
Antibiotic Use in Food Animals Contributes to Microbe Resistance

Bacteria that resist antibiotics can be passed from food animals to humans, but not enough is known to determine the public health risks posed by such transmission, says a new report by a committee of the National Research Council.


Marijuanas Components Have Potential as Medicine - Clinical Trials, Drug Development Should Proceed

Marijuanas active components are potentially effective in treating pain, nausea, the anorexia of AIDS wasting, and other symptoms, and should be tested rigorously in clinical trials.


Fruits and Vegetables Yield Less Vitamin A Than Previously Thought - Upper Limit Set for Daily Intake of Vitamin A and Nine Other Nutrients

Darkly colored, carotene-rich fruits and vegetables -- such as carrots, sweet potatoes, and broccoli -- provide the body with half as much vitamin A as previously thought.


Nutrition Facts on Food Labels and Guidelines for Fortifying Food Should Be Updated, Report Says

Government authorities in the United States and Canada should use the current Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) to update nutrition information on food and dietary supplement labels so that consumers can compare products more easily and make informed food choices based on the latest science, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies.


Electric Power Grid Inherently Vulnerable to Terrorist Attacks - Report Delayed in Classification Review, Will Be Updated

The U.S. electric power delivery system is vulnerable to terrorist attacks that could cause much more damage to the system than natural disasters such as Hurricane Sandy, blacking out large regions of the country for weeks or months and costing many billions of dollars, says a newly released report by the National Research Council.


Americans Have Worse Health Than People in Other High-Income Countries - Health Disadvantage Is Pervasive Across Age and Socio-Economic Groups

On average, Americans die sooner and experience higher rates of disease and injury than people in other high-income countries, says a new report from the National Research Council and Institute of Medicine.


Attribution of Extreme Weather Events in the Context of Climate Change - New Report

It is now possible to estimate the influence of climate change on some types of extreme events, such as heat waves, drought, and heavy precipitation, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


U.S. Should Act to Support Innovation in Increasingly Clean Electric Power Technologies

A new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine urges Congress, federal and state agencies, and regulatory institutions to significantly increase their support for innovation for what the report’s study committee calls “increasingly clean” electric power technologies – nuclear power, carbon capture and storage, and renewables such as solar and wind. Some of these technologies have seen recent cost and price declines and are cost-competitive in certain locations.


With Stringent Oversight, Heritable Human Genome Editing Could Be Allowed for Serious Conditions

Clinical trials for genome editing of the human germline – adding, removing, or replacing DNA base pairs in gametes or early embryos – could be permitted in the future, but only for serious conditions under stringent oversight, says a new report from the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine.


New Report Outlines How to Improve the Speed, Effectiveness of Clinical Trials During an Epidemic

Mobilization of a rapid and robust clinical research program that explores whether investigational therapeutics and vaccines are safe and effective to combat the next infectious disease epidemic will depend on strengthening capacity in low-income countries for response and research, engaging people living in affected communities, and conducting safety trials before an epidemic hits, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Enhancing the Resilience of the Nations Electricity System

With growing risks to the nation’s electrical grid from natural disasters and as a potential target for malicious attacks, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) should work closely with utility operators and other stakeholders to improve cyber and physical security and resilience, says a new congressionally mandated report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Up to 8 Million Deaths Occur in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Yearly Due to Poor-Quality Health Care, Says New Report

Recent gains against the burden of illness, injury, and disability and commitment to universal health coverage (UHC) are insufficient to close the enormous gaps that remain between what is achievable in human health and where global health stands today, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


U.S. Department of Transportation Should Revisit Federal Safety Regulations for Liquid Petroleum Gas Distribution Systems, Says New Report

Current federal safety regulations for small distribution systems used for propane and other liquefied petroleum gases (LPGs) should be improved for clarity, efficiency, enforceability, and applicability to risk, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


New Investments Are Needed to Sustain NASA’s Instrumentation and Facilities for Future Extraterrestrial Sample Analyses, Says New Report

NASA’s investment in new instruments to analyze extraterrestrial samples is insufficient to provide for replacement of existing instruments, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Metrics for Successful Supercritical Water Oxidation System Operation at the Blue Grass Plant

The supercritical water oxidation (SCWO) system is a secondary waste processing reactor of the Blue Grass Chemical Agent Destruction Pilot Plant (BGCAPP). It is perhaps second in importance behind the agent neutralization reactors, which perform base hydrolysis of chemical warfare agents stored at the Blue Grass Army Depot.


National Academies Report Helps Inform Metrics for Healthy People 2030

The National Academies today released Criteria for Selecting the Leading Health Indicators for Healthy People 2030, the first of two reports that will help inform the development of Healthy People 2030 (HP2030).


Patricia Gabow Receives Lienhard Award From National Academy of Medicine for Transforming Safety Net Hospital Into Nationally Recognized Health System

For her role in transforming a safety net hospital into a national model for high-quality, cost-efficient health care, the National Academy of Medicine today announced Patricia Gabow is the recipient of the 2019 Gustav O. Lienhard Award for Advancement of Health Care.


