
World Water Day 2020: India shifts focus to providing piped water to every home at household level by 2024

The report on World Water Day 2020 explains that in order to tackle climate change, a lot of marginalised communities need clean water and decent toilets as a front line defense.


Book Review: ‘Too Small to Fail’ by R James Breiding

A thought-provoking book on why smaller nations have better economies while larger countries lag behind


Games people play: Online games are providing much more than just entertainment in lockdown

Exploring the world, going on an adventure or practising life in quarantine, online games are providing much more than just entertainment in lockdown.


axlShapeAutoVoid not voiding Backdrill shapes

Hi all,

I am creating shapes on plane layers for a coupon and want to void them using axlShapeAutoVoid()

The shapes are attached to a symbol.

I've tried using axlShapeAutoVoid, but this only voids the pins, not the route keepouts created by nc_backdrill.

I also tried selecting the shape, individually, then running axlShapeAutoVoid. That was unsuccessful, also.

planeShapes is a list of shapes I created. The code for voiding:

;run backdrill to get route keepouts
axlShell("setwindow pcb;backdrill setup ;setwindow form.nc_backdrill;FORM nc_backdrill apply ;FORM nc_backdrill close")

foreach(sHape planeShapes


News18 Urdu: Latest News Giridih

visit News18 Urdu for latest news, breaking news, news headlines and updates from Giridih on politics, sports, entertainment, cricket, crime and more.


News18 Urdu: Latest News Vidisha

visit News18 Urdu for latest news, breaking news, news headlines and updates from Vidisha on politics, sports, entertainment, cricket, crime and more.


XSS Flaws Poke Ridicule At Entertainment Industry


Nvidia Patches Severe GeForce, GPU Vulnerabilities


FreeBSD Security Advisory - FreeBSD-SA-19:23.midi

FreeBSD Security Advisory - The kernel driver for /dev/midistat implements a handler for read(2). This handler is not thread-safe, and a multi-threaded program can exploit races in the handler to cause it to copy out kernel memory outside the boundaries of midistat's data buffer. The races allow a program to read kernel memory within a 4GB window centered at midistat's data buffer. The buffer is allocated each time the device is opened, so an attacker is not limited to a static 4GB region of memory. On 32-bit platforms, an attempt to trigger the race may cause a page fault in kernel mode, leading to a panic.


FreeBSD Security Advisory - FreeBSD-SA-19:23.midi

FreeBSD Security Advisory - The kernel driver for /dev/midistat implements a handler for read(2). This handler is not thread-safe, and a multi-threaded program can exploit races in the handler to cause it to copy out kernel memory outside the boundaries of midistat's data buffer. The races allow a program to read kernel memory within a 4GB window centered at midistat's data buffer. The buffer is allocated each time the device is opened, so an attacker is not limited to a static 4GB region of memory. On 32-bit platforms, an attempt to trigger the race may cause a page fault in kernel mode, leading to a panic.


Covert Channel And Data Hiding In TCP/IP

Whitepaper called Covert Channel and Data Hiding in TCP/IP.


How the Suez Canal Economic Zone is aiding Egypt's economic resurgence

Combining a strategic location with an investor-friendly environment, Egypt is ensuring its Suez Canal Economic Zone is primed for foreign investment. 


Machine learning, AI aiding Sempra utilities in solar energy management on the grid

This week Sempra Energy subsidiary PXiSE Energy Solutions announced that Sempra-owned development company Infraestructura Energetica Nova (IEnova) would be using its software at the 110-MW Pima Solar facility located in Mexico to help manage the integration of renewable power to the electric grid.


BGA Processing for Reliability: Dealing with Dissimilar Alloys and Avoiding Head on Pillow

Presentation by Jason Fullerton of ACI Technologies, Inc.


Europe Dividing Over Most Ambitious Carbon and Climate Plans

The European Union is poised to take its first formal steps to expand the world’s most ambitious limits on fossil fuel pollution. That may widen a rift in how it balances green policies with the need for cheaper power.


[Ticker] Sicily to subsidise post-corona holidays

Sicily's regional government is offering to subsidise holidays on the island for both domestic and international visitors in an effort to kickstart tourism after the coronavirus pandemic, the Guardian writes. Current plans include subsidising visitors' accommodation costs, as well as vouchers for cultural and heritage activities. It may also pay for up to half of the cost of flights, but this has not been confirmed yet.


Europe Dividing Over Most Ambitious Carbon and Climate Plans

The European Union is poised to take its first formal steps to expand the world’s most ambitious limits on fossil fuel pollution. That may widen a rift in how it balances green policies with the need for cheaper power.


Fossil Fuels Reap $550 Billion in Subsidies, Hindering Renewables Investment

Fossil fuels are reaping $550 billion a year in subsidies and holding back investment in cleaner forms of energy, the International Energy Agency said.


NVIDIA and King’s College London Announce MONAI Open Source AI Framework for Healthcare Research

It’s never been more important to put powerful AI tools in the hands of the world’s leading medical researchers. That’s why we’re introducing MONAI, our latest initiative with King’s College London. This open-source AI framework for healthcare builds on the best practices from existing tools, including NVIDIA Clara, NiftyNet, DLTK and DeepNeuro. MONAI is user-friendly, Read article >

The post NVIDIA and King’s College London Announce MONAI Open Source AI Framework for Healthcare Research appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA Announces GTC 2020 Keynote with CEO Jensen Huang Set for May 14

Get Amped for Latest Platform Breakthroughs in AI, Deep Learning, Autonomous Vehicles, Robotics and Professional Graphics


NVIDIA Completes Acquisition of Mellanox, Creating Major Force Driving Next-Gen Data Centers

NVIDIA today announced the completion of its acquisition of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd., for a transaction value of $7 billion. The acquisition, initially...


Letter From Jensen: Building the New NVIDIA Together

NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang sent the following letter to our enlarged employee base when the Mellanox acquisition closed earlier this week: ​Hi everyone, I hope all of you and your families are well and safe during these extraordinary times. On March 11 last year, we announced plans to buy Mellanox, the world leader in Read article >

The post Letter From Jensen: Building the New NVIDIA Together appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA Sets Conference Call for First-Quarter Financial Results

NVIDIA will host a conference call on Thursday, May 21, at 2:30 p.m. PT (5:30 p.m. ...


NVIDIA Chief Scientist Releases Low-Cost, Open-Source Ventilator Design

NVIDIA Chief Scientist Bill Dally this week released an open-source design for a low-cost, easy-to-assemble mechanical ventilator. The ventilator, designed in just a few weeks by Dally — whose storied technology career includes key contributions to semiconductors and supercomputers — can be built quickly from just $400 of off-the-shelf parts, Dally says. Traditional ventilators, by Read article >

The post NVIDIA Chief Scientist Releases Low-Cost, Open-Source Ventilator Design appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Riding a Cloud: NVIDIA Acquires Network-Software Trailblazer Cumulus

Cloud data centers are evolving to an architecture that is accelerated, disaggregated and software-defined to meet the exponential growth in AI and high performance computing. To build these modern data centers, HPC and networking hardware and software must go hand in hand. NVIDIA provides the leading accelerated computing platform. Mellanox is the high-performance networking leader, Read article >

The post Riding a Cloud: NVIDIA Acquires Network-Software Trailblazer Cumulus appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Taking Point: IBM, NVIDIA Collaborate at the Network’s Edge

NVIDIA is expanding its long-standing collaboration with IBM to accelerate the deployment of edge networks. Businesses are deploying these networks around the world as they switch on IoT sensors and extract real-time insights from the masses of data they generate. Today, IBM announced new solutions for edge computing including the IBM Edge Application Manager on Read article >

The post Taking Point: IBM, NVIDIA Collaborate at the Network’s Edge appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Instructor-Led Training Now Available Remotely

Starting this month, NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute is offering instructor-led workshops that are delivered remotely via a virtual classroom. DLI provides hands-on training in AI, accelerated computing and accelerated data science to help developers, data scientists and other professionals solve their most challenging problems. These in-depth classes are taught by experts in their respective fields, Read article >

The post NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Instructor-Led Training Now Available Remotely appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Around the World in AI Days: NVIDIA’s Keith Strier Talks AI Nations

As NVIDIA’s vice president of worldwide AI initiatives, Keith Strier is thinking on a global scale. He leads an initiative called AI Nations, a worldwide program that helps government leaders and stakeholders develop plans to implement AI to advance national priorities and drive economic growth. Strier spoke to AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz about AI Read article >

The post Around the World in AI Days: NVIDIA’s Keith Strier Talks AI Nations appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA Chief Scientist Releases Low-Cost, Open-Source Ventilator Design

NVIDIA Chief Scientist Bill Dally this week released an open-source design for a low-cost, easy-to-assemble mechanical ventilator. The ventilator, designed in just a few weeks by Dally — whose storied technology career includes key contributions to semiconductors and supercomputers — can be built quickly from just $400 of off-the-shelf parts, Dally says. Traditional ventilators, by Read article >

The post NVIDIA Chief Scientist Releases Low-Cost, Open-Source Ventilator Design appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Riding a Cloud: NVIDIA Acquires Network-Software Trailblazer Cumulus

Cloud data centers are evolving to an architecture that is accelerated, disaggregated and software-defined to meet the exponential growth in AI and high performance computing. To build these modern data centers, HPC and networking hardware and software must go hand in hand. NVIDIA provides the leading accelerated computing platform. Mellanox is the high-performance networking leader, Read article >

The post Riding a Cloud: NVIDIA Acquires Network-Software Trailblazer Cumulus appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Taking Point: IBM, NVIDIA Collaborate at the Network’s Edge

