
Path-Based Spectral Clustering: Guarantees, Robustness to Outliers, and Fast Algorithms

We consider the problem of clustering with the longest-leg path distance (LLPD) metric, which is informative for elongated and irregularly shaped clusters. We prove finite-sample guarantees on the performance of clustering with respect to this metric when random samples are drawn from multiple intrinsically low-dimensional clusters in high-dimensional space, in the presence of a large number of high-dimensional outliers. By combining these results with spectral clustering with respect to LLPD, we provide conditions under which the Laplacian eigengap statistic correctly determines the number of clusters for a large class of data sets, and prove guarantees on the labeling accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Our methods are quite general and provide performance guarantees for spectral clustering with any ultrametric. We also introduce an efficient, easy to implement approximation algorithm for the LLPD based on a multiscale analysis of adjacency graphs, which allows for the runtime of LLPD spectral clustering to be quasilinear in the number of data points.


Neyman-Pearson classification: parametrics and sample size requirement

The Neyman-Pearson (NP) paradigm in binary classification seeks classifiers that achieve a minimal type II error while enforcing the prioritized type I error controlled under some user-specified level $alpha$. This paradigm serves naturally in applications such as severe disease diagnosis and spam detection, where people have clear priorities among the two error types. Recently, Tong, Feng, and Li (2018) proposed a nonparametric umbrella algorithm that adapts all scoring-type classification methods (e.g., logistic regression, support vector machines, random forest) to respect the given type I error (i.e., conditional probability of classifying a class $0$ observation as class $1$ under the 0-1 coding) upper bound $alpha$ with high probability, without specific distributional assumptions on the features and the responses. Universal the umbrella algorithm is, it demands an explicit minimum sample size requirement on class $0$, which is often the more scarce class, such as in rare disease diagnosis applications. In this work, we employ the parametric linear discriminant analysis (LDA) model and propose a new parametric thresholding algorithm, which does not need the minimum sample size requirements on class $0$ observations and thus is suitable for small sample applications such as rare disease diagnosis. Leveraging both the existing nonparametric and the newly proposed parametric thresholding rules, we propose four LDA-based NP classifiers, for both low- and high-dimensional settings. On the theoretical front, we prove NP oracle inequalities for one proposed classifier, where the rate for excess type II error benefits from the explicit parametric model assumption. Furthermore, as NP classifiers involve a sample splitting step of class $0$ observations, we construct a new adaptive sample splitting scheme that can be applied universally to NP classifiers, and this adaptive strategy reduces the type II error of these classifiers. The proposed NP classifiers are implemented in the R package nproc.


Perturbation Bounds for Procrustes, Classical Scaling, and Trilateration, with Applications to Manifold Learning

One of the common tasks in unsupervised learning is dimensionality reduction, where the goal is to find meaningful low-dimensional structures hidden in high-dimensional data. Sometimes referred to as manifold learning, this problem is closely related to the problem of localization, which aims at embedding a weighted graph into a low-dimensional Euclidean space. Several methods have been proposed for localization, and also manifold learning. Nonetheless, the robustness property of most of them is little understood. In this paper, we obtain perturbation bounds for classical scaling and trilateration, which are then applied to derive performance bounds for Isomap, Landmark Isomap, and Maximum Variance Unfolding. A new perturbation bound for procrustes analysis plays a key role.


Connecting Spectral Clustering to Maximum Margins and Level Sets

We study the connections between spectral clustering and the problems of maximum margin clustering, and estimation of the components of level sets of a density function. Specifically, we obtain bounds on the eigenvectors of graph Laplacian matrices in terms of the between cluster separation, and within cluster connectivity. These bounds ensure that the spectral clustering solution converges to the maximum margin clustering solution as the scaling parameter is reduced towards zero. The sensitivity of maximum margin clustering solutions to outlying points is well known, but can be mitigated by first removing such outliers, and applying maximum margin clustering to the remaining points. If outliers are identified using an estimate of the underlying probability density, then the remaining points may be seen as an estimate of a level set of this density function. We show that such an approach can be used to consistently estimate the components of the level sets of a density function under very mild assumptions.


