
Early prediction of mental health using SqueezeR_MobileNet

Mental illnesses are common among college students as well as their non-student peers, and the number and severity of these problems are increasing. It can be difficult to identify people suffering from mental illness and get the help they need early. So in this paper, the SqueezeR_MobileNet method is proposed. It performs feature fusion and early mental health prediction. Initially, outliers in the input data are detected and removed. After that, using missing data imputation and Z-score normalisation the pre-processing phase is executed. Next to this, for feature fusion, a combination of the Soergel metric and deep Kronecker network (DKN) is used. By utilising bootstrapping data augmentation is performed. Finally, early mental health prediction is done using SqueezeR_MobileNet, which is the incorporation of residual SqueezeNet and MobileNet. The devised approach has reached the highest specificity of 0.937, accuracy of 0.911 and sensitivity of 0.907.


Q-DenseNet for heart disease prediction in spark framework

This paper presents a novel deep learning technique called quantum dilated convolutional neural network-DenseNet (Q-DenseNet) for prediction of heart disease in spark framework. At first, the input data taken from the database is allowed for data partitioning using fast fuzzy C-means clustering (FFCM). The partitioned data is fed into spark framework, where pre-processed by missing data imputation and quantile normalisation. The pre-processed data is further allowed for selection of suitable features. Then, the selected features from the slave nodes are merged and fed into master node. The Q-DenseNet is used in master node for the prediction of heart disease. The performance improvement of the designed Q-DenseNet model is validated by comparing with traditional prediction models. Here, the Q-DenseNet method achieved superior performance with maximum of 92.65% specificity, 91.74% sensitivity, and 90.15% accuracy.


International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing


Quadruple helix collaboration for eHealth: a business relationship approach

Collaboration between various stakeholders is crucial for healthcare digitalisation and eHealth utilisation. Given that valuable outcomes can emerge from collaborative interactions among multiple stakeholders, exploring a quadruple helix (QH) approach to collaboration may be fruitful in involving the public sector, business, citizens, and academia. Therefore, this study aimed to explore stakeholder views on eHealth collaboration from a QH perspective using the grounded theory methodology. First, an inductive qualitative study involving all stakeholders in the QH was conducted. Subsequently, the findings were related to the actor-resource-activity (ARA) model of business relationships. The results emphasise the role of considering diverse perspectives on collaboration because digitalisation and eHealth require teamwork to benefit the end users within various settings. A model depicting the various aspects of the ARA model related to digitalisation in a healthcare QH setting is presented.


Reinforcement Quantum Annealing: A Quantum-Assisted Learning Automata Approach

Reinforcement Quantum Annealing: A Quantum-Assisted Learning Automata Approach We introduce the reinforcement quantum annealing (RQA) scheme in which an intelligent agent interacts with a quantum annealer that plays the stochastic environment role of learning automata and tries to iteratively find better Ising Hamiltonians for the given problem of interest. As a proof-of-concept, we propose a […]

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Paper: Reinforcement Quantum Annealing: A Hybrid Quantum Learning Automata

Results using the reinforcement learning technique on two SAT benchmarks using a D-Wave 2000Q quantum processor showed significantly better solutions with fewer samples compared to the best-known quantum annealing techniques.

The post Paper: Reinforcement Quantum Annealing: A Hybrid Quantum Learning Automata appeared first on UMBC ebiquity.


Managing the Consequences of Organizational Stigmatization: Identity Work in a Social Enterprise

In this inductive study, we shift the focus of stigma research inside organizational boundaries by examining its relationship with organizational identity. To do so, we draw on the case of Keystone, a social enterprise in the East of England that became stigmatized after it initiated a program of support for a group of migrants in its community. Keystone's stigmatization precipitated a crisis of organizational identity. We examine how the identity crisis unfolded, focusing on the forms of identity work that Keystone's leaders enacted in response. Interestingly, we show not only that the internal effects of stigmatization on identity can be managed, but also that they may facilitate unexpected positive outcomes for organizations.


