
The book of seeds : a life-size guide to six hundred species from around the world / edited by Paul Smith ; contributors: Megan Barstow, Emily Beech, Katherine O'Donnell, Lydia Murphy, Sara Oldfield


Scientists show how brain distinguishes lyrics from music

Albouy and his team found that degradation of temporal information impaired speech recognition but not melody recognition. On the other hand, the perception of melody decreased only with spectral degradation of the song.


Scientists identify forces behind shifting of Earth’s north magnetic pole from Canada to Russia

The wandering pole is driven by unpredictable changes in liquid iron deep inside the Earth.


[ASAP] Lithium Ion Conduction in Cathode Coating Materials from On-the-Fly Machine Learning

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.9b04663


[ASAP] Toward Achieving Single-Molecule White Electroluminescence from Dual Emission of Fluorescence and Phosphorescence

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c00710


The Smithsonian history of space exploration: from the ancient world to the extraterrestrial future / Roger D. Launius

Barker Library - TL790.L3275 2018


Japanese Missions to the International Space Station: Hope from the East / John O'Sullivan

Online Resource


Advanced finite element methods with applications: selected papers from the 30th Chemnitz Finite Element Symposium 2017 / editors, Thomas Apel, Ulrich Langer, Arnd Meyer and Olaf Steinbach

Online Resource


Stability and control of conventional and unconventional aerospace vehicle configurations: a generic approach from subsonic to hypersonic speeds / Bernd Chudoba

Online Resource


Planetary protection classification of sample return missions from the Martian moons / Committee on Planetary Protection Requirements for Sample Return Missions from Martian Moons, Space Studies Board Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences and Eur

Online Resource


Asteroid and space debris manipulation: advances from the Stardust Research Network / edited by Massimiliano Vasile, Edmondo Minisci

Online Resource


Escape from Earth: a secret history of the space rocket / Fraseer MacDonald

Hayden Library - TL781.8.U5 M23 2019


Rocket science: from fireworks to the photon drive / Mark Denny, Alan McFadzean

Online Resource


Stress Challenges and Immunity in Space: From Mechanisms to Monitoring and Preventive Strategies / edited by Alexander Choukèr

Online Resource


The space economy: from science to market / edited by Giorgio Petroni and Barbara Bigliardi

Barker Library - TL872.S63 2019


Hellfire from Paradise Ranch: on the front lines of drone warfare / Joseba Zulaika

Dewey Library - UG1242.D7 Z85 2020


The corpus of Al-Isfizārī in the sciences of weights and mechanical devices: new Arabic texts in theoretical and practical mechanics from the early XIIth century: English translation, partial analysis and historical context / by Mohammed Abattouy and Sali

Rotch Library - QC87.I8413 2015


Tunisia: from stability to revolution in the Maghreb / Christopher Alexander

Rotch Library - JQ3330.A44 2016


Cosmology to cartography: a cultural journey of Indian maps: from the collections of Kalakriti Archives, Hyderabad and National Museum / Vivek Nanda, Alexander Johnson

Rotch Library - GA1131.C67 2015


Traveling through Sinai: from the fourth to the twenty-first century / edited by Deborah Manley and Sahar Abdel-Hakim ; with illustrations by W.H. Bartlett

Rotch Library - DT137.S55 T73 2009


The ultimate ambition in the arts of erudition: a compendium of knowledge from the classical Islamic world / Shihāb al-Dīn al-Nuwayrī ; edited, translated, and with an Introduction and notes by Elias Muhanna

Rotch Library - AE2.N813 2016


The city observed: notes from an unfolding India / Pallavi Shrivastava

Rotch Library - HT169.I52 B6884 2015


Selected papers from the 12th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists / edited by Marijke J. Klokke and Véronique Degroot

Rotch Library - DS523.E97 2008


Theology and society in the second and third centuries of the Hijra: a history of religious thought in Early Islam / by Josef van Ess ; translated from German by John O'Kane

Rotch Library - BP166.1.E8413 2017


Letters from an Englishwoman in Egypt 1842-44 / Sophia Poole ; edited by Azza Kararah

Rotch Library - DT53.P66 2016


History from below: a tribute in memory of Donald Quataert / edited by Selim Karahasanoğlu, Deniz Cenk Demir