NVIDIA is expanding its long-standing collaboration with IBM to accelerate the deployment of edge networks. Businesses are deploying these networks around the world as they switch on IoT sensors and extract real-time insights from the masses of data they generate. Today, IBM announced new solutions for edge computing including the IBM Edge Application Manager on Read article >

The post Taking Point: IBM, NVIDIA Collaborate at the Network’s Edge appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Instructor-Led Training Now Available Remotely

Starting this month, NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute is offering instructor-led workshops that are delivered remotely via a virtual classroom. DLI provides hands-on training in AI, accelerated computing and accelerated data science to help developers, data scientists and other professionals solve their most challenging problems. These in-depth classes are taught by experts in their respective fields, Read article >

The post NVIDIA Deep Learning Institute Instructor-Led Training Now Available Remotely appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Around the World in AI Days: NVIDIA’s Keith Strier Talks AI Nations

As NVIDIA’s vice president of worldwide AI initiatives, Keith Strier is thinking on a global scale. He leads an initiative called AI Nations, a worldwide program that helps government leaders and stakeholders develop plans to implement AI to advance national priorities and drive economic growth. Strier spoke to AI Podcast host Noah Kravitz about AI Read article >

The post Around the World in AI Days: NVIDIA’s Keith Strier Talks AI Nations appeared first on The Official NVIDIA Blog.


Avoiding the Sin of Ingratitude (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Check here each week to keep up with the latest from John MacArthur's pulpit at Grace Community Church.


Providing guidance - Helping you navigate environmental and health and safety risk



Lawbite: overriding third party rights – a new statutory regime

Housing and Planning Act 2016 Developers often rely on local planning authorities’ powers under section 237 Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to override easements and other rights over land which has been acquired for or appropriated to  pla...


Top tips for avoiding clawback of European funding in procurements

The European Commission has recently published its Public Procurement Guidance for Practitioners on the avoidance of the most common errors in projects funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds ("the Guide"). We have helped...


Combining sector knowledge and technical know-how to deliver largest unsubsidised wind farm in Europe

Eversheds Sutherland advises Glennmont on the sale of a minority stake in 211MW Finnish wind project Eversheds Sutherland has advised Glennmont Partners on its agreed sale of a 15% minority stake in Project Piiparinmäki, a 211.4MW wind farm, to...


Comments on ruling No. 821 of the Presidiums of the Russian Supreme Court and Council of Judges of 8 April 2020 (as amended on 29 April 2020)

On 28 April 2020, the Russian President issued Decree No. 294 On Prolonging Measures To Ensure Sanitary and Epidemiological Wellbeing of the Population in the Russian Federation due to the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The following da...


EPR: Dividend Suspension A Prudent Move, But Keep Avoiding The Stock


Coronavirus - (Real Estate) investment funds in the Corona crisis: Liquidity risks through regulatory and tax provisions - Germany

No support in the Corona crisis... The measures already initiated by the German Federal Government and the EU Commission to support and secure liquidity in the Corona crisis are focused on the industries directly affected by Corona/ COVID 19. They ...


Avoiding disruption. European guide to strikes and other industrial action

The European guide to strikes and other industrial action has been created by Eversheds Sutherland to provide you with a quickand easy reference when responding to threats of industrial action in 15 European countries. Click here to download the pub...


Shipping related disputes - avoiding service out of the jurisdiction

As the shipping community is truly internationally based, issues can often arise when a formal claim is issued in the English High Court that then has to be served outside the UK jurisdiction.  For example, if a dispute arises between a ship ow...


Syria reduces fuel subsidies as economic crisis deepens

Syria's oil and mineral resources ministry announced Saturday a reduction in automobile fuel subsidies, the latest government measure to tackle a deepening economic crisis.


Nvidia's Share Of The Mega Cake Is Getting Bigger And Bigger

  • NVDA
  • The European View


Cote d'Ivoire: Election � la FIF - Le soutien de Diomansy Kamara � Didier Drogba

Encore un soutien venu de l'ext�rieur...


Update: Advocate General advises that the validity of standard contractual clauses is not affected by complaints made in Schrems II

What do I need to know? On Thursday 19 December, Advocate General Saugmandsgaard Øe published his Opinion in Full Article


Feature story: Army veteran earns living by riding tricycle

Narrated by Zhang Minghong I walked into the studio of the Beijing TV on October 30, 2019 and participated in the recording of a TV program to talk about my life after retirement from the Chinese military over 30 years ago. In fact, I am a very ordinary Chinese veteran. I have been retired from the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) for nearly 30 years and have been earning a living by loading and unloading and riding a tricycle in Ya'an, a city in the western part of China's Sichuan Province. During this time, I haven't done anything incredible. I think the reason why the TV station invited me to participate in the show has to do with the belief that I have persisted for so many years....