pace The Lost Worlds of Soviet Space Graphics [Slideshow] By Published On :: Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:30:00 GMT A new book captures the pioneering, propaganda-infused visions of mid-20th-century Soviet space exploration -- Read more on Full Article The Sciences Space
pace Space Telescope Director Says Best Is Yet to Come for Hubble By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 12:00:00 GMT Three decades into the life of the world’s most revered orbital observatory, Ken Sembach, director of the Space Telescope Science Institute, reflects on its future -- Read more on Full Article The Sciences Space
pace Jo-Ann Spooky Spaces By Published On :: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 22:51:53 +0000 The folks at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft stores are at it again. They challenged bloggers to create holiday DIY’s using supplies from Jo-Ann, and based on a secret theme that would be shipped to us in the mail. Halloween is my favorite, so of course I was in! I was … Continue reading → Full Article blog craft DIY halloween holiday spookyspaces
pace It is I Who Planted, Within the Mind of Elon Musk, the Imbecilic Idea to Shoot a Car Into Space By Published On :: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 12:00:00 GMT Please accept this as an apology, of sorts. Full Article
pace It is I Who Planted, Within the Mind of Elon Musk, the Imbecilic Idea to Shoot a Car Into Space pt.2 By Published On :: Sun, 05 Apr 2020 12:00:00 GMT There we both were, opting to let the free market do what it does best — provide, devoid of scruples, even the most reprehensible and insane services to the extravagantly wealthy. Full Article
pace It is I Who Planted, Within the Mind of Elon Musk, the Imbecilic Idea to Shoot a Car Into Space pt.3 By Published On :: Sun, 12 Apr 2020 12:00:00 GMT Finally you know the whole story. Full Article
pace China's new spaceship returns safely to Earth By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 07:27:50 GMT China's new prototype spacecraft "successfully landed" on Friday, marking an important step in its ambitions to run a permanent space station and send astronauts to the moon. Full Article Asia / Pacific
pace spaced repetition & Darwin’s golden rule By Published On :: Mon, 26 Feb 2018 20:02:00 +0000 Spaced repetition is a memory hack. We know that spacing out your study is more effective than cramming, but using an app you can tailor your own spaced repetition schedule, allowing you to efficiently create reliable memories for any material you like. Michael Nielsen, has a nice thread on his use of spaced repetition on … Continue reading "spaced repetition & Darwin’s golden rule" Full Article Learning
pace spacefish By Published On :: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 04:00:00 EDT Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: spacefishThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article comic
pace legalize space travel By Published On :: Mon, 12 Dec 2016 04:00:00 EST Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: legalize space travelThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article comic
pace all the space By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jan 2017 04:00:00 EST Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: all the spaceThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article comic
pace billionaires in space By Published On :: Fri, 06 Sep 2019 04:00:00 EDT Today on Toothpaste For Dinner: billionaires in spaceThe Worst Things For Sale is Drew's blog. It updates every day. Subscribe to the Worst Things For Sale RSS! Full Article comic
pace Space Kadet: The Twisted Tale of a Sad, Sad Internet Troll By Published On :: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 16:44:00 +0000 Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware® Scroll down for updatesA couple of weeks ago, my Twitter warning about an amateur literary agent received a fairly curmudgeonly response.Mistaking it for a serious (if misguided) comment, I responded with a thread about why it's, well, bad for an agent to lie about their credentials. Which prompted this:Ooookayyyy then.After a couple more exchanges in a similar vein, plus a not-so-subtle threat (I do give this person credit for knowing the difference between slander and libel), "Dr. Mudgett" flounced.Soon after, several alert individuals messaged me to let me know that "Dr. Mudgett" isn't just a rando with an inflated sense of self-worth and a profile named after an infamous American serial killer, but one of the sockpuppets of an astonishingly prolific Twitter troll possessed of awesome vitriol and seemingly unlimited free time to indulge it.The troll's full name is Gary S. Kadet--and though I'd never heard of him before he decided to call me out, he is well known in the Twitter writing community as someone who, via large numbers of fake accounts (most of which have been suspended by Twitter), hijacks popular hashtags like #amquerying, #mswl, and #WritingCommunity to launch vicious unprovoked attacks against writing and publishing people of all kinds, especially new writers and literary agents. So copious is his output--we're talking daily, even hourly tweets--that sometimes he runs out of new insults and has to recycle them. (Sample, if you can stomach it, the stream-of-invective narrative of his Dr. Mudgett Twitter feed.)I'm always interested in the bizarro side of writing and publishing, and Mr. Kadet certainly seemed to fit the bill. So I put out a call for contact.I got a perfect flood of responses. I heard from agents and agency interns whom Mr. Kadet had targeted for insults, mockery, and general harassment--especially if they were women, and in some cases after they rejected one of his manuscripts (Mr. Kadet is a [currently] frustrated novelist). I heard from writers he'd savaged for nothing more than posting positive comments about something, or announcing a book sale, or just for talking about writing. Much of his trolling seems to be of the drive-by variety, but I also heard from writers for whom he has conceived a deeper grudge--some of whom he has been stalking and attacking for years, and not just with nasty tweets, either. Some of these individuals told me that he has doxxed them, and made public things about their personal lives they would have preferred not to share. One of his targets was forced to seek help from the police.Several people have written about their encounters with him (prompting him, in at least one case, to send a laughably bogus cease-and-desist). More personal accounts of Kadet encounters are here. Also here. In fact, he's so famous--at least, as a troll--that he has inspired a parody Twitter account. I guess that's some form of validation, right?Sockpuppet