
Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (4)

Ouvrons, cette fois, le livre C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde, roman que Jean d’Ormesson publié en 2010. On y trouve, comme toujours, des réflexions et des phrases magnifiques. Savourons-les cet été !

« J’ai beaucoup dormi. J’ai perdu beaucoup de temps. J’ai commis pas mal d’erreurs. Ce qu’il y avait de moins inutile sous le soleil, c’était de nous aimer les uns les autres. »

« Naître est toujours un bonheur. Il y a dans tout début une surprise et une attente qui seront peut-être déçues mais qui donnent au temps qui passe sa couleur et sa vigueur. »

« Nous sommes ...


Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (5)

Voici quelques extraits délicieux et profonds de C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde, roman de Jean d’Ormesson. Histoire de savourer quelques instants hors du temps, cet été !

« Ceux qui découvrent détruisent le système qui le précède. Ceux qui inventent de détruisent pas les oeuvres qui les précèdent. »

« Le passé s’éclaire à mesure qu’il s’éloigne. Ce n’est qu’à l’extrême fin du monde qu’une partie au moins des secrets de ses débuts obscurs pourront être révélés. »

« Ce monde est inépuisable, il n’existe que deux voies pour tenter d’en rendre compte : l’art et la science. »

« La poésie est ...


Un été avec Jean d’Ormesson (6)

Tous les livres de Jean d’Ormesson doivent être lus et relus. L’auteur nous propose une littérature de vérité, d’empathie, de compréhension de ce que nous sommes. Voici quelques phrases picorées dans C’est une chose étrange à la fin que le monde.

« Chaque amoureux a dans l’amour le sentiment de posséder le monde entier à travers l’être aimé.

Toute la beauté de l’univers lui est enfin révélée. L’art et la littérature ne sont peut-être rien d’autre que la traduction sublimée d’une pulsion sexuelle. »

« Le monde inépuisable dont nous faisons partie, aucun ouvrage de génie, aucune théorie unifiée, aucune formule de ...


Le changement climatique, facteur aggravant du trafic d'êtres humains

(Belga) La multiplication des désastres météorologiques, qui pousse sur les routes des millions de personnes, est aujourd'hui l'une des "causes principales" du trafic d'êtres humains, selon un rapport onusien publié mardi, évoquant également les risques posés par la guerre en Ukraine.

"Le changement climatique accroît la vulnérabilité au trafic", souligne cette étude de l'Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), basée sur la collecte des données de 141 pays sur la période 2017-2020 et l'analyse de 800 affaires judiciaires. Au fil du temps, "des régions entières vont devenir inhabitables", ce qui "affecte de manière disproportionnée" les communautés pauvres vivant essentiellement de l'agriculture ou de la pêche. Elles se retrouvent "privées de leurs moyens de subsistance et contraintes de fuir leur communauté", devenant une proie facile pour les trafiquants, a expliqué à la presse en amont de la publication Fabrizio Sarrica, auteur principal du texte. Rien qu'en 2021, les catastrophes climatiques ont provoqué le déplacement interne de plus de 23,7 millions de personnes, tandis que de nombreux autres ont dû partir à l'étranger. Le rapport cite des typhons dévastateurs aux Philippines, ou encore le Bangladesh, particulièrement exposé aux cyclones et tempêtes. Dans les deux pays, une hausse des cas de trafic a été constatée, avec par exemple l'organisation de "larges campagnes de recrutement" pour piéger dans le travail forcé les plus démunis. Le Ghana, victime de sécheresses et d'inondations, et la région des Caraïbes, soumise aux ouragans et à la montée du niveau de la mer, sont aussi en première ligne. Autre terrain propice au trafic, les conflits armés. Si l'Afrique est de loin le continent le plus touché, l'instance onusienne pointe une situation potentiellement "dangereuse" en Ukraine, tout en saluant les mesures prises par les pays de l'Union européenne pour accueillir et protéger les millions de réfugiés. (Belga)


La France a dï¿œtruit des stocks de masques pendant l'ï¿œpidï¿œmie du coronavirus

C'est surrᅵaliste. Les services de Matignon ont dᅵcouvert fin mars que des stocks de masques pᅵrimᅵs continuaient ᅵ ᅵtre brᅵlᅵs pendant l'ᅵpidᅵmie alors que certains...


