
Short english words in Devanagari

The list of short english words written in Devanagari.

egrep -x '.{1,2}' eng_words.txt



User Defined Property

You can create User Defined Property in libreoffice writer. File – Properties – Custom Properties – Add Property – Set the type: Date) – Set the value.

To use this property goto Insert – Field – More Fields – DocInformation – Custom.


Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In: The Complete Fourth Season

Rent It

Well, I guess I had to see it to believe it. After reviewing Time-Life's set of Laugh-In's third season, where all 26 episodes were affected by a serious mastering error, I didn't think the problem would have carried over to any of the other sets. In this set of the fourth season with 26 more episodes from the show's 1970-71 season, ONE episode (#22) seems to have come out right but the remaining 25 are still afflicted. I'll talk more about that in the quality section, but first a bit about the show itself:

Dan Rowan and Dick Martin still haven't let up by this point, continuing the show's mostly anarchic format that filled an hour-long slot each week when network TV...Read the entire review


Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame In Concert


Time-Life has released yet another repackaging of their Rock & Roll Hall of Fame discs, this one containing three previous releases: Two four-DVD sets "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Concert" (the same title as this entire box set) which covers the induction ceremonies from 2014-2017, followed by the "Encore" set which actually contains the four shows prior to that, and concluded with the 3-disc "25th Anniversary Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Concerts" performed in 2009. I figured it was time for me to check these out having never seen any of them, and being a fan of a large variety of music.

One thing I'm not a big fan of however is awards shows, as they're typicall...Read the entire review


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Topical Sermon: Praise Time! - Part 1

Enjoy the first of our new format of messages from David Legge, also available to watch on our YouTube Channel! In this two-part message, David encourages us to choose to praise - no matter what our circumstances - in order to affect our mood. Join us for this first part, as we find out what praise is and what it looks like. This sermon is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio and on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord) in HD video...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Topical Sermon: Praise Time! - Part 2

In this second part of his message 'Praise Time!', David looks at what praise does - the effects praise can have upon your life's circumstances and your own personal well-being. Learn some of the practical outcomes of what happens when you activate the power of praise! This sermon is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio and on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord) in HD video...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt6: The Work Of The Holy Spirit, Part 1: Conviction and Regeneration

Part 6 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' begins our look at 'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit is the critical prime mover in the work of redemption. He established salvation for us but now He is also the One who applies salvation to us. In the next two studies, we will see how the Holy Spirit personally works in our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus. This episode will look at the Spirit's work of 'Conviction and Regeneration'. Why not share this message, which is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt7: The Work Of The Holy Spirit, Part 2: Empowerment and Sanctification

Part 7 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' continues our look at 'The Work Of The Holy Spirit'. The Holy Spirit is the critical prime mover in the work of redemption. He established salvation for us but now He is also the One who applies salvation to us. We are learning how the Holy Spirit personally works in our lives to conform us to the image of Jesus. Last time we considered the Spirit's work of 'Conviction and Regeneration', in this episode we will look at the Spirit's work of 'Empowerment and Sanctification'. Why not share this message with others? It's available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt28: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Gifts Of Healings, Part 1

In Part 28 of 'The Holy Spirit' series, it's 'The Gifts of Healings' - what are these gifts and how can we expect them to operate today? Is it God's will to heal? Should we pray for healing? Does that prayer always get answered? These are some of the questions we seek to answer from what the Bible has to say about healing. This is the first of two studies on this gift. This study is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt29: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Gifts Of Healings, Part 2

For Part 29 of 'The Holy Spirit' we have the second episode of our look at 'The Gifts of Healings'. David further explores this gift in the Bible and how it operates today. He considers whether, as some claim, using medicine is somehow showing a lack of faith in the healing gift. He also seeks to answer a common objection to this gift - if you 'have' it why don't you go and heal everyone in the hospitals and hospices? In these two studies we are seeking to biblically, honestly and sensitively explore a subject that dominated the ministry of Jesus and the Apostles and that we are promised to experience in some capacity today. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt31: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Tongues, Part 1

For Part 31 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit', we begin our consideration of 'Tongues'. What is the gift of tongues? What is it for? Is it a private prayer language or to be used in public in the church? Are there rules around the use of tongues in the church? These are some of the questions David considers in this first study on the vocal gift of different kinds of tongues. This sermon is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt32: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Tongues, Part 2