accounts Mr. Kadet has used in the past (all deleted or suspended): @JohnnyRacetrack, @JimboRockfordPI, @JacktheTrippe11, @JacktheTrippe12, @GaryKDarkLord, @GaryKadet, @RealGarySKadet, @CastleMurder, @MudgettMania, @MudgettRedux, @FrugSigmund, @Joe_Nesmith. @JoeChristmas6, @ImmortalGSK.Socks he's using currently (that I know of): @JackMcVea, @KatzProserpine.Mr. Kadet loathes a lot of people, but for one agent in particular, his hatred burns with a white-hot flame: Gina Paniettieri of Talcott Notch Literary Services. In 2018, Talcott Notch rejected one of Mr. Kadet's manuscripts, to which Mr. Kadet took extreme offense, and he has been targeting the agency and its agents ever since. In addition to a veritable tsunami of noxious tweets, promises to sue, accusations of violating his "IP confidentiality" (apparently because Gina revealed the rejected ms.), and bogus bad reviews wherever he can place them (not always successfully, since they are so demented that they get flagged), Gina tells me that he has called her home to harass her, and that he's currently demanding that she "settle" with him--i.e., pay him off--so that he'll stop.Here's an interview with Talcott Notch agent Tia Mele about toxic writers in general and Mr. Kadet in particular.So who is Gary S. Kadet IRL? There's not a great deal to be found on a websearch, but he did publish a novel in 2000 with Forge, and was apparently an editor with the Boston Book Review. He has lived in Cambridge, MA and Providence, R.I. Twitter isn't the only place where he has been accused of stalking.Soon after my call for contact, Mr. Kadet's @KatzProserpine sock account DM'd me this:Ooooh, scary! Not to be outdone by his alter ego, Mr. Kadet reached out to SFWA under his own name. Of course, he couldn't resist mentioning Talcott Notch. Also note the date: more than a week before I put this post online.Mystery Writers of America, one of Writer Beware's supporters, received an identical "complaint" on the same date. Fortunately, both SFWA and MWA know how to handle trolls.So what's the bottom line here--other than the bigger issue of the toxicity that flourishes on social media and the inevitability of encountering it if you're active online? I guess it's really just the familiar advice: "Don't feed trolls". Starve the energy monster. The thing with trolls is that, for the most part, it's really not personal. They don't care about you; it's your reaction they need. They thrive on your distress, and draw strength from your response. Depriving them of these things may not shut them up--they can't really control themselves--but it is probably the single most frustrating thing you can do to them.So if you find yourself targeted by Mr. Kadet--or, indeed, if any random tweet of yours receives a nasty or belittling response from an account you've never heard of--the best possible comeback is simply to block the account and move on.UPDATE: I learned this evening that Mr. Kadet today sent his "bad writer Strauss" message to Horror Writers Association, another of Writer Beware's supporters--and for good measure, sent it to MWA a second time. He has also weighed in in the comments here.UPDATE 4/10/20: Sockpuppet account @KatzProserpine has reached out again on Twitter, alleging, as it often does, that Mr. Kadet has no Twitter presence......and claiming that it is not Mr. Kadet's sockpuppet account......while exhibiting Mr. Kadet's twin obsessions (Talcott Notch, nefarious "IP practices"--see Mr. Kadet's complaint about me, above). Full Article
pace The mysterious Artemis Accords describe US interests in space resources By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 21:01:50 +0000 NASA added the name of the goddess Artemis to new missions. TWH examines some possible implications of the secretive "Artemis Accords" and how they relate to previous treaties and agreements that pertain to space and celestial bodies. Continue reading The mysterious Artemis Accords describe US interests in space resources at The Wild Hunt. Full Article News Paganism U.S. Artemis astronauts Commons Donald Trump moon NASA space
pace Weird radio signals spotted in our galaxy could solve a space mystery By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 14:18:31 +0000 Weird blasts of radio waves from space called fast radio bursts have been baffling astronomers since they were discovered, but after finding one in our galaxy we may finally know what creates them Full Article
pace SpaceX mission control to do social distancing for first crewed flight By Published On :: Fri, 01 May 2020 23:09:02 +0000 SpaceX’s first crewed launch is planned for 27 May and will be run from a mission control with desks set six feet apart to comply with social distancing protocols Full Article
pace China just tested a spacecraft that could fly to the moon and beyond By Published On :: Tue, 05 May 2020 15:48:24 +0000 China just tested its biggest rocket yet, along with a new capsule designed to carry humans to its planned space station, the moon and beyond Full Article
pace Ace of Space contestant Danish Zehen (21) dies in a car accident By Published On :: 20 Dec 2018 06:55:41 GMT 21-year-old YouTuber and lifestyle blogger, Danish Zehen died an unfortunate death on December 20. The news came as a shocker to many as Danish was the participant of the show, Ace of Space. Reportedly, he died in a car accident on Thursday morning. Apparently, the accident took place on the Vashi highway. The visuals of the accident and the entirely damaged car have surfaced online. View this post on Instagram ITS A LAST MONTH I THINK DANISH IS DOING PRANK ðÂÂÂÂÂÂI DON'T KNOW ITS REAL OR FAKE BUT I CAN'T BELIEVE IT IF ITS REAL PLZ PRAY FOR HIM ð LEGEND NEVER DIES ð PLZ PRAY FOR HIM AND #fambruh #fambruharmy #danishzehen plz come back ðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂðÂÂÂÂÂÂð A post shared by ID CLOSED ð (@beliberboy._) onDec 19, 2018 at 9:05pm PST According to Mankhurd Police, who are investigating the accident, the 21-year-old lifestyle blogger was returning home after attending a wedding when his car met with an accident. Zehen, a resident of Kurla, was immidiately taken to the Fortis hospital Vashi where he succumbed to injuries. The Mankhurd police has registered an ADR in the case and are currently investigating the matter. Over the last few years, Zehen had amassed a massive following on YouTube and Instagram thanks to several viral posts. With a following of more than 3 lakh, his fans are pouring condolences and praying for his family to cope up with their unbearable loss. Danish had made an appearance in ex-Bigg Boss contestant Vikas Gupta's reality show, Ace of Space. A few hours ago before this accident, Danish had shared a few stories on Instagram, while he was driving. The 21-year-old left the reality show in the first week