Le Vatican savait

Le pape François a reconnu que « le Vatican savait ». Cette révélation suscite des questions : que savait-il et depuis quand ? L’Église, les médias et Emmaüs semblent avoir fermé les yeux sur la vérité. Face aux souffrances des victimes, l'Église doit maintenant agir, les soutenir activement, ou trahir ses propres fondations morales.


Factors affecting the intention to continue to visit the virtual world metaverse

A metaverse is a virtual shared space connected to the real world, an alternative reality that enables economic activities, exchanges, and transactions as well as formation of relationships between user avatars and non-player characters (NPCs). Initial experiences of the metaverse were not very satisfactory; new virtual world metaverses may or may not survive as information services or platforms. The purpose of this empirical study is to identify the characteristics of a virtual world metaverse and their effects on intention to continue usage of the platform. Considering the metaverse as a new type of user experience and a powerful mode of communication, we examine the mediating role of these characteristics according to Pine and Gilmore's (1998) experience economy theory, which enriches our understanding of the factors affecting the success of a metaverse. In addition, since social interaction is important in metaverses, we extend Pine and Gilmore's experience economy model by including Schmitt's (2011) relate experience for better understanding.


Navigating the digital frontier: a systematic review of digital governance's determinants in public administration

The aim of the study is to examine the determinants of digitalisation in public sector. This research is particularly relevant as digital transformation has become a crucial factor in modernising public sector and enhancing service delivery to citizens. The method of the systematic literature review (SLR) was implemented by searching documents on the Scopus database. The initial research reached the 7902 documents and after specifying the keywords the authors found 207 relevant documents. Finally; after the careful read of their abstracts and the use of inclusion and exclusion criteria; the most cited and relevant 32 papers constituted the final sample. Findings highlighted the focus of the literature on technological factors such as the sense of trust and safety as well as the ease of use in the adoption of digital governance; emphasising the need for effective; trustworthy and user-friendly digital services. The most discussed internal factors were leadership and organisational culture. The study offers a deeper understanding of the factors that shape the successful implementation of digital governance initiatives.


Fostering innovative work behaviour in Indian IT firms: the mediating influence of employee psychological capital in the context of transformational leadership

This empirical study investigates the mediating role of two components of psychological capital (PsyCap), namely self-efficacy and optimism, in the context of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), work engagement (WE), and innovative work behaviour (IWB). The study was conducted among IT professionals with a minimum of three years of experience employed in Chennai, India. Data collection was executed using a Google Form, and both measurement and structural models were examined using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study reveal several significant relationships. Firstly, transformational leadership (TL) demonstrates a robust positive association with work engagement (WE). Furthermore, work engagement (WE) positively correlates substantially with innovative work behaviour (IWB). Notably, the study underscores that two crucial components of psychological capital, specifically self-efficacy and optimism, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and work engagement (WE). These findings carry valuable implications for IT company managers. Recognising that transformational leadership positively influences both work engagement and employees' innovative work behaviour highlights the pivotal role of leaders in fostering a productive and innovative work environment within IT organisations.


Do authentic leaders influence innovative work behaviour? An empirical evidence

The purpose of this research is to investigate how genuine leaders impact the creativity and innovative behaviour (IWB) of information technology (IT) employees. It also examines the impact of perceived organisational support as a mediator in the correlations between authentic leadership as well as innovative behaviours. This study explores the influence of authentic leadership via the employee's IWB using aspects from social exchange theory as well as social cognitive theory. The data was collected from a sample of 487 employees of the IT sector in India. The partial least square method is applied to test the structural relationship of the research framework. Findings reveal that authentic leadership positively impact innovative work behaviour and perceived organisation support mediates authentic leadership and IWB. Additionally, when organisations and leaders support the employees and value their creative thinking then the employee replicates IWB in the organisation. The practical and theoretical implications are discussed.


Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants

Physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants' context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.