Part 32 of our series on 'The Holy Spirit' forms the second episode on the gift of 'Tongues'. David Legge considers more questions that people ask about this gift of the Spirit. You may have had some of these questions yourself after the last study. Is there such a thing as public tongues and private tongues and is there a difference between these? Are we out of control when we speak in tongues? Is there a danger of demonic tongues? Do we have to be careful in seeking this gift in case we receive something harmful? Join us we look for the answers! This sermon is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt34: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Prophecy, Part 1

Join us for Part 34 of 'The Holy Spirit' as we continue looking at the gifts of the Spirit. We come now to the final gift of the Spirit, 'Prophecy'. This is the first of a two-part final study which concludes this series and our lessons on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In this episode, David Legge considers the questions of who can prophesy and what prophecy actually is. Come with us to see what God’s word actually teaches about this vital gift that the church needs to be built up as Christ intended. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Holy Spirit Pt35: The Gifts Of The Spirit - Prophecy, Part 2

In our final study in 'The Holy Spirit' series and our mini-series on the gifts of the Spirit, we conclude our consideration of the gift of 'Prophecy'. One of the great concerns around this gift is: how can we know false prophecy from true prophecy? How do we discern the true from the counterfeit? Also, we look at the practical dimension of how we exercise this spiritual gift of prophecy. This series has been so enjoyable to deliver and we do hope you have gleaned a lot of help from it. If so, why not spread it around and share it with those you believe will also be edified? Thank you so much for journeying with us! This final episode is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Helping Others To Freedom Pt5: Wounds And The Healing Of The Heart

In the fifth session of our 'Helping Others To Freedom' series, we explore 'Wounds And The Healing Of The Heart'. How do our hearts get hurt? How do these wounds set us up for both habitual sin and demonic bondage? We discuss the various sources of our woundedness and, most importantly, how we can get healing for these wounds. It is vital to distinguish wounds that need healed, from sins that need repented of, and demons that must be expelled. This session is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Overcoming Adversity, Part 1: Facing Facts

There is such diversity of opinion among Christians regarding suffering. This confusion often distresses people who are enduring suffering. What is the truth then? In this message David talks candidly about the importance of 'Facing Facts' and coming to terms with the inevitability of adversity in our lives. Also, he emphasises that we need to understand how God uses adversity in our lives. Many people wonder, 'How do I know if this is something from the Devil that I need to resist or is something God is wanting me to submit to?'. David practically teaches us how to discern in our suffering and how to react appropriately to adversity. This message is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Overcoming Adversity, Part 2: What You Need To Know

In our second study in 'Overcoming Adversity', we learn 'What You Need To Know'. From the amazing Romans 8, David explains how God has given us the tools to overcome adversity. There is a special understanding that we have when we are 'in Christ' that causes us to triumph even in the worst afflictions. This comes from knowing who we are and what we have in Christ - knowing what is ahead of us in Christ; what God has purposed for us in Christ and how secure we are in Him. These keys to overcoming are available to all generations of believers whatever the current global challenges or personal trials we face. This is a message of encouragement that we all need in these days. This message is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Glorious Presence Of God, Part 1: In The Garden Of Eden

In this introductory message on 'The Glorious Presence Of God', we look at the different 'kinds' of God's presence and how at times, God manifests His presence to us, particularly in times of revival. Then David focuses on God's relationship with Adam and Eve before sin entered humanity and how our sin impacts the presence of God in our lives. This message is available now from https://www.preachtheword.com in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Glorious Presence Of God Pt3: Its Departure

Ezekiel tells us how 'The Glorious Presence Of God' reluctantly withdrew from the Temple in stages and eventually from the whole nation. The sins of the people had driven Him from them. This is a sobering message highlighting the need for holiness but also giving us great hope in the Saviour we have in Jesus, who brings God's presence to us through His cross. This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Which Report Have You Believed?

Whose message are we listening to? Whose report are we believing? The press, social media, medicine, or Gods Word? What voices are we allowing to influence us, and are those voices faith-inducing or faith-reducing? Isaiah 53 is such a well-known scripture about the death of Jesus and the salvation He has purchased for us. But many have neglected that this core prophetic scripture is explicit that healing has been purchased for us at the cross of Jesus. Learn what Isaiah 53 truly teaches and then ask, 'Do you believe this report?' or, whose report are you believing? This message is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo

En la ciudad de Cuenca, el ambiente está cargado de emoción ante la inminente llegada del Carnaval, uno de los eventos más esperados por la comunidad. El Concejal de Festejos, Alberto Castellano, ha destacado la colaboración entre su departamento y la Asociación Amigos del Carnaval para fortalecer esta celebración anual. «Llevamos ya tiempo trabajando en […]

Artículo publicado en : Álex Simón Designado cartelista del carnaval 2025, que tendrá lugar del 1 al 15 de marzo


Invest in Bogota Presenta Agenda de Trabajo en Web Summit de Portugal para Atraer Inversionistas

Este lunes comenzó el Web Summit en Lisboa, Portugal, uno de los congresos de tecnología más destacados a nivel global. Con la participación de más de 3.000 empresas de 160 países y la asistencia de más de 1.000 inversores, el evento se perfila como un epicentro para el sector tecnológico mundial, reuniendo a un público […]

Artículo publicado en : Invest in Bogota Presenta Agenda de Trabajo en Web Summit de Portugal para Atraer Inversionistas


Concierto Solidario De Candela&Son En Toledo Por La DANA: ¡Consigue Tus Entradas Ya!

El próximo domingo 24 de noviembre, el reconocido grupo musical Candela & Son ofrecerá un concierto solidario en Toledo con el propósito de recaudar fondos para los afectados por la reciente DANA. El evento, que comenzará a las 19.00 horas en el pabellón del Colegio Nuestra Señora de los Infantes, tiene un costo de entrada […]

Artículo publicado en : Concierto Solidario De Candela&Son En Toledo Por La DANA: ¡Consigue Tus Entradas Ya!


Adventures of the Man in the Can - Chapter 11 - Conspiracy in the Sewers - Part 2

The secret is out about the poisoning of the elder birds and the park animals are in chaos wondering which among them is the villain. Can Yellow Bird and Man in the Can unwind the mystery before mayhem breaks loose? Find out now!!

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


Adventures of the Man in the Can - Chapter 11 - Conspiracy in the Sewers - Part 3

The Man in the Can knows who the conspirators are and also of their evil plans, but, what will the Man and the animals do? Listen now and find out...

Enjoy today's episode of the Adventures of the Man in the Can.

MP3 File - Click Here to Download Podcast


Charlotte's Birth Story

Things to know before reading:

1. Charlotte was breech
2. I had a version preformed to flip her
3. She flipped back

When I last left off, I was waiting on our planned c-section. I had a list of things to do and by the Thursday before her Saturday arrival, nearly everything was finished. All of our school work for the semester was complete and all of the laundry in my house was washed, folded, and put away. The only major family thing I had left to do was packing. I never got around to packing.

Thursday afternoon I noticed I was having about 4 contractions an hour. I paid no attention to these because in my previous pregnancies, I had weeks and weeks of contractions prior to actual labor. This pregnancy, I had NO "practice" contractions. I just assumed it was because she was breech and so there was nothing to get ready for. My cervix was also closed at every appointment in the last weeks which is also not normal for me. I normally am between 3-4 cm before I go into labor. So back to the few contractions, I just assumed these where the ones I had been without for the last 6 weeks.

I started cooking dinner on Thursday night and got about halfway through cooking when I felt the first painful and long contraction. It was at 5:15. From that point on, they were coming every 2-3 mins without stopping and lasting over a minute. They went from 0-60 immediately. I couldn't finish making dinner so I really have no idea what the kids ate that night. Rick walked in the door at 6 and I asked him to take Kate to dance and take all of the other kids with him. He asked if it was "time" and I said, "No, I just need to try and make them stop." I had 2 times with Luke where I had similar contractions prior to labor that lasted 2 hours and then stopped. I was assuming that's what was going on here. So from 5:15-9:15, I walked around my house, laid down in my bed, took 2 baths, but nothing was stopping them. It was the same pattern, 2-3 mins apart and lasting from 1-2 mins. I wasn't getting any relief or downtime in between contractions. At some point during this 4 hour period, Rick picked Kate up from dance, printed and folded the bulletins for Sunday, and took them to the church.

I told myself if they were still going at 9:15 that I would call my doctor. My doctor told me to come on in and get checked out and that they would probably keep me overnight to monitor me and decide what to do early Friday morning. I still wasn't sure if I was in labor or not and really didn't want to go and then get sent home so I was relieved that they were going to keep me and that Charlotte would probably be born the next day when my doctor was on call. (He delivered all 7 of our other kids.)