Persona Non Grata? Determinants and Consequences of Social Distancing from Journalists Who Engage in Negative Coverage of Firm Leadership

We consider how social and psychological connections among CEOs explain the propensity for corporate leaders to distance themselves socially from journalists who engage in negative reporting about firm leadership at other companies, and we examine the consequences for the valence of journalists' subsequent coverage. Our theoretical framework suggests that journalists who have engaged in negative coverage of a firm's leadership and strategy are especially likely to experience distancing from other leaders who (i) have friendship ties to the firm's CEO, (ii) are demographically similar to the CEO on salient dimensions, or (iii) are socially identified with the CEO as a fellow member of the corporate elite. Our theory and findings ultimately suggest that, due to the multiple sources of social identification between CEOs, journalists who engage in negative coverage of firm leadership tend to experience social distancing from multiple CEOs, and such distancing has a powerful influence on the valence of journalists' subsequent reporting about firm leadership and strategy across all the firms that they cover. We also extend our theoretical framework to suggest how the effect of social distancing on the valence of journalists' coverage is moderated by the early and late stages of a journalist's career.



N/A -- no abstracts in FTEs I believe


Ready, AIM, acquire: Impression offsetting and acquisitions

Drawing on expectancy violation theory, we explore the effects of anticipatory impression management in the context of acquisitions. We introduce impression offsetting, an anticipatory impression management technique organizational leaders employ when they expect a focal event will negatively violate the expectations of external stakeholders. Accordingly, in these situations, organizational leaders will announce the focal event contemporaneously with positive, but unrelated information. We predict impression offsetting will generally occur in the context of acquisitions, but also more frequently for specific acquiring firms and acquisitions that are more likely to lead to an expectancy violation. We also posit that offsetting will effectively inhibit observers' perceptions of events as negative expectancy violations by positively influencing shareholder reactions to acquisition announcements. Consistent with our hypotheses, in a sample of publicly traded acquisition targets, we find evidence for impression offsetting, in which characteristics of both acquirers and their announced acquisitions predict its frequency of use. We also find evidence that impression offsetting is efficacious; on average, it reduces the negative market reaction to acquisition announcements by over 40 percent, which translates into approximately $246 million in market capitalization.



Hierarchy is a reality of group life, for humans as well as for most other group-living species. And yet, there remains considerable debate about whether and when hierarchy can promote group performance and member satisfaction. We suggest that progress in this debate has been hampered by a lack of clarity about hierarchy and how to conceptualize it. Whereas prevailing conceptualizations of hierarchy in the group and organization literature focus on inequality in member power or status (i.e., centralization or steepness), we build on the ethological and social network traditions to advance a view of hierarchy as cascading relations of dyadic influence (i.e., acyclicity). We further suggest that hierarchy thus conceptualized is more likely to capture the functional benefits of hierarchy whereas hierarchy as inequality is more likely to be dysfunctional. In a study of 75 teams drawn from a wide range of industries, we show that whereas acyclicity in influence relations reduces conflict and thereby enhances both group performance and member satisfaction, centralization and steepness have negative effects on conflict, performance, and satisfaction, particularly in groups that perform complex tasks. The theory and results of this study can help to clarify and advance research on the functions and dysfunctions of hierarchy in task groups.


A Study of Anglo Expatriate Managers' Learning, Knowledge Acquisition, and Adjustment in Multi-National Companies in China

This study investigates Anglo expatriate managers learning, knowledge acquisition, and adjustment to the host culture when working within Anglo multi-national companies operating in China. A structural equation model based on data from 121 expatriate managers reveal that Anglo managers adjust more effectively when their learning styles are congruent with the demands of the host culture. Their levels of accumulated managerial tacit knowledge and adaptive flexibility were also associated with their learning styles which in turn led to more effective adjustment to the host culture. Implications for theory, global manager development, and expatriate management are provided.


