
The silent healer : a modern study of aloe vera / by Bill C. Coats ; with Robert Ahola

Coats, Bill C


The practice of aromatherapy / translated from the French by Robin Campbell and Libby Houston ; edited by Robert B. Tisserand

Valnet, Jean


Stockley's herbal medicines interactions : a guide to the interactions of herbal medicines, dietary supplements and nutraceuticals with conventional medicines / editors, Elizabeth Williamson, Samuel Driver, Karen Baxter


Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy / [edited by] David E. Golan ... [et al.]


How to master nursing calculations : pass numeracy tests and make sense of drug dosage charts / Chris Tyreman ; adapted by Patricia Farrar

Tyreman, Chris


A materia medica for Chinese medicine : plants, minerals, and animal products / Carl-Hermann Hempen, Toni Fischer ; translator, Velia Wortman

Hempen, Carl-Hermann, 1948-


Molecular targets and therapeutic uses of spices : modern uses for ancient medicine / Bharat B. Aggarwal, Ajaikumar B. Kunnumakkara [editors]


Recombinant antibodies for immunotherapy / edited by Melvyn Little


Therapeutic guidelines : psychotropic


New generation vaccines / editor-in-chief, Myron M. Levine ; editors, Gordon Dougan ... [et al.]


Stockley's drug interactions : a source book of interactions, their mechanisms, clinical importance and management


Goodman & Gilman's The pharmacological basis of therapeutics


Principles of pharmacology : the pathophysiologic basis of drug therapy / David E. Golan, editor in chief


Mednotes : pocket drug guide / Judith Hopfer Deglin, April Hazard Vallerand

Deglin, Judith Hopfer


Cutaneous drug eruptions : diagnosis, histopathology and therapy / John C. Hall, Brian J. Hall, editors


Therapeutic medicinal plants from lab to the market / editors: Marta Cristina Teixeira Duarte, Mahendra Rai


Drugs that changed the world : how therapeutic agents shaped our lives / Irwin W. Sherman

Sherman, Irwin W., author


The inhibitor index : a desk reference on enzyme inhibitors, receptor antagonists, drugs, toxins, poisons, & therapeutic leads / Daniel L. Purich (Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Florida College of Medicine, Gainesvil

Purich, Daniel L., author


Goodman & Gilman's the pharmacological basis of therapeutics / editor-in-chief, Laurence L. Brunton ; editors, Randa Hilal-Dandan, Björn C. Knollmann


Urban fantasy : theorising an emergent literary subgenre / Sarai Mannolini-Winwood

Mannolini-Winwood, Sarai, author


Liberator (London)


Operation fantast : new series


New worlds. 7 / edited by Hilary Bailey and Charles Platt ; art editor: Richard Glyn Jones ; literary editor: M. John Harrison ; editorial assistant: Diane Lambert


New worlds. 8 : the science fiction quarterly / edited by Hilary Bailey ; art editor, Richard Glyn Jones ; literary editor, M. John Harrison ; editorial assistant, Diane Lambert


New worlds. 10 / editor Hilary Bailey ; art editor: Richard Glyn Jones ; literary editor: M. John Harrison


Stochastic optimization methods : applications in engineering and operations research / Kurt Marti

Marti, Kurt, 1943- author


A walk through combinatorics : an introduction to enumeration and graph theory / Miklós Bóna, University of Florida, USA

Bóna, Miklós


Abstract algebra : an interactive approach / William Paulsen (Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA)

Paulsen, William, author


Social statistics for a diverse society / Chava Frankfort-Nachmias, University of Wisconsin, Anna Leon-Guerrero, Pacific Lutheran University

Frankfort-Nachmias, Chava, author


Leading edge marketing research : 21st-century tools and practices / editors, Robert J. Kaden, Gerald Linda, Melvin Prince


The Facebook era : tapping online social networks to market, sell, and innovate / Clara Shih

Shih, Clara Chung-wai


Facebook marketing : leveraging Facebook's features for your marketing campaigns / Brian Carter, Justin Levy

Carter, Brian, 1973-


Successful service operations management


Services marketing : an interactive approach / Raymond P. Fisk, Stephen J. Grove, Joby John