I texted my sister to come stay with the kids and started packing my bags. I always wondered why people packed their hospital bags early. I thought you would have plenty of time in between contractions to get what you needed. Haha! I ended up at the hospital with 6 shirts and 1 pair of shorts. :) I guess I really was in pain.

The ride to the hospital was horrible. Every bump magnified the pain. The contractions didn't slow down and that was when I finally realized that I was actually in labor. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the hospital. I think we arrived around 11:00pm and I was taken to triage to get things checked out. I had never actually been to triage so that was something new. They monitored me for an hour and I had to lay on my back that entire time. That was horrible. I'm pretty sure you are not meant to lay on your back without pain relief during labor. :) They also did an ultrasound to check her position and she was in fact, still breech.

Around 12:20am, Friday morning,  the doctor on call came in said it was time for Charlotte to be born and that we couldn't wait any longer. My contractions were not stopping and my cervix was opening.  From that point on, everything moved quickly and slowly at the same time. The anesthesiologist came in and said I would be getting a spinal because they couldn't wait for an epidural to work. He told me all of the side effects but I'm not really sure what he said. I had to sign about 20 pages of release forms and they I was wheeled off to the operating room while Rick waited in triage to be called back.

I remember the operating room being very, very bright and there were a lot of people in there - I think 10. I'm used to the quiet dark delivery rooms with just one nurse and the doctor so this was a change. I moved from the triage bed to the operating table and was given my spinal. I do remember the anesthesiologist saying that if the spinal didn't take for some reason that they would immediately knock me out and that when I would wake up I'd have a baby. I was hoping that didn't happen. He poked my arm with some kind of sharp object and then would poke on my stomach to make sure I didn't feel anything. The first 2 times he did it I felt it but by the third time, I couldn't feel anything. At that point Rick was let in the room and they began. They had been prepping and draping me during this time as well. Charlotte was born at 12:50 am. She was born toward the beginning of the surgery and it seemed that the bulk of the time was spent getting stitched back together.

She was immediately shown to me over my drape and then taken to get cleaned up a bit. About 2 minutes later she was brought over to me and placed on my chest and I held her for about 5 mins. She was then taken away (in the same room again) to be weighed, etc and Rick went with her. She was then brought back to me all bundled me for a few kisses and then Rick was able to carry her to the recovery room to wait for me. I was in the recovery room for 2 hours and during that time my parents came up to see her. I was able to nurse her which was great. I was also given a pump for my pain medication. The nurse sacred me because she told me to push the button every 8 mins and to stay on top of the pain. She warned me not to fall asleep because if I did and then woke up an hour later, I would not be able to handle the amount of pain I would be in. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was drugged up on morphine and she was telling me not to fall asleep! I guess it worked because I didn't sleep until later that morning, after the pump was turned off. :)

I was in love with her from the moment I saw her. My main concern with having a c-section, prior to having it, was that I would somehow feel like I missed out on the birthing process. I never felt that way. I carried her for 9 months and she arrived in the safest way possible for both of us. It was perfect. The only thing I was sad about was that my doctor missed delivering her by 5 hours. However, that was the Lord's will too. He was on call all weekend so he checked on me everyday while I was in the hospital. C-section recovery is painful. That's all I want to say about that. I just want to remember the hours and minutes before, during, and after her birth. I am thankful for every moment of it.


Arthur Of Albion - Book Review

Arthur of Albion is a beautifully illustrated version of the King Arthur Stories for children, an excellent book for older boys (or girls) interested in Knights. Published by the wonderful Barefoot Books company.

It is set out as a sequence of stories told each night at the round table, as King Arthur requires one of his Knights to tell a tale of valor and adventure every knight before dinner.

It is written by John Matthews illustrated by painter Pavel Tatarnikov and is truly breathtaking, the hardcover edition comes with a map folded up in the back showing the lands of Albion (or the UK as we know it now) in the days these stories were first told.

It would make a fantastic gift for children who are confident readers or to be read aloud to younger children, The way the stories are told makes it an excellent book for reading aloud one story a night for example.

Arthur Of Albion Available on Amazon.



Email Your local MP telling them to stop Cuts to support for disabled people.

38 Degrees appear to have finally started a campaign to put pressure on the government to stop cuts to support for disabled people. Click here to email Andrew Turner (or whoever your local MP is) it only takes a minute you just need to provide your postcode and fill in your address. MP's do respond to emails too I've had several letters from the house of commons in response to emails I've sent.


High Court rules Work Capability Assessment arguably unlawful

This is a press release from earlier this year about the judicial review that is due to be heard at the Royal Courts Of Justice on the 15th, 16th and 18th of January 2013. Lets pray it goes in our favour as it will open the floodgates for legal action over the WCA if it does. 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The High Court has today granted permission to two disabled people to bring a claim for
judicial review against the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions to challenge the
operation of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA).
WCAs are face to face interviews carried out by healthcare professionals (HCPs)
employed by Atos Healthcare (a private contractor), to assess disabled people’s
entitlement to Employment and Support Allowance (a sickness benefit that has replaced
the old Incapacity Benefit). Each existing recipient of Incapacity Benefit is now being
assessed for eligibility for ESA, at the rate of some 11,000 people per week. WCAs have
been the subject of serious criticism by all relevant stakeholders in civil society including
doctors and NGOs working on behalf of disabled people.
The present case concerns some of the problems with the system as experienced by
people with mental health problems. Although medically trained, Atos HCPs typically
have very limited knowledge of mental health. The interviews are often hurried, and rely
on applicants to explain the limitations on their ability to work.
This is a serious problem for people with mental health conditions who lack insight into
their conditions, whose conditions fluctuate in seriousness, or who cannot easily talk
about their disability. Such people are placed at a substantial disadvantage in navigating
the system. Even if they appreciate the need to get expert medical evidence for
themselves, they are often less able to navigate the system successfully and to obtain
the medical report that they need. The Equality Act 2010 requires the DWP to make
reasonable adjustments to avoid such disadvantage.
The reasonable adjustment to the process that the claimants seek is for medical
evidence to be sought by the Atos HCP and the DWP at the very outset of the claim.
This would ensure that very sick people for whom having to go through a WCA would be
extremely distressing are exempted from the process, and for those that do attend a
WCA, the assessment of fitness to work takes place in the correct medical context, so
that dangers associated with forcing people back to work are correctly identified.
At present, the DWP do not routinely ask for expert medical report from an applicant’s
community-based doctor. The judge has held that it is arguable that this failure is a
breach of the duty to make reasonable adjustments, and is therefore unlawful.
In granting permission to apply for judicial review, the judge stated:
“I consider that it is reasonably arguable that the reasonable adjustments
required by the [Equality Act 2010] include the early obtaining of independent
medical evidence where the documents submitted with the claim show that the
claimant suffers from mental health problems and that this has not been done, or
at least not done on a sufficiently widespread basis”.
The claimants, known as MM and DM, were granted anonymity by the court. Their
solicitor, Ravi Low-Beer of the Public Law Project said:
“The present system results in many thousands of unnecessary appeals at great
public expense, with a high success rate. What is not counted is the cost in
human misery for those people who should never have had to go through the
appeals process in the first place. This could be avoided if doctors were involved
in the assessments at the outset. The Government’s policy of by-passing doctors
is inefficient, unfair, and inhumane. We gain heart from the court’s finding that as
a matter of law, it is arguable that something has to change.”
For further information contact Ravi Low-Beer on
r.lowbeer@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5944
or Adrian Lukes on
a.lukes@publiclawproject.org.uk/0845 543 5946.
Public Law Project (PLP)
PLP is an independent, national legal charity which aims to improve access to justice for
those whose access is restricted by poverty, discrimination or other similar barriers. To
fulfil its objectives PLP undertakes research, policy initiatives, casework and training
across the range of public law remedies.
For more information on our work, events and publications: www.publiclawproject.org.uk


Atos monlogues "Internet Survey number 2" for art action week project.

Picture by Stewart
If we're going to do any of the Atos monologues I'm going to need a lot of volunteers who can record themselves and somehow send the video, because of the amount of time we have I think we can only do a small part. Mainly because we don't have time to send larger videos which would probably have to be sent by post on a disc. There are a lot of lines in this part, and the resulting videos will hopefully be short enough to email or send over facebook. If you just upload them to the art action group I can download them from there.
I've moved this post onto the blog as it's easier to share a link to it, and I can strike through the lines that are already taken.  If you want to take part chose the line you want to read from the list below, record it and you can send it to me through facebook. If you don't use facebook leave a comment and we'll find another way for you to send me the video. And if the line you wanted has a line through it sorry someone has already taken that one.
Here is the full Atos Monologues 2 script: 