Fuzzy Logic and the Market: A Configurational Approach to Investor Perceptions of Acquisition Announcements

Prior research on mergers and acquisitions (M&As) has substantially advanced our understanding of how isolated acquirer- and deal-specific factors affect abnormal returns. However, investors are likely to perceive and evaluate M&As holistically—that is, as complex configurations (i.e., Gestalts) of characteristics, rather than as a list of independent factors. Yet, extant M&A literature has not addressed why and how configurations of factors elicit positive or negative reactions. In other words, overlooking the interdependent nature of factors known to influence acquisition success has limited our understanding of both M&As and investor judgment. Taking an inductive approach to addressing this important issue, this study relies on fuzzy set methodology. Our results provide compelling evidence that investor perceptions of M&A announcements are not only configurational in nature but also characterized by equifinality - or the presence of multiple paths to success - and asymmetric causality - that is, configurations that represent bad deals are not simply a mirror image of good deals, but differ fundamentally. By constructing a typology of "good" and "bad" deals as perceived by market participants, we develop a mid-range theory of M&A stock market performance. As such, this study offers novel theoretical and empirical insights to scholars, and implications for practitioners.



Despite recognizing the importance of personal identification in organizations, the literature has rarely explored its dynamics. We define personal identification as perceived oneness with another individual, where one defines oneself in terms of the other. While many scholars have found that personal identification is associated with helpful effects, others have found it harmful. To resolve this contradiction, we distinguish between three paths to personal identification -threat-focused, opportunity-focused, and closeness-focused - and articulate a model that includes each. We examine the contextual features, how individuals' identities are constructed, and the likely outcomes that follow in the three paths. We conclude with a discussion of how the threat-, opportunity-, and closeness-focused personal identification processes potentially blend, as well as implications for future research and practice.


Perceptions of employee volunteering: Is it "credited" or "stigmatized" by colleagues?

As research begins to accumulate on employee volunteering, it appears that this behavior is largely beneficial to employee performance and commitment. It is less clear, however, how employee volunteering is perceived by others in the workplace. Do colleagues award volunteering "credit"- for example, associating it with being concerned about others - or do they "stigmatize" it - for example, associating it with being distracted from work? Moreover, do those evaluations go on to predict how colleagues actually treat employees who volunteer more often? Adopting a reputation perspective, we draw from theories of person perception and attribution to explore these research questions. The results of a field study revealed that colleagues gave credit to employee volunteering when they attributed it to intrinsic reasons and stigmatized employee volunteering when they attributed it to impression management reasons. Ultimately, through the awarded credits, volunteering was rewarded by supervisors (with the allocation of more resources) and coworkers (with the provision of more helping behavior) when it was attributed to intrinsic motives - a relationship that was amplified when stigmas were low and mitigated when stigmas were high. The results of a laboratory experiment further confirmed that volunteering was both credited and stigmatized, distinguishing it from citizenship behavior, which was credited but not stigmatized.



The law of requisite variety is widely employed in management theorizing, and is linked with core strategy themes such as contingency and fit. We reflect upon requisite variety as an archetypal borrowed concept. We contrast its premises with insights from institutional and commitment literatures, draw propositions that set boundaries to its applicability, and review the ramifications of what we term "complexity misalignment." In this way, we contradict foundational assumptions of the law, problematize adaptation- and survival-centric views of strategizing, and theorize the role of human agency in variously complex regimes.


After the Break-Up: The Relational and Reputational Consequences of Withdrawals from Venture Capital Syndicates

Organizational theorists are increasingly interested in the antecedents of terminating interorganizational relationships, but have paid little attention to the disruptive consequences of such terminations on future tie formation. To redress this imbalance, the present study focuses on how venture capital (VC) firms' withdrawals from VC syndicates are associated with their subsequent syndication over the 1985 through 2008 period. We argue that withdrawals disrupt the relationships of the withdrawing VC firms with the coinvestors and reduce the likelihood of them entering into subsequent exchange (relational consequences). Furthermore, public information on the withdrawals can undermine the withdrawing VC firm's reputation for reliability, making it a less desirable exchange partner overall (global reputational consequences). Finally, we find that abandoned coinvestors can spread negative, private information about the withdrawing firm, reducing its chances of syndication with their other network contacts (local reputational consequences). We also show that the global and local reputational consequences attenuate each other, due to redundancy in the content of information each provides. We discuss the implications of our theory for the research on network dynamics and reputation.


