
Informality Revisited: Latin American Perspectives on Housing, the State and the Market


Informality Revisited offers an overview of recent debates about Latin American government programmes for the formalisation of informal settlements and housing provision in a neo-liberal context. Contributions from Latin American researchers analyse the contradictions in government actions and evaluate the consequences for urban poverty.



A straightforward approach to antibodies recognising cancer specific glycopeptidic neoepitopes

Chem. Sci., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00317D, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Hajime Wakui, Yoshikazu Tanaka, Toyoyuki Ose, Isamu Matsumoto, Koji Kato, Yao Min, Taro Tachibana, Masaharu Sato, Kentaro Naruchi, Fayna Garcia Martin, Hiroshi Hinou, Shin-Ichiro Nishimura
We developed new class of designated antibodies targeting of “dynamic neoepitopes” elaborated by disease-specific O-glycosylation at the immunodominant mucin domains.
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Chemical synthesis and immunological evaluation of new generation multivalent anticancer vaccines based on a Tn antigen analogue

Chem. Sci., 2020, 11,4488-4498
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00544D, Edge Article
Open Access
Carlo Pifferi, Ane Ruiz-de-Angulo, David Goyard, Claire Tiertant, Nagore Sacristán, Diego Barriales, Nathalie Berthet, Juan Anguita, Olivier Renaudet, Alberto Fernández-Tejada
A fully-synthetic anticancer vaccine candidate incorporating an hexadecavalent Tn antigen analogue display via oxime linkages induced tumor-specific IgG antibodies and cellular immune responses in mice coadministered with QS-21 as an adjuvant.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Synthesis of unstrained Criegee intermediates: inverse α-effect and other protective stereoelectronic forces can stop Baeyer-Villiger rearrangement of γ-hydroperoxy-γ-peroxylactones

Chem. Sci., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01025A, Edge Article
Open Access
Vera A. Vil', Yana Barsegyan, Leah Kuhn, Maria V. Ekimova, Egor A. Semenov, Alexander Korlyukov, Alexander Olegovich Terent'ev, Igor Alabugin
How far can we push the limits in removing stereoelectronic protection from an unstable intermediate? We address this question by exploring the interplay between the primary and secondary stereoelectronic effects...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Cancer cell discrimination and dynamic viability monitoring through wash-free bioimaging using AIEgens

Chem. Sci., 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC01213K, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Ruoyao Zhang, Guangle Niu, Qing Lu, Xiaolin Huang, Joe H. C. Chau, Ryan T. K. Kwok, Xiaoqiang Yu, Min-Hui Li, Jacky W. Y. Lam, Ben Zhong Tang
We present a series of AIEgens for cancer cell discrimination and dynamic viability monitoring.
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Near-infrared light-activated membrane fusion for cancer cell therapeutic applications

Chem. Sci., 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SC00863J, Edge Article
Open Access
  This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence.
Fujian Huang, Ruilin Duan, Zhixin Zhou, Margarita Vázquez-González, fan xia, Itamar Willner
The spatiotemporal stimulation of liposome-liposome or liposome-membrane fusion processes attracts growing interest as a means to mimic cell-cell interactions in nature and for using these processes for biomedical applications. We...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Japan IPO cancellations hit record this month on coronavirus

Investors who had planned to buy new offerings might opt for existing start-up shares instead.


Those who can, teach / Kevin Ryan, James M. Cooper

Ryan, Kevin, 1932-


Making learning whole : how seven principles of teaching can transform education / David N. Perkins

Perkins, David N


Video-conferencing in rural and remote secondary education in Canada : a mixed-method collective case study of teachers' perceptions around presence, process and professional learning / Nicole A. Rehn

Rehn, Nicole A., author


Classroom management strategies : gaining and maintaining students' cooperation / James S. Cangelosi

Cangelosi, James S., author


Arcana, Stephen Jonas

Stephen Jonas is a crucial missing piece of the postwar American poetry puzzle.


Should Younger Male Cancer Survivors Get Testosterone Therapy?

Male cancer survivors aged 25 through 50 years who received testosterone replacement had decreased body fat and increased muscle mass in a PLOS Medicine trial.


Maple in mathematics education and research: Third Maple Conference, MC 2019, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, October 15-17, 2019, Proceedings / Jürgen Gerhard, Ilias Kotsireas (eds.)

Online Resource


Cane toad wars / Rick Shine

Hayden Library - QL668.E227 S55 2018


Mathematical approach to climate change and its impacts: MAC2I / Piermarco Cannarsa, Daniela Mansutti, Antonello Provenzale, editors

Online Resource


Science in an extreme environment: the 1963 American Mount Everest expedition / Philip W. Clements

Hayden Library - Q115.C54 2018


String-Math 2014: S tring-math 2014, June 9-13, 2014, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada / Vincent Bouchard [and three others], editors

Online Resource


Progress in computing, analytics and networking: proceedings of ICCAN 2019 / Himansu Das, Prasant Kumar Pattnaik, Siddharth Swarup Rautaray, Kuan-Ching Li, editors

Online Resource


12,000 Years of American Indians

Educators, archaeologists celebrate at MPSC on Jan. 23.