of December and assured that he would return back to the show. View this post on Instagram Last Video Of #RIPðÂÂÂÂÂÂ¥ #danishzehen #fambruh #fambruharmy #coolestbadboi Allah Mere Bhai Ko Jannat me ala se ala mukam ata farmaye Ameen. ðÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂPlz pray for His Soul A post shared by Rockx Azhar (@the_rockx_azhar) onDec 19, 2018 at 8:38pm PST View this post on Instagram I can’t believe we will not get to see that precious smile again, when I first saw someone’s story about @danish_zehen , tbh I didn’t understand what’s happening. then I went over to his account and saw his tags where people posted pictures of a car crash and later I realized what had happened. I was shook, I was heart broken. Danish Zehen was a very very nice person and I swear he is going to be missed. You were a gem danish, may your soul Rest In Peace - @danish_zehen @karmasphere @abhirajchadha #danishzehen #ripdanishzehen #aceofspace @lostboyjourney #mtv #mtvindia #ripdanish #rip #danish #ace #space #vikasgupta @mtvindia @aceofspace2018 @mtvaceofspace___ @danish._._zehen A post shared by Akanksha Abhiraj (@abhirajakanksha) onDec 19, 2018 at 7:48pm PST View this post on Instagram Dekhte hu mujhko tujhse pyaar hogaya â¤ï¸ÂÂÂâ¤ï¸Â #coolestbadboi A post shared by Danish Zehen ♠ï¸Â (@danish_zehen) onDec 19, 2018 at 3:04am PST His mass popularity and fan following also won him several brand endorsements. Among them was Gillette, for which he was the digital brand ambassador. With inputs from Anamika Gharat Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates Full Article
pace Mumbai: CSMVS to host first ever guided tour of its space By Published On :: 18 Apr 2019 01:32:16 GMT Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sanghralaya (CSMVS) will host the first-ever guided tour of its space and precincts led by eminent conservation architect Vikas Dilawari, who is also involved in the conservation of the museum, a Grade 1 building in the UNESCO World Heritage Precinct. Later in the evening, a panel discussion will be held on The Craft of Architecture. Vikas Dilawari Pop quiz 1) Originally called the Church of St John the Evangelist, its steeple was used as a landmark for ships entering Bombay harbour. Name this church.2) Inside which building in Fort can you spot a splendid stained glass design of the 12 zodiac signs?3) From which famous landmark did the last British troops leave India after Independence, in 1948? Answers: 1) Afghan Church;2) Convocation Hall inside University Library;3) Gateway of India ON Today, 11 am (guided tour); 6.15 pm (panel discussion)AT Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kala Ghoda.CALL 22844484FREE Catch up on all the latest Crime, National, International and Hatke news here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates Full Article
pace Fashion might call for it, but corporate workspaces okay with the full beard? By Published On :: 17 May 2018 02:01:02 GMT Beards are to men what make-up is to women, and a quick Internet search of actors in a pre- and post-beard phase will confirm this. Such has been the impact and acceptance of facial hair that they have gradually crossed the barriers of hipsterdom to find their way to boardrooms. But are corporate firms with a strict formal dress code open to men with beards? "We have a strict dress code, where a shabby demeanour is unacceptable. We even keep daily checks; employees cannot walk into the office in jeans or sports shoes, especially when they have client interactions. But full beards are not a concern. We have employees with full beards and twirled moustaches," says Sudhir Dhar, CHRO – director HR, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. Dr Sujaya Banerjee Rohan Vaswani, CHRO, Nexus Malls, a fully owned subsidiary of investment firm Blackstone Group, shares a similar thought. The company follows a formal dress code from Monday to Thursday and smart casuals on Friday. "You can't walk into the office with your shirt not tucked in or in bright blue trousers. But beards, if they are well-kept, are fine," shares Vaswani. Dress to impress"The first impression is created by the physical appearance of a person; it's later that you have an interaction and people get influenced by your personality. So, if you seem shabby, you create a perception even before you talk," says Dhar. He adds that as long as one is confident of carrying it off and not look out of place, a beard is acceptable. Rohan Vaswani "We conduct training on executive presence — how to look, behave and dress like a leader. These aspects are now becoming increasingly important as often, you find that people are competent but they don't make it beyond a point because they don't look like the part or someone who can represent the organisation before multiple stakeholders. It's not about good looks but about appearance. A haircut and a well-groomed beard are a part of this understanding. You can't have a two-day stubble where you look like you have just woken up and come to work. We actually check if there's a valid reason behind an unkempt stubble: Is the employee unwell? Or is he battling a low?" says Dr Sujaya Banerjee, CEO and founder of Capstone People Consulting. Do you shave before an interview?Most HR personnel we spoke to felt there's no middle ground; you either opt for the clean-shaven look or wear a groomed full beard. "It's better to shave off a two-day stubble and not go in between. It can be interpreted as a sign of laziness," warns Dhar. "I am more interested in knowing if a person has the right competence and capability for the job. The older generation, however, associates beards with carelessness and mistrust. Traditionally, even in films, the bearded guy will always be the villain or from the underworld. If a full beard is groomed, it's fine. Long hair is not allowed. You are not an artist or performer, you are corporate. Hence, certain norms remain. We allow personal freedom as long as you stay well-groomed," adds Banerjee. Make a bearded impact"Some people look smarter with a beard," says Dhar. Vaswani feels that real estate companies are often promoter-driven, and the vision of the promoter and the top management often reflects on the staff where people would go the extra mile to keep with the image. "Those with gaunt features can look fuller with a beard. It also saves you the trouble of having to shave every day. A good beard can actually help you appear stronger. Also, today, people look for organisations where individuality is encouraged, where you can bring your authentic self to work. It's motivating to be in an organisation where you can express who you are, as long as it doesn't hamper business. So, if the beard is within acceptable parameters, all's well," says Banerjee. Grooming tipsKeep it clean Wash your beard three times a week to prevent the build-up of dead skin cells.Keep it moisturised Oil your beard daily to keep it soft and moisturised.Shape it up Trim your beard when you see stray hair or as desired to maintain the shape. Repeat this once every two weeks when you want to maintain a consistent length.Kaushal Pratab, founder, Shepherd For Men Catch up on all the latest Crime, National, International and Hatke news here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates Full Article