Targeted Fused Ridge Estimation of Inverse Covariance Matrices from Multiple High-Dimensional Data Classes

We consider the problem of jointly estimating multiple inverse covariance matrices from high-dimensional data consisting of distinct classes. An $ell_2$-penalized maximum likelihood approach is employed. The suggested approach is flexible and generic, incorporating several other $ell_2$-penalized estimators as special cases. In addition, the approach allows specification of target matrices through which prior knowledge may be incorporated and which can stabilize the estimation procedure in high-dimensional settings. The result is a targeted fused ridge estimator that is of use when the precision matrices of the constituent classes are believed to chiefly share the same structure while potentially differing in a number of locations of interest. It has many applications in (multi)factorial study designs. We focus on the graphical interpretation of precision matrices with the proposed estimator then serving as a basis for integrative or meta-analytic Gaussian graphical modeling. Situations are considered in which the classes are defined by data sets and subtypes of diseases. The performance of the proposed estimator in the graphical modeling setting is assessed through extensive simulation experiments. Its practical usability is illustrated by the differential network modeling of 12 large-scale gene expression data sets of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtypes. The estimator and its related procedures are incorporated into the R-package rags2ridges.


A New Class of Time Dependent Latent Factor Models with Applications

In many applications, observed data are influenced by some combination of latent causes. For example, suppose sensors are placed inside a building to record responses such as temperature, humidity, power consumption and noise levels. These random, observed responses are typically affected by many unobserved, latent factors (or features) within the building such as the number of individuals, the turning on and off of electrical devices, power surges, etc. These latent factors are usually present for a contiguous period of time before disappearing; further, multiple factors could be present at a time. This paper develops new probabilistic methodology and inference methods for random object generation influenced by latent features exhibiting temporal persistence. Every datum is associated with subsets of a potentially infinite number of hidden, persistent features that account for temporal dynamics in an observation. The ensuing class of dynamic models constructed by adapting the Indian Buffet Process — a probability measure on the space of random, unbounded binary matrices — finds use in a variety of applications arising in operations, signal processing, biomedicine, marketing, image analysis, etc. Illustrations using synthetic and real data are provided.


Noise Accumulation in High Dimensional Classification and Total Signal Index

Great attention has been paid to Big Data in recent years. Such data hold promise for scientific discoveries but also pose challenges to analyses. One potential challenge is noise accumulation. In this paper, we explore noise accumulation in high dimensional two-group classification. First, we revisit a previous assessment of noise accumulation with principal component analyses, which yields a different threshold for discriminative ability than originally identified. Then we extend our scope to its impact on classifiers developed with three common machine learning approaches---random forest, support vector machine, and boosted classification trees. We simulate four scenarios with differing amounts of signal strength to evaluate each method. After determining noise accumulation may affect the performance of these classifiers, we assess factors that impact it. We conduct simulations by varying sample size, signal strength, signal strength proportional to the number predictors, and signal magnitude with random forest classifiers. These simulations suggest that noise accumulation affects the discriminative ability of high-dimensional classifiers developed using common machine learning methods, which can be modified by sample size, signal strength, and signal magnitude. We developed the measure total signal index (TSI) to track the trends of total signal and noise accumulation.


Latent Simplex Position Model: High Dimensional Multi-view Clustering with Uncertainty Quantification

High dimensional data often contain multiple facets, and several clustering patterns can co-exist under different variable subspaces, also known as the views. While multi-view clustering algorithms were proposed, the uncertainty quantification remains difficult --- a particular challenge is in the high complexity of estimating the cluster assignment probability under each view, and sharing information among views. In this article, we propose an approximate Bayes approach --- treating the similarity matrices generated over the views as rough first-stage estimates for the co-assignment probabilities; in its Kullback-Leibler neighborhood, we obtain a refined low-rank matrix, formed by the pairwise product of simplex coordinates. Interestingly, each simplex coordinate directly encodes the cluster assignment uncertainty. For multi-view clustering, we let each view draw a parameterization from a few candidates, leading to dimension reduction. With high model flexibility, the estimation can be efficiently carried out as a continuous optimization problem, hence enjoys gradient-based computation. The theory establishes the connection of this model to a random partition distribution under multiple views. Compared to single-view clustering approaches, substantially more interpretable results are obtained when clustering brains from a human traumatic brain injury study, using high-dimensional gene expression data.