Questioning Neoliberal Capitalism and Economic Inequality in Business Schools

The burgeoning economic inequality between the richest and the poorest is a cause of concern for social, political, and ethical reasons. While businesses are both implicated and affected by growing inequality, business schools have largely neglected to subject the phenomenon to sufficient critique. This is, in part, because far too many management educators rely on orthodox economic perspectives—often represented by neoliberal capitalism—which have dominated the curricula and the teaching philosophy of business schools. To address this issue, this article underscores the need for business schools to critically examine the relationship between neoliberal capitalism and economic inequalities, and to overtly engage with this nexus in pedagogical practice. The article concludes by revisiting the concepts of relationality and answerability as paths by which to address the current predicament. Relationality and answerability collectively offer: i) conceptual and reflexive tools by which to re-imagine business school education, and, ii) space for business schools to debate important questions about the taken-for-granted, but problematic, assumptions underlying the ideology of neoliberal capitalism


Improving equity in data science: re-imagining the teaching and learning of data in K-16 classrooms

Improving equity in data science, edited by Colby Tofel-Grehl and Emmanuel Schanzer, is a thought-provoking exploration of how data science education can be transformed to foster equity, especially within K-16 classrooms. The editors advocate for redefining


50 years of queries from Communications of the ACM

The relational model is probably the one innovation that brought computers to the mainstream for business users. This article by Donald Chamberlin, creator of one of the first query languages (that evolved into the ubiquitous SQL), presents its history as a


An analysis of the math requirements of 199 CS BS/BA degrees at 158 U.S. universities from Communications of the ACM

The mathematics requirements for computer science (CS) students have been debated for decades. I began teaching in a CS program in 1983, and I recall similar discussions at that time. The debate has continued in one form or another


Man convicted of rioting tried to blow up a mosque

Simon Beech and another man were jailed in 2011 for trying to blow up a mosque in Stoke-on-Trent.


'Taking revenge on society': Deadly car attack sparks questions in China

Many online are raising questions about a recent spate of public violence, as officials continue to censor discussion.


Punk Rock Meets Firearms: KAK Industry’s Unique Path in the Firearms World ~ VIDEO

When you think of punk rock, your mind might jump to rebellious music, hardcore shows, & underground clubs—not the firearms industry. However, for KAK Industry...


Is the antimalarial agent Chloroquine effective for the treatment of COVID-19? 抗疟药氯喹对COVID-19的治疗有效吗?

The Take-Home Points:

Antimalarials like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine are currently being studied for their effectiveness and safety when used to treat COVID-19. While Chloroquine may be purchased from a licenced pharmacist in Singapore for the prevention of malaria, we do not recommend self-medication for treatment of COVID-19 without proper medical assessment and evaluation. If you suspect that you could have COVID-19 infection or experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.


抗疟疾药(如氯喹和羟基氯喹chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine)目前正用於治疗COVID-19时有效性和安全性的研究。虽然可以从本国药剤师那里购买氯喹来预防疟疾,但我们並不建议您在没有适当医生检验的情况下自行用药治疗COVID-19。如果您怀疑自己可能感染了COVID-19或出现了相关症状,请立即就医。


Memory of acquaintance from Ghana

DURING my visit in 1985, I had met the management staff at the plantation in Ghana. The one I remember most was Al Doku.

He was the chief accountant, about 45 years old, working for the managing director, Bill Morrison.

At the meeting in Morrison’s office, he could remember the figures well, and I was impressed. It was just that he was quiet for most of the time, and I could see that his eyes were sad.

At that time, there were many reasons to feel that way. The cedi was devaluing every week, and to go for dinner in town was a major decision for it would involve bringing your money in big wads to pay for it.

This is despite the income from gold that Ghana was blessed with as well as cocoa, which has a flavour that commands a premium. The country also produces shea nut, the fruit of massive trees that grow in the north. The oil is like cocoa butter.

However, that year the food shortage was bad, even potatoes were hard to find. They had to be imported.

Morrison had helped with giving breakfast to the workers, and they would line up for the palm oil, tapioca and fish cooked in large pots in front of them before they started work for the day.

Due to the shortage of hard currency, the plantation too had to make do without many things, and building of workers’ houses was one of them as no imported material was used.

At the housing project for workers, I had no time to ask about Al Doku.

