
En la Riqueza de Dios, Siempre Vamos a Estar Satisfechos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre como debemos compartir con el mundo nuestra alegría de la satisfaccion que tenemos en Cristo. Porque Dios nos da muchos dones, incluyendo a animar a las personas. (Romanos 12:6-14) Fr. Nicholas preaches about how we should share our happiness with the world of the satisfaction we have in Christ. Because God gives us many blessings, including the ability to encourage others. (Romans 12:6-14)


Saturday Morning Breakfast

Do you miss breakfast on Sunday? Today, Martha takes a look at the gift of a relaxing breakfast on Saturday and preparing for the Holy Eucharist.


Having a Conversation with God (John 4:5-42)

In the story of the Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well, Jesus has a life-changing conversation with her. Fr Thomas reminds us that each one of us needs to have this conversation with God, which can ultimately lead us to put Him first above all things. (Fifth Sunday of Pascha)


Old and New Dispensations


A Conversation Beyond Expectation – A Life Beyond Conceiving


I Saw Satan Fall


I Saw Satan Fall



Ancient Faith Ministries CEO John Maddex comments on a controversy involving the lyrics of a new hymn widely used in the Evangelical world.


A Holy Conversation - Marriage and Sexuality

Fr. Caleb Abetti is the Chair of the Contemporary Issues Implementation Team for the OCA and he talks to us about an coming event in White River, VT, called Holy Conversation - Marriage and Sexuality.


A Conversation on Children's Literature

Join special host, Richard Rohlin, as he interviews brilliant authors and educators, Dr. Edith Humphrey and Angelina Stanford. Together they engage in rich conversation about literature, fantasy, art, and faith. Topics include: what makes literature good or bad? How do we choose good literature for our children? How do we write good literature for our children? And more! To learn more about Dr. Edith Humphrey and her newest book, "Beyond the White Fence" here. To learn more about Angelina Standford and her work at the House of Humane Letters, check out their website. To learn more about Richard Rohlin and his Finding the Golden Key project, click here.


When Satan Attacks


The power of Satan or the power of God

Acts 26: 1, 12-20, John 9: 1-38 Utterly blind and now seeing Christ-God face to face. You too.


World Championship future 'great conversation to be having'

World champion Kyren Wilson says debate over where the World Snooker Championship should be staged in the future is healthy for the sport.


Using personalisation and segmentation to support advanced marketing techniques

Advanced marketing techniques such as Account-based Marketing (ABM) and 1-1 marketing require a more individualised approach than traditional inbound marketing tactics. No longer can we paint with a broad brush, as marketers. We must find ways to speak directly with individuals, rather than an audience.


Back-row stars, a Puma sensation & more Premiership talking points

The back-row contenders come front and centre, Harlequins have a new Puma on the loose and more Premiership talking points


“Walthamstow FC exist and they’re playing on Saturday, and that’s a start …”

Do you remember when bloggers just sometimes did short posts about things they had enjoyed and just wanted to share them? I know, I am such a boomer*. Anyway, here is one of those, with a couple more to follow...


Capitalisation : les pistes de la Fondapol pour réformer les retraites

Selon l'economiste Bertrand Martinot, il faut introduire une dose de capitalisation pour des raisons d'equite entre generations et d'efficience economique.


Moralisation : Les annonces de Bayrou vont dans le bon sens

Malgré un télescopage plus que dommageable avec l’affaire Ferrand – il aurait déjà dû démissionner – François Bayrou a annoncé un train de mesures visant à moraliser visant à encadrer les élus. Et bien celles-ci vont dans le bon sens. Bien sûr, on pourra...


Réseaux Sociaux… entre hystérisation et égotisme

Si la question de l’hystérisation des réseaux sociaux ne date pas des Gilets Jaunes, nulle doute qu’elle revient sur le devant de la scène. Je ne parle même pas des théories du complot lié à ce mouvement. Pour ma part, les choses sont claires, il est...


Une accusation à point nommé contre Asia Argento, quel hasard !

J'ai lu les titres et articles de presse à propos d'Asia Argento et de sa supposée agression contre Jimmy Bennett. Ça sent le traquenard à plein nez. 

Le type assure avoir été agressé sexuellement par l'actrice à l'âge de 17 ans. Il se fout de la gueule de qui, le petit traumatisé ? La prétendue agression ne l'empêchait pas de titrer quelques semaines après que "Maman" lui manquait. Pour la petite histoire, les deux acteurs jouent à la mère et au fils depuis qu'ils ont tourné ensemble dans un film alors que Jimmy avait 7 ans et qu'Asia incarnait sa ...