Assessing Students’ Structured Programming Skills with Java: The “Blue, Berry, and Blueberry” Assignment


Students’ Understanding of Advanced Properties of Java Exceptions


Concept–based Analysis of Java Programming Errors among Low, Average and High Achieving Novice Programmers

Aim/Purpose: The study examined types of errors made by novice programmers in different Java concepts with students of different ability levels in programming as well as the perceived causes of such errors. Background: To improve code writing and debugging skills, efforts have been made to taxonomize programming errors and their causes. However, most of the studies employed omnibus approaches, i.e. without consideration of different programing concepts and ability levels of the trainee programmers. Such concepts and ability specific errors identification and classifications are needed to advance appropriate intervention strategy. Methodology: A sequential exploratory mixed method design was adopted. The sample was an intact class of 124 Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate students grouped into three achievement levels based on first semester performance in a Java programming course. The submitted codes in the course of second semester exercises were analyzed for possible errors, categorized and grouped across achievement level. The resulting data were analyzed using descriptive statistics as well as Pearson product correlation coefficient. Qualitative analyses through interviews and focused group discussion (FGD) were also employed to identify reasons for the committed errors. Contribution:The study provides a useful concept-based and achievement level specific error log for the teaching of Java programming for beginners. Findings: The results identified 598 errors with Missing symbols (33%) and Invalid symbols (12%) constituting the highest and least committed errors respec-tively. Method and Classes concept houses the highest number of errors (36%) followed by Other Object Concepts (34%), Decision Making (29%), and Looping (10%). Similar error types were found across ability levels. A significant relationship was found between missing symbols and each of Invalid symbols and Inappropriate Naming. Errors made in Methods and Classes were also found to significantly predict that of Other Object concepts. Recommendations for Practitioners: To promote better classroom practice in the teaching of Java programming, findings for the study suggests instructions to students should be based on achievement level. In addition to this, learning Java programming should be done with an unintelligent editor. Recommendations for Researchers: Research could examine logic or semantic errors among novice programmers as the errors analyzed in this study focus mainly on syntactic ones. Impact on Society: The digital age is code-driven, thus error analysis in programming instruction will enhance programming ability, which will ultimately transform novice programmers into experts, particularly in developing countries where most of the software in use is imported. Future Research: Researchers could look beyond novice or beginner programmers as codes written by intermediate or even advanced programmers are still not often completely error free.


Improving Workgroup Assessment with WebAVALIA: The Concept, Framework and First Results

Aim/Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an efficient methodology that can assist the evaluators in assessing a variable number of individuals that are working in groups and guarantee that the assessment is dependent on the group members’ performance and contribution to the work developed. Background: Collaborative work has been gaining more popularity in academic settings. However, group assessment needs to be performed according to each individual’s performance. The problem rests on the need to distinguish each member of the group in order to provide fair and unbiased assessments. Methodology: Design Science Research methodology supported the design of a framework able to provide the evaluator with the means to distinguish individuals in a workgroup and deliver fair results. Hevner’s DSR guidelines were fulfilled in order to describe WebAVALIA. To evaluate the framework, a quantitative study was performed and the first results are presented. Contribution: This paper provides a methodological solution regarding a fair evaluation of collaborative work through a tool that allows its users to perform their own assessment and peer assessment. These are made accordingly to the user’s perspectives on the performance of each group member throughout the work development. Findings: The first analysis of the results indicates that the developed method provides fairness in the assessment of group members, delivering a distinction amongst individuals. Therefore, each group member obtains a mark that corresponds to their specific contribution to the workgroup. Recommendations for Practitioners: For those who intend to apply this workgroup assessment method, it is relevant to raise student awareness about the methodology that is going to be used. That is, all the functionalities and steps in WebAVALIA have to be thoroughly explained before beginning of the project. Then, the evaluators have to decide about the students’ intermediate voting, namely if the evaluator chooses or not to publish student results throughout the project’s development. If there is the decision to display these intermediate results, the evaluator must try to encourage collaboration among workgroup members, instead of competition. Recommendation for Researchers: This study explores the design and development of an e-assessment tool – WebAVALIA. In order to assess its feasibility, its use in other institutions or contexts is recommended. The gathering of user opinions is suggested as well. It would then be interesting to compare the findings of this study with the results from other experimentations Impact on Society: Sometimes, people develop a rejection of collaborative work because they feel exploited due to the biased evaluation results. However, the group members assessment distinction, according to each one’s performance, may give each individual a sense of fairness and reward, leading to an openness/willingness towards collaborative work. Future Research: As future work, there are plans to implement the method in other group assessment contexts – such as sports and business environments, other higher education institutions, technical training students – in other cultures and countries. From this myriad of contexts, satisfaction results would be compared. Other future plans are to further explore the mathematical formulations and the respective WebAVALIA supporting algorithms.


Objective Assessment in Java Programming Language Using Rubrics

Aim/Purpose: This paper focuses on designing and implementing the rubric for objective JAVA programming assessments. An unsupervised learning approach was used to group learners based on their performance in the results obtained from the rubric, reflecting their learning ability. Background: Students' learning outcomes have been evaluated subjectively using a rubric for years. Subjective assessments are simple to construct yet inconsistent and biased to evaluate. Objective assessments are stable, reliable, and easy to conduct. However, they usually lack rubrics. Methodology: In this study, a Top-Down assessment approach is followed, i.e., a rubric focused on the learning outcome of the subject is designed, and the proficiency of learners is judged by their performance in conducting the task given. A JAVA rubric is proposed based on the learning outcomes like syntactical, logical, conceptual, and advanced JAVA skills. A JAVA objective quiz (with multiple correct options) is prepared based on the rubric criteria, comprising five questions per criterion. The examination was conducted for 209 students (100 from the MCA course and 109 from B.Tech. course). The suggested rubric was used to compute the results. K-means clustering was applied to the results to classify the students according to their learning preferences and abilities. Contribution: This work contributes to the field of rubric designing by creating an objective programming assessment and analyzing the learners’ performance using machine learning techniques. It also facilitates a reliable feedback approach offering various possibilities in student learning analytics. Findings: The designed rubric, partial scoring, and cluster analysis of the results help us to provide individual feedback and also, group the students based on their learning skills. Like on average, learners are good at remembering the syntax and concepts, mediocre in logical and critical thinking, and need more practice in code optimization and designing applications. Recommendations for Practitioners: The practical implications of this work include rubric designing for objective assessments and building an informative feedback process. Faculty can use this approach as an alternative assessment measure. They are the strong pillars of e-assessments and virtual learning platforms. Recommendation for Researchers: This research presents a novel approach to rubric-based objective assessments. Thus, it provides a fresh perspective to the researchers promising enough opportunities in the current era of digital education. Impact on Society: In order to accomplish the shared objective of reflective learning, the grading rubric and its accompanying analysis can be utilized by both instructors and students. As an instructional assessment tool, the rubric helps instructors to align their pedagogies with the students’ learning levels and assists students in updating their learning paths based on the informative topic-wise scores generated with the help of the rubric. Future Research: The designed rubric in this study can be extended to other programming languages and subjects. Further, an adaptable weighted rubric can be created to execute a flexible and reflective learning process. In addition, outcome-based learning can be achieved by measuring and analyzing student improvements after rubric evaluation.


A Deep Learning Based Model to Assist Blind People in Their Navigation

Aim/Purpose: This paper proposes a new approach to developing a deep learning-based prototyping wearable model which can assist blind and visually disabled people to recognize their environments and navigate through them. As a result, visually impaired people will be able to manage day-to-day activities and navigate through the world around them more easily. Background: In recent decades, the development of navigational devices has posed challenges for researchers to design smart guidance systems for visually impaired and blind individuals in navigating through known or unknown environments. Efforts need to be made to analyze the existing research from a historical perspective. Early studies of electronic travel aids should be integrated with the use of assistive technology-based artificial vision models for visually impaired persons. Methodology: This paper is an advancement of our previous research work, where we performed a sensor-based navigation system. In this research, the navigation of the visually disabled person is carried out with a vision-based 3D-designed wearable model and a vision-based smart stick. The wearable model used a neural network-based You Only Look Once (YOLO) algorithm to detect the course of the navigational path which is augmented by a GPS-based smart Stick. Over 100 images of each of the three classes, namely straight path, left path and right path, are being trained using supervised learning. The model accurately predicts a straight path with 79% mean average precision (mAP), the right path with 83% mAP, and the left path with 85% mAP. The average accuracy of the wearable model is 82.33% and that of the smart stick is 96.14% which combined gives an overall accuracy of 89.24%. Contribution: This research contributes to the design of a low-cost navigational standalone system that will be handy to use and help people to navigate safely in real-time scenarios. The challenging self-built dataset of various paths is generated and transfer learning is performed on the YOLO-v5 model after augmentation and manual annotation. To analyze and evaluate the model, various metrics, such as model losses, recall value, precision, and maP, are used. Findings: These were the main findings of the study: • To detect objects, the deep learning model uses a higher version of YOLO, i.e., a YOLOv5 detector, that may help those with visual im-pairments to improve their quality of navigational mobilities in known or unknown environments. • The developed standalone model has an option to be integrated into any other assistive applications like Electronic Travel Aids (ETAs) • It is the single neural network technology that allows the model to achieve high levels of detection accuracy of around 0.823 mAP with a custom dataset as compared to 0.895 with the COCO dataset. Due to its lightning-speed of 45 FPS object detection technology, it has become popular. Recommendations for Practitioners: Practitioners can help the model’s efficiency by increasing the sample size and classes used in training the model. Recommendation for Researchers: To detect objects in an image or live cam, there are various algorithms, e.g., R-CNN, Retina Net, Single Shot Detector (SSD), YOLO. Researchers can choose to use the YOLO version owing to its superior performance. Moreover, one of the YOLO versions, YOLOv5, outperforms its other versions such as YOLOv3 and YOLOv4 in terms of speed and accuracy. Impact on Society: We discuss new low-cost technologies that enable visually impaired people to navigate effectively in indoor environments. Future Research: The future of deep learning could incorporate recurrent neural networks on a larger set of data with special AI-based processors to avoid latency.


E-service quality subdimensions and their effects upon users' behavioural and praising intentions in internet banking services

The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of electronic service quality subdimensions upon the behavioural and praising intentions of users engaged in internet banking. Using the survey method, 203 responses were collected from users of online banking in Turkey. A partial least square structural equation model was constructed to test both the reliability and validity of the measurement, as well as the structural model. The results indicated that emotional benefits, ease of use, and control subdimensions, which are influenced through graphical quality and layout clarity, have a significant and positive impact upon the behavioural and praising intentions of users of online banking. The study did not find support for the direct effect of layout clarity upon behavioural and praising intentions.


Influence of nostalgic behaviour on the consumption patterns of adults: a conceptual framework

Nostalgia has an intrinsic association with consumer behaviour. Retrieval of memories drives emotions among consumers and reinforces experience-led buying decisions. Despite nostalgia, and consumption being a common practice at various times in life, issues regarding the nostalgia stimuli on customers' perceptions and buying decisions remain less explored. This article aims at exploring the consumption pattern of adult consumers by analysing the influence of nostalgic behaviour referring to the autobiographic memories and social motivations. It describes the purchase intentions and consumption pattern among adult consumers in the context of self-reference criteria based on nostalgic memories and social motivations. This article offers constructive understanding on establishing relationship between nostalgic memories and consumption pattern over the temporal framework and establishing the brand loyalty and hedonic satisfaction. It contributes to the existing literature by critically examining the theoretical concepts and empirical findings of previous studies on perceptions of consumers on nostalgic emotions and their role in making buying decisions.


Development and validation of scale to measure minimalism - a study analysing psychometric assessment of minimalistic behaviour! Consumer perspective

This research aims to establish a valid and accurate measurement scale and identify consumer-driven characteristics for minimalism. The study has employed a hybrid approach to produce items for minimalism. Expert interviews were conducted to identify the items for minimalism in the first phase followed by consumer survey to obtain their response in second phase. A five-point Likert scale was used to collect the data. Further, data was subjected to reliability and validity check. Structural equation modelling was used to test the model. The findings demonstrated that there are five dimensions by which consumers perceive minimalism: decluttering, mindful consumption, aesthetic choices, financial freedom, and sustainable lifestyle. The outcome also revealed a high correlation between simplicity and well-being. This study is the first to provide a reliable and valid instrument for minimalism. The results will have several theoretical and practical ramifications for society and policymakers. It will support policymakers in gauging and encouraging minimalistic practices, which enhance environmental performance and lower carbon footprint.


