
Imperial Oil Slips To Loss In Q1, Revenues Decline - Quick Facts

Imperial Oil Ltd. (IMO, IMO.TO) on Friday reported a net loss for the first quarter on lower revenues, noting that its results were impacted by COVID-19 and depressed March crude prices. The loss per share for the quarter was wider than analysts' estimates and revenues too missed their expectations.


Canadian Market Up Marginally At Noon; Technology Stocks Shine

Canadian shares were swinging between gains and losses Wednesday morning as investors looked for direction. Activity was largely stock specific with corporate earnings news setting the trend.


Quarantine Can Be Tough. Russian Ministry Offers Guidance

Don't stay mad at your family for longer than 10 minutes while in quarantine. That's courtesy of Russia's Health Ministry, which issued the advisory: How to Survive Self Isolation and Not Go Crazy.


Minnesota Gov. Walz Says More Testing Is Needed Before Many Businesses Can Reopen

Gov. Tim Walz is hesitant to reopen businesses until his state's daily testing rate dramatically increases. "You can't flip it like a switch and say you're open if you don't have testing," he says.


What Would A Sharp Decline In Remittances Mean For Latin America

Immigrants in the U.S. sent an estimated $150 billion to their home countries in 2019 — half to Latin America and the Caribbean. The World Bank is predicting a sharp decline in remittances this year.


Some Questions On The Future Of The Coronavirus Vaccine, Answered

Scientists work tirelessly to find a coronavirus vaccine. But there are some questions to answer: How soon a viable vaccine would be developed? Would billions of people worldwide be able to to get it?


Entertainer Roy Horn (Siegfried & Roy) overleden in Las Vegas

In een ziekenhuis in Las Vegas is de Duitse dompteur en illusionist Roy Horn overleden aan de gevolgen van het coronavirus. Hij was 75 jaar.

Horn werd wereldberoemd met de extravagante leeuwen- en tijgershows die hij jarenlang met partner Siegfried Fischbacher maakte. Aan het succes van Siegfried & Roy kwam abrupt een einde toen Horn in 2003 tijdens een optreden werd aangevallen door een van zijn dieren. Hij raakte zwaargewond en worstelde sindsdien met zijn gezondheid. Vorige week werd een coronabesmetting bij hem vastgesteld.

"De wereld is een van de grote goochelaars kwijtgeraakt en ik mijn beste vriend", reageert Siegfried Fischbacher op het overlijden van Horn. "Vanaf het moment dat we elkaar troffen, wist ik dat Roy en ik de wereld zouden veranderen. Er is geen Siegfried zonder Roy en geen Roy zonder Siegfried."

In 1999 kregen Siegfried & Roy een ster op de Hollywood Walk of Fame:

Als kind was Horn al gefascineerd door exotische dieren en had een jachtluipaard als huisdier. Deze Chico nam hij ook mee toen hij ging werken op een cruiseschip, eind jaren 50. Het was daar dat hij Fischbacher ontmoette, die naast zijn werk op het schip ook kleine goocheltrucs deed om de gasten te vermaken. Roy ging hem daarbij helpen en zo ontstond 's wereld bekendste illusionistenduo.

Na optredens overal ter wereld kwamen Horn en Fischbacher in 1967 met hun goochelshow in Las Vegas terecht. De Siegfried & Roy Show waarmee ze uiteindelijk in het hotelcasino The Mirage stonden, was bij aanvang in 1990 met een productiebudget van 30 miljoen dollar verreweg de grootste en duurste show in de gokstad.

Illusionist Hans Klok reageert geschrokken op het overlijden van de beroemde dompteur en illusionist. Hij had pas eerder deze week gehoord dat Roy met corona in het ziekenhuis lag, maar had erop gerekend dat hij er weer bovenop zou komen. "Hij had immers ook een aanval van een tijger overleefd", zei Klok in het NOS Radio 1 Journaal.

Voor de Nederlandse illusionist golden Siegfried & Roy als "hele grote voorbeelden". Hij kende Siegfried en Roy al tientallen jaren heel goed en voelde zich ook altijd erg gesteund door het Duitse duo. "Ze hebben ongelooflijk veel betekend voor de magic-wereld", aldus Klok.

