
Boston Dynamics' Spot Robot Gets Even More Capable With Enhanced Autonomy, Mobility

Spot Release 2.0, launching today, includes improvements to navigation, autonomy, stair climbing, and more


Physical Modeling of Supercapacitors and Lithium-Ion Capacitors

Learn how researchers are exploring new hybrid devices that can exploit features of both supercapacitors and lithium-ion batteries.


8 of top 10 cos lose Rs 2.50 lakh cr in m-cap

Only Reliance Industries and Bharti Airtel managed to close the trading week with gains.


Focusing on Mental State, Can Pick up From Where I Left, Says India Captain Virat Kohli

Kohli admitted it was not easy in the initial days.


Virat Kohli Wishes His Mom and Mother-in-Law 'Happy Mothers Day', Indian Cricket Team Captain Shares Adorable Pictures

On the occasion of Mother's Day 2020, Indian captain Virat Kohli wished his mom and mother-in-law (Anushka Sharma's mother) by sharing a couple of adorable pictures on Instagram. The batsman and both his mothers were all smiles in the pics and as a result, the comment second of the post was filled with heartfelt messages.


Hospitals treating COVID-19 in Mexican capital quickly filling up

Coronavirus patients were being turned away from hospitals in the Mexican capital on Saturday, as both public and private medical facilities quickly fill up and the number of new infections continues to rise.


New Zealand plotting stunning multi-billion dollar escape from World Rugby

New Zealand Rugby has engaged in talks with a multi-billion-dollar American investment firm about taking a stake in the struggling sport.


Schumacher escapes penalty for tangling with Massa

Michael Schumacher was not penalised for his part in colliding with Felipe Massa while racing for position towards the end of the Canadian Grand Prix


Can we escape Penalty for late filing of GSTR 10

Can we escape Penalty for late filing of GSTR 10 ? A penalty have been imposed for Rs. 10,000/- The case is applicable for a NIL Return Filler.


Refund of amount in excess of Capital received

Sir(s), My query is , if the capital is one lack and the amount received from foreign holding is one lac , four thousand, and the excess amount was not refunded back and two years have been passed , now what shall be its treatment ? As the FCGPR was also not filed earlier and the same is reported at current period.
Shall the company go for compounding of the same. Can anyone clarify the practical aspects?


Can Iraq's new PM, and the region, escape Suleimani's long shadow?

Rise of spy chief to premier comes as Iran struggles to maintain momentum months after killing of powerful general

In late February, six weeks after the Iranian general Qassem Suleimani was killed by a US drone, a candidate for Iraq’s vacant premiership was nervously preparing for an interview that would secure him the role.

Mustafa al-Kadhimi’s rise from intelligence chief to the seat of national power had been unorthodox, as was the journey he had just made – from Baghdad, where high-stakes appointments like his had mostly been made over the past decade.

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Back to work: 'capacity of transport network will be down by 90%'

Transport secretary announces £2bn package to get UK walking and cycling instead

The enormity of the challenge of getting the UK back to work was laid bare on Saturday, as the government acknowledged that the capacity of Britain’s transport network will be reduced by 90%.

The transport minister, Grant Shapps, said at the daily Downing Street press briefing that even if a full public transport service is restored, the government’s two-metre physical distancing rule will mean 10% of the usual number of passengers will be able to travel.

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Through my lockdown lens: 11 leading photographers capture their confinement

Acclaimed photographers from around the world share a single image reflecting on their experience of the coronavirus outbreak

Minneapolis, Minnesota

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The Landscape Design Ideas Gloucestershire are world class and highly appreciated

For most of us, life is completely hectic with the families, jobs and homes, taking most of our time and leaving us with no time to relax. That leaves the little time to enjoy the outdoors or look for peaceful natural surroundings for...


Capri Global Capital Limited - Outcome of Board Meeting

Capri Global Capital Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Board Meeting held on May 09, 2020.......


Capri Global Capital Limited - Financial Result Updates

Capri Global Capital Limited has submitted to the Exchange, the financial results for the period ended March 31, 2020.......


Capri Global Capital Limited - Press Release

Capri Global Capital Limited has informed the Exchange regarding a press release dated May 09, 2020, titled "Press Release - Financial Results for the quarter and year ended March 31, 2020".......


Capri Global Capital Limited - Investor Presentation

Capri Global Capital Limited has informed the Exchange regarding Investor Presentation......


High-level seminar on capital flow management and liberalisation: the role of international co-operation

This seminar aimed to advance shared understandings on policies to make the most of cross-border capital flows in support of growth and development and on the value of international co-operation, including the OECD Codes of Liberalisation, in the current context of serious global financial turbulence.


Growth, Innovation And Competitiveness: Maximising The Benefits Of Knowledge-Based Capital

Growth, Innovation And Competitiveness: Maximising The Benefits Of Knowledge-Based Capital


Global excess steelmaking capacity is becoming of greater concern in the context of modest steel demand growth and continued investment in new plants around the world, according to the OECD Steel Committee

Statement from Risaburo Nezu, Chairman of the OECD Steel Committee, Paris, 6 June 2014


Developments in Steelmaking Capacity of Non-OECD Economies

This publication reports on trends in the steelmaking capacity of economies that are not members of the OECD. It examines existing capacity and investments that will lead to changes by 2014, with detailed tables on equipment, starting dates of planned projects, and works ownership.


