
[ASAP] Unprecedented Quassinoids from <italic toggle="yes">Eurycoma longifolia</italic>: Biogenetic Evidence and Antifeedant Effects

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00244


[ASAP] Talarolactone A, an Isocoumarin Derivative Fused with Dihydrothiophene with Selective Antimigratory Activity from the Endolichenic Fungus <italic toggle="yes">Talaromyces</italic> sp.

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00024


[ASAP] Phenylpropanoid-Conjugated Triterpenoids from the Leaves of <italic toggle="yes">Actinidia arguta</italic> and Their Inhibitory Activity on a-Glucosidase

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00643


[ASAP] Sesquiterpenoids from Cultures of the Basidiomycetes <italic toggle="yes">Irpex lacteus</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01177


[ASAP] Cyperane-Type and Related (Nor)Sesquiterpenoids from the Root Bark of <italic toggle="yes">Acanthopanax gracilistylus</italic> and Their Inhibitory Effects on Nitric Oxide Production

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00913


[ASAP] Antitubercular Ilamycins from Marine-Derived <italic toggle="yes">Streptomyces atratus</italic> SCSIO ZH16 ?<italic toggle="yes">ilaR</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00151


[ASAP] Spiroseoflosterol, a Rearranged Ergostane-Steroid from the Fruiting Bodies of <italic toggle="yes">Butyriboletus roseoflavus</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01282


[ASAP] Resorcylic Acid Lactones from an <italic toggle="yes">Ilyonectria</italic> sp.

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01167


[ASAP] Psathyrins: Antibacterial Diterpenoids from <italic toggle="yes">Psathyrella candolleana</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00269


[ASAP] Isolation of Taste-Active Triterpenoids from <italic toggle="yes">Quercus robur</italic>: Sensory Assessment and Identification in Wines and Spirit

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00106


[ASAP] Phaeosphaones: Tyrosinase Inhibitory Thiodiketopiperazines from an Endophytic <italic toggle="yes">Phaeosphaeria fuckelii</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00046


[ASAP] Iheyamides A–C, Antitrypanosomal Linear Peptides Isolated from a Marine <italic toggle="yes">Dapis</italic> sp. Cyanobacterium

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00250


[ASAP] Cytotoxic Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids from <italic toggle="yes">Tabernaemontana corymbosa</italic> as Potent Autophagy Inhibitors by the Attenuation of Lysosomal Acidification

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00856


[ASAP] Cucurbitane-Type Triterpenoids from the Vines of <italic toggle="yes">Momordica charantia</italic> and Their Anti-inflammatory Activities

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00592


[ASAP] Bromo-spiroisoxazoline Alkaloids, Including an Isoserine Peptide, from the Caribbean Marine Sponge <italic toggle="yes">Aplysina lacunosa</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01286


[ASAP] Bioactive Compounds from the Aerial Parts of <italic toggle="yes">Evolvulus linarioides</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b01189


[ASAP] Effect of Temperature on <sup>1</sup>H NMR Spectra, Antitrypanosomal Activity, Conformational Analysis, and Molecular Docking of Curine Derivatives from <italic toggle="yes">Berberis brevissima</italic>

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00397


[ASAP] A Grand Challenge. 3. Unbiased Phenotypic Function of Metabolites from Australia Plants <italic toggle="yes">Gloriosa superba</italic> and <italic toggle="yes">Alangium villosum</italic> against Parkinson

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.9b00880


[ASAP] Stoechanones A and B, Phytotoxic Copaane Sesquiterpenoids Isolated from <italic toggle="yes">Lavandula stoechas</italic> with Potential Herbicidal Activity against <italic toggle="yes">Amaranthus retroflexus<

Journal of Natural Products
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.0c00182


From Nilesh Shah to Jyotivardhan Jaipuria, here're experts' views on Budget

'The disappointment is on the lack of bold, out of the box measures to tackle the current economic slowdown'


Budget stimulus unlikely to revive India's growth from slowdown: Experts

Economists and industry leaders said the budget proposals would provide some support to growth over the longer term but were insufficient to give it an immediate boost


From Efficacy to Effectiveness in the Face of Uncertainty: Indication Creep and Prevention Creep

Interview with Benjamin Djulbegovic, MD, PhD, author of From Efficacy to Effectiveness in the Face of Uncertainty: Indication Creep and Prevention Creep


Implementing Accountable Care Organizations: Ten Potential Mistakes and How to Learn From Them

Interview with Stephen M. Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA, author of Implementing Accountable Care Organizations: Ten Potential Mistakes and How to Learn From Them


What Patients Really Want From Health Care

Interview with Allan S. Detsky, MD, PhD, author of What Patients Really Want From Health Care


The Retreat From Advanced Care Planning

Interview with Mary E. Tinetti, MD, author of The Retreat From Advanced Care Planning


Challenges at the Intersection of Team-Based and Patient-Centered Health Care: Insights From an IOM Working Group

Interview with Matthew K. Wynia, MD, MPH, author of Challenges at the Intersection of Team-Based and Patient-Centered Health Care: Insights From an IOM Working Group