Na de onaangekondigde show met de cheetah op het cruiseschip werden Siegfried & Roy ontslagen. "De kapitein van het schip was er niet zo erg blij mee", aldus Klok. Ze werden daarna gevraagd voor het Rode Kruis gala in Monte Carlo.

Prins Rainier en prinses Gracia (de voormalige filmster Grace Kelly) zaten vooraan. Grace Kelly droeg een bontjas "en dat ruikt een dier natuurlijk. Dus Siegfried & Roy laten die cheetah verschijnen en die maakt een sprong en vliegt bovenop Grace Kelly. Dat was wereldnieuws."

In de jaren 60 vertrokken Siegfried & Roy naar Las Vegas "en kregen hier te horen 'magic is not gonna work in this city' en de rest is history", zegt Klok. Twintig jaar lang waren ze de best betaalde artiesten in Las Vegas. "Zij, Elvis Presley en Frank Sinatra zijn de mensen die Las Vegas in de afgelopen decennia hebben opgebouwd tot wat het nu is."


Zorgen over oplopende armoede door corona: 'Alle seinen staan op rood'

Hulporganisaties maken zich zorgen over de oplopende armoede door de coronacrisis. Zij zien de vraag naar hulp, waaronder voedselpakketten, toenemen. Eerder meldde het Nibud al dat een vijfde van de Nederlanders door de coronacrisis een inkomstenterugval ervaart. Het gaat vooral om jongeren, zelfstandigen en flexwerkers.

Veel nieuwe gezichten

Michael is een van die nieuwe werklozen. Hij werkte als uitzendkracht net op Schiphol op de bagageafhandeling. "Mijn contract werd niet verlengd. Door de coronacrisis moesten alle uitzendkrachten eruit. Dus dan ben je werkloos."

Hij maakt gebruik van voedselpakketten die worden uitgedeeld door Trijntje Aarden en haar man. Al 16 jaar deelt het stel in Zoetermeer eten uit aan gezinnen die dat nodig hebben. Sinds 2019 zijn ze een stichting, Stichting Oosterfaantje.

Sinds de uitbraak van de coronacrisis ziet Trijntje veel nieuwe gezichten, vertelt ze:

"Een eerste inventarisatie leert dat de vraag naar non-food, zoals leermiddelen en kleding, licht toeneemt," zegt Teije Brandsma van het armoedefonds, waar 700 organisaties bij zijn aangesloten. "De vraag naar voedsel is sterker gegroeid, vooral door mensen die net buiten de criteria van de voedselbank vallen." Het fonds verwacht komende week met cijfers te komen over de gestegen hulpvraag.

Vooral in de eerste twee weken van de crisis zag directeur Veerle Rooze van Stichting Ido Schuldhulpverlening Lelystad veel meer toestroom. "In de supermarkt was het huismerk door hamsteren uitverkocht en het A-merk te duur, dus klopten mensen die het normaal net redden aan voor voedselhulp. Verder leverden we in die weken noodhulp aan nieuwe gezichten. Bijvoorbeeld mensen die een contractje als schoonmaker hadden dat opgezegd werd toen de lockdown begon."

Nadja Jungmann, lector schulden aan de Hogeschool Utrecht, krijgt van verschillende kanten signalen over toenemende armoede en oplopende schulden. "Hulpverleners die ik spreek maken zich zorgen, vooral over jongvolwassenen en zzp'ers. Bij wijkteams staan alle seinen op rood over toenemende armoede. Dat gaat om mensen die geen eten kunnen betalen, maar er zijn ook zorgen over eenzaamheid en stress."

Het steunpakket van de overheid helpt veel mensen, ziet Jungmann. "Maar het is een pakket op hoofdlijnen, en er zijn altijd mensen die tussen wal en schip vallen. Denk aan de ondernemer met hoge huurlasten die wel een tegemoetkoming krijgt voor zijn personeel, maar z'n eigen salaris inlevert om de vaste lasten te blijven betalen. Of iemand die werkte bij een bedrijf dat failliet is gegaan."

Joke de Kock, manager schuldhulpverlening bij de gemeente Tilburg, verwacht dat de grote stroom richting schuldhulp over een paar maanden begint. "Er zijn nu mensen die terugvallen in hun inkomen en daardoor te maken gaan krijgen met rekeningen die ze niet kunnen betalen, maar het duurt altijd even voordat mensen zich echt bij ons melden", zegt De Kock. "Dat gebeurt meestal pas als ze een paar maanden betalingsachterstand hebben, en ze eerst een maand of drie middelen van de ene naar de andere kant hebben geschoven."