Fisk, Raymond P


Loyalty programs : generalizations on their adoption, effectiveness and design / [Tammo H. A. Bijmolt, Matilda Dorotic, Peter C. Verhoef]

Bijmolt, Tammo H. A. (Tammo Hendrik Anthonie), 1967-


Visual content marketing : leveraging infographics, video, and interactive media to attract and engage customers / Stephen Gamble

Gamble, Stephen, author


7 Day Cycle for Generating Great Content

I write for and in a lot of places. There is my mailing list, my website, publications that require exclusive content, and even a few where my writing is regularly syndicated. Typically, although it seems like more, I write one article per week, and I write it with my mailing list in mind.

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The 15 Social Media Trends that Defined a Generation

Over the past few years, social media has given rise to a number of crazes that have quickly spread across the web; with the likes of Twitter and Facebook, a trend started in Devon can reach Delaware in a matter of minutes. In the past 5 years, social media trends have got bigger and bigger, and in some cases wackier and wackier.

From the more absurd trends like Batmanning and Cinnamon Challenge, to those with an underlying charitable cause like the Ice Bucket Challenge, social media trends spread like wildfire. Chances are you will have had at least a handful of trends pop up on your social media feeds over the years.

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Opera 40 adds RSS Feed functionality

Opera published a new version of Opera Developer today that introduces basic RSS Feed functionality in the web browser.

The big new feature in the release is support for RSS Feeds. This is not an entirely new feature though, as other browsers support RSS feeds natively as well. Firefox for instance supports live bookmarks which basically list the latest articles posted by a site using RSS.

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Is Social Media Making Me Miserable?

Back in 1970, the technology writer Alvin Toffler published a book called Future Shock, which became an international bestseller. The book is about how humans struggle with too much technological change in too short a time—and it is all-too relevant today. Social media now dictates how people interact with friends, read the news and navigate their day-to-day existence.

What is all that doing to the human psyche?

Is Social Media Making Me Miserable?


Hateful content surfaces on Facebook despite moderation efforts

Decisions made by Facebooks human content moderators to weed out hate speech posts are often inconsistent, causing some offensive content to wrongly remain on the platform, according to investigative journalism group ProPublica.

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The New Era of Social Networking

Cryptocurrencies are digital currency designed to represent the architecture of the internet. Rather than counting on a standard financial institution to guarantee and verify business deals, cryptocurrency transactions are examined or confirmed, by the computers of the users on the currencys network. The computers used in verifying the deals usually receive little amount of the currency as a reward.

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What is the average age when kids get a social media account?

A US law gives parents control over what information websites can collect from their kids.

The Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, imposes certain requirements on operators of websites and online services -- including social media sites -- so that personal information from children under 13 is not collected, disclosed or used without parental consent.

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The Future of Education: How Cities Can Leverage Community Assets, Social Networks, and Personal Passions in Extending Their Learning Systems Beyond the Classroom

Schools can not do it all. We have known this for a long time, yet we often seem to deny this reality in policy and action. For decades we have piled expectations onto our schools, asking them to develop scholars, citizens, and workers and to provide for the academic, nutritional, social, and developmental needs of children. Schools, as critics are quick to point out, invariably fall short of these expectations.

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Foucault, neoliberalism, and beyond / edited by Stephen W. Sawyer and Daniel Steinmetz-Jenkins


Sri Lanka at crossroads : geopolitical challenges and national interests / Asanga Abeyagoonasekera

Abeyagoonasekera, Asanga, author


Report on the conduct of the 2016 federal election and matters related thereto / Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters

Australia. Parliament. Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters, author, issuing body


Report of the Parliamentary Delegation to the 39th AIPA General Assembly, September 2018

Australia. Parliament. Delegation to the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly General Assembly


Report 479 : Australian Government security arrangements : inquiry based on Auditor-General's reports 38 and 43 (2017-18) / Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit

Australia. Parliament. Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit, author, issuing body


2019-20 budget cycle. Part 1, Estimates hearings and related matters / Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations ; presented by Hon Alanna Clohesy MLC (Chair)

Western Australia. Parliament. Legislative Council. Standing Committee on Estimates and Financial Operations