Food and Nutrition Board Marks 80 Years of Advising the Nation

Symposium participants examine what climate change, obesity, and personalized medicine mean for nutrition in the future


As Commercial Districts Come Back to Life, Water Stagnation Will Pose Health Risks

After several months sitting empty and quiet, commercial districts are coming back to life as businesses and offices are being given permission to reopen. When the lights come on and doors are unlocked, will the water that comes out of the tap be safe?


Prescribers Should Restrict the Use of Non-FDA-Approved Compounded Bioidentical Hormones, Except for Specific Medical Circumstances

The use of compounded bioidentical hormone therapies (cBHTs) — an increasingly popular approach to relieve symptoms of menopause and male hypogonadism — should be limited to the small number of patients who cannot benefit from an FDA-approved hormone therapy product, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Heritable Genome Editing Not Yet Ready to Be Tried Safely and Effectively in Humans - Initial Clinical Uses, If Permitted, Should Be Limited to Serious Single-Gene Diseases

Human embryos whose genomes have been edited should not be used to create a pregnancy until it is established that precise genomic changes can be made reliably without introducing undesired changes — a criterion that has not yet been met by any genome editing technology, says a new report by an international commission of the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and the U.K.’s Royal Society.


Stephen Hinshaw Receives National Academy of Medicine’s Sarnat Award for Contributions to Understanding and Treating Mental Health Conditions in Childhood and Adolescence and Stigma Prevention Efforts

The National Academy of Medicine today announced Stephen P. Hinshaw is the recipient of the 2020 Rhoda and Bernard Sarnat International Prize in Mental Health, for basic and applied research on individuals with externalizing disorders, and for efforts to reduce mental illness stigma through youth-based programs and the promotion of humanization.


National Academies Release Framework for Equitable Allocation of a COVID-19 Vaccine for Adoption by HHS, State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Authorities

The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine today released the final report of a consensus study recommending a four-phased equitable allocation framework that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) authorities should adopt in the development of national and local guidelines for COVID-19 vaccine allocation.


Government and Private Sector Should Produce Net Electricity in Fusion Pilot Plant by 2035-2040 to Impact the Transition to a Low-Carbon Emission Electrical System, New Report Says

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and private industry should invest now in order to have an operational fusion pilot plant in the 2035-2040 time frame, says Bringing Fusion to the U.S. Grid, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Electric Grid of the Future Should Prioritize Sustainability, Resiliency, Equity, Reliability, and Security, Says New Report

A new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine provides comprehensive recommendations for improving the U.S. electric power system so that it can adequately provide electricity to the nation in a safe, reliable, clean, resilient, and equitable way, especially as the U.S. pursues decarbonization of the energy supply.


Panel Says Creating White House Task Force, Expanding Housing Programs, and Improving Access to Social Supports Could Avert Rental Eviction Crisis Triggered by Pandemic

The Executive Office of the President should consider establishing a task force to prevent renter evictions and mitigate housing instability caused by the pandemic, says a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Confronting a ‘Triple Existential Threat’ — NAM President Victor Dzau Discusses How Health and Medicine Can Respond to Current Crises

In advance of the National Academy of Medicine’s annual meeting on Oct. 17-18, NAM President Victor Dzau sat down to talk about the compounding crises of COVID-19, climate change, and systemic racism — and how health and medicine can help respond to these threats.


U.S. Should Create National Strategy by End of 2022 to Reduce Its Increasing Contribution to Global Ocean Plastic Waste, Says New Report

The United States should create a national strategy by end of 2022 to reduce its outsized and increasing contribution to plastic waste in the world’s oceans.


The Gulf Research Program Contributes to First In-Person Gulf of Mexico Conference

The Gulf Research Program of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine was an active contributor at the first in-person Gulf of Mexico Conference (GoMCon) held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, from April 25-28. The four-day conference gathered more than 800 researchers, resource managers, and interested stakeholders, and highlighted the intersection of scientific research and the management of human and natural systems in the Gulf of Mexico region.


Lack of Equitable Representation in Clinical Trials Compounds Disparities in Health and Will Cost U.S. Hundreds of Billions of Dollars - Urgent Actions Needed by NIH, FDA, Others to Boost Representation

Lack of representation in research is compounding disparities in health outcomes, with serious consequences for underrepresented groups and the nation as a whole. Urgent actions are needed by NIH, FDA, and others to boost representation of racial and ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented populations in clinical trials and research.


Potential Effects of Operating a Terrestrial Radio Network Near GPS Frequency Bands Assessed by New Report

The radio frequency spectrum is a natural resource that underpins all wireless activity. A new report assesses the likelihood of harmful interference from operating a radio network near GPS frequency bands, and considers approaches for evaluating concerns.


Maintaining U.S. Global Leadership in Science and Technology Requires Greater Focus on Strengthening Innovation, Not Solely on Restricting Access to Specific Technologies

To maintain U.S. global leadership in science and technology, federal agencies should pursue a coordinated risk-management approach that protects the United States’ own capacity to innovate, rather than emphasizing the protection of specific technologies from access by competitor nations.