Verkeerde prikkel

Ze hoopt dat mensen vroeg aan de bel trekken. Met woningcorporaties heeft gemeente Tilburg ook een afspraak: als ze de huur missen van iemand die normaal gesproken wel betaalt, gaan de gemeente en de woningcorporatie daar samen achteraan. "Zo proberen we direct contact met hen op te nemen en er snel bij te zijn. Een maand huur missen is namelijk een heel groot probleem."

"Het is aan de ene kant fijn dat deurwaarders nu coulant zijn en dat je uitstel van betaling van je hypotheek kan krijgen, maar dat geeft de verkeerde prikkel", zegt De Kock. "Het moet later toch allemaal terugbetaald worden."


Behind Taliban Lines

Available for viewing online. This past fall, an Afghan video journalist negotiated extraordinary access to a part of the country that has quietly reverted back to Taliban control. For close to two weeks, the journalist traveled a region that he found was now largely under control of the Taliban "shadow" government. He also tracked members of an insurgent cell working with members of Al Qaeda on a mission to sabotage a major U.S./NATO supply route. As the new U.S. strategy focuses on the south and eastern parts of the country, this film opens up a window onto a potential new front in the north, and sheds an important light on who's fighting the U.S. efforts in Afghanistan and why. Also in this hour: A report from Pakistan on the country's troubled public school system which is among the worst in the world, despite years of U.S. aid.


Next on FRONTLINE: Close to Home

Tuesday, Mar. 23 at 9pm on PBS (Check local listings). Producer Ofra Bikel chronicles the recession's impact on one unlikely neighborhood -- New York's Upper East Side...


PBS NewsHour: Russia’s war in Ukraine leads to historic split in the Orthodox Church

The Orthodox Church in Ukraine has been under the authority of Moscow since 1686. Until the 2014 war with Russia, that situation bothered few. Now a growing number of congregations, approximately 500 so far, have joined a new independent Ukrainian … More

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Stock Alert: Stemline Stock Climbs 153% In Premarket On Acquisition News

Biopharmaceutical company Stemline Therapeutics Inc. (STML) is currently trading at $12.02, up $7.27 or 153.05% in the pre-market session. The stock has been trading between $3.21 and $18.22 in the past one year, and closed Friday's trade at $4.75, down 62 cents or 11.55%. STML


Stock Alert: Fortinet Gains 13% On Q1 Results, Outlook

Shares of cyber security solutions provider Fortinet, Inc. (FTNT) are spiking more than 13% Thursday on the back of better than estimated first-quarter results. The company also provided second-quarter earning outlook above the Street view.


U.K. Airlines, Airports Fear 'Devastating Impact' Of Possible Quarantine Rules

Trade groups expect the British government to roll out new coronavirus travel restrictions on Sunday, including a quarantine for out-of-country arrivals. And they're already pushing back publicly.


Trump Issues Guidelines To States To Reopen

President Donald Trump on Thursday announced new guidelines on easing coronavirus restrictions in the country. At a White House press conference, he presented the "Opening Up America Again" guidance, under which state governors are required to ease the lockdown in three phases, with each phase lasting at least 14 days. Trump made the announcement, which is aimed to help reopen the ailing U.S. e


Trump Says Coronavirus Vaccine By Year End

President Donald Trump expressed optimism that the United States will develop a vaccine to treat coornavirus by the end of the year. Trump made the prediction at a Fox News virtual town hall on Sunday, which is contrary to public health experts' assessment that it will take at least another year to make a breakthrough in anti-coronavirus vaccine development. "I think we're going to have a vaccin


Trump Set To Announce Guidelines To Reopen US Economy

President Donald Trump said he will announce Thursday new guidelines on easing coronavirus restrictions in the country. The move, aimed to help reopen the ailing U.S. economy, is on the basis of his consultations with governors and business leaders. According to him, the United States has passed the peak of new coronavirus cases and predicted some states would reopen this month. "The data sugg


Philippine Economy Contracts For First Time Since 1998

The Philippine economy contracted for the first time since 1998 as coronavirus containment measures weighed heavily on investment and shipments, official data showed Thursday. Gross domestic product fell 0.2 percent on a yearly basis in the first quarter, in contrast to fourth quarter's revised 6.7 percent expansion, the Philippine Statistics Authority reported.