I watched Bill giving instructions to the building supervisor. He was using earth to make a thick wall to build a house, and when it was dry after a few days, he added another level, until the building had a coat of cement and more walls for the rooms. I had not seen a building made in that way before. Bill was thorough.

“Saves a lot of money,” he said, as we had breakfast back in his bungalow. I had fried eggs and a lot of tapioca done very well that they looked like baked potatoes.

I knew that in London Leslie Davidson had advocated using raw materials for buildings, and even for expatriates, he said they could save by eating what is available in the local market and eat like what the locals do, but as usual Bill did not do anything by halves.

“We should be leaving soon to see the country, first to the slave castle at Cape Coast.”

It was in the car that he talked about Al Doku.

“He is going to London on a course that I had arranged for him. But the other reason is it gives him a chance to take his daughter there for treatment. She is losing her eyesight and probably it could be saved by the doctors there.”

“Let him know that I will be in London. I will take him to my house and have lunch with him. He impresses me.”

At the slave castle in Cape Coast, Bill had paid a guide to take us through the full tour. I saw the high white walls and the dark cellars made for the incarceration of human captives. The guide said they were standing in human waste until the time the ship arrived, and they were whipped and pushed through a small exit that all would call the “door of no return”.

We climbed into bright sunlight again to the chapel and the quarters of the commandant. The castle had been fought over by the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Danes and the Dutch before it fell to the English. They traded the slaves in the New World, coming home with cotton and sugar, and out again with cloth and guns to the Gold Coast, and the cycle went on for years.

I was tired after the tour. Bill said to me: “Now I will take you to Elmina castle.”

I did not expect that. It was more or less the same, tiring, as I walked on the hot open yard with rusted cannons lined over the thick stone walls facing the Atlantic below. Coconut trees leaned by the shore where lazy waves lapped away at the sand.

But where our car was parked, we were stopped by many hawkers, who made a brisk business selling handicraft, and what interested me most was the colourful cloth weaved in bright red, yellow and green that I knew was the work of skilled people. The pattern attracted me.

“Fine kente cloth, but tourist prices,” Bill said.

“Can you ask Al Doku if he can bring back a piece and I will pay him in London.”

That was how Al Doku met me again and on a weekend. I invited him for lunch with my family in Surrey and he brought the piece of cloth. It must have cost him a lot of money, and I did not mind paying him a premium for his effort, and it was very beautiful, and probably fit for a minor chief to wear in Ghana.

His daughter was getting medical treatment at a hospital.

I did not hear of Al Doku for many years after I left Unilever, but I still thought of his visit and the lunch like it was yesterday. I had always wondered how he got on after all these years. I remembered him warmly.

By chance, I met him again when he was attending an oil palm conference in Kuala Lumpur. It was just before the conference dinner. I was delighted to see him again and hugged him. I felt a glow of old friendship.

“But I don’t remember you,” he said.

I drew back and explained that he was my guest for lunch in England, and I had bought the kente cloth. I asked him how his daughter was.

But he still could not remember me. Long years had passed but surely he could not have forgotten.

I was told by then he was the managing director of the plantation business. I was upset through the courses of the dinner.

It was at the dessert stage that Al Doku walked up to my table and said with a smile.

“I am so sorry I could not remember you. I think I can remember you now.”

He tried to smile again.

“That’s all right,” I said returning to my dessert.

He tried to be nice to me but the glow of friendship was gone.

The writer has extensive experience in the management of oil palm plantations. Comments: letters@thesundaily.com


US contractor ordered to pay $42 million to Iraqis tortured at Abu Ghraib

WASHINGTON: A federal jury on Tuesday ordered a US defense contractor to pay $42 million in damages to three Iraqi men who were tortured at Abu Ghraib prison, their lawyers said.

CACI Premier Technology Inc was found liable at the conclusion of a long-running trial for its role in the torture of the three men at the notorious prison in 2003 and 2004, the Center for Constitutional Rights said.

Suhail Al Shimari, a middle school principal, Asa’ad Zuba’e, a fruit vendor, and Salah Al-Ejaili, a journalist, were each awarded $14 million in damages, the center said in a statement.

