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#372: Data is the New Oil - Artificial Intelligence and Oracle Digital Assistant

In this program Suhas Uliyar (Vice President of Mobile Strategy Product Management for Oracle) and Mark Johnson (Chief AI Scientist, Oracle Digital Assistant product team) discuss artificial intelligence, what’s new in the Oracle Digital Assistant platform, and why data is the new oil.


Oracle ACE Director Rita Nunez Previews the 2021 LAOUC Evento de Primavera

Jim Grisanzio from Oracle Developer Relations talks with Oracle ACE Director Rita Nunez from Argentina to preview the upcoming 2021 LAOUC Evento de Primavera November 9-10. The event will be held online in Spanish, Portuguese, and English, and it's free and open to developers globally. Technologies discussed will be Oracle Database, security, APEX, Java, development tools, cloud, and more. Get involved here.

Rita Nunez, Oracle ACE Director

Jim Grisanzio, Oracle Developer Relations


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OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina facilitates visit to National Museum for children from Zepce and Maglaj

SARAJEVO, 9 June 2016 – The OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), in co-operation with the Fojnicani-Maglaj Association, facilitated today a visit to the National Museum of BiH in Sarajevo for 50 students and teachers of Zepce’s Fra Grga Martic and Maglaj primary schools and their branch schools in Bradici and Tujnica.

The aim of the excursion, a rare opportunity for the children to visit the capital, was to promote cultural values and help build a more tolerant and cohesive society in the Maglaj and Zepce municipalities.

During their visit, the students and school principals had the opportunity to meet with Jonathan Moore, Head of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina. “We should invest more effort in creating opportunities for children to spend time with each other and learn from each other,” said Moore.

“The children visited the Museum, which is always very inspirational for our pupils. They get creative and express their impressions in the classroom through essays and art projects,” said Ivo Bilonic, Principal of Fra Grga Martic primary school from Zepce.

Osman Mujdza, Principal of Maglaj primary school, said: “Our school has had a very successful co-operation with the OSCE Mission to BiH so far. This activity enables the children not only to familiarize themselves with the cultural and historic heritage of BiH but also to forge closer ties among each other.”  

Strengthening multi-ethnic co-operation and tolerance in local communities is an important part of this visit. “We want to contribute to developing a culture of peace and creating better conditions for those living in rural areas,” said Davor Supukovic, member of the Steering Board of the Fojnicani-Maglaj Association.

The visit was organized as part of the OSCE Mission’s efforts to create closer links between schools and local communities through education about the diversity of the peoples, religions and traditions of BiH as a source of respect and pride.

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Montenegro’s Demilitarization Programme a vital contribution to many aspects of security, country’s Defence Minister tells OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation

Montenegro’s Demilitarization Programme (MONDEM) has had a positive impact on promoting the OSCE’s comprehensive approach to security, said the country’s Defence Minister Milica Pejanovic-Djurisic as she addressed the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation in Vienna on 20 April 2016, under the Chairmanship of Poland.

Run by Montenegro’s Government, OSCE and UNDP, the Programme has since 2007 contributed to the reduction of the country’s surplus ordnances by 85 per cent, decrease in the number of munitions sites and closure of open-space storage facilities. There are still about 1,900 tonnes of ammunition and some 14,000 pieces of armaments pending destruction.

“The Programme has had a positive impact on human security, counter-proliferation policy, sub-regional confidence- and security-building measures, the national small arms and light weapons control strategy, public administration reform, reducing of environmental pollution and sustainable development,” said Pejanovic-Djurisic.

MONDEM is based on five components aimed at demilitarizing chemicals, ammunition and heavy weapons, developing safe storage infrastructure and enhancing the knowledge and abilities of personnel working in this area.

Pejanovic-Djurisic said that the expert support and assistance provided by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro has contributed not only to the implementation of MONDEM but also to strengthening of democratic institutions and overall reforms in the country.

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Prevention of trafficking in human beings for labour exploitation in supply chains

Wed, 2016-09-07 (All day) - Thu, 2016-09-08 (All day)
Berlin, Germany
OSCE Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the German OSCE Chairmanship
Combating human trafficking

The Berlin Conference is the first in a series of events planned as part of a two-year project by the Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings supported by the current German and incoming Austrian OSCE Chairmanships, and Switzerland.

This high-level event is part of the OSCE’s ongoing effort to raise awareness about the problem of labour exploitation in supply chains and to advocate for increased actions at the government level across the OSCE region with the aim of adopting measures to prevent and combat this form of modern day slavery.