pace Mumbai: Why cyclists face the daunting task of finding space in the city By Published On :: 02 Dec 2017 02:40:11 GMT Cars honk as they make their way through Bandra-Kurla Complex to get to offices or to the newest eatery that has set up shop in the swanky financial district, the people in them all but oblivious to a small park in the back lanes that acts as a haven for the city's youth. Annul Pale from the Meteoric crew trains at City Park, BKC You will find them all here - collegians skipping classes, teens on their skateboards, and a group of young men performing exhilarating tricks on their bicycles. These are the city's BMX riders, for whom cycles are not simply modes of transport, but a way to express themselves. The Sharptune crew at the Cycling Festival of India, held last weekend at Nehru Centre, Worli. Pics/Ashish Raje "There is a community of approximately 45 BMX riders in Mumbai. Many of us prac-tise here at City Park daily," says 22-year-old Manoj Jaiswal, a Sion resident who was introduced to the sport by his neighbour in 2011. "We used to train along Carter Road promenade and the streets of BKC, but cops would arrive and shoo us away. And no public park allowed us entry with our bicycles. We ran out of places, but eventually, this park's management allowed us to use it." This struggle is not new to the BMXers, who often end up travelling to far-flung - and thus less crowded - locations like Kalyan and Navi Mumbai. After all, in a city starved of space for even pedestrians, it's hard to imagine people giving up their precious streets to a sport they view as - in Jaiswal's words - a circus act. Dipak Panchal The beginningsBMX racing took off in California back in the 1970s, inspired by motocross. It didn't take time for its popularity to rise among the youth, and soon, you could find them trying tricks on their own cycles across the world. Rahul Mulani Bandra resident Rahul Mulani was among the first few to bring the BMX movement to Mumbai three decades ago. "When we started out around 1987, we used to practise at a parking lot near Scandal Point in Breach Candy. There were fewer cars in the city back then, so there was plenty of space for us," he says. Manoj Jaiswal Not just empty parking lots; the seafront promenades used to be fair game, too. Thirty-year-old Dipak Panchal, who dropped out of college to pursue his passion for BMX and now runs a bicycle store in south Mumbai, shares that even as late as 2005, he could be found practising his moves at Marine Drive. "Lately, whenever I have tried to practise there, policemen passing by have come and stopped me. They have even deflated my bicycle's tires, and there have been times they've threatened to throw me in the back of their van," he says, adding, "If there is a rule preventing people from cycling on promenades, they can tell us that without being rude. They allow elderly gentlemen to cycle peacefully, and even though we're not causing any damage to people or property, we are treated like criminals." So, to avoid such conflicts, his crew, Sharptune, practises at a space they have rented out in Bandra. Last week, at the city's first cycling festival, amidst panel discussions and stores exhibiting the latest gear, they got a chance to show off their skills, but such events are few and far between. Though Panchal and Mulani try and organise jams and competitions, sponsors are hard to come by. Need of the hourToday, Mulani and Panchal, as well as the rest of the community, stick to a handful of spaces, including their own building compounds, that they know won't draw any unwanted attention. "Even skateboarders are now getting recognition. In 2015, Khar Social set up a ramp, but it is too small for us to practise on, even though our requirements are not too different from a skateboarder's," says Jaiswal, whose crew, Meteoric, comprises skateboarders too. And because BMX is hidden away from the spotlight, the community is growing slower than it would have, had its members been given the chance to showcase their skills in public without any fear of repercussions. The problem in India, Panchal believes, is that cricket overshadows every other sport. This leads to other sports, especially extreme sports like BMX, being ridiculed and even neglected by the public and the authorities. "The country's first pump track came up in Hyderabad this year, and it was built by a private body. We don't see the Cycling Federation of India [CFI] taking any interest in the BMX community," says Mulani. VN Singh, assistant secretary, CFI, which is based in New Delhi, says they can't do anything for the sport until it is officially recognised. "I know it's an Olympic sport, but until there are enough practitioners of BMX in the country, we can't provide any support," he says. He follows this up by saying that a pump track in Delhi is in the offing, but quickly adds that he doesn't know how long it will take. "You see, we don't have the funds for it." Full Article
pace F1: Red Bull set pace in Singapore GP By Published On :: 16 Sep 2017 05:24:15 GMT Daniel Ricciardo Daniel Ricciardo topped the timesheets by a dominant margin ahead of teammate Max Verstappen, as Red Bull marked themselves out as contenders for victory on the opening day of Singapore Grand Prix practice.Ricciardo put in a dazzling one minute 40.852 second lap under the floodlights, setting a new record around the Marina Bay street circuit after having already lowered the earlier benchmark with the fastest time in the opening session.His effort was a massive 0.556 seconds quicker than Verstappen's best. Championship leader Lewis Hamilton meanwhile, chasing a hat-trick of wins this weekend, was third fastest after having been fourth in the opening session.His title rival Sebastian Vettel, second in the evening, was inconspicuous at night with only the 11th fastest time. Singapore's tight twists are expected to play to Ferrari and Red Bull's strengths and Vettel briefly lit up the timing screens. Valtteri Bottas, who agreed a one-year contract extension with Mercedes, ended the day fourth-fastest. Full Article
