
HTML+TIME Dropdown Menu

Using the HTML+TIME to produce a dropdown menu that works in IE browsers from IE5.5 upwards (and all other browsers).


CSS3 Slide down / Slide fly animation

Using CSS3 to produce an animated sliding dropdown flyout menu.


Image dropdown with tooltips

Using the no hacks float drop technique to produce an image dropdown menu with popup tooltips.


Pull-down droplist menu

A CSS only answer to javascript/jQuery pull-down information panels.


Pull-down information panel

A CSS only answer to javascript/jQuery pull-down information panels (version 2).


CSS3 slide down menu

Using CSS3 to produce a slide down menu.


Safari Mobile browser dropdown menu

A single level dropdown menu aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).


Safari Mobile browser slide down menu

A single level slide down menu aimed at the Safari Mobile browser (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).


CSS3 Slide Up/Down Gallery

A simple gallery which uses CSS3 to produce an up/down image slide animation.


CSS3 Expanding Slide Down Menu.

Using CSS3 to produce a set of expanding panels with slide down sub menus.


A pulldown panel with droplist menu suitable for use on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A pulldown panel containing a droplist menu using just CSS and suitable for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.


A CSS3 animated drop down menu

Using CSS3 to produce an animated drop down menu that look like jQuery.


A slide down menu for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch

A single level slide down menu with a 'close' tab for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch.


CSS solid text with shadow

Using CSS3 to style text to make it look solid with a realistic shadow and no extra markup.


Click action dropdown menu

A dropdown menu with click to open/close, suitable for the iPad etc..


CSSplay Drill Down Menu v2

Using CSS3 :target with general sibling selector to produce a 'non-jumping' drill-down menu.


CSSplay Dropline/Dropdown Menu

Using css3 transitons to animate a dropline/dropdown menu with 'current' page options.


CSSplay 3D Flip-down Menu

Using CSS3 3D transforms to produce a 'flip-down' animated menu.


CSSplay Safari Mobile Dropdown Menu Fixed

A method of closing an open dropdown menu by tapping anywhere in the screen


A CSS3 Drilldown Menu.

Using just CSS to produce drill down menu with permanent sub menu changes.


A Slide Up / Drop Down Menu.

A dropdown menu with a fade-in and slide-up animation.


CSS play Dropdown menu with persist.

A CSS3 hover / dropdown menu with sub menus staying open when moving the mouse off the menu.


CSS play - Random Heroes Animation

A CSS3 Random Heroes game, animated sprites using no images.


CSS play Slide Down / Concertina Menu

A CSS slide down menu with concertina action sub menus. Suitable for the iPad Etc..


CSS play 3D Flip Down Menu

A CSS 3D animated flip down menu suitable for IE10.


CSS play Dropdown/Flyout Menu for IE10 Touch Screen Devices

A method of getting multi level dropdown/flyout menus to work in IE10 on touch screen devices.


CSS play responsive dropdown/flyout menu suitable for touch screen devices

A responsive dropdown/flyout menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSS play Windows 8 'Metro' style menu

A Windows 8 'Metro' style menu suitable for all modern browsers including touch screens.


CSSplay - Windows 8 IE10/11 Touch Screen Gallery

A responsive swipe action full screen gallery with swipe action for Windows 8 and IE10/11. NO javascript.


CSSplay - Drill down menu #4

A CSS only drill down menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.


CSSplay - Borders, Shadows & Gradients

Using CSS 'border', box-shadow' and 'radial-gradient' together with ::before & ::after to produce graphics.


CSSplay - CSS 'Drop Shadows'

Two methods of implementing 'drop shadows' instead of 'box shadows'.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive slide down/up menu

A CSS ONLY responsive slide down/up full screen menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - A CSS ONLY modal windows template

A simple CSS ONLY modal windows template, suitable for all the latest browsers.


CSSplay - Responsive slide down menu

A CSS responsive slide down menu for all the latest browsers, OS and devices without using media queries.


Remembering the legendary abseiling pensioner, 96, who died doing what she loved

Gertie Painter raised thousands for charity with a series of abseils throughout her 90s but sadly died during her ninth


Your views on how lockdown has been handled and how it's affected you

SurreyLive conducted the Great Big Lockdown Survey to see how you are feeling about the current situation. Here's the results


New Guildford McDonald's moves closer as council approves more plans for former Jamie's Italian site

It has not yet been confirmed when the fast-food branch will open


Police warning after 'in distress' dog found left inside hot car at B&Q car park

The owner 'didn't seem to care', according to witnesses


Dalgona coffee is the new lockdown craze and this is how you can easily make it

You don’t need any fancy equipment or special coffee beans


9 lockdown restrictions most likely to be eased next week

Some restrictions will stay in force for the foreseeable future, but others may be lifted in the next few days


What time will Boris Johnson make 'road map' lockdown announcement on Sunday?