Today’s globalized economy is characterized by complex supply chains of goods and services, with both materials and labour sourced from all around the world. It is difficult for buyers and consumers to be sure that the goods or services that they purchase or procure were not produced by trafficked labour. It is also difficult for large or multi-national companies to verify their own supply chains when there may be multiple tiers of subcontractors. Sometimes a parent company might not be aware of whether its sub-contractors down the supply chain unknowingly use or resort to the use of forced labour, including child exploitation and human trafficking. Inefficiently regulated recruitment and poorly inspected worksites, behaviour and practices conducive to corruption, lack of understanding of labour and human rights standards, as well as insufficient enforcement, constitute additional challenges in this field.

In order to address the problem of human trafficking in global supply chains, the Office of the Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB) developed a project on Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in Supply Chains through Government Practices and Measures. The project aims to provide OSCE participating States with practical tools to enact concrete measures to prevent human trafficking in supply chains, as well as build their capacity to implement these measures. Project activities include capacity-building workshops and conferences, the publishing of Model guidelines on preventing trafficking in supply chains and developing a plan encouraging the adoption of the Model guidelines.


OSCE-supports training course for newly recruited personnel of a rehabilitation centre in Kyrgyzstan

Some 20 newly-recruited personnel of the Atlantis rehabilitation centre took part in a two-week capacity building training course, conducted in the premises of the penal colony in the village of Novopokrovka, which concluded on 10 June. The event was organized by the Kyrgyz State Service for Execution of Punishment (SSEP) and the OSCE Centre in Bishkek.

OSCE-supported international trainers and specialists on therapeutic work with drug- and alcohol-addicted prisoners presented the Minnesotan treatment model, which is recognized as a global best practice among psychotherapeutic programmes for treatment of people with such problems, and organized practical sessions on the development of therapeutic skills.

“Specific professional training is critical to enable the staff of the penitentiary service to carry out their work in full safety,” said Daniele Rumolo, Senior Human Dimension Officer at the OSCE Centre in Bishkek. “Providing them with the necessary skills to effectively deal with specific categories of prisoners is also crucial to prevent criminal activities inside the prisons and enhance the respect of the rule of law.”

The course is part of an OSCE project on supporting the implementation of the National Strategy on the Development of Penitentiary System “Umut-2”. The project addresses the human rights situation and safety in penitentiary establishments through capacity building activities for prison staff.

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OSCE facilitates consolidation workshop on Regulatory Reform Roadmap for Armenia

The finalization of a Regulatory Reform Roadmap for Armenia was the focus of a workshop co-organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the Ministry of Justice of Armenia and the OSCE Office in Yerevan on 27 and 28 May 2016 in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia.

The workshop provided an opportunity for participants from the executive branch, the legislature, civil society and international organizations to exchange views on how to improve the overall process of lawmaking in the country. Topics discussed included policy-making and legislative planning, public consultations and regulatory impact assessment, as well as monitoring and evaluation of legislation.

The purpose of the workshop was to discuss recommendations for reform from previous thematic lawmaking workshops, conducted in Armenia in 2015, and from OSCE/ODIHR’s 2014 report on the “Comprehensive Assessment of the Legislative Procedure in Armenia”. These recommendations were consolidated in a draft Regulatory Reform Roadmap with concrete action points in early 2016, and this draft provided a basis for workshop discussions.

"The recommendations in the draft Regulatory Reform Roadmap focus on identifying workable solutions and were developed by key Armenian stakeholders during a series of discussions," said Alice Thomas, Chief of ODIHR’s Legislative Support Unit. "The draft Roadmap thus constitutes a home-grown plan for action to address weaknesses identified in the Armenian lawmaking system during discussions at our 2015 workshops."

Arsen Mkrtchyan, First Deputy Minister of Justice of Armenia, said: "We have already begun initiating reforms as indicated in the draft Roadmap. This workshop will help us finalize this document, which will be very useful in helping us plan and implement additional reform processes to make our legislative process less burdensome and more planned, transparent, and participatory."

The consolidating workshop begins the final stage of the process of drafting a Regulatory Reform Roadmap for Armenia, as envisaged by the Memorandum of Understanding signed between OSCE/ODIHR and the Ministry of Justice in 2014. Once ready, the Roadmap will form the basis for future reforms of the legislative process in the country.

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The post Advice: Hospitality Looks Different for Everyone appeared first on Pepperdine Graphic.


OSCE New Media Accreditation Procedure begins on 15 April 2015

Bona fide representatives of the media - print media, photo, radio, television and film, news agencies and online media - can now apply for yearly accreditation to OSCE events in Vienna.