How and Why US Health Care Differs From That in Other OECD Countries

Interview with Victor R. Fuchs, PhD, author of How and Why US Health Care Differs From That in Other OECD Countries


Time to Treatment With Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Outcome From Acute Ischemic Stroke

Interview with Jeffrey L. Saver, MD, author of Time to Treatment With Intravenous Tissue Plasminogen Activator and Outcome From Acute Ischemic Stroke


Use of Advanced Treatment Technologies Among Men at Low Risk of Dying From Prostate Cancer

Interview with Brent K. Hollenbeck, MD, MS, author of Use of Advanced Treatment Technologies Among Men at Low Risk of Dying From Prostate Cancer


2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)

Interview with Paul A. James, MD, author of 2014 Evidence-Based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults: Report From the Panel Members Appointed to the Eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)


Interview with Henry Waxman (D, Calif), retiring from Congress after 20 terms.

Interview with Henry Waxman (D, Calif) who is retiring from Congress after 20 terms.


Prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Children and Adolescents From 2001 to 2009

Interview with Dana Dabelea, MD, PhD, author of Prevalence of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes Among Children and Adolescents From 2001 to 2009


Referrals From Dialysis Facilities for Kidney Transplantation

Interview with Rachel E. Patzer, PhD, MPH, author of Variation in Dialysis Facility Referral for Kidney Transplantation Among Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease in Georgia. This population epidemiology study uses United States Renal Data System data to characterize dialysis facility–level referral for kidney transplant evaluation in Georgia, the US state with the lowest transplantation rates, and patient and facility factors associated with referral and waitlisting.


Alzheimer Outlook Far From Bleak

Rudolph Tanzi, PhD, of Harvard University, and Berislav Zlokovic, MD, PhD, of the University of Southern California, discuss what the future holds for Alzheimer Disease research and treatment.


The 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak – Update From NIAID’s Anthony Fauci, MD

In February 2020 the nature of the 2019-nCoV outbreak is still slowly coming into focus but it appears to be acting more like bad pandemic influenza (efficient spread, overall lower mortality) than like SARS (less efficient spread, overall higher mortality). Anthony Fauci, MD, of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) discusses the latest developments with JAMA Editor in Chief Howard Bauchner.

Coronavirus Resource Center


COVID-19 Update From China

By mid-February 2020 there were 60,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the vast majority diagnosed in Hubei Province (including Wuhan city) in mainland China. China CDC Chief Epidemiologist Zunyou Wu, MD, PhD discusses the latest COVID-19 developments in the country with JAMA Editor in Chief Howard Bauchner, MD.


Coronavirus in Italy—Report From the Front Lines

Physicians in Lombardy, Italy, have been overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients requiring critical care. Based on an existing ECMO center network they developed an ICU network to rapidly identify, triage, and manage patients infected with SARS-2-CoV. Maurizio Cecconi, MD, of Humanitas University in Milan discusses the region’s approach to the surge, including clinical and supply management, health care worker training and protection, and ventilation strategies, with JAMA Editor Howard Bauchner.

Read the article:

Critical Care Utilization for the COVID-19 Outbreak in Lombardy, Italy: Early Experience and Forecast During an Emergency Response


Coronavirus in New York - Report From the Front Lines

The ARDS in COVID-19 patients appears more responsive to PEEP and prone ventilation, but seems to require prolonged ventilation and may be associated with myocardial injury. Michelle N. Gong, MD, MS, Chief of Critical Care Medicine at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, discusses her department's experience managing critically ill coronavirus patients, procuring diagnostic tests and personal protective equipment (PPE) for her staff, and more.


COVID-19: From Mitigation to Containment

Rochelle Walensky, MD, MPH, of Harvard University discusses public health strategies and policies for lifting shelter-in-place and quarantine and for returning the US to a new post-first-wave normal. Recorded Monday April 20, 2020.


Coronavirus Q&A: Update From the CDC

Anne Schuchat, MD, Principal Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), discusses evolution of CDC guidance and latest developments in the COVID-19 pandemic. Recorded Friday May 1, 2020.


Silviculture : concepts and applications / Ralph D. Nyland ; with collaboration from Laura S. Kenefic, Kimberley K. Bohn, Susan L. Stout

Nyland, Ralph D


Voices from the rainforest : testimonies of a threatened people / Bruno Manser ; translated by Anthony Dixon and Johanna Veth

Manser, Bruno, 1954- author


Microbial control of insect and mite pests : from theory to practice / edited by Lawrence A. Lacey (IP Consulting International, Yakima, WA, United States)


The description, pathogenicity and epidemiology of Phytophthora boodjera, a new nursery pathogen of Eucalyptus from Western Australia / by Agnes Virginia Simamora

Simamora, Agnes Virginia, author


Chemistry of pesticides / by N.N. Melnikov, edited by Frances A. Gunther and Jane Davies Gunther ; translated from the Russian by Ruth L. Busbey

Melńikov, N. N. (Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich)


Characterization of nitrogen-fixing bacteria from Phaseolus vulgaris L. in Kenya / by George Mutegi Mwenda

Mwenda, George Mutegi, author