Navigating e-customer relationship management through emerging information and communication technologies: moderation of trust and financial risk

This study examines the relationships between ICTs (e.g., chatbots, virtual assistants, social media platforms, e-mail marketing, mobile marketing, data analytics, interactive voice response, big data analytics, push notifications, cloud computing, and augmented reality) and e-customer relationship management (e-CRM) from the banking industry of China. Similarly, this study unfolds the moderation interference of trust and risk between the association of ICTs and e-CRM, respectively. The study provided a positive nexus between ICTs and e-CRM. On the other side, a significant moderation of trust, as well as financial risk was observed between the correlation of ICTs and customer relationship management. This study endows with insights into ICTs which are critical for achieving e-CRM by streamlining interactions and enhancing their experience. Similarly, trust and financial risk were observed as potential forces that sway the association between ICTs and e-CRM.


Unravelling e-governance adoption drivers: insights from the UTAUT 3 model

The study aims to unveil the various determinants that drive the adoption of e-governance services (EGS). Using the UTAUT 3 model, the research investigated these factors within the Indian context. A purposive sampling technique was utilised to collect the samples from 680 respondents through the online survey method. Furthermore, the study employs structural equation modelling (SEM) to examine the structural relationships between the UTAUT3 model's dimensions in the context of e-governance. Findings revealed that the UTAUT3 model adequately predicts the intention to adopt EGS. The present study addressed a significant gap in the literature on EGS and technology adoption by establishing a relationship between different dimensions of the UTAUT3 model and actual usage of EGS. The findings have implications for practitioners and policymakers as they throw light on the effective implementation of e-governance programs, which are essential for providing the citizens with high-quality services.


Leveraging the internet of behaviours and digital nudges for enhancing customers' financial decision-making

Human behaviour, which is led by the human, emotional and occasionally fallible brain, is highly influenced by the environment in which choices are presented. This research paper explores the synergistic potential of the Internet of Behaviours (IoB) and digital nudges in the financial sector as new avenues for intervention while shedding light on the IoB benefits and the digital nudges' added value in these financial settings. Afterward, it proposes an IoB-Nudges conceptual model to explain how these two concepts would be incorporated and investigates their complementary relationship and benefits for this sector. Finally, the paper also discusses key challenges to be addressed by the IoB framework.


Learning behaviour recognition method of English online course based on multimodal data fusion

The conventional methods for identifying English online course learning behaviours have the problems of low recognition accuracy and high time cost. Therefore, a multimodal data fusion-based method for identifying English online course learning behaviours is proposed. Firstly, the analytic hierarchy process is used for decision fusion of multimodal data of learning behaviour. Secondly, based on the fusion results of multimodal data, weight coefficients are set to minimise losses and extract learning behaviour features. Finally, based on the extracted learning behaviour characteristics, the optimal classification function is constructed to classify the learning behaviour of English online courses. Based on the transfer information of learning behaviour status, the identification of online course learning behaviour is completed. The experimental results show that the recognition accuracy of the proposed method is above 90%, and its recognition accuracy is and can shorten the recognition time of learning behaviour, with high practical application reliability.


Prediction method of college students' achievements based on learning behaviour data mining

This paper proposes a method for predicting college students' performance based on learning behaviour data mining. The method addresses the issue of limited sample size affecting prediction accuracy. It utilises the K-means clustering algorithm to mine learning behaviour data and employs a density-based approach to determine optimal clustering centres, which are then output as the results of the clustering process. These clustering results are used as input for an attention encoder-decoder model to extract features from the learning behaviour sequence, incorporating an attention mechanism, sequence feature generator, and decoder. The characteristics derived from the learning behaviour sequence are then used to establish a prediction model for college students' performance, employing support vector regression. Experimental results demonstrate that this method accurately predicts students' performance with a relative error of less than 4% by leveraging the results obtained from learning behaviour data mining.