Pfizer Starts Human Trials Of Potential Coronavirus Vaccine In U.S.

BioNTech (BNTX) and its partner Pfizer (PFE) have started a phase I/II clinical trial in the U.S. for their BNT162 vaccine program to prevent COVID-19.


Canine Siblings Separated At Shelter Reunite; Their Humans Take Credit

In a D.C. neighborhood, two dog owners noticed their pets looked a bit alike. Turns out, they were brothers.


U.K. Airlines, Airports Fear 'Devastating Impact' Of Possible Quarantine Rules

Trade groups expect the British government to roll out new coronavirus travel restrictions on Sunday, including a quarantine for out-of-country arrivals. And they're already pushing back publicly.


Author Amy Jo Burns On Her Debut Novel 'Shiner'

NPR's Scott Simon speaks with author Amy Jo Burns about her debut novel, "Shiner," set in the West Virginia mountains.


Remembering 'Radio Caroline' Founder Ronan O'Rahilly, A Pioneer Of Pirate Radio

NPR's Scott Simon talks to U.K. broadcaster Johnnie Walker about Ronan O'Rahilly, the founder of the pirate Radio Caroline, who died on April 20 at the age of 79.


'It's Unbelievable': Shutdown Of Philippines' Major Broadcaster Worries Many

Government regulators in the Philippines ordered the major broadcaster ABS-CBN off the air. Critics worry the shutdown stifles an important source of information in the age of the coronavirus.


So, You're Not Talking Much In Quarantine. Here's How To Keep Your Voice Healthy

With social distancing, many people are speaking less and their voices sound raggedy. NPR's Scott Simon talks with speech pathologist Sandy Hirsch, about keeping the voice sounding as it should.


A Salon Owner Worries About The Lockdown's Impact On Her Business

Christine Maccarone of New Jersey styles hair in nursing homes and hospitals. She's worried about her business surviving the state lockdown, and the well-being of her elderly clients.


Asian Shares Mixed After Chinese Data

Asian stocks pared early losses to end mixed on Thursday after data showed Chinese exports unexpectedly rose in April, aided by stronger shipments to South East Asia. The surprise helped investors shrug off dismal economic data from the U.S. and renewed U.S.-China tensions.


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Australia's GDP To Decline Most On Record: RBA

The Australian economy is set to log its biggest contraction in the history due to the coronavirus, or Covid-19, pandemic, the Reserve Bank of Australia said Friday. In its quarterly statement on monetary policy, the central bank said gross domestic product is expected to contract around 10 percent over the first half of 2020, mostly concentrated in the June quarter.


Spain Industrial Output Declines At Fastest Pace Since 2017

Spain's industrial production declined at the fastest pace in nearly three years in March, data from the statistical office INE showed Friday.


Estonia Consumer Prices Decline Most Since 2016

Estonia's consumer prices fell at the fastest rate in over four years in April, dragged down by the transport sector prices, data from Statistics Estonia showed on Friday.


German Companies See Decline In Sales In 2020 Due To Covid-19 Pandemic: DIHK

Most of the German companies expect decline in sales in the whole year of 2020 as coronavirus related crisis is expected to last longer, a survey from the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, or DIHK, showed Friday.


Austria Wholesale Prices Decline Most Since September 2009

Austria's wholesale prices fell at the fastest pace in over ten-and-a-half years in April, data from Statistics Austria showed on Thursday.


ECB Policymakers Say 'More Determined' To Support Eurozone

European Central Bank Vice-President Luis de Guindos and Governing Council member Gabriel Makhlouf said separately on Thursday that the central bank was more determined to support the euro area economy during crisis periods and the bank stands ready to adjust all tools at its disposal, just days after the top German court ruled that the bank's government debt purchases were in violation of its mandate.