Optimal Bipartite Network Clustering

We study bipartite community detection in networks, or more generally the network biclustering problem. We present a fast two-stage procedure based on spectral initialization followed by the application of a pseudo-likelihood classifier twice. Under mild regularity conditions, we establish the weak consistency of the procedure (i.e., the convergence of the misclassification rate to zero) under a general bipartite stochastic block model. We show that the procedure is optimal in the sense that it achieves the optimal convergence rate that is achievable by a biclustering oracle, adaptively over the whole class, up to constants. This is further formalized by deriving a minimax lower bound over a class of biclustering problems. The optimal rate we obtain sharpens some of the existing results and generalizes others to a wide regime of average degree growth, from sparse networks with average degrees growing arbitrarily slowly to fairly dense networks with average degrees of order $sqrt{n}$. As a special case, we recover the known exact recovery threshold in the $log n$ regime of sparsity. To obtain the consistency result, as part of the provable version of the algorithm, we introduce a sub-block partitioning scheme that is also computationally attractive, allowing for distributed implementation of the algorithm without sacrificing optimality. The provable algorithm is derived from a general class of pseudo-likelihood biclustering algorithms that employ simple EM type updates. We show the effectiveness of this general class by numerical simulations.


A Convex Parametrization of a New Class of Universal Kernel Functions

The accuracy and complexity of kernel learning algorithms is determined by the set of kernels over which it is able to optimize. An ideal set of kernels should: admit a linear parameterization (tractability); be dense in the set of all kernels (accuracy); and every member should be universal so that the hypothesis space is infinite-dimensional (scalability). Currently, there is no class of kernel that meets all three criteria - e.g. Gaussians are not tractable or accurate; polynomials are not scalable. We propose a new class that meet all three criteria - the Tessellated Kernel (TK) class. Specifically, the TK class: admits a linear parameterization using positive matrices; is dense in all kernels; and every element in the class is universal. This implies that the use of TK kernels for learning the kernel can obviate the need for selecting candidate kernels in algorithms such as SimpleMKL and parameters such as the bandwidth. Numerical testing on soft margin Support Vector Machine (SVM) problems show that algorithms using TK kernels outperform other kernel learning algorithms and neural networks. Furthermore, our results show that when the ratio of the number of training data to features is high, the improvement of TK over MKL increases significantly.


pyts: A Python Package for Time Series Classification

pyts is an open-source Python package for time series classification. This versatile toolbox provides implementations of many algorithms published in the literature, preprocessing functionalities, and data set loading utilities. pyts relies on the standard scientific Python packages numpy, scipy, scikit-learn, joblib, and numba, and is distributed under the BSD-3-Clause license. Documentation contains installation instructions, a detailed user guide, a full API description, and concrete self-contained examples.


High-Dimensional Inference for Cluster-Based Graphical Models

Motivated by modern applications in which one constructs graphical models based on a very large number of features, this paper introduces a new class of cluster-based graphical models, in which variable clustering is applied as an initial step for reducing the dimension of the feature space. We employ model assisted clustering, in which the clusters contain features that are similar to the same unobserved latent variable. Two different cluster-based Gaussian graphical models are considered: the latent variable graph, corresponding to the graphical model associated with the unobserved latent variables, and the cluster-average graph, corresponding to the vector of features averaged over clusters. Our study reveals that likelihood based inference for the latent graph, not analyzed previously, is analytically intractable. Our main contribution is the development and analysis of alternative estimation and inference strategies, for the precision matrix of an unobservable latent vector Z. We replace the likelihood of the data by an appropriate class of empirical risk functions, that can be specialized to the latent graphical model and to the simpler, but under-analyzed, cluster-average graphical model. The estimators thus derived can be used for inference on the graph structure, for instance on edge strength or pattern recovery. Inference is based on the asymptotic limits of the entry-wise estimates of the precision matrices associated with the conditional independence graphs under consideration. While taking the uncertainty induced by the clustering step into account, we establish Berry-Esseen central limit theorems for the proposed estimators. It is noteworthy that, although the clusters are estimated adaptively from the data, the central limit theorems regarding the entries of the estimated graphs are proved under the same conditions one would use if the clusters were known in advance. As an illustration of the usage of these newly developed inferential tools, we show that they can be reliably used for recovery of the sparsity pattern of the graphs we study, under FDR control, which is verified via simulation studies and an fMRI data analysis. These experimental results confirm the theoretically established difference between the two graph structures. Furthermore, the data analysis suggests that the latent variable graph, corresponding to the unobserved cluster centers, can help provide more insight into the understanding of the brain connectivity networks relative to the simpler, average-based, graph.