pace Formula One: Mercedes' lack of pace, a concern for Lewis Hamilton in Japan By Published On :: 06 Oct 2017 04:24:39 GMT F1 leader Lewis Hamilton heads into this weekend's Japanese GP grateful to have extended his overall championship advantage, but conscious that his Mercedes team have their work cut out to rediscover their car's lost speed. The German team were the third slowest team for the second weekend in a row at the last race in Malaysia, after also similarly struggling for pace in Singapore. Lewis Hamilton The Briton heads into Sunday's race at the Suzuka circuit, where he has won twice before, with a heftier 34-point lead over the Ferrari driver with five races to go, but only because of the misfortune that has blunted the German's championship charge. Full Article
pace Nasa confirms Tom Cruise's plans to shoot in space with the help of Elon Musk's Space X By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 07:10:53 GMT Actor Tom Cruise is taking his love for action scenes one step higher! According to Deadline, the actor is reportedly planning to shoot in space with the help of Elon Musk's Space X. There is no studio attached to it yet but he is working with NASA for the same. Jim Bridenstine, who works as an official administrator at NASA, confirmed the news on Tuesday. "NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station! We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make @NASA’s ambitious plans a reality," he wrote on Twitter. NASA is excited to work with @TomCruise on a film aboard the @Space_Station! We need popular media to inspire a new generation of engineers and scientists to make @NASA’s ambitious plans a reality. — Jim Bridenstine (@JimBridenstine) May 5, 2020 Deadline reported, " Tom Cruise and Elon Musk’s Space X are working on a project with NASA that would be the first narrative feature film – an action adventure – to be shot in outer space. It’s not a Mission: Impossible film and no studio is in the mix at this stage but look for more news as I get it. But this is real, albeit in the early stages of liftoff." Tom Cruise has three upcoming projects including Top Gun: Maverick and Mission Impossible 7 & 8. All three have been postponed amid coronavirus pandemic. ALOS READ: Tom Cruise starrer Mission: Impossible 7 and 8 postponed amid coronavirus pandemic Full Article
pace Jackie Shroff wanted to share screen space with Rishi Kapoor and is upset that it’s not possible anymore By Published On :: Wed, 06 May 2020 07:39:25 GMT Jackie Shroff and Rishi Kapoor have starred in a film together, but surprisingly, they have never shared a frame or had scenes together. With Rishi Kapoor’s untimely passing, the industry mourns the massive loss we suffered last week. Rishi Kapoor’s colleagues have taken the time out to share how special and jolly he was around others and would always care for others. In his recent interaction with another portal, Jackie Shroff said that his dream of sharing the screen space with Rishi Kapoor will never come true now. He recalled how Rishi Kapoor would tell him that he wanted to do a film with him since they had never faced each other on camera. Being Jackie’s senior, he obviously wanted to be in the same frame as the legendary actor. He was upset that it can no longer come true and that the industry has lost a piece of jewel from the crown. Jackie Shroff further recalled how he first saw Rishi Kapoor after Bobby’s release and was completely awestruck by his presence and personality. Also Read: Imtiaz Ali reposts a video of Rishi Kapoor dancing at former’s brother’s wedding in Kashmir Full Article
pace Sanjay Dutt says he is ready to foray into the digital space if he finds an exciting script By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 14:20:46 GMT Sanjay Dutt is an actor who has appeared in a great many numbers of films spanning across genres, thus time and again proving his adaptability to wear the mask of different characters. The actor has been in the industry for a very long time and has even been part of the transformation and evolution of the Indian film industry. Of late, Bollywood has been going through a paradigm shift as the world of content has been brought to digital platforms. OTT platforms have opened up new avenues and make any genre of series or films available, just a click away, which has been benignant for the viewers. Actor Sanjay Dutt comments on how he feels OTT platform can be beneficial for artists, he says, "OTT platforms are flourishing and have brought about so much variety in terms of content. They also enable artists to experiment with material and characters. If I get a script that excites me, I would love to foray into digital entertainment." Sanjay Dutt is an actor who is enriched with the experience of the various characters he has played on-screen and it would be thrilling to see him make a debut on OTT platform. The actor shows interest in foraying into the world of digital entertainment so the audience can just keep their fingers crossed and wait to see what happens! 2020 is an immensely packed year for Sanjay Dutt as the actor will be seen in five big banner films namely, KGF: Chapter 2, Shamshera, Bhuj: The Pride of India, Torbaaz and Sadak 2. The actor will certainly ace the characters as he can slip into any character given to him as he is rich with the experience of numerous characters he has played on -screen. Full Article
pace Extraction director Sam Hargrave: Not much space for mid-budget action films By Published On :: 18 Apr 2020 07:33:45 GMT "Extraction" director and popular Hollywood stunt coordinator Sam Hargrave feels cinema has space for either "super big-budget movies like superheroes" or smaller movies, saying that it doesn't leave much room for mid-budget action movies. Talking about his upcoming Netflix action film, Hargrave told IANS: "It seems that there's not as much space in the cinemas for these kinds of mid-budget action movies. It seems that it's mostly the super big-budget superhero movies or the kind of the smaller stuff." Hargrave is glad that his first movie will reach a wider audience through Netflix. "Netflix has carved out space for itself for movies like these to exist, which I think is really great… Because there are a lot of great stories out there… These kinds of movies, now, have a place to be seen, be viewed and be enjoyed," he said. With "Extraction", Hargrave is graduating from being Chris Evans' stunt double in "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" for fight scenes and stunt coordinator in "Captain America: Civil War" to a feature director. Hargrave was an additional second unit director in "Avengers: Infinity War". Hargrave continued: "I think that's a really great thing for audiences around the world. I'm happy that my first time directing (feature film) come out on a platform like Netflix where so many people can see this. It is a very unique experience and one that I'm looking forward to seeing how it all plays out when it comes out on April 24." For his first film, Hargrave reunited with his "Avengers" family. He got "Thor" star Chris Hemsworth to lead the film, screenplay of which is done by Joe Russo. The film is produced by Russo Brothers (Joe and Anthony Russo), Mike Larocca, Chris Hemsworth, Eric Gitter, and Peter Schwerin. Originally titled "Dhaka", the film also stars Indian actors Randeep Hooda, Pankaj Tripathi, Priyanshu Painyulli, and Rudraksh Jaiswal. It revolves around Tyler Rake (essayed by Hemsworth), a fearless, black market mercenary, who embarks on the most deadly extraction of his career when he is enlisted to rescue the kidnapped son of an imprisoned international crime lord. It has been shot extensively in India, along with other places around the world. Catch up on all the latest Mumbai news, crime news, current affairs, and a complete guide from food to things to do and events across Mumbai. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news Full Article