BEETHOVEN, L. van: Fugues and Rarities for String Quartet (Fine Arts Quartet) (8.574051)

The string quartets of Beethoven are among the greatest works of their kind, but he composed other works for quartet which have been neglected. This album is dedicated to these intriguing rarities. Alongside the wild and monumental Grosse Fuge, in many ways the culmination of Beethoven’s achievements in the string quartet genre, this recording further displays his mastery of counterpoint by bringing to light brilliant yet forgotten original versions of his quartets Op. 18, No. 1 and Op. 131, plus six virtually unknown miniatures, including his Preludes and Fugues.


SKORYK, M.: Violin Concertos (Complete), Vol. 1 - Nos. 1-4 (Bielow, Ukraine National Symphony, Sirenko) (8.574088)

Myroslav Skoryk, a postgraduate student of Dmitry Kabalevsky, is one of Ukraine’s leading composers and teachers. His works range from opera and ballet, a symphonic transcription of Paganini’s 24 Caprices, and his cycle of nine Violin Concertos written over a 45-year span. They draw on elements of Carpathian folklore and are saturated in expressive dialogues, lyricism and elegy while also exuding powerful intensity. Skoryk’s sensual writing is frequently contrasted with syncopated motifs, cadenzas, fugal episodes and march rhythms. This is the first of two volumes.


BEETHOVEN, L. van: Ruinen von Athen (Die) (The Ruins of Athens) (Chorus Cathedralis Aboensis, Turku Philharmonic, Segerstam) (8.574076)

Die Ruinen von Athen (‘The Ruins of Athens’) was composed to celebrate the opening of the new German theatre in Pest in 1812. Designed to accompany the play of that name by August von Kotzebue, its incidental music is substantial enough to form a kind of one-act Singspiel and is full of attractive arias, duets and choruses and includes the famous Turkish March. Though the work’s theme was rooted in Greek mythology, in reality it was explicitly political in nature, celebrating Pest as ‘the new Athens’. This is the first ever recording of the work with full narration.


ZÁDOR, E.: Sinfonia Technica / Music for Clarinet and Strings / Trombone Concerto (Sólyomi, Fejér, Budapest Symphony Orchestra MÁV, Smolij) (8.574108)

The music of Eugene Zádor is both warmly expressive and colourful. The composer took great delight in writing for overlooked solo instruments, as his Trombone Concerto, garnished with elements of Hungarian folklore, clearly shows. The easy-going, gypsy-influenced Music for Clarinet and Strings is a beautifully proportioned quasi-concerto. The Sinfonia Technica, composed much earlier when he was living in Vienna, and something of a one-off, is an enchanting and exuberantly orchestrated example of ‘industrial music’.


Wind Band Music - MASLANKA, D. / PERRINE, A. / WALCZYK, K. (Freedom from Fear) (University of Kansas Wind Ensemble, Popiel) (8.574169)

Contemporary American music for wind band continues to offer a rich combination of colour and variety. David Maslanka was one of the most prolific and admired of all wind band composers, and in Liberation he utilises plainchant in a moving exploration of death, the afterlife and the continuance of hope. Inspired by Walt Whitman, Aaron Perrine’s In the Open Air, In the Silent Lines creates a rich sense of space, while Kevin Walczyk’s moving Symphony No. 5: Freedom from Fear – Images from the Shoreline is unified by its themes of adoption, segregation and immigration.


WEINBERG, M.: Clarinet Music - Clarinet Concerto / Clarinet Sonata / Chamber Symphony No. 4 (Oberaigner, Schöch, Michail Jurowski) (8.574192)

Mieczysław Weinberg was familiar with the clarinet from his youth, given its prominent place in klezmer bands and theatre ensembles, and he wrote three works specifically for the instrument. In the Clarinet Concerto he draws a wide range of textures from the accompanying strings, over which the soloist explores the clarinet’s extremes of register in virtuosic fashion. Despite having been written when Weinberg was still in his mid-twenties, the Clarinet Sonata is a mature work with Romantic and folkloric elements. His last completed work was the Chamber Symphony No. 4, an impassioned piece with a wrenching chorale theme and role for obbligato clarinet.


BEETHOVEN REIMAGINED (G. Prokofiev, BBC National Orchestra of Wales, Segal) (8.574020)

2020 is the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, and this album presents three works that reshape the composer’s awe-inspiring music for the 21st century. The Sonata for Orchestra considers how the Violin Sonata No. 7 would sound had it been written for orchestra, while A Fidelio Symphony transforms vocal lines into symphonic textures to take us through the entire arc of the composer’s sole opera. Based on the famous Ode to Joy of Beethoven’s final symphony, BEETHOVEN9 Symphonic Remix uses loops, grooves and musical transformations to create a contemporary tribute to Beethoven’s universal message.