To Improve Research Collaboration Among Land-Grant Universities, Congress Should Facilitate Participation of Historically Black and Tribal Colleges and Universities, Says New Report

Congress should take action to facilitate the participation of all land-grant colleges and universities in multistate research projects, says a new report. Funding disparities have prevented many historically Black and tribal colleges and universities from fully collaborating with other land-grant institutions.


Resilience of the U.S. Electric Grid

Recent incidents have exposed vulnerabilities in the U.S. electric power system, which is made up of millions of components distributed across the continent. The National Academies have many resources aimed at better understanding the grid’s susceptibility, and how it can be improved and made more resilient to physical and cyberattacks, natural disasters, and other adverse events.


Catherine Kelleher and Jo Husbands - In Memory of Two Key Contributors to the Work of CISAC

Two remarkable women who made invaluable contributions to the work of the Committee on International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) died in recent months -- Catherine Kelleher and Jo Husbands. Their accomplishments and qualities have been described well by others, including especially Women in International Security (WIIS). We at CISAC want additionally to honor their work for us.


Building cyber-resilience: Lessons learned from the CrowdStrike incident

Organizations, including those that weren’t struck by the CrowdStrike incident, should resist the temptation to attribute the IT meltdown to exceptional circumstances


Top 6 Craigslist scams: Don’t fall for these tricks

Here’s how to spot and dodge scams when searching for stuff on the classified ads website that offers almost everything under the sun


The complexities of attack attribution – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Attributing a cyberattack to a specific threat actor is a complex affair, as evidenced by new ESET research published this week


Quishing attacks are targeting electric car owners: Here’s how to slam on the brakes

Ever alert to fresh money-making opportunities, fraudsters are blending physical and digital threats to steal drivers’ payment details


Random String Utility

Will's pick this week is Random String Utility by Dan Couture. This is an oldie but a goodie. This submission is from 2012 but still works just fine in R2022b (another testament to the... read more >>


Nokia, A1 Group successfully trial 5G SA Cloud RAN

“The trial, which took place in Sofia, saw the companies successfully perform an end-to-end 5G data call (Layer 3 call) utilising Nokia’s Cloud RAN solution as well as its AirFrame servers,” Nokia said in a statement.


Uber to launch AI assistant to help drivers go electric

The ride-hailing company has advocated a shift to EVs for several years and has pledged $800 million to support its driver partners' switching entirely to EVs by 2040.


Krutrim AI business head Ravi Jain resigns

Ola Krutrim is an AI startup, which has formed a series of strategic partnerships with global majors like Arm and Untether AI for the development of CPU and AI chips, platforms, and systems.


Nutrient pollution is changing sounds in the sea

Nutrient pollution emptying into seas from cities, towns and agricultural land is changing the sounds made by marine life - and potentially upsetting navigational cues for fish and other sea creatures, a new University of Adelaide study has found.

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  • Earth & Climate


Study finds earthquakes can trigger near-instantaneous aftershocks on different faults

According to a new study by scientists at Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, a large earthquake on one fault can trigger large aftershocks on separate faults within just a few minutes. These findings have important implications for earthquake hazard prone regions like California where ruptures on complex fault systems may cascade and lead to mega-earthquakes.

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  • Earth & Climate


TikTok hit with $368 million fine under Europe's strict data privacy rules

TikTok has been fined $368 million by European regulators for breaching data privacy rules and failing to protect children's privacy. The investigation found that the app's sign-up process for teen users made their accounts public by default, posing a risk to underage users. The "family pairing" feature also allowed adults to turn on direct messaging for users aged 16 and 17 without their consent.


Tech sector weighed down by geopolitical strife: SAP CTO Juergen Mueller

The Germany-based firm, which registered annual revenues of $32.5 billion in fiscal 2022, has been pivoting to cloud based services and for the first time is hosting its annual global event TechED in Bengaluru India.


GSK Nutritional Healthcare chooses a BT Cloud Contact solution

GSK Nutritional Healthcare chooses a BT Cloud Contact solution to improve service on vital customer help lines powered by Enghouse Interactive


Meta Platforms strikes geothermal energy deal to power US data centers

Geothermal power is a renewable energy source that uses the Earth's internal heat to produce electricity and heat water. One-hundred and fifty megawatts is roughly enough electricity to power 38,000 homes.


Land-based food not nutritionally sufficient for wild polar bears, according to new study

A study, by San Diego Zoo Global conservationists, released this week (Sept. 12, 2016) is shedding new light on how scientists evaluate polar bear diet and weight loss during their fasting season. On average, a polar bear loses up to 30 percent of its total body mass while fasting during the open-water season. Although some scientists previously believed land-based foods could supplement the bears' nutritional needs until the sea ice returns, a new study published in the scientific journal Physiological and Biochemical Zoology has revealed that access to terrestrial food is not sufficient to reduce the rate of body mass loss for fasting polar bears.

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  • Earth & Climate