For the yearly Media Accreditation, applicants need to provide the following:

  • Completed accreditation form
  • A letter of assignment on official letterhead of a media organization
  • A valid press card (national or international)
  • Scanned image of passport/national ID card

Journalists, who agree to the terms of accreditation and guidelines on media access to the OSCE, should fill out the Accreditation form and submit it with the attachments by E-mail to:

Media credentials are issued by the OSCE free of charge. 

Delivery of badges will begin on 15 April 2015 and take place Wednesdays and Thursdays, from 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00 at the Hofburg.

Yearly accreditation at the OSCE is not mandatory.  Journalists holding a valid press ID, but not holding an OSCE Media accreditation badge will be able to attend access media events in the Hofburg Congress Centre by registering in advance, as specified in the media advisories ahead of such events.

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EL ESQUIADOR SOLITARIO, de Hammond Innes (Molino)

El esquiador solitario
Autor: Hammond Innes (1913-1998)
Título original: The lonely skier (1947)
Traducción: Guillermo López Hipkiss
Editor: Editorial Molino (Barcelona)
Fecha de edición: [1956]
Descripción física: 248 p.; 10,5x15,5 cm.
Serie: Biblioteca oro de bolsillo #73
Estructura: guía del lector, 10 capítulos
Información sobre impresión:
PONSA, impresor - Iradier, 5 A - Barcelona
Información de la Guía del lector:
En un orden alfabético convencional relacionamos a continuación los principales personajes que intervienen en esta obra
Regente del hotel de Col da Varda.
Camarera de dicho establecimiento.
Blair (Neil)
Guionista de la empresa cinematográfica K.M.
Engles (Deteck)
Director de la K.M.
Un aventurero griego, desertor durante la segunda Guerra Mundial.
Mayne (Gilbert)
Otro desertor, ex jefe del ejército y sujeto poco recomendable.
Mancini (Eduardo)
Dueño del mejor hotel en Cortina (Alpes).
Esposa del anterior.
Rometta (Carla)
Hermosa bailarina de cabaret.
Stelben (Heinrich)
Ex capitán del ejército alemán; individuo de la peor especie.
Valdini (Stefan)
Otro indeseable; enamorado de Carla.
Wenson (Joe)
Operador cinematográfico de la empresa K.M.
David MacDonald dirigió Snowbound (1948), adaptación de esta novela de Innes. Contó con las actuaciones de Robert Newton (Engles), Dennis Price (Blair), Stanley Holloway (Wesson), Herbert Lom (Keramikos), Marcel Dalio (Valdini), Mila Parély (Carla), Willy Fueter (Aldo) y Guy Middleton (Mayne). En Hispanoamérica se tituló Tempestad.


¡RESCATEN EL TITANIC!, de Clive Cussler (Javier Vergara, 1985)

¡Rescaten el Titanic!
Autor: Clive Cussler (1931-2020)
Título original: Raise the Titanic! (1976) Nº 3 en la serie “Dirk Pitt”
Traducción: Ariel Bignami
Editor: Javier Vergara Editor (Buenos Aires)
Fecha de edición: 1985-09
Descripción física: 389, 2 p.; 13,5x22 cm.
ISBN: 978-950-15-0056-1 (950-15-0056-X)
Estructura: preludio, 5 partes, 82 capítulos, “Ajuste de cuentas”
Información sobre impresión:
Esta edición terminó de imprimirse en la COMPAÑÍA IMPRESORA ARGENTINA S.A.
Alsina 2049/61 - Buenos Aires - Rep. Argentina en el mes de setiembre de 1985
Información de cubierta:
Información de contracubierta:
La acción del bestseller del año tiene lugar en 1988. El Proyecto Siciliano es el plan del siglo. Nada más importante desde la bomba atómica. Su éxito significará levantar una red protectora sobre todo el país, protegiéndolo de cualquier ataque exterior. Pero se necesita bizanio, carísimo elemento, que ya no se da en la naturaleza. El único bizanio que hay en el mundo está sepultado en el “Titanic”, hundido en 1912 y que yace en el fondo del mar, a más de dos millas de profundidad.