OECD Steel Committee says excess capacity and trade friction risks cloud industry outlook

Excess capacity in steel as growth in investment projects outpaces demand will pose risks for the sector for the foreseeable future, according to industry and government officials at the OECD’s Steel Committee meeting in Cape Town on 12 December 2014. The risk of trade conflicts in the industry also appears to have increased of late, they said, and Committee members discussed options for closer co-operation to try and prevent disputes.


Excess Capacity in the Global Steel Industry and the Implications of New Investment Projects

This paper examines the extent, reasons and impacts of excess capacity in the global steel industry, as well as the implications of new investment projects that continue to take place at a rapid pace in many parts of the world. By focusing on new investment projects, this study intends to help governments and industry better understand the extent to which global steelmaking excess capacity may evolve in the future.


The OECD's approach to capital flow management measures used with a macro-prudential intent

This report responds to a request from the G20 that the IMF and OECD assess whether further work is needed on their respective approaches to measures which are both macro-prudential and capital flow measures, taking into account their individual mandates. The report was transmitted to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors at their meeting on 16-17 April 2015 in Washington D.C.


OECD Steel Committee says immediate action needed to address challenges of excess capacity

Immediate action is needed to address the challenge of excess global steel capacity, according to industry and government officials at the OECD’s Steel Committee meeting in Paris on 30 November and 1 December 2015.


Co-operation on approaches to macro-prudential and capital flow management measures: Update by the IMF and the OECD

This update report by the IMF and the OECD was delivered to G20 in February 2016.


Outcomes from the High-Level Symposium on Excess Capacity and Structural Adjustment in the Steel Sector

A High-Level Meeting on excess capacity and structural adjustment in the steel sector was convened on 18 April 2016, at the Palais d’Egmont in Brussels, co-organised by the OECD and the Belgian government.


Seminar on open and orderly capital movements

Co-organised by the OECD and the German Federal Ministry of Finance, the seminar focused on the policy implications of the increasingly interconnected global financial and economic system and the need for an open and orderly regime for capital flows in the context of the review of the OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements.


OECD Steel Committee says persistently high excess capacity threatens recovery

There are signs of a modest return to growth in global steel demand and production and a price recovery from the lows of 2015, yet these trends could turn out to be temporary, the OECD Steel Committee said after meeting this week. Considerable structural imbalances remain unaddressed in the steel sector, it said, reiterating the urgency of tackling persistently high excess capacity.


Open and Orderly Capital Movements: Interventions from the 2016 OECD High-Level Seminar

This collection compiles the contributions of senior policy experts, academics, and economic practitioners on developments in the financial integration and financial regulation of cross-border capital flows since the 2008 global financial crisis at the OECD High-Level Seminar “Open and Orderly Capital Movements” held in October 2016.


OECD Steel Committee sees tentative and vulnerable recovery amid excess capacity and market distortions

A modest recovery is under way in the global steel market but structural imbalances remain acute amid sluggish demand growth expected in the long-term demand, the OECD Steel Committee said at the end of its meeting this week.


OECD welcomes outcome of Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity Ministerial

The OECD welcomes the outcomes of today's Ministerial meeting of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity, and congratulates Germany on this important achievement on the last day of its G20 Presidency. The Global Forum was created by G20 Leaders, at their Hangzhou summit in September of last year. The OECD is honoured to be serving the Global Forum as its Facilitator and to contribute to its achievements to date.


Avoid escalation and rely on dialogue to resolve excess capacity in the global steel industry

The OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría called on the governments of steel-producing economies to address the root causes of today’s steel crisis through multilateral approaches, and in particular through the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity.


OECD Steel Committee concerned about excess capacity in steel sector

Low growth prospects for the global economy, slowing demand for steel and virtually unchanged steelmaking capacity are driving severe and persistent excess capacity in the steel sector, the OECD Steel Committee said at the end of its meeting this week. The Committee reiterated the need for capacity reductions in relevant economies and for the removal of subsidies and other support measures that are distorting steel markets.


Steelmaking capacity

Governments participating in the OECD Steel Committee consider excess capacity as being one of the main challenges facing the global steel sector today. This data portal makes data on steel projects in OECD countries fully accessible for the first time.


Improving Italy’s capital market will boost growth opportunities for Italian companies and savers

Italy’s structural reforms of recent years have improved the financial health of the corporate sector and contributed to a gradual economic recovery. However, the Italian economy still lags other large European economies. Improving the way capital markets function would help drive investment in the real economy, creating jobs and boosting productivity, according to a new OECD report.


New sources of growth- Phase 2, Knowledge-based capital

New sources of growth- Phase 2, Knowledge-based capital


High-level seminar on capital flow management and liberalisation: the role of international co-operation

This seminar aimed to advance shared understandings on policies to make the most of cross-border capital flows in support of growth and development and on the value of international co-operation, including the OECD Codes of Liberalisation, in the current context of serious global financial turbulence.


Pooling of Institutional Investors Capital – Selected Case Studies in unlisted equity infrastructure

This G20 report looks at the evolution of private institutional investment in infrastructure and examines how the market has developed; analyses various investment vehicles with a snapshot of the growth experienced in the market; categorises methods used for investing in infrastructure; and, highlights the challenges and barriers to investment.


Seminar on open and orderly capital movements

Co-organised by the OECD and the German Federal Ministry of Finance, the seminar focused on the policy implications of the increasingly interconnected global financial and economic system and the need for an open and orderly regime for capital flows in the context of the review of the OECD Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements.