
A Surgeon-scientist and Entrepreneur Fights Against Cancer

Patrick Soon-Shiong, MD, physician-scientist and entrepreneur, talks about the National MoonShot Initiative, his MoonShot 2020 Program, as well as promising approaches in cancer immunotherapy. This podcast was originally recorded on June 3, 2016


USPSTF Recommendation: Screening for Pancreatic Cancer

Interview with Chyke A Doubeni, MD, MPH, USPSTF member and coauthor of Screening for Pancreatic Cancer: US Preventive Services Task Force Reaffirmation Recommendation Statement


Biological characteristics of Acanthopagrus butcheri : changes following environmental degradation and comparisons of restocked and wild fish / Alan Cottingham

Cottingham, Alan, author


Peanuts (American Oil Chemists' Society)


Aquaculture virology / editors, Frederick S.B. Kibenge (University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, PE, Canada), Marcos G. Godoy (Universidad San Sebastian, Puerto Montt, Chile, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas Aplicadas (CIBA), Puerto Mon


Functional diversity of mycorrhiza and sustainable agriculture : management to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses / Michael J. Goss (School of Envirnmental Sciences, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada), Mário Carvalho (Institute of Medit

Goss, M. J., author


Cane toads on the march : inquiry into controlling the spread of cane toads / House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy

Australia. Parliament. House of Representatives. Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy, author, issuing body


Opinion: News producers can’t keep incurring the costs while digital platforms drain away profits

Facebook and Google cornered nearly 70 per cent (Rs 11,500 crore) of online ad revenues from India in 2018-19, a market pegged at Rs 28,000 crore by 2022. The Government of India must resist a digital colonisation, where the sweat and toil of Indians is drained out of the country while local communities and businesses are destroyed.


Scientists identify forces behind shifting of Earth’s north magnetic pole from Canada to Russia

The wandering pole is driven by unpredictable changes in liquid iron deep inside the Earth.


Spacecraft dynamics and control: the embedded model control approach / Enrico Canuto, Carlo Novara, Luca Massotti, Donato Carlucci, Carlos Perez Montenegro

Online Resource


Nuclear and Emerging Technologies for Space: 26 Feb - 1 Mar 2018, Palace Station Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas, NV, USA. Program and full summaries / organized for the American Nuclear Society by the Aerospace Nuclear Science and Technology Division, the

Hayden Library - TL1102.N8 N48 2018


Chasing the demon: a secret history of the quest for the sound barrier, and the band of American aces who conquered it / Dan Hampton

Hayden Library - TL571.H33 2018


Promote the progress of the Pacific-basin region through space innovation: proceedings of the 15th International Conference of Pacific-basin societies (ISCOPS) held July 10-13, 2018, Montreal, Canada / edited by Arun K. Misra, Li Ming, Yasuhiro Morita

Barker Library - TL787.A244 v.166


Space dogs: the story of the celebrated canine cosmonauts / Martin Parr ; text by Richard Hollingham

Hayden Library - TL873.P37 2019


Shattered dreams: the lost and canceled space missions / Colin Burgess ; foreword by Don Thomas

Hayden Library - TL789.85.A1 B866 2019


Osmanlı menzil kervansarayları / Prof. Dr. Gönül Güreşsever Cantay

Rotch Library - NA7850.T9 C36 2016


Court and cosmos: the great age of the Seljuqs / Sheila R. Canby, Deniz Beyazit, Martina Rugiadi, and A.C.S. Peacock ; with contributions by Alzahraa K. Ahmed [and 5 others]

Rotch Library - N7163.C68 2016


Moroccan dreams: oriental myth, colonial legacy / Claudio Minca and Lauren Wagner

Rotch Library - DT310.3.M56 2016


L'isthme et l'Égypte au temps de la Compagnie universelle du canal maritime de Suez (1858-1956) / textes réunis par Claudine Piaton

Rotch Library - DT154.S9 I88 2016


Writing after postcolonialism: Francophone North African literature in transition / Jane Hiddleston

Rotch Library - PQ3980.5.H47 2017


A Muslim conspiracy in British India?: politics and paranoia in the early nineteenth-century Deccan / Chandra Mallampalli

Rotch Library - DS485.D25 M35 2017


After Saddam: American foreign policy and the destruction of secularism in the Middle East / Dina Badie

Rotch Library - E183.8.I57 B33 2017


The mercantile effect: on art and exchange in the Islamicate world during the 17th and 18th centuries / edited by Sussan Babaie and Melanie Gibson

Rotch Library - N6260.M47 2017


American universities abroad: the leadership of independent transnational higher education institutions / edited by Ted Purinton and Jennifer Skaggs

Rotch Library - LA398.A477 2017


The two eyes of the Earth: art and ritual of kingship between Rome and Sasanian Iran / Matthew P. Canepa

Rotch Library - DG215.I7 C36 2009


Arab American aesthetics: literature, material culture, film and theatre / edited by Therí A. Pickens

Rotch Library - PS173.A73 A725 2018


Living Tangier: migration, race, and illegality in a Moroccan city / Abdelmajid Hannoum

Rotch Library - JV8978.H36 2020


İslâm'da şehir ve mimarı̂ / Turgut Cansever

Rotch Library - NA1465.C367 2006


Ng'ambo atlas: historic urban landscape of Zanzibar Town's "other side" / Department of Urban and Rural Planning, Zanzibar ; African Architecture Matters

Rotch Library - HT169.T332 Z36 2019


Eskisehir: Selçuklu ve Osmanlı yapıları / Erol Altınsapan, Canan Parla

Rotch Library - NA1363.A46 2004


The courts of the Deccan sultanates: living well in the Persian cosmopolis / Emma J. Flatt

Rotch Library - DS485.D242 F55 2019


Angelo Candalepas: Australian islamic mission / authors, Angelo Candalepas; Adrian Curtin ; Maryam Gusheh ; Brett Boardman..

Rotch Library - NA1600 C36 2018


Latifa Echakhch: le jardin mécanique / [texts] Célia Bernasconi, Michel Racine

Rotch Library - N7390.3.E27 A4 2019