Carolina Science Cafe is cancelled this month

There may be a special science cafe scheduled later in November.


Skywatching sessions cancelled

We looked at the weather forecasts and cancelled both sessions (Friday and Saturday).


Feb. 1 skywatching session cancelled

Skies became too cloudy for clear viewing!


November's Star Families: Native American Skies

Curious about the Milky Way? Here's your chance to learn more.


Accounting guide [electronic resource] : brokers and dealers in securities / American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, author


Accounting guide. September 1, 2018 [electronic resource] : brokers and dealers in securities / American Institute of Certified Public Accountants


Creative Business and Social Innovations for a Sustainable Future [electronic resource] : Proceedings of the 1st American University in the Emirates International Research Conference—Dubai, UAE 2017 / edited by Miroslav Mateev, Panikkos Poutziouris


The legacy of Arthur Andersen [electronic resource] : a model for excellence / Carmelo Canales, Francisco López

Canales, Carmelo, author


El legado de Arthur Andersen [electronic resource] : un modelo de culto a la excelencia / Carmelo Canales, Francisco López

Canales, Carmelo, author


7 Lecciones que nos da la iglesia de Singapur para cuando el coronavirus nos alcance

Consejos de cristianos en la “Antioquía de Asia” sobre cómo su congregación puede sobrevivir (y prosperar) en medio del brote de COVID-19.


This Pandemic Hits Americans Where We’re Spiritually Weak

Our cultural values are making us sad: money, mortality, and fear of missing out.


National Cancer Institute


A liquid biopsy-guided drug release system for cancer theranostics: integrating rapid circulating tumor cell detection and precision tumor therapy

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1418-1425
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00149J, Paper
Chun-Miao Xu, Man Tang, Jiao Feng, Hou-Fu Xia, Ling-Ling Wu, Dai-Wen Pang, Gang Chen, Zhi-Ling Zhang
A system integrating diagnostic and therapeutic functions for cancer is presented using magnetically controlled microfluidics.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


A microfluidic platform for functional testing of cancer drugs on intact tumor slices

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1658-1675
DOI: 10.1039/C9LC00811J, Paper
A. D. Rodriguez, L. F. Horowitz, K. Castro, H. Kenerson, N. Bhattacharjee, G. Gandhe, A. Raman, R. J. Monnat, R. Yeung, R. C. Rostomily, A. Folch
We have developed a digitally-manufacturable microfluidic platform that allows for multiplexed drug testing of intact tumor slices.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Evaluation of intercellular communication between breast cancer cells and adipose-derived stem cells via passive diffusion in a two-layer microfluidic device

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00142B, Paper
Sharif M. Rahman, Joshua M. Campbell, Rachael N. Coates, Katie M. Render, C. Ethan Byrne, Elizabeth C. Martin, Adam T. Melvin
Breast cancer cells co-cultured with adipose-derived stem cells (ASCs) in a microfluidic device exhibited enhanced growth, a more aggressive morphology and polarization towards the ASCs, and increased drug resistance.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


The chosen wars: how Judaism became an American religion / Steven R. Weisman

Hayden Library - BM205.W45 2018


Moral combat: how sex divided American Christians and fractured American politics / R. Marie Griffith

Hayden Library - BR516.G75 2017


Holy humanitarians: American evangelicals and global aid / Heather D. Curtis

Hayden Library - BR525.C86 2018


Free will and classical theism: the significance of freedom in perfect being theology / edited by Hugh J. McCann

Online Resource


Black bride of Christ: Chicaba, an African nun in eighteenth-century Spain / edited, translated, and with an introduction by Sue E. Houchins and Baltasar Fra-Molinero

Hayden Library - BX4705.T457 P3613 2018


African Catholic: decolonization and the transformation of the Church / Elizabeth A. Foster

Online Resource


American Covenant: a History of Civil Religion from the Puritans to the Present / Philip Gorski

Online Resource


A twentieth-century crusade: the Vatican's battle to remake Christian Europe / Giuliana Chamedes

Online Resource


The soul of Judaism: Jews of African descent in America / Bruce D. Haynes

Hayden Library - BM205.H376 2018


American cosmic: UFOs, religion, technology / D. W. Pasulka

Barker Library - BL65.U54 P37 2019


Black freethinkers: a history of African American secularism / Christopher Cameron

Barker Library - BL2747.5.C36 2019


The accusation: blood libel in an American town / Edward Berenson

Hayden Library - BM585.2.B47 2019


Fugas re-encantadas: Astucias cubanas de las identidades religiosas desde los noventa / Alain Basail Rodríguez, Minerva Yoimy Castañeda Seijas

Online Resource


Godless citizens in a godly republic: atheists in American public life / R. Laurence Moore and Isaac Kramnick

Hayden Library - BL2760.M59 2018


When bishops meet: an essay comparing Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II / John W. O'Malley

Online Resource