Union of Low-Rank Tensor Spaces: Clustering and Completion

We consider the problem of clustering and completing a set of tensors with missing data that are drawn from a union of low-rank tensor spaces. In the clustering problem, given a partially sampled tensor data that is composed of a number of subtensors, each chosen from one of a certain number of unknown tensor spaces, we need to group the subtensors that belong to the same tensor space. We provide a geometrical analysis on the sampling pattern and subsequently derive the sampling rate that guarantees the correct clustering under some assumptions with high probability. Moreover, we investigate the fundamental conditions for finite/unique completability for the union of tensor spaces completion problem. Both deterministic and probabilistic conditions on the sampling pattern to ensure finite/unique completability are obtained. For both the clustering and completion problems, our tensor analysis provides significantly better bound than the bound given by the matrix analysis applied to any unfolding of the tensor data.


(1 + epsilon)-class Classification: an Anomaly Detection Method for Highly Imbalanced or Incomplete Data Sets

Anomaly detection is not an easy problem since distribution of anomalous samples is unknown a priori. We explore a novel method that gives a trade-off possibility between one-class and two-class approaches, and leads to a better performance on anomaly detection problems with small or non-representative anomalous samples. The method is evaluated using several data sets and compared to a set of conventional one-class and two-class approaches.


A Bayesian sparse finite mixture model for clustering data from a heterogeneous population

Erlandson F. Saraiva, Adriano K. Suzuki, Luís A. Milan.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 2, 323--344.

In this paper, we introduce a Bayesian approach for clustering data using a sparse finite mixture model (SFMM). The SFMM is a finite mixture model with a large number of components $k$ previously fixed where many components can be empty. In this model, the number of components $k$ can be interpreted as the maximum number of distinct mixture components. Then, we explore the use of a prior distribution for the weights of the mixture model that take into account the possibility that the number of clusters $k_{mathbf{c}}$ (e.g., nonempty components) can be random and smaller than the number of components $k$ of the finite mixture model. In order to determine clusters we develop a MCMC algorithm denominated Split-Merge allocation sampler. In this algorithm, the split-merge strategy is data-driven and was inserted within the algorithm in order to increase the mixing of the Markov chain in relation to the number of clusters. The performance of the method is verified using simulated datasets and three real datasets. The first real data set is the benchmark galaxy data, while second and third are the publicly available data set on Enzyme and Acidity, respectively.


Reclaiming indigenous governance : reflections and insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States

9780816539970 (paperback)


Variable selection methods for model-based clustering

Michael Fop, Thomas Brendan Murphy.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 12, 18--65.

Model-based clustering is a popular approach for clustering multivariate data which has seen applications in numerous fields. Nowadays, high-dimensional data are more and more common and the model-based clustering approach has adapted to deal with the increasing dimensionality. In particular, the development of variable selection techniques has received a lot of attention and research effort in recent years. Even for small size problems, variable selection has been advocated to facilitate the interpretation of the clustering results. This review provides a summary of the methods developed for variable selection in model-based clustering. Existing R packages implementing the different methods are indicated and illustrated in application to two data analysis examples.


Adaptive clinical trial designs for phase I cancer studies

Oleksandr Sverdlov, Weng Kee Wong, Yevgen Ryeznik.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 8, 2--44.

Adaptive clinical trials are becoming increasingly popular research designs for clinical investigation. Adaptive designs are particularly useful in phase I cancer studies where clinical data are scant and the goals are to assess the drug dose-toxicity profile and to determine the maximum tolerated dose while minimizing the number of study patients treated at suboptimal dose levels. In the current work we give an overview of adaptive design methods for phase I cancer trials. We find that modern statistical literature is replete with novel adaptive designs that have clearly defined objectives and established statistical properties, and are shown to outperform conventional dose finding methods such as the 3+3 design, both in terms of statistical efficiency and in terms of minimizing the number of patients treated at highly toxic or nonefficacious doses. We discuss statistical, logistical, and regulatory aspects of these designs and present some links to non-commercial statistical software for implementing these methods in practice.