pace Tom Cruise plots movie shot in space? By Published On :: 6 May 2020 02:08:05 GMT American actor Tom Cruise has conquered every feat in Hollywood and he has another trick up his sleeve. According to Deadline, the 57-year-old actor is reportedly working with NASA and Elon Musk's SpaceX to develop a film shot in outer space. As per the outlet, the film is "in the early stages of liftoff." The 'Top Gun' star, Cruise routinely engages in risky stunts for the 'Mission: Impossible' franchise, this film will not be associated with those movies, the outlet reported. Cruise performed daring stunts like hanging off the side of a jet plane and scaling skyscrapers, in past 'Mission: Impossible' instalments. As of right now, no film studio is on board, according to Deadline. The 'Edge of Tomorrow' star has been nominated for three Academy Awards throughout his career and is set to appear in the sequel to his hit flick 'Top Gun,' which is scheduled to debut in December. Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also, download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news Full Article
pace Kevin Spacey speaks out for 1st time after sexual assault charges By Published On :: 6 May 2020 16:02:10 GMT Disgraced Hollywood star Kevin Spacey has opened about how sexual assault allegations meant "my job, many of my relationships were all gone in a matter of hours". The 60-year-old described his "painful" journey three years after he was accused of assault by a string of men in 2017 and said he could relate to workers who've being laid off during the coronavirus pandemic, reports "I don't think it will come as a surprise for anyone to say that my world completely changed in the fall of 2017. My job, many of my relationships, my standing in my own industry were all gone in just a matter of hours," Spacey said during a podcast. He was dropped from the "House Of Cards" show after allegations surfaced. He has mostly kept a low profile since the slew of sexual assault claims first came up. He has always denied the claims. He was also removed from the completed movie "All The Money in the World", which was reshot with actor Christopher Plummer. Spacey was asked during the podcast to reflect on the current coronavirus pandemic causing global and widespread devastation. The actor, who has not appeared in a professional movie or series since the accusations were made, said: "I don't often like to tell people that I can relate to their situation because I think it undermines the experience that they may be having which is their own unique and very personal experience." Spacey added: "But in this instance I feel as though I can relate to what it feels like to have your world suddenly stop. And so while we may have found ourselves in similar situations, albeit for very different reasons and circumstances, I still believe that some of the emotional struggles are very much the same. "And so I do have empathy for what it feels like to suddenly be told that you can't go back to work or that you might lose your job and that it's a situation that you have absolutely no control over." Catch up on all the latest entertainment news and gossip here. Also, download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news Full Article
pace Sanjay Dutt says he is ready to foray into the digital space if he finds an exciting script By Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 14:20:46 GMT Sanjay Dutt is an actor who has appeared in a great many numbers of films spanning across genres, thus time and again proving his adaptability to wear the mask of different characters. The actor has been in the industry for a very long time and has even been part of the transformation and evolution of the Indian film industry. Of late, Bollywood has been going through a paradigm shift as the world of content has been brought to digital platforms. OTT platforms have opened up new avenues and make any genre of series or films available, just a click away, which has been benignant for the viewers. Actor Sanjay Dutt comments on how he feels OTT platform can be beneficial for artists, he says, "OTT platforms are flourishing and have brought about so much variety in terms of content. They also enable artists to experiment with material and characters. If I get a script that excites me, I would love to foray into digital entertainment." Sanjay Dutt is an actor who is enriched with the experience of the various characters he has played on-screen and it would be thrilling to see him make a debut on OTT platform. The actor shows interest in foraying into the world of digital entertainment so the audience can just keep their fingers crossed and wait to see what happens! 2020 is an immensely packed year for Sanjay Dutt as the actor will be seen in five big banner films namely, KGF: Chapter 2, Shamshera, Bhuj: The Pride of India, Torbaaz and Sadak 2. The actor will certainly ace the characters as he can slip into any character given to him as he is rich with the experience of numerous characters he has played on -screen. Full Article
