events” is a monthly tip sheet for the news media that highlights selected meetings of interest and reports from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.