Elon Musk se défend au tribunal d'accusations "scandaleuses" sur des tweets de 2018

Elon Musk a tenté de montrer lundi au tribunal que ses fameux tweets de 2018, sur sa volonté de sortir Tesla de la Bourse, n'avaient rien de trompeurs ou de frauduleux, contrairement aux accusations d'investisseurs qui disent avoir perdu des millions de dollars à cause du milliardaire.

Le patron de Tesla -- et de Twitter, depuis fin octobre -- a assuré qu'il n'avait "jamais" cherché à tromper les investisseurs, et que l'accusation de fraude était "scandaleuse".

Il avait créé la stupeur le 7 août 2018 en affirmant qu'il voulait retirer son groupe automobile de la Bourse au prix de 420 dollars par action, puis en assurant que le financement était "sécurisé".

"Je ne disais pas que c'était fait, je disais simplement que je l'envisageais, que j'y pensais. Et qu'à mon avis le financement était sécurisé", a déclaré Elon Musk à la barre, dans le tribunal de San Francisco où a lieu le procès.

La semaine dernière, le principal avocat des plaignants, Nicholas Porritt, avait accusé le dirigeant d'avoir "menti" et d'être responsable des pertes des investisseurs.

Le titre avait bondi dans la foulée des tweets très inhabituels (et le Nasdaq avait temporairement suspendu le cours de l'action Tesla), avant de décliner les jours suivants. Des articles de presse avaient fini par révéler que le patron n'avait pas vraiment les fonds.

Tesla était restée cotée en Bourse.

A travers ses questions, Nicholas Porritt a cherché à montrer qu'Elon Musk n'avait pas réalisé les consultations appropriées, et ne disposait pas ni des éléments nécessaires, ni de l'autorité pour faire une annonce aussi fracassante, surtout sur Twitter, et surtout pendant que les marchés étaient ouverts.

- "M. Tweet" -

L'avocat a mis en avant des échanges acerbes le 12 août 2018 entre le milliardaire et Yasir Al-Rumayyan, le directeur du fonds souverain saoudien, qui s'était engagé "catégoriquement" et "sans hésitation" à financer l'opération, selon Elon Musk.

"Le financement n'était pas vraiment sécurisé, n'est-ce pas?", a demandé M Porritt.

Yasir Al-Rumayyan a fait du "rétropédalage", a rétorqué le patron de Tesla.

Il a assuré qu'il avait de toute façon la possibilité de vendre ses actions de son autre fleuron, SpaceX, "l'entreprise non cotée la plus valorisée des Etats-Unis".

"Cela m'aurait brisé le cœur (de les vendre), mais je l'aurais fait si besoin", a-t-il déclaré, évoquant comment il avait dû se séparer d'actions de Tesla pour racheter Twitter l'année dernière.

Costume sombre, chemise blanche et cravate, il est apparu hésitant, ne se souvenant pas de nombreux emails et détails, et répondant souvent à côté des questions pour répéter à l'envie les messages qu'il voulait faire passer au jury.

Au point de faire perdre patience à l'avocat des investisseurs. "Nous avons passé toute une journée ensemble à Austin, vous vous en souvenez M. Tweet?!", a lancé Nicholas Porritt, avant de corriger pour "M. Musk".

- "Karma" -

L'accusation est aussi revenue sur le prix proposé par Elon Musk, 420 dollars par action. Aux Etats-Unis, les chiffres 4 et 20 accolés sont associés à la consommation de cannabis. Quand le milliardaire a proposé de racheter Twitter au printemps dernier, il a choisi un prix de 54,20 dollars par action.

"Avez-vous arrondi à 420 en guise de blague à l'attention de votre petite amie?", a demandé Nicholas Porritt.

"Ce n'était pas une blague, cela représentait une prime de 20% au-dessus du prix de l'action", a répondu Elon Musk, reconnaissant cependant qu'il y a "un certain karma autour de 420".

"Pas sûr que ce soit un bon ou un mauvais karma à ce stade", a-t-il encore plaisanté.

Son avocat Alex Spiro l'a ensuite aidé à dresser le portrait d'un immigré parti de rien, venu aux Etats-Unis - "là où les grandes choses sont possibles" - après une enfance "malheureuse" en Afrique du Sud, selon les mots du milliardaire.

"On m'a traité de fou à de nombreuses reprises", a déclaré Elon Musk après avoir énuméré les entreprises qu'il a cofondées.

Mais "à ce stade je crois que j'ai levé plus d'argent que quiconque dans l'histoire", s'est-il vanté, attribuant sa réussite à son "honnêteté" à l'égard des investisseurs.

Le procès doit durer trois semaines. Dans une précédente décision liée à cette affaire, un juge avait estimé que le fameux tweet de 2018 pouvait être considéré comme "faux et trompeur".