Intellectual property protection for virtual assets and brands in the Metaverse: issues and challenges

Intellectual property rights face new obstacles and possibilities as a result of the emergence of the Metaverse, a simulation of the actual world. This paper explores the current status of intellectual property rights in the Metaverse and examines the challenges and opportunities for enforcement. The article describes virtual assets and investigates their copyright and trademark protection. It also examines the protection of user-generated content in the Metaverse and the potential liability for copyright infringement. The article concludes with a consideration of the technological and jurisdictional obstacles to enforcing intellectual property rights in the Metaverse, as well as possible solutions for stakeholders. This paper will appeal to lawyers, policymakers, developers of virtual assets, platform owners, and anyone interested in the convergence of technology and intellectual property rights.


Student's classroom behaviour recognition method based on abstract hidden Markov model

In order to improve the standardisation of mutual information index, accuracy rate and recall rate of student classroom behaviour recognition method, this paper proposes a student's classroom behaviour recognition method based on abstract hidden Markov model (HMM). After cleaning the students' classroom behaviour data, improve the data quality through interpolation and standardisation, and then divide the types of students' classroom behaviour. Then, in support vector machine, abstract HMM is used to calculate the output probability density of support vector machine. Finally, according to the characteristic interval of classroom behaviour, we can judge the category of behaviour characteristics. The experiment shows that normalised mutual information (NMI) index of this method is closer to one, and the maximum AUC-PR index can reach 0.82, which shows that this method can identify students' classroom behaviour more effectively and reliably.


A data mining method based on label mapping for long-term and short-term browsing behaviour of network users

In order to improve the speedup and recognition accuracy of the recognition process, this paper designs a data mining method based on label mapping for long-term and short-term browsing behaviour of network users. First, after removing the noise information in the behaviour sequence, calculate the similarity of behaviour characteristics. Then, multi-source behaviour data is mapped to the same dimension, and a behaviour label mapping layer and a behaviour data mining layer are established. Finally, the similarity of the tag matrix is calculated based on the similarity calculation results, and the mining results are output using SVM binary classification process. Experimental results show that the acceleration ratio of this method exceeds 0.9; area under curve receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC-ROC) value increases rapidly in a short time, and the maximum value can reach 0.95, indicating that the mining precision of this method is high.


Cognitive biases in decision making during the pandemic: insights and viewpoint from people's behaviour

In this article, we have attempted to study the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic has gradually increased and impacted the world. The authors integrate the knowledge from cognitive psychology literature to illustrate how the limitations of the human mind might have a critical role in the decisions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors show the correlation between different biases in various contexts involved in the COVID-19 pandemic and highlight the ways in which we can nudge ourselves and various stakeholders involved in the decision-making process. This study uses a typology of biases to examine how different patterns of biases affect the decision-making behaviour of people during the pandemic. The presented model investigates the potential interrelations among environmental transformations, cognitive biases, and strategic decisions. By referring to cognitive biases, our model also helps to understand why the same performance improvement practices might incite different opinions among decision-makers.


The role of shopping apps and their impact on the online purchasing behaviour patterns of working women in Bangalore

The study aims to analyse the impact of shopping applications on the shopping behaviour of the working women community in Bangalore, a city known as the IT hub. The research uses a quantitative analysis with SPSS version 23 software and a structured questionnaire survey technique to gather data from the working women community. The study uses descriptive statistics, ANOVA, regression, and Pearson correlation analysis to evaluate the perception of working women regarding the significance of online shopping applications. The results show that digital shopping applications are more prevalent among the working women community in Bangalore. The study also evaluates the socio-economic and psychological factors that influence their purchasing behaviour. The findings suggest that online marketers should enhance their strategies to improve their business on digital platforms. The research provides valuable insights into the shopping habits of the working women community in Bangalore.


Towards Egocentric Way-Finding Appliances Supporting Navigation in Unfamiliar Terrain


Behavioural Issues in Software Development: The Evolution of a New Course Dealing with the Psychology of Computer Programming


Modeling and Performance Analysis of Dynamic Random Early Detection (DRED) Gateway for Congestion Avoidance


Ethical IT Behaviour as a Function of Environment


Suggested Topics for an IS Introductory Course in Java


A Beginning Specification of a Model for Evaluating Learning Outcomes Grounded in Java Programming Courses


Where Else Have You Been? The Effects of Diaspora Consciousness and Transcultural Mixtures on Ethnic Identity


Role of Perceived Importance of Information Security: An Exploratory Study of Middle School Children’s Information Security Behavior