The three men filed suit against CACI, a private company based in Arlington, Virginia, in 2008.

Abu Ghraib prison, west of Baghdad, became a potent negative symbol of the US occupation of Iraq after evidence emerged of detainee abuse by American soldiers at the facility.

Most of the abuse took place at the end of 2003, when CACI employees were working in the prison, according to the suit.

The company’s civilian employees were accused of having encouraged US soldiers to abuse the prisoners to prepare them for interrogation.

Criminal charges were brought against 11 low-ranking guards, including former army reserve specialist Lynndie England, who was shown smiling in photographs while posing next to naked prisoners.

The case against CACI was brought under a section of the US Code called the Alien Tort Statute, which allows non-US citizens to file suit in US courts for human rights violations for incidents that took place outside the United States.

CACI claimed that most of the alleged abuse was approved by the then-US defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, and incorporated into rules of engagement by military commanders at the prison.

“Today is a big day for me and for justice,“ Al-Ejaili said in a statement.

“This victory is a shining light for everyone who has been oppressed and a strong warning to any company or contractor practicing different forms of torture and abuse.”

Katherine Gallagher, an attorney at the Center for Constitutional Rights, welcomed the jury’s verdict saying it “makes clear CACI’s role in this shameful part of our history.”

“Private military and security contractors are put on notice that they can and will be held accountable when they breach the most fundamental international law protections -- like the prohibition against torture,“ Gallagher said.

“For 20 years, CACI has refused to take responsibility for its role in torture at Abu Ghraib.”


TVET institution needs industry cooperation to offer quality, relevant programmes - Fadillah

PUTRAJAYA: Active collaboration from industry players is needed for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institution to offer programmes that are of a higher quality and more relevant to market needs.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Fadillah Yusof said strong cooperation between the industry players and the TVET institution was crucial to ensure the comprehensive matching of demand and supply.

He said consistent input from the industry players on the workforce skills and needs was also needed by the TVET institution to develop suitable curricula and programmes.

“Forging close cooperation with industry players can create a new skilled workforce to master the latest technology, which will have a spillover effect on encouraging economic growth.

“I call for the active involvement of industry players in Malaysia to collaborate with the government in supporting the agenda to empower TVET,” he said at the 2024 Prime Minister’s Gold Hand Award and Skilled Person Award ceremony here today.

Meanwhile, Fadillah said the government is aware that the TVET stream in Malaysia needs to be improved for it to be more systematic and effective.

He said the organisation of skills competitions was one of the government’s efforts to promote and ensure the quality of delivery of TVET training in Malaysia is in line with international standards.

“I call on all TVET agencies to hold skills competitions at institutional levels so that we can pick the best talent for national and international-level competitions,” he said.

In his speech, Fadillah also thanked and congratulated the national contingent which made sure the Jalur Gemilang was hoisted proudly at the WorldSkills Competition Lyon 2024 at the Euroexpo Lyon in France from Sept 10-15.

In the competition, Malaysia, represented by 15 participants across 14 categories, captured five medals - one bronze medal in the Beauty Therapy category through Wong Hsun Wei and four Medallion for Excellence.

The four Medallion for Excellence recipients were Muhammad Nasran Ahmad in the Hairdressing category; Ahmad Muizuddin Mohd Razi in the Bricklaying category; Muhammad Hakimi Abu Bakar in Electrical Installations; and Stephen Sim Shan Siong in the IT Software Solutions for Business category.


SMRT Holdings’ net profits eased 0.82% to RM7.04m for Q1

CYBERJAYA: Pure play enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider SMRT Holdings Bhd (SHB) posted a net profit of RM7.04 million for the first quarter (Q1) ended September 30, 2024, an increase of 0.82% from RM6.99 million posted in the same quarter last year.

The increase was due to a higher-margin revenue mix, realisations of economies of scale from the higher number of managed sites and reduced administrative expenses.

Revenue for Q1 decreased 10.4% to RM16.5 million compared to RM18.42 million posted in Q1 last year.

SHB group managing director Maha Palan said the company’s key markets in Malaysia and Indonesia continue to show growth trajectory.