Le gendarme boursier américain, la SEC, avait de son côté obligé Elon Musk à céder la présidence du conseil d'administration, à payer une amende et à faire pré-approuver par un juriste ses tweets directement liés à l'activité de Tesla.


Pour dᅵsengorger les urgences des hᅵpitaux, le ministre de la Santᅵ a saturᅵ le Samu

C'est malin. A peine nommᅵ ministre de la Santᅵ, Franᅵois Braun croyait avoir trouvᅵ une astuce pour dᅵsengorger les services d'urgences des hᅵpitaux : demander aux patients d'appeler le 15,...


Research on multi-objective optimisation for shared bicycle dispatching

The problem of dispatching is key to management of shared bicycles. Considering the number of borrowing and returning events during the dispatching period, optimisation plans of shared bicycles dispatching are studied in this paper. Firstly, the dispatching model of shared bicycles is built, which regards the dispatching cost and lost demand as optimised objectives. Secondly, the solution algorithm is designed based on non-dominated Genetic Algorithm. Finally, a case is given to illustrate the application of the method. The research results show that the method proposed in the paper can get optimised dispatching plans, and the model considering borrowing and returning during dispatching period has better effects with a 39.3% decrease in lost demand.


An image encryption using hybrid grey wolf optimisation and chaotic map

Image encryption is a critical and attractive issue in digital image processing that has gained approval and interest of many researchers in the world. A proposed hybrid encryption method was implemented by using the combination of the Nahrain chaotic map with a well-known optimised algorithm namely the grey wolf optimisation (GWO). It was noted from analysing the results of the experiments conducted on the new hybrid algorithm, that it gave strong resistance against expected statistical invasion as well as brute force. Several statistical analyses were carried out and showed that the average entropy of the encrypted images is near to its ideal information entropy.


Digitalisation boost operation efficiency with special emphasis on the banking sector

The banking sector has experienced a substantial technological shift that has opened up new and better opportunities for its customers. Based on their technological expenditures, the study assessed the two biggest public Indian banks and the two biggest private Indian banks. The most crucial statistical techniques used to demonstrate the aims are realistic are bivariate correlations and ordinary least squares. This work aims to establish a connection between research and a technology index that serves as a proxy for operational efficiency. The results show that for both public and private banks, the technology index positively influences operational efficiency metrics like IT costs, marketing costs, and compensation costs. This suggests that when the technology index increases, so do IT, marketing, and compensation costs, even though it has been shown that the technology index favourably improves operational efficiency measures like depreciation and printing. This means that the cost to banks is high despite greater investment in technology for these activities.


Human resource management and organisation decision optimisation based on data mining

The utilisation of big data presents significant opportunities for businesses to create value and gain a competitive edge. This capability enables firms to anticipate and uncover information quickly and intelligently. The author introduces a human resource scheduling optimisation strategy using a parallel network fusion structure model. The author's approach involves designing a set of network structures based on parallel networks and streaming media, enabling the macro implementation of the enterprise parallel network fusion structure. Furthermore, the author proposes a human resource scheduling optimisation method based on a parallel deep learning network fusion structure. It combines convolutional neural networks and transformer networks to fuse streaming media features, thereby achieving comprehensive identification of the effectiveness of the current human resource scheduling in enterprises. The result shows that the macro and deep learning methods achieve a recognition rate of 87.53%, making it feasible to assess the current state of human resource scheduling in enterprises.


Impact of servicescape dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioural intentions: a case of casual dining restaurants

Physical and social aspects each make up a separate part of servicescape. Together, these make up the servicescape. Although previous research has frequently investigated these aspects separately, the purpose of this study is to simultaneously find out the impact of both aspects within the casual dining restaurants' context. In total, 462 customers in Delhi were polled for this study, and structural equation modelling was used to analyse the data. According to the results, both the social and physical parts of the servicescape have the ability to affect how satisfied customers are, which in turn can affect how they behave in the future.


Does perceive organisational politics effect emotional intelligence and employee engagement? An empirical study

This paper examines the growing aspect of perceive organisational politics (POPs) in organisations by understanding their employee engagement with mediating effect of emotional intelligence. This study is cross-sectional, wherein a survey is conducted on executives of different sectors holding strategic positions. The purposive sampling technique is applied to find the 117 most suitable executives for this survey. The survey is self-administered, and a questionnaire is used as an instrument with 43 measurement scale items adopted from previous similar studies. Construct's reliability and validity followed by PLS-SEM is performed using JASP statistical application. The result revealed that the dimensionality support and validation of POP based on a new set of measures centred on generalised beliefs of the application and abuse of power, infrastructure, credibility, choice making, and line-of-sight. In line with previous findings, the current findings also showed that POP works as a barrier to individual behavioural demand and can negatively affect work efficiency. Existence of perceive organisational politics due to the normative belief of the situation happing in the organisation, disengagement of employees, and also evaluates new empirical insight into the organisation by mediating emotional intelligence.