La crítica dijo:
“Extraordinario suspenso, salta de una emoción a otra, mantiene al lector tan cautivo, que nadie quiere que llegue el final”.
Publishers Weekly

¡Rescaten el Titanic! es suspenso en su mejor sentido. Será tal vez el éxito del año”.
San Francisco Chronicle

“Cussler imaginó con genio y creó con perfección”.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Un verdadero clásico en la literatura de espionaje y de aventura moderna, ¡Rescaten el Titanic! fue la tercera novela del escritor Clive Cussler sobre Dirk Pitt, agente de NUMA (National Underwater & Marine Agency), pero la primera que tuvo un gran éxito a nivel mundial, y que terminó por consolidar a la serie como una de las mejores del género, que ya va por el libro nº 27, The Corsican Shadow, publicado en 2023 por Dirk Cussler, hijo de Clive y continuador de sus novelas.
El presidente de EEUU autoriza y sostiene el “Proyecto Siciliano”, un esquema ultrasecreto funcionando a espaldas del Congreso y de la opinión pública, que busca dotar a su país de la invulnerabilidad frente a un posible ataque misilístico de la URSS. Para lograr su objetivo, necesita imperiosamente de bizanio, un mineral rarísimo que sólo pudo hallarse en el Ártico ruso. Se descubre que un cargamento de bizanio pudo haber sido transportado en el Titanic, famoso barco hundido en 1912. Contrareloj, se monta una operación dirigida por Dirk Pitt para llevarlo a la superficie y arrástralo hasta el puerto de Nueva York. Sin embargo, la KGB logró infiltrar a dos espías en el contingente de rescate, que recurren incluso al asesinato para malograr la misión. Sólo la poderosa mente de Pitt puede resolver este misterio y evitar una catástrofe.
Cussler crea a un héroe sólido, hecho a sí mismo, inteligente, intuitivo, seductor, misterioso. Un lobo solitario que sabe hacer su trabajo y que quiere lo mejor para su país. La novela tiene un fuerte espíritu de restauración post-Watergate. Más allá de los fallos, hasta de los delitos del pasado reciente, Pitt encarna la necesidad de que EEUU prosiga su lucha por la libertad y contra el imperio soviético. Hay una escena muy ilustrativa: la viuda de uno de los mineros que trabajaron en la búsqueda del bizanio a principios del siglo XX es contactada por la inteligencia norteamericana para que brinde alguna pista sobre dónde puede estar. Al principio se niega. Le dicen que tiene una llamada telefónica. Después de atender, pregunta emocionada si es cierto que el que la llamó fue el presidente de EEUU para pedirle su colaboración. Cussler reflota no sólo al Titanic, sino al sentimiento patriótico que su país tenía muy dañado a finales de los 70. Lo hace apelando tanto al cultivo de las viejas tradiciones de camaradería y de esfuerzo que crearon a la gran república del Norte, así como a la tecnología militar y marina, que tiene que priorizarse, incluso sobre las preocupaciones sociales. Cussler quiere ganar porque lo cree justo, y así lo demuestra en una gran novela de acción, de misterio y de pasión.

Ver mi entrada > Cine de espías: DIRK PITT



AIRE AGITADO, de Irwin Shaw (Peuser)

Aire agitado
Autor: Irwin Shaw (1913-1984)
Título original: The troubled air (1965)
Traducción: Ada Emma Franco
Cubierta: Leonor Vassena (il.)
Editor: Ediciones Peuser (Buenos Aires)
Fecha de edición: 1960-10
Descripción física: 504 p.; 14x19,5 cm.
Estructura: 25 capítulos
Información sobre impresión:
Impreso en Peuser, durante la segunda quincena de octubre de 1960, en sus talleres de Patricios 567, Buenos Aires, República Argentina
Información de contracubierta:
AIRE AGITADO es la historia del comunismo internacional. La historia de un hombre, de una ciudad, de una nación en pugna con los engaños de que se valen los jerarcas del “paraíso de los trabajadores” para destruir en los seres humanos todo sentimiento de amistad, sinceridad, amor al prójimo y confianza mutua. El “partido” está por sobre todo y lo único importante es servir eficientemente a sus fines, aunque con ello aniquilemos lo que más queremos e incluso a nosotros mismos.
Irwin Shaw, el escritor norteamericano que iniciara una meteórica carrera con su novela de posguerra The Young Lions (Los Leones Jóvenes), cimentada y fortalecida más tarde con “Lucy Crown”, por cuyos derechos de filmación Hollywood pagó medio millón de dólares, nos deslumbra con este planteo político-social que, por su argumento, estilo, recursos novelísticos y técnica del planteo, desenlace y crisis, puede considerarse una de las mejores obras de la literatura norteamericana de la última década. AIRE AGITADO es ante todo una novela, una novela que se lee con el mismo suspenso de una refinada aventura de espionaje, pero que tiene la ventaja de poseer verdadera calidad interior.


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