pace American Indian actor Kal Penn on sharing screen space with Irrfan Khan in The Namesake By Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 05:59:46 GMT Kal Penn who played Irrfan’s son in The Namesake can’t get over the loss. “Irrfan was such an incredible artist. What a loss. It was magical. He was so gracious and giving as an artist and a person.” Not many know about Irrfan’s wicked sense of humour. Says Kal, “He could be so funny! He had a wonderful sense of humor and I remember his approach to the craft being particularly warm.” Kal recalls Irrfan as an actor sheared of vanity. “He was friendly. Friendly and down to earth. There was never any attitude with Irrfan, he was so comfortable in his own skin and so fully and truly embodied his character when the cameras were rolling.” But what according to Kal really made Irrfan special was the way he embraced silences. “I've never worked with an artist who communicates so beautifully without needing to speak. When we would shoot scenes for The Namesake, so often, Irrfan would play beat after story beat with intimacy and in silence that made me immediately at ease and in the moment.” Kal Penn learnt a lot from watching Irrfan not only while they worked together but also when they didn’t work together. “I learned a lot from working with Irrfan but also from watching him work across different mediums, different languages, and different continents. I will always admire his work more broadly, and to have had that kind of range is so remarkable.” Kal will remember Irran as an actor who at once no one and everyone. “He was such a commensurate artist whose performances are simultaneously intimate and reflect the humanity in each of us.” Also Read: 5 Years Of Piku: Deepika Padukone bids farewell to Irrfan Khan with an unseen picture Full Article
pace Indian-origin astronaut Shawna Pandya's shares her love for Mumbai and space By Published On :: 29 Apr 2018 02:16:03 GMT Shawna Pandya While the world is already counting Dr Shawna Pandya in the league of Kalpana Chawla and Sunita Williams, the lady in question feels it's all "a bit premature". Canadian scientist and astronaut, Dr Pandya, is known for her work as part of Citizen Science Astronaut (CSA) candidate with project PoSSUM (Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere) and PHEnOM (Physiology, Health and Environmental Observations and Microgravity) that she has been pursuing for two years now to understand several aspects of outer space, ranging from cloud formation to physiology and microgravity. She was one of the two candidates to be shortlisted from 3,200 people enrolled in the CSA programme. While she has been working extensively in the field of outer space, and has in the past even worked with NASA, she clarifies that there has been "no announcement, flight assignment or selection of missions" [scheduled to take flight] yet. They will soon head off to a Mars simulation for two weeks though, that will help them prepare better for the mission, as and when it happens. In a telephonic interview from Canada, where Dr Pandya is based, she tells us, "We are still developing our science and our mission. Our programme has done a phenomenal job of recruiting great candidates regardless of gender, ethnicity and country of origin. In fact, India has better representation in PoSSUM now. It is interesting that there is so much international representation in space programmes. It's not a competition to say, 'I will be the first such and such...' It's only about working with the passion and excitement." Pandya is now part of a show on Sony BBC Earth titled Astronauts — Toughest Job In The Universe. Ask her what makes her job the toughest and she says, "I think everyone is serious and passionate about their job and consider it the toughest in the universe. This job, however, requires a tremendous amount of dedication and time. It's team-based and there is much risk involved. You cannot afford to let anyone down and that really raises the stakes." Ever since she was a child, Pandya had been fascinated by space. "I remember when I was in grade seven, I'd read books on astronomy and the universe. I think that's where it all began for me," says the 33-year-old, who works as a general physician. When it comes to the areas that she has dabbled in, it's an extensive laundry list. From a black belt in Taekwondo to baseball, to motivational speaking, to walking the ramp and crooning as an opera singer, Pandya seems to have done it all. Ask her how does she pack in so much, and she says, "When I am asked this, I tell people, 'relax, I'm not doing all this in the same 24-hour period'. The trick is to prioritise what you do with your time, line up goals, set deadlines for yourself and act accordingly." Pandya shares a deep connect with Mumbai and tries to visit the city once every five years. The last time she was here was last February. "I have most of my extended family here, my uncles, cousins and up until recently, my grandmother. There's no other city in the world like Mumbai, for me. There's so much going on here all the time but there's always something that comes out of the constant commotion. This city is always home away from home for me." Also Read: Virender Sehwag Pays Heartwarming Tribute To Astronaut Kaplana Chawla Catch up on all the latest Mumbai news, crime news, current affairs, and also a complete guide on Mumbai from food to things to do and events across the city here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates Full Article
pace Mohammed Shami: My priority is seam and swing, not pace By Published On :: 18 Apr 2020 01:46:53 GMT Team India boasts of a fast-bowling attack that skipper Virat Kohli says he is proud to lead. And the man who has been an integral part of the transformation of a young attack into world beaters is Mohammed Shami. Having started off under former skipper MS Dhoni, Shami is now the leader of the pack under Kohli. While bowlers tend to get slower as a Test match progresses, Shami is someone who gets better with each passing session and has time and again shown that he can be a match-winner in the second innings for Team India. So what is his area of focus when he has that ball in hand? "I try to ensure that my pace doesn't fall below the 140kmph mark, but my focus is on the seam and swing. I have always tried to make sure that these two things remain perfect. I can bring pace with my physical strength and you can always work on it by doing strength training. But I have always given priority to swing and seam and never for a minute let them take a backseat," he smiles. "As you keep playing, you learn a lot of things. It is all about following one process after the other. So, when you have learnt one trick and mastered it, you then move to the next one and work on that. In the beginning, I didn't have much idea about reverse swing. But slowly I came to understand what the process of reverse swing is all about and how it can be an integral part of a pace bowler's armoury," he explained. Catch up on all the latest sports news and updates here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news This story has been sourced from a third party syndicated feed, agencies. Mid-day accepts no responsibility or liability for its dependability, trustworthiness, reliability and data of the text. Mid-day management/ reserves the sole right to alter, delete or remove (without notice) the content in its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever Full Article