Re-purposing Google Maps Visualisation for Teaching Logistics Systems


An Investigation of Student Expectation, Perceived Performance and Satisfaction of E-textbooks


The influence of digital literacy and schemes on the overall satisfaction of digital usage among unorganised retailers

The world is transitioning towards the digitalisation of everyday tasks significantly. The impact of digital literacy on technological usage is immense. The awareness and utilisation of the digital India schemes are needed to determine unorganised retailers' overall satisfaction with digitalisation and technological usage. The chief motive of this research is to assess and analyse digital literacy in terms of technology usage and the awareness cum utilisation level of the various digital India schemes proposed by the Government of India for unorganised retailers. The conceptual framework consists of the factors such as digital literacy and digital India schemes that determine the overall satisfaction of retailers with technology usage. The corresponding results of the study synthesised the impact of digital literacy, digital India schemes, and the awareness cum utilisation level of technology among unorganised retailers based on recommendations to enhance the performance of the unorganised retail sector.


Effective inventory management among Malaysian SMEs in the manufacturing sector towards organisational performance

In several manufacturing firms, inventory constitutes most of the current assets, and this underscores the importance of inventory management as a fundamental issue for the majority of the firms irrespective of their sizes. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to assess the factors that influence the effectiveness of inventory management of Malaysian SMEs in the manufacturing sector. The study employs PLS-SEM technique to test the hypotheses. The main findings show that documentation and records, inventory control system and qualified personnel have positive effects on effective inventory management of Malaysian SMEs in the manufacturing sector. The study also reveals that effective inventory management has a mediating effect on the relationship between documentation and records, inventory control system, qualified personnel and organisational performance. Therefore, the study recommends that Malaysian SMEs in the manufacturing sector should improve their approaches to embracing effective inventory management practices in order to enhance organisational performance.


Electronic management of enterprise accounting files under the condition of informatisation

With the rapid development of computer information technology, the work of accountants has gradually evolved into an electronic trend and the management of accounting files has also undergone great changes. Combining with the current development trend of informatisation, this paper discusses the electronic management mode of enterprise accounting files under the condition of informatisation. Combined with the latest information technology, an enterprise electronic accounting file system is established and the research and development system is compared with the traditional paper accounting file management. The results have shown that the retrieval and query time of traditional paper accounting files is close to 2 hours. After the implementation of the electronic accounting file system, the retrieval and query time of files can be completed in only 2 minutes, and the query efficiency of files has been increased by nearly 60 times.


Mobile wallet payments - a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades

The study aims to review the literature on mobile wallet payment and align research trends using a systematic literature review with bibliometric and network visualisation analysis over two decades. It uses bibliometric analysis of the literature research retrieved from the Web of Science database. The study period was from 2001 to 2021, with 1,134 research papers. It also provides the indicators like citation trends, cited reference patterns, authorship patterns, subject areas published on the mobile wallet, top contributing authors, and highly cited research articles using the database. Furthermore, network visualisation analysis, like the co-occurrence of author keywords and keywords plus terms, has also been examined using VOSviewer software. The bibliometric analysis shows that the Republic of China dominates mobile wallet payment, and India is a significant contributor. Furthermore, the constructions of the network map using a co-citation analysis and bibliographic coupling shows an interesting pattern of mobile wallet payment.


Performance improvement in inventory classification using the expectation-maximisation algorithm

Multi-criteria inventory classification (MCIC) is popularly used to aid managers in categorising the inventory. Researchers have used numerous mathematical models and approaches, but few resorted to unsupervised machine-learning techniques to address MCIC. This study uses the expectation-maximisation (EM) algorithm to estimate the parameters of the Gaussian mixture model (GMM), a popular unsupervised machine learning algorithm, for ABC inventory classification. The EM-GMM algorithm is sensitive to initialisation, which in turn affects the results. To address this issue, two different initialisation procedures have been proposed for the EM-GMM algorithm. Inventory classification outcomes from 14 existing MCIC models have been given as inputs to study the significance of the two proposed initialisation procedures of the EM-GMM algorithm. The effectiveness of these initialisation procedures corresponding to various inputs has been analysed toward inventory management performance measures, i.e., fill rate, total relevant cost, and inventory turnover ratio.


International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations


Organisational Paradigms and Network Centric Organisations


Manufacturing Organizational Memory: Logged Conversation Thread Analysis


e-HR and Employee Self Service: A Case Study of a Victorian Public Sector Organisation


A Markov Decision Process Model for Traffic Prioritisation Provisioning


Finger Length, Digit Ratio and Gender Differences in Sensation