WEBER, C.M. von: Peter Schmoll und seine Nachbarn [Opera] (Edelmann, Grümbel, Revolskaya, Vienna Radio Symphony, Paternostro) (C5376)


Chamber Music (Clarinet Quintet) - SCHIFF, D. / ROGERSON, C. / COLEMAN, V. (Clarinet Quintets for Our Time) (Shifrin, Dover Quartet, Harlem Quartet) (DE3576)


DONIZETTI, G.: Heroines (13-DVD Box Set) (NTSC) (DYN-37859)


PENDERECKI, K.: Symphony No. 6, `Chinesische Lieder` / Clarinet Concerto (Genz, Wojciechowski, Polish Chamber Philharmonic, Rajski) (CDAccordACD270)


PASCULLI, A.: Fantasies on Themes by Giuseppe Verdi (Grazia, Orchestra Senzaspine, M. Parmeggiani, Ussardi) (TC841602)


Piano Recital: Kim, Honggi - GRANADOS, E. / RAVEL, M. / SÁNCHEZ-VERDÚ, J.M. / SCHUMANN, R. / VINE, C. (8.574232)

Honggi Kim, winner of the 2018 Jaén Prize International Piano Competition, has chosen a fascinating recital programme for his Naxos recording debut. Both Scarbo and Los requiebros are pillars of the piano repertoire, brimming with expressive and technical challenges for any performer, as is Carl Vine’s beautifully written but rarely heard Piano Sonata No. 1. Sánchez-Verdú’s Jardín de espejos (‘Garden of Mirrors’) is influenced by the multiple layers in Islamic art, the ‘mirrors’ of the title lending shape to a tradition of listening, silence and echoes. The programme concludes with Schumann’s Piano Quintet in E flat major, an outstanding work in the chamber-music literature.


Impressions of China - Winning Works from the 2018 Huang Zi International Chinese Piano Composition Competition (G. Luisi) (8.579070)

All of the works in this programme were prize winners in the hotly contested 2018 Huang Zi International Chinese Piano Composition Competition, an event marking the 80th anniversary of the death of this influential composer and educator. Themes explored include the charm and unpredictability of China’s landscape, alongside elements of Chinese musical and theatrical aesthetics. Joint First Prize winners were Emile Naoumoff, whose Celestial Parade describes the composer’s wonderful experiences while in Shanghai, and Zhiliang Zhang, whose Qiao Ling Liu Dan portrays six widely differing ‘Dan’ or female characters in Sichuanese opera.


BALADA, L.: Clarinet Works - Caprichos Nos. 6 and 7 / Double Concerto (Ivanov, Rominski, Polaczyk, Eryılmaz, Larson) (8.579056)

Barcelona native Leonardo Balada’s creative style has been labelled ‘Dalí’s surrealism in music’—an aspect of his work explored in this programme through the technique of ‘sound transformation’ in which abstract musical materials become familiar melody. Fusing traditional and contemporary elements, Caprichos Nos. 6 and 7 engage intimately with Spanish culture and history, while the virtuoso Double Concerto, heard here in an arrangement for flute, clarinet and piano, blends well-known Mexican folk tunes with the composer’s distinctive avant-garde style.


SKORYK, M.: Violin Concertos (Complete), Vol. 2 - Nos. 5-9 (Bielow, Ukraine National Symphony, Sirenko) (8.574089)

Myroslav Skoryk is one of Ukraine’s leading composers and teachers, with a portfolio of works that include opera, a symphonic transcription of Paganini’s Caprices, and a cycle of nine violin concertos written over a 45-year span (Volume 1 is on 8.574088). Concerto No. 5 utilises jazz elements and a vivid fugato, while Concerto No. 6 explores the use of sensual moods and provocative dance rhythms. Syncopation and lyricism suffuse Concerto No. 7, while No. 9 is both touching and dramatic. Concerto No. 8 offers a representation of events in Chopin’s life through quotations, in combination with Skoryk’s own distinctive musical voice.