pace Will Shoaib Akhtar coach Indian pacers? He answers By Published On :: 5 May 2020 02:47:39 GMT With the world coming to a standstill due to the coronavirus pandemic, former and current sportspersons have been interacting on social media to keep fans engaged and former Pakistan fast bowler Shoaib Akhtar has said that he would love to take up an offer to coach the Indian fast bowlers. In an interview on social networking app Helo, Akhtar said that he has never stepped back from sharing his knowledge and he would be more than happy to do the same with Indian bowlers. Asked if he was open to coach the Indian team if such an offer came, he said: "I will definitely. My job is to spread knowledge. What I have learned is (ilm) knowledge and I will spread it. I will produce more aggressive, fast and more talkative bowlers than the current ones who will tell-off the batsmen in a way that you will enjoy a lot." Earlier, Akhtar had proposed a series between India and Pakistan to help raise funds to fight the pandemic. While former India skipper Kapil Dev was against the idea, Akhtar found the support of former captain Shahid Afridi. "The entire world is fighting against coronavirus and we need unity in our region to defeat this common enemy. Such negative comments don't help at all. I don't see anything wrong with Shoaib Akhtar's suggestion for Pakistan and India to play cricket. "Kapil's reaction has surprised me. I expected better from him and feel one should not talk like this in these crisis times. Sport is supposed to bring people together and build bridges. It is pretty disappointing," he said. Catch up on all the latest sports news and updates here. Also download the new mid-day Android and iOS apps to get latest updates. Mid-Day is now on Telegram. Click here to join our channel (@middayinfomedialtd) and stay updated with the latest news This story has been sourced from a third party syndicated feed, agencies. Mid-day accepts no responsibility or liability for its dependability, trustworthiness, reliability and data of the text. Mid-day management/ reserves the sole right to alter, delete or remove (without notice) the content in its absolute discretion for any reason whatsoever Full Article
pace OECD Says Pace Of Global Tax Reform Has Slowed By Published On :: Thu, 5 Sep 2019 00:00:00 GMT The pace of tax reform has slowed across most leading economies, a new report from the OECD says, calling for bolder tax reforms to address future challenges. Full Article
pace Frozen Sperm found Viable in Space like on Earth By Published On :: Sperm characteristics in frozen sperm samples doesn't found to vary much when exposed to microgravity, reported a study at the 35th Annual Meeting of ESHRE investigators. Full Article
pace Press Release: Space technology to help develop flood insurance for India’s farmers By Published On :: Sat, 01 Aug 2015 07:31:08 +0000 Experts meet in Patna to discuss new initiative that could “future‐proof” one million smallholders. Full Article Media Releases Z-News CCAFS CGIAR Floods IBFI India
pace Green Space can Decrease Violent Crime By Published On :: New study has taken a look at how green space can help decrease violent crime. Poorly designed and inadequately maintained green spaces can help crime take root and spread, reports the new study. Full Article
pace Space-grown Lettuce is Safe to Eat By Published On :: Astronauts in space live on processed, pre-packaged space rations such as fruits, nuts, chocolate, shrimp cocktails, peanut butter, chicken, and beef to name a few. Full Article
pace Looking at Green Spaces May Reduce Your Cravings By Published On :: Seeing green spaces can reduce the intensity and frequency of cravings for alcohol, cigarettes, and harmful foods. Hence, there is a lower risk of developing Full Article
pace Spaceflight may Cause Blood Clots in Female Astronauts By Published On :: Female astronauts can be affected with the risk of blood clots associated with spaceflight. The study, published in Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, Full Article
pace Effects of Deep Space Travel on The Brain By Published On :: Radiation exposure in space may disable your abilities of learning and memory; it also causes anxiety and depression. Exposure to chronic, low dose radiation Full Article
pace Gut Can Be Constantly Affected During The Spaceflight By Published On :: Space flight has found to have a consistent effect on the gut microbes. A new Northwestern University study discovered that spaceflight -- both aboard Full Article
pace NASA Space Telescopes Spot Elusive Brown Dwarf By Published On :: In a first-of-its-kind collaboration, NASA's Spitzer and Swift space telescopes have joined forces to unveil an elusive brown dwarf - thought to be the missing link between planets and stars, with masses up to 80 times that of Jupiter. Full Article
pace Reliance Industries, GE To Drive Digital Transformation In Industrial Space By Published On :: Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) and US global conglomerate GE on Thursday announced a global partnership in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) space to boost digital transformation. Full Article
pace South Africa shows good progress on environment, must keep up pace By Published On :: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 12:00:00 GMT In the two decades since apartheid ended, South Africa has made impressive strides to catch up with – and in some cases surpass -- the developed world’s environmental standards. Full Article
pace Habitat Space By Published On :: There is no doubt that the world has changed fundamentally since the collapse of the global economy last year. We are heartened to see that out of the dust has emerged a new mantra of "less is more" and "work with what you... Full Article
pace Habitat Space " Where are we heading......please think" By Published On :: "Habitat Space" place where we live? Have we ever tried to look at, basically what at we are looking at no idea my friends. Yes i wanna say that how much of green space do we have at the present time have we ever tried to figure... Full Article
pace U.S. Recovery to Gather Pace in 2014, Says OECD in Latest Economic Outlook By Published On :: Mon, 05 May 2014 12:26:00 GMT Economic activity in the United States is projected to pick up in steadily in 2014 as the effects of the severe winter weather dissipate and investment and consumption expand, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Outlook. Full Article
pace Global growth continuing at a moderate pace, OECD says By Published On :: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:00:00 GMT A moderate expansion is underway in most major advanced and emerging economies, but growth remains weak in the euro area, which runs the risk of prolonged stagnation if further steps are not taken to boost demand, according to the OECD’s latest Interim Economic Assessment. Full Article