Data confidentiality: A review of methods for statistical disclosure limitation and methods for assessing privacy

Gregory J. Matthews, Ofer Harel

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 5, 1--29.

There is an ever increasing demand from researchers for access to useful microdata files. However, there are also growing concerns regarding the privacy of the individuals contained in the microdata. Ideally, microdata could be released in such a way that a balance between usefulness of the data and privacy is struck. This paper presents a review of proposed methods of statistical disclosure control and techniques for assessing the privacy of such methods under different definitions of disclosure.

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Finite mixture models and model-based clustering

Volodymyr Melnykov, Ranjan Maitra

Source: Statist. Surv., Volume 4, 80--116.

Finite mixture models have a long history in statistics, having been used to model population heterogeneity, generalize distributional assumptions, and lately, for providing a convenient yet formal framework for clustering and classification. This paper provides a detailed review into mixture models and model-based clustering. Recent trends as well as open problems in the area are also discussed.


Unsupervised Pre-trained Models from Healthy ADLs Improve Parkinson's Disease Classification of Gait Patterns. (arXiv:2005.02589v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Application and use of deep learning algorithms for different healthcare applications is gaining interest at a steady pace. However, use of such algorithms can prove to be challenging as they require large amounts of training data that capture different possible variations. This makes it difficult to use them in a clinical setting since in most health applications researchers often have to work with limited data. Less data can cause the deep learning model to over-fit. In this paper, we ask how can we use data from a different environment, different use-case, with widely differing data distributions. We exemplify this use case by using single-sensor accelerometer data from healthy subjects performing activities of daily living - ADLs (source dataset), to extract features relevant to multi-sensor accelerometer gait data (target dataset) for Parkinson's disease classification. We train the pre-trained model using the source dataset and use it as a feature extractor. We show that the features extracted for the target dataset can be used to train an effective classification model. Our pre-trained source model consists of a convolutional autoencoder, and the target classification model is a simple multi-layer perceptron model. We explore two different pre-trained source models, trained using different activity groups, and analyze the influence the choice of pre-trained model has over the task of Parkinson's disease classification.


Mnemonics Training: Multi-Class Incremental Learning without Forgetting. (arXiv:2002.10211v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Multi-Class Incremental Learning (MCIL) aims to learn new concepts by incrementally updating a model trained on previous concepts. However, there is an inherent trade-off to effectively learning new concepts without catastrophic forgetting of previous ones. To alleviate this issue, it has been proposed to keep around a few examples of the previous concepts but the effectiveness of this approach heavily depends on the representativeness of these examples. This paper proposes a novel and automatic framework we call mnemonics, where we parameterize exemplars and make them optimizable in an end-to-end manner. We train the framework through bilevel optimizations, i.e., model-level and exemplar-level. We conduct extensive experiments on three MCIL benchmarks, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-Subset and ImageNet, and show that using mnemonics exemplars can surpass the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Interestingly and quite intriguingly, the mnemonics exemplars tend to be on the boundaries between different classes.


Statistical aspects of nuclear mass models. (arXiv:2002.04151v3 [nucl-th] UPDATED)

We study the information content of nuclear masses from the perspective of global models of nuclear binding energies. To this end, we employ a number of statistical methods and diagnostic tools, including Bayesian calibration, Bayesian model averaging, chi-square correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and empirical coverage probability. Using a Bayesian framework, we investigate the structure of the 4-parameter Liquid Drop Model by considering discrepant mass domains for calibration. We then use the chi-square correlation framework to analyze the 14-parameter Skyrme energy density functional calibrated using homogeneous and heterogeneous datasets. We show that a quite dramatic parameter reduction can be achieved in both cases. The advantage of Bayesian model averaging for improving uncertainty quantification is demonstrated. The statistical approaches used are pedagogically described; in this context this work can serve as a guide for future applications.


Cyclic Boosting -- an explainable supervised machine learning algorithm. (arXiv:2002.03425v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Supervised machine learning algorithms have seen spectacular advances and surpassed human level performance in a wide range of specific applications. However, using complex ensemble or deep learning algorithms typically results in black box models, where the path leading to individual predictions cannot be followed in detail. In order to address this issue, we propose the novel "Cyclic Boosting" machine learning algorithm, which allows to efficiently perform accurate regression and classification tasks while at the same time allowing a detailed understanding of how each individual prediction was made.