The Prime Minister will be outlining the government's plans for easing lockdown restrictions in the UK


Lightwater heathland fire: Residents urged to 'keep windows and doors shut'

Crews and officers from Surrey Fire and Rescue Service and Surrey Police were in attendance


Licensing Showdown: Creative Commons vs Royalty Free vs GPL

Creative Commons, Royalty-free, and General Public License (GPL) are types of licensing for images, graphics, and video. Designers, photographers, software developers, and content creators regularly access and use licensed media for a variety of projects. The question is, which license is best? Licensing gives users the ability to legally use a piece of media in […]

The post Licensing Showdown: Creative Commons vs Royalty Free vs GPL appeared first on Elegant Themes Blog.


Domestic Market Opportunities For Alaska Lumber-Species Preferences By Secondary Wood Products Manufacturers In The Continental United States.

New equipment, technology, and marketing efforts have allowed Alaska's wood products producers to consider opportunities previously unavailable to them. Until recently, the primary product produced by Alaska firms was rough, unseasoned lumber sold primarily within local markets. Given the purchase and installation of new drying and planing equipment, Alaska producers can now enter domestic and export markets for a variety of secondary wood products. Previously underutilized species, such as red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.), paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.), and Alaska yellow-cedar (Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (D. Don) Spach) are also gaining in popularity and market potential. A detailed knowledge of species preferences for Alaska lumber, across business types and geographic regions, will be essential if Alaska producers are to be competitive.


WestProPlus: A Stochastic Spreadsheet Program For The Management of All-Aged Douglas-Fir-Hemlock Forests In The Pacific Northwest

WestProPlus is an add-in program developed to work with Microsoft Excel to simulate the growth and management of all-aged Douglas-fir-western hemlock (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco-Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) stands in Oregon and Washington. Its built-in growth model was calibrated from 2,706 permanent plots in the Douglas-fir-western hemlock forest type in Oregon and Washington. Stands are described by the number of trees per acre in each of nineteen 2-in diameter classes in four species groups: Douglas-fir, other shadeintolerant species, western hemlock, and other shade-tolerant species. WestProPlus allows managers to predict stand development by year and for many decades from a specific initial state. The simulations can be stochastic or deterministic. The stochastic simulations are based on bootstrapping of the observed errors in models of stand growth, timber prices, and interest rate. When used in stochastic simulations, this bootstrap technique simulates random variables by sampling randomly (with replacement) from actual observations of the variable, rather than from an assumed distribution. Users can choose cutting regimes by specifying the interval between harvests (cutting cycle) and a target distribution of trees remaining after harvest. A target distribution can be a reverse-J-shaped distribution or any other desired distribution. Diameterlimit cuts can also be simulated. Tabulated and graphic results show diameter distributions, basal area, volumes by log grade, income, net present value, and indices of stand diversity by species and size. This manual documents the program installation and activation, provides suggestions for working with Excel, and gives background information on West-ProPlus's models. It offers a comprehensive tutorial in the form of two practical examples that explain how to start the program, enter simulation data, execute a simulation, compare simulations, and plot summary statistics.


A Review of Double-Diffusion Wood Preservation Suitable For Alaska

Currently, all treated lumber used in Alaska is imported from the 48 contiguous states and Canada because there are no wood-treating facilities in Alaska. This report explores conventional and alternative wood-treating methods and reviews previous studies and laboratory tests on treated wood. In investigating wood treatment as a possible processing option for Alaska forest products manufacturers, the double-diffusion method of using sodium fluoride followed by a copper sulfate appeared to be the most advantageous approach. This method of treating wood was identified because it can be used to treat freshly cut or green wood. This was an important factor to consider, owing to the limited drying capacity in Alaska. Little information was available as to the chemical retention after treating and its resistance to leaching.


Effects of Vegetation Control and Organic Matter Removal On Soil Water Content In A Young Douglas-Fir Plantation

We evaluated the effects of vegetation control and organic matter (OM) removal on soil water content (SWC) in a Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) plantation from age 3 through age 5. Treatments were presence versus absence of vegetation control through year 5 and bole-only harvest of the previous stand versus total-tree harvest of the previous stand including removal of all coarse woody residues.


Does Wood Slow Down “Sludge Dragons?” The Interaction Between Riparian Zones and Debris Flows In Mountain Landscapes

Conservation measures for aquatic species throughout the Pacific Northwest rely heavily on maintaining forested riparian zones. A key rationale for this strategy is that the presence of standing and downed trees next to streams will provide a continuous source of wood, which is an important structural component of aquatic habitat.


Does It Work? Monitoring The Effectiveness of Stream Management Practices In Alaska

The condition of aquatic habitat and the health of aquatic species, particularly salmon, are a significant concern in the Pacific Northwest. Land management agencies use fish and riparian guidelines intended to maintain or improve aquatic habitat.