“Our previous strategic entry into the Philippines’ financial services sector has laid the foundation for further growth, and we are now actively exploring new opportunities in the country,“ he said.

On the venture into new verticals, Palan said the group’s IoT deployments for the water utility sector are delivering positive results and will tangibly contribute to results in this financial year.

Meanwhile, SHB has appointed Au Wong Lian (Kit) as its new group CEO, effective November 8, 2024.

Au brings over 30 years of experience in the technology and telecommunications industries, during which he has held leadership positions in various leading companies, including TimeDotCom and Microsoft Malaysia.

“Given Au’s extensive experience, deep domain expertise, and proven track record in driving growth and profitability, I am confident he will help lead SHB to the next level.

“More importantly, there is a strong alignment in corporate culture and core values between Au and our team, ensuring a smooth integration that will support our shared vision of leading the provision of IoT services across the Asean region,“ Palan said.


East West One Group planters request fund release for rehabilitation exercise

KUALA LUMPUR: A group of planters and stakeholders in the East West One Group (EWOG) schemes urgently calls on Pacific Trustees Bhd (PTB) to release the funds necessary for the company’s approved rehabilitation and restructuring (R&R) exercise.

The majority of EWOG’s investors, represented by Thirunavukarasu Illamurugan, Yong Chin Koi, and Mahadevan Kathirgamathamby, are concerned that PTB’s continued withholding of these funds could further damage the company’s financial health, potentially leading to irreversible losses.

To recap, EWOG obtained planters’ approval of the company’s R&R exercise across all three schemes: East West One Planter’s Scheme (EWOP), East West Horizon Planter’s Scheme, and East-West Planter Scheme 1.

EWOG, in a statement, said the past few years have seen significant challenges that have severely impacted plantation operations, including the global Covid-19 pandemic, La Niña weather phenomena, industry-wide labour shortages, land disputes with landowners, and repeated injunctions that prevented timely convening of planters’ meetings from addressing these issues.

These cumulative challenges have compounded the company’s cash flow problems, resulting in an inability to meet payment obligations.

According to a statement by EWOG, despite the overwhelming support for the R&R plan from planters and stakeholders at the August 12 Planters’ Meeting, critical rehabilitation work on EWOG’s plantation assets remains stalled due to this delay.

For over a year, the plantation palms have relied solely on natural soil fertility, with no structured fertilisation or agronomic practices.

Prompt initiation of the R&R program is essential to restoring the plantation’s productivity.

This program leverages enhanced agronomic practices and inputs to increase fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production.

With crude palm oil (CPO) prices currently above RM4,000 per ton and projected to hold through 2025, the company has a unique window to capitalise on these favourable market conditions.

Proceeds from FFB sales could also partially offset ongoing rehabilitation costs, creating a sustainable pathway to recovery.

“Every day of delay further impacts our ability to restore the plantation and diminishes potential returns for all investors,” said Thirunavukarasu in the statement.

“These funds, specifically held in trust for the plantation’s rehabilitation, need to be released without further delay,“ he said in the statement.

According to a recent court filing by East West Horizon Plantation Bhd, the management continues to face challenges due to PTB’s reluctance to finalise necessary trust deeds despite ongoing efforts from EWOG’s management and legal team.

This impasse prevents the release of funds crucial for the R&R efforts, posing increased risks to the plantation assets and investor returns.

The investors’ representatives stressed that “a swift resolution is essential to launch the rehabilitation efforts and generate returns for all stakeholders.”

“It is time to move past the standstill and allow the EWOG group to implement the R&R plan for the benefit of all involved.”


Tesla’s safety design questioned following Toronto crash

THE tragic crash of a Tesla Model Y in Toronto in October has raised serious concerns about the accessibility and usability of the car’s electronic door handles during emergencies. The fiery accident claimed the lives of four individuals: Neelraj Gohil (25), his sister Ketaba Gohil (29), Jay Sisodiya, and Digvijay Patel, leaving a sole survivor, a woman in her 20s.

The woman’s escape was made possible by Rick Harper, a Canada Post employee, who heroically smashed the car’s window with a metal pole. Harper described the survivor as “desperate to get out,” but unable to open the car’s doors from inside. Tesla vehicles rely on an electronic button to open doors rather than traditional handles, and if the car’s power system fails in a crash, the doors may become inoperable.