On the impact of selected modern deep-learning techniques to the performance and celerity of classification models in an experimental high-energy physics use case. (arXiv:2002.01427v3 [] UPDATED)

Beginning from a basic neural-network architecture, we test the potential benefits offered by a range of advanced techniques for machine learning, in particular deep learning, in the context of a typical classification problem encountered in the domain of high-energy physics, using a well-studied dataset: the 2014 Higgs ML Kaggle dataset. The advantages are evaluated in terms of both performance metrics and the time required to train and apply the resulting models. Techniques examined include domain-specific data-augmentation, learning rate and momentum scheduling, (advanced) ensembling in both model-space and weight-space, and alternative architectures and connection methods.

Following the investigation, we arrive at a model which achieves equal performance to the winning solution of the original Kaggle challenge, whilst being significantly quicker to train and apply, and being suitable for use with both GPU and CPU hardware setups. These reductions in timing and hardware requirements potentially allow the use of more powerful algorithms in HEP analyses, where models must be retrained frequently, sometimes at short notice, by small groups of researchers with limited hardware resources. Additionally, a new wrapper library for PyTorch called LUMINis presented, which incorporates all of the techniques studied.


Margin-Based Generalization Lower Bounds for Boosted Classifiers. (arXiv:1909.12518v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Boosting is one of the most successful ideas in machine learning. The most well-accepted explanations for the low generalization error of boosting algorithms such as AdaBoost stem from margin theory. The study of margins in the context of boosting algorithms was initiated by Schapire, Freund, Bartlett and Lee (1998) and has inspired numerous boosting algorithms and generalization bounds. To date, the strongest known generalization (upper bound) is the $k$th margin bound of Gao and Zhou (2013). Despite the numerous generalization upper bounds that have been proved over the last two decades, nothing is known about the tightness of these bounds. In this paper, we give the first margin-based lower bounds on the generalization error of boosted classifiers. Our lower bounds nearly match the $k$th margin bound and thus almost settle the generalization performance of boosted classifiers in terms of margins.


Deep Learning on Point Clouds for False Positive Reduction at Nodule Detection in Chest CT Scans. (arXiv:2005.03654v1 [eess.IV])

The paper focuses on a novel approach for false-positive reduction (FPR) of nodule candidates in Computer-aided detection (CADe) system after suspicious lesions proposing stage. Unlike common decisions in medical image analysis, the proposed approach considers input data not as 2d or 3d image, but as a point cloud and uses deep learning models for point clouds. We found out that models for point clouds require less memory and are faster on both training and inference than traditional CNN 3D, achieves better performance and does not impose restrictions on the size of the input image, thereby the size of the nodule candidate. We propose an algorithm for transforming 3d CT scan data to point cloud. In some cases, the volume of the nodule candidate can be much smaller than the surrounding context, for example, in the case of subpleural localization of the nodule. Therefore, we developed an algorithm for sampling points from a point cloud constructed from a 3D image of the candidate region. The algorithm guarantees to capture both context and candidate information as part of the point cloud of the nodule candidate. An experiment with creating a dataset from an open LIDC-IDRI database for a feature of the FPR task was accurately designed, set up and described in detail. The data augmentation technique was applied to avoid overfitting and as an upsampling method. Experiments are conducted with PointNet, PointNet++ and DGCNN. We show that the proposed approach outperforms baseline CNN 3D models and demonstrates 85.98 FROC versus 77.26 FROC for baseline models.


Local Cascade Ensemble for Multivariate Data Classification. (arXiv:2005.03645v1 [cs.LG])

We present LCE, a Local Cascade Ensemble for traditional (tabular) multivariate data classification, and its extension LCEM for Multivariate Time Series (MTS) classification. LCE is a new hybrid ensemble method that combines an explicit boosting-bagging approach to handle the usual bias-variance tradeoff faced by machine learning models and an implicit divide-and-conquer approach to individualize classifier errors on different parts of the training data. Our evaluation firstly shows that the hybrid ensemble method LCE outperforms the state-of-the-art classifiers on the UCI datasets and that LCEM outperforms the state-of-the-art MTS classifiers on the UEA datasets. Furthermore, LCEM provides explainability by design and manifests robust performance when faced with challenges arising from continuous data collection (different MTS length, missing data and noise).