The part we are doing is on page 13

We can't see Post traumatic stress disorder and we've never heard of a hippocampus.
You do not meet my limited definition of being disabled
You drive an Audi. How would you afford it? It would be too difficult for a disabled person to get in.
You can text a friend
You can tweet
You watch TV and soaps and can sit comfortably for half an hour.  
I saw you stand up!
'You're too young'
You can pick up a £1 coin
"You seem alright to me"
"You're smiling"
You look butch. Can't be anything wrong with you.
You could fill in the form.
You brushed your hair this morning and you’re wearing a nice coat
You answered questions that was asked
You traveled by bus
You don’t soil yourself every day.
You could fill in the form
You’re still breathing
You can spell your name backwards
You're not a dribbling, disheveled lunatic howling at the moon and threatening to axe people to death
You hold eye contact
You don’t look disabled enough to me
You brushed your teeth this morning.
You’re faking it.
You can’t have Post traumatic stress disorder because "you've never been in a war zone"
You’re at university.
You have a girl friend.
You don’t look autistic
You can talk
I cannot see anything wrong with you
You moved your leg.
You can lift an empty box up to waist height.
You’re so pretty.
You can’t be disabled because of Tory ideology


Art Action Week Slideshow


Les 30 ans de la mort de Cloclo

Puisque tout le monde en parle, bin moi aussi... Là, y a de l'idée ! Mais Là !!! c'est un must !!! Que serait la vie sans Claude François...


Réforme de la "carte famille nombreuse"

Après le bouclier social, la fin des 35h qui permette de gagner moins (puisque non majorées à 25 %), les suppressions de postes de fonctionnaire (mais surtout pas dans les ministères !), la suppression de la pub sur France Télévision, qui ne gênait personne...


Wave Arts - Tube Sat Vintage 1.0.2

Freeware for PC : Plug-ins & effects / Tube emulation


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Gastro pub Bulart 1887: Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:41 (GMT 1) Još jedna senzacionalna Ljekarna u Tvrđi je pred nama. U četvrtak, 21. studenog 2024. u Gastro pub Bulart 1887 s početkom u 19:00 sati stižu Vinarija Matošević i Michelin star chef Goran Kočiš.

Da smo mogli birati idealno vrijeme za dolazak velikog Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarnu u Tvrđi, ne znam postoji li bolji termin od ovoga sada. Jer, nakon skoro 30 odrađenih berbi, Ivica Matošević posljednjih mjeseci ne prestaje nizati panegirike koje mu upućuju najveći svjetski vinski mediji. Vrhunac karijere ovog intelektualca među vinarima, spiritus movensa cijele istarske vinske scene!

Ugledni Wine Enthusiast je prije nekoliko dana čak četiri Matoševićeva vina honorirao s vrlo visoka 94 boda (Superb - A great achievement ), dok je, uvjetno rečeno, „najlošije“ prošla njegova bazna malvazija – 92 boda (Excellent - Highly recommended ). Časopis Decanter ga je prije mjesec dana za malvaziju iz akacije pohvalio sa 93 boda, Saša Špiranec je dvije Grimalde, koje ćemo kušati u Ljekarni u Tvrđi, nagradio sa 95, odnosno 94 boda, dok Ivo Kozarčanin, „Bakhov sin“, za njegova vina tvrdi da su – „čisti eros“.

Povod gostovanju Ivice Matoševića u Ljekarni u Tvrđi je predstavljanje posebne serije najboljih vina iz njegova podruma koju je nazvao Živjelo prijateljstvo, a koju je, kao pravi kolekcionarski biser, posvetio svom, nažalost preminulom, velikom prijatelju Vladi Divljanu. U prodaju je pušteno samo 100 sanduka s vinima iz linije Grimalda i Alba Antiqua, a umjetničke etikete, s podsjećanjem na šest pjesama Vlade Divljana – Radostan dan, Nebeska tema, Vodim te na more, Odnesi me, Ona to zna i Imala je snažnije ruke nego ja, osmislile su umjetnice iz Zagreba, Splita i Beograda - Maja Bosnar, Jana Oršolić, Svetlana Volić, Maja Rožman, Katarina Juričić i Ivana Grimani.

Broj gostiju smo ograničili na 40, tako da će prednost za sudjelovanjem na ovoj uistinu ekskluzivnoj Ljekarni u Tvrđi imati oni koji se prvi jave i spremni su za to izdvojiti 60 eura.