Concerns About Tesla’s Safety Design

While Tesla promotes a “safety-first design” and manual override mechanisms for emergencies, these features are not widely known or intuitive. The manual override involves removing a door panel and pulling a hidden cable — a process that could be difficult or impossible in the chaos and panic of a serious accident.

Safety experts and crash investigators have raised concerns that victims may not be aware of the override feature or may lack the presence of mind to locate and use it under duress.

The Accident

The Tesla reportedly crashed into a guardrail at high speed along Lake Shore Boulevard East. The cause of the accident is still under investigation, but the crash’s aftermath has drawn attention to Tesla’s safety protocols, particularly in situations involving power failure. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has several ongoing investigations into the Tesla Model Y, ranging from “unexpected brake activation” to “sudden unintended acceleration.”

A Heroic Rescue Effort

Harper’s quick action saved the survivor, but he was unaware that others were trapped inside due to the dense smoke. “I didn’t know there were other people in there. The smoke was so thick,” he said. It remains unclear if the other passengers also struggled to open the doors.

Broader Implications

This tragedy underscores the need for automakers to improve safety features in EVs, especially during power failures. Intuitive and easily accessible escape mechanisms are critical, and greater public awareness of emergency procedures is vital.

As investigators work to determine the exact cause of the crash, this incident highlights the balance that must be struck between advanced technology and real-world practicality in automotive safety.


JFC 9-month income gets boost from Compose Coffee acquisition

Higher system-wide sales and contributions of recently acquired South Korean value coffee brand boosted earnings of Asian food conglomerate Jollibee Foods Corp. by nearly a quarter in the nine months ending September.


Philippine Airlines Q3 profit: P789M (down 82% y/y)

Philippine Airlines posted a Q3 net income of P789 million, down 82% y/y from its Q3/23 net income of P4,278 million, and down 70% q/q from its Q2/24 net income of P2,590 million.


Jollibee Q3 profit: P3.0B (up 18% y/y)

Jollibee posted a Q3 net income of P2.98 billion, up 18% y/y from its Q3/23 net income of P2.53 billion, and down 6% q/q from its Q2/24 net income of P3.19 billion.


The Keepers to acquire Booze On-Line

The Keepers is planning to acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of Booze On-Line Inc (BOLI).


Airbus forecasts Asia-Pacific will require 19,500 new aircraft by 2043

Asia-Pacific will require 19,500 new aircraft by 2043, Airbus announced on Wednesday, November 13 at a regional aviation summit.


Quezon, Batangas collide in do-or-die Game 3 for MPBL South title

Given a life extension, the Quezon Huskers hope to complete their recovery when they tackle the Batangas City Tanduay Rum Masters in a Game 3 decider for the South Division crown at 7 p.m. Thursday


Quiambao confirmed to play for Gilas in FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers

La Salle star Kevin Quiambao will play for Gilas Pilipinas in the second window of the 2025 FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers despite his ongoing UAAP Season 87 stint.


Sotto, Edu doubtful for Gilas in FIBA Asia Cup qualifiers

Gilas Pilipinas may be without two key big men for the November window of the FIBA Asia Cup qualifiers.


ASUS ROG Strix XG27AQDMG Review and more @ NT Compatible



ASUS Vivobook S15 (Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite) Laptop Review and more @ NT Compatible



How Do I Avoid the Money in My Bank Disqualifying My Children From Financial Aid for College?

If you’ve sent kids to college, you’ve probably heard of FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). FAFSA offers federal government aid via loans, grants and work-study options. It determines how much financial aid your children will get for college based on your family’s income and assets. As a parent, that includes your income, investment […]

The post How Do I Avoid the Money in My Bank Disqualifying My Children From Financial Aid for College? appeared first on Clark Howard.


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Anurag Kashyap and I are not even friends: Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Actor maintains filmmaker is close to his heart


Zara Noor Abbas wants husband Asad Siddiqui to heat up the screen with Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt

‘Standup Girl’ actor says she has no qualms about beau playing romantic roles