Know Your Clients' behaviours: a cluster analysis of financial transactions. (arXiv:2005.03625v1 [econ.EM])

In Canada, financial advisors and dealers by provincial securities commissions, and those self-regulatory organizations charged with direct regulation over investment dealers and mutual fund dealers, respectively to collect and maintain Know Your Client (KYC) information, such as their age or risk tolerance, for investor accounts. With this information, investors, under their advisor's guidance, make decisions on their investments which are presumed to be beneficial to their investment goals. Our unique dataset is provided by a financial investment dealer with over 50,000 accounts for over 23,000 clients. We use a modified behavioural finance recency, frequency, monetary model for engineering features that quantify investor behaviours, and machine learning clustering algorithms to find groups of investors that behave similarly. We show that the KYC information collected does not explain client behaviours, whereas trade and transaction frequency and volume are most informative. We believe the results shown herein encourage financial regulators and advisors to use more advanced metrics to better understand and predict investor behaviours.


Predictive Modeling of ICU Healthcare-Associated Infections from Imbalanced Data. Using Ensembles and a Clustering-Based Undersampling Approach. (arXiv:2005.03582v1 [cs.LG])

Early detection of patients vulnerable to infections acquired in the hospital environment is a challenge in current health systems given the impact that such infections have on patient mortality and healthcare costs. This work is focused on both the identification of risk factors and the prediction of healthcare-associated infections in intensive-care units by means of machine-learning methods. The aim is to support decision making addressed at reducing the incidence rate of infections. In this field, it is necessary to deal with the problem of building reliable classifiers from imbalanced datasets. We propose a clustering-based undersampling strategy to be used in combination with ensemble classifiers. A comparative study with data from 4616 patients was conducted in order to validate our proposal. We applied several single and ensemble classifiers both to the original dataset and to data preprocessed by means of different resampling methods. The results were analyzed by means of classic and recent metrics specifically designed for imbalanced data classification. They revealed that the proposal is more efficient in comparison with other approaches.


Reference and Document Aware Semantic Evaluation Methods for Korean Language Summarization. (arXiv:2005.03510v1 [cs.CL])

Text summarization refers to the process that generates a shorter form of text from the source document preserving salient information. Recently, many models for text summarization have been proposed. Most of those models were evaluated using recall-oriented understudy for gisting evaluation (ROUGE) scores. However, as ROUGE scores are computed based on n-gram overlap, they do not reflect semantic meaning correspondences between generated and reference summaries. Because Korean is an agglutinative language that combines various morphemes into a word that express several meanings, ROUGE is not suitable for Korean summarization. In this paper, we propose evaluation metrics that reflect semantic meanings of a reference summary and the original document, Reference and Document Aware Semantic Score (RDASS). We then propose a method for improving the correlation of the metrics with human judgment. Evaluation results show that the correlation with human judgment is significantly higher for our evaluation metrics than for ROUGE scores.


Transfer Learning for sEMG-based Hand Gesture Classification using Deep Learning in a Master-Slave Architecture. (arXiv:2005.03460v1 [eess.SP])

Recent advancements in diagnostic learning and development of gesture-based human machine interfaces have driven surface electromyography (sEMG) towards significant importance. Analysis of hand gestures requires an accurate assessment of sEMG signals. The proposed work presents a novel sequential master-slave architecture consisting of deep neural networks (DNNs) for classification of signs from the Indian sign language using signals recorded from multiple sEMG channels. The performance of the master-slave network is augmented by leveraging additional synthetic feature data generated by long short term memory networks. Performance of the proposed network is compared to that of a conventional DNN prior to and after the addition of synthetic data. Up to 14% improvement is observed in the conventional DNN and up to 9% improvement in master-slave network on addition of synthetic data with an average accuracy value of 93.5% asserting the suitability of the proposed approach.


Distributional Robustness of K-class Estimators and the PULSE. (arXiv:2005.03353v1 [econ.EM])

In causal settings, such as instrumental variable settings, it is well known that estimators based on ordinary least squares (OLS) can yield biased and non-consistent estimates of the causal parameters. This is partially overcome by two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimators. These are, under weak assumptions, consistent but do not have desirable finite sample properties: in many models, for example, they do not have finite moments. The set of K-class estimators can be seen as a non-linear interpolation between OLS and TSLS and are known to have improved finite sample properties. Recently, in causal discovery, invariance properties such as the moment criterion which TSLS estimators leverage have been exploited for causal structure learning: e.g., in cases, where the causal parameter is not identifiable, some structure of the non-zero components may be identified, and coverage guarantees are available. Subsequently, anchor regression has been proposed to trade-off invariance and predictability. The resulting estimator is shown to have optimal predictive performance under bounded shift interventions. In this paper, we show that the concepts of anchor regression and K-class estimators are closely related. Establishing this connection comes with two benefits: (1) It enables us to prove robustness properties for existing K-class estimators when considering distributional shifts. And, (2), we propose a novel estimator in instrumental variable settings by minimizing the mean squared prediction error subject to the constraint that the estimator lies in an asymptotically valid confidence region of the causal parameter. We call this estimator PULSE (p-uncorrelated least squares estimator) and show that it can be computed efficiently, even though the underlying optimization problem is non-convex. We further prove that it is consistent.


Training and Classification using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine on the D-Wave 2000Q. (arXiv:2005.03247v1 [cs.LG])

Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) is an energy based, undirected graphical model. It is commonly used for unsupervised and supervised machine learning. Typically, RBM is trained using contrastive divergence (CD). However, training with CD is slow and does not estimate exact gradient of log-likelihood cost function. In this work, the model expectation of gradient learning for RBM has been calculated using a quantum annealer (D-Wave 2000Q), which is much faster than Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) used in CD. Training and classification results are compared with CD. The classification accuracy results indicate similar performance of both methods. Image reconstruction as well as log-likelihood calculations are used to compare the performance of quantum and classical algorithms for RBM training. It is shown that the samples obtained from quantum annealer can be used to train a RBM on a 64-bit `bars and stripes' data set with classification performance similar to a RBM trained with CD. Though training based on CD showed improved learning performance, training using a quantum annealer eliminates computationally expensive MCMC steps of CD.


Classification of pediatric pneumonia using chest X-rays by functional regression. (arXiv:2005.03243v1 [stat.AP])

An accurate and prompt diagnosis of pediatric pneumonia is imperative for successful treatment intervention. One approach to diagnose pneumonia cases is using radiographic data. In this article, we propose a novel parsimonious scalar-on-image classification model adopting the ideas of functional data analysis. Our main idea is to treat images as functional measurements and exploit underlying covariance structures to select basis functions; these bases are then used in approximating both image profiles and corresponding regression coefficient. We re-express the regression model into a standard generalized linear model where the functional principal component scores are treated as covariates. We apply the method to (1) classify pneumonia against healthy and viral against bacterial pneumonia patients, and (2) test the null effect about the association between images and responses. Extensive simulation studies show excellent numerical performance in terms of classification, hypothesis testing, and efficient computation.


Fair Algorithms for Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering. (arXiv:2005.03197v1 [cs.LG])

Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC) algorithms are extensively utilized in modern data science and machine learning, and seek to partition the dataset into clusters while generating a hierarchical relationship between the data samples themselves. HAC algorithms are employed in a number of applications, such as biology, natural language processing, and recommender systems. Thus, it is imperative to ensure that these algorithms are fair-- even if the dataset contains biases against certain protected groups, the cluster outputs generated should not be discriminatory against samples from any of these groups. However, recent work in clustering fairness has mostly focused on center-based clustering algorithms, such as k-median and k-means clustering. Therefore, in this paper, we propose fair algorithms for performing HAC that enforce fairness constraints 1) irrespective of the distance linkage criteria used, 2) generalize to any natural measures of clustering fairness for HAC, 3) work for multiple protected groups, and 4) have competitive running times to vanilla HAC. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that studies fairness for HAC algorithms. We also propose an algorithm with lower asymptotic time complexity than HAC algorithms that can rectify existing HAC outputs and make them subsequently fair as a result. Moreover, we carry out extensive experiments on multiple real-world UCI datasets to demonstrate the working of our algorithms.


Close encounters: a manuscripts workshop

A free manuscripts workshop for PhD students at Wellcome Collection, 01 June 2018 Engaging with an artefact from the past is often a powerful experience, eliciting emotional and sensory, as well as analytical, responses. Researchers in the library at Wellcome… Continue reading


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