Rotch Library - HC492.H578 2016


From Sasanian Mandaeans to Ṣābians of the marshes / by Kevin T. Van Bladel

Rotch Library - BT1405.V36 2017


Turks at the transition from empire to republic / Aslı Emine Çomu

Rotch Library - DR557.C64 2016


Tamta's world: the life and encounters of a medieval noblewoman from the Middle East to Mongolia / Antony Eastmond

Rotch Library - BP172.E37 2017


Reflections from Palestine: a journey of hope: a memoir / Samia Nasir Khoury

Rotch Library - DS113.6.K56 2014


Letters from Jerusalem: during the Palestine mandate / Eunice Holliday ; edited by John Holliday

Rotch Library - DS109.86.H65 1997


This is not a border: reportage & reflection from the Palestine Festival of Literature / edited by Ahdaf Soueif & Omar Robert Hamilton

Rotch Library - PN51.T55 2017


Aesthetics in Arabic thought: from pre-Islamic Arabia through al-Andalus / by José Miguel Puerta Vilchez ; translated from Spanish by Consuelo Lopez-Morillas

Rotch Library - BH221.A65 P8413 2017


Two centuries of silence: an account of events and conditions in Iran during the first two hundred years of Islam, from the Arab invasion to the rise of the Tahirid dynasty / by Abdolhossein Zarrinkoub ; translated from the Persian with an introduction an

Rotch Library - DS288.Z313 2017


Egypt and the struggle for power in Sudan: from World War II to Nasserism / Rami Ginat, Bar-Ilan University, Israel

Rotch Library - DT82.5.S8 G56 2017


Guardians of the Arab state: when militaries intervene in politics, from Iraq to Mauritania / Florence Gaub

Rotch Library - JQ1850.A38 C584 2017


The commentaries of D. García de Silva y Figueroa on his embassy to Shah Abbās I of Persia on behalf of Philip III, King of Spain / translated from the original Spanish manuscript by Jeffrey S. Turley; edited, with an introduction and annotations, b

Rotch Library - DP183.9.S54 A3 2017


Arts of the east: highlights of Islamic art from the Bruschettini collection / edited by Filiz Çakır Phillip

Rotch Library - N6264.I8 G46 2017


The architectural form of the mosque in the central Arab lands, from the Hijra to the end of the Umayyad period, 1/622-133/750 / Thallein Antun

Rotch Library - NA4670.A58 2016


Awadh from Mughal to colonial rule: studies in the anatomy of a transformation / Saiyid Zaheer Husain Jafri

Rotch Library - DS485.O94 J34 2016


Fotoğraflarla dünden bugüne Kudüs: Jerusalem in photographs from past to present = al-Quds min khilāl al-ṣūr fī al-māḍī wa-al-ḥāḍir.

Rotch Library - DS109.2.F68 2015


Architectural guide Iran: from the Safavids to the Iranian revolution / Thomas Meyer-Wieser

Rotch Library - NA1480.M49 2017


Code name: Butterfly / by Ahlam Bsharat ; translated from the Arabic by Nancy Roberts ; edited by Ruth Ahmzedai Kemp

Rotch Library - PJ7916.S53 C63 2016


Eastern Mediterranean port cities: a study of Mersin, Turkey -- from antiquity to modernity / Filiz Yenişehirlioğlu, Eyüp Özveren, Tülin Selvi Ünlü, editors

Rotch Library - DR741.M4 E37 2019


Routledge handbook on Jerusalem / edited by Suleiman A. Mourad, Naomi Koltun-Fromm and Bedross der Matossian

Rotch Library - DS109.9.R69 2019


Cambodia's Muslims and the Malay world: Malay language, Jawi script, and Islamic factionalism from the 19th century to the present / by Philipp Bruckmayr

Rotch Library - BP63.A38 B78 2019


Authority and control in the countryside: from antiquity to Islam in the Mediterranean and Near East (sixth-tenth century) / edited by Alain Delattre, Marie Legendre and Petra M. Sijpesteijn

Rotch Library - DE94.A95 2019


Contemporary voices: from the Asian and Islamic art worlds / Olivia Sand

Rotch Library - N7260.S26 2018


Form and light: from Bauhaus to Tel Aviv / Yigal Gawze ; essays, Michael Jacobson, Gilad Ophir

Rotch Library - NA1478.T45 G39 2018


Scribbling through history: graffiti, places and people from antiquity to modernity / edited by Chloé Ragazzoli, Ömür Harmanşah, Chiara Salvador and Elizabeth Frood

Rotch Library - GT3912.S37 2018