Svoje mjesto rezervirajte putem e-mail: zeljko.garmaz@gmail.com ili pozivom na broj 0916400527.


Vijesti :: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simptome

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Svaki četvrti Hrvat pati od ‘nevidljive’ kronične bolesti, pitali smo liječnika kako prepoznati simp
Postano: 13.11.2025. 20:15 (GMT 1) Ne postoji jedna tableta koja će smanjiti probavne tegobe i mogućnost razvoja probavnih bolesti, kaže nam odmah prof. dr. sc. Silvio Mihaljević, specijalist gastroenterologije iz Croatia poliklinike u Osijeku.

Kako navodi, stres, neredovita prehrana, hrana s puno masnoća i koncentriranih ugljikohidrata su sve redom faktori koji mogu dovesti do prolaznih probavnih tegoba, a, ako su pacijenti duže vremena izloženi nepravilnom stilu prehrane, mogu dovesti i do razvoja ozbiljnih bolesti, kao što su GERB, ulkusna bolest želuca i dvanaesnika, NASH, upalne bolesti crijeva, i slično.

Učestalost ovih problema pritom je sve veća. Primjerice, više od pola milijuna ljudi u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu ima upalnu bolest crijeva, od kojih su dva glavna oblika Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis. One nastaju kada imunološki sustav napadne crijeva, uzrokujući niz iscrpljujućih simptoma od bolova u trbuhu i gubitka težine do proljeva i krvi u stolici.

Vrlo često se gore navedene bolesti razvijaju tijekom dužeg vremenskog razdoblja s vrlo nespecifičnim tegobama u samom početku bolesti. Upravo je zato izuzetno važno obratiti pažnju na preventivne preglede, kaže prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević, jer postavljanje dijagnoze u ranoj fazi bolesti značajno doprinosi kraćem trajanju liječenja, manjom mogućnošću za razvojem brojnih komplikacija, a samim time i boljom kvalitetom života i puno kraćim izostankom s posla.

Uzmimo za primjer samo nealkoholnu bolest masne jetre, jednu od najčešćih uzroka kronične bolesti jetre te najbrže rastuće bolesti probavnog sustava. Prema posljednjim podacima, svaki četvrti građanin Hrvatske ima nealkoholnu masnu jetru kao posljedicu nezdrave prehrane, konzumacije alkohola i nekretanja. Prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević navodi stoga da je iznimno bitna redovita kontrola laboratorijskih nalaza koji ukazuju na funkciju jetre jer kronične bolesti nemaju značajnije probavne tegobe, nego samo blage i nespecifične smetnje kao brzo umaranje i opća slabost.

Te nespecifične simptome pacijenti ignoriraju tako da se vrlo često brojne kronične bolesti jetre pronađu u poodmakloj fazi kada je liječenje manje uspješno. Zbog svega navedenog redovite kontrole jetrenih nalaza su najbitnije u ranom otkrivanju kroničnih bolesti jetre”, kaže specijalist gastroenterologije.

Kako bi potaknula građane na preventivnu brigu o zdravlju, Croatia Poliklinika u Osijeku do kraja studenog omogućuje 20 posto popusta na endoskopske zahvate - gastroskopiju bez i s anestezijom i kolonoskopiju bez ili s anestezijom. Naime, osobe koje u anamnezi imaju rak nekog od organa probavnog sustava trebali bi u ranijoj životnoj dobi obavljati preventivne preglede svake dvije godine, a osobe starije životne dobi jednom godišnje. Brojni ljudi pritom odgađaju ranije spomenute endoskopske zahvate zbog neugodnosti ili straha, zbog čega prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević ističe da je važno pacijentima objasniti važnost obje pretrage jer se promjene koje se nađu tim pretragama vrlo često ne mogu dokazati nikakvim drugim laboratorijskim i radiološkim pretragama.

Kada im se objasni važnost navedenih pregleda te mogućnost dokumentiranja određenih promjena puno lakše će se odlučiti za navedene preglede. Prije gastroskopije možemo lokalno dati anestetik koji će u znatnoj mjeri umanjiti neugodnost samog pregleda, a prije kolonoskopije savjetujem uzimanje pola sata prije pregleda spazmolitika kako bi usporili peristaltiku crijeva i na taj način umanjili tegobe. Za one najzahtjevnije i najkompliciranije, oba pregleda možemo raditi u općoj anesteziji”, navodi prof. dr. sc. Mihaljević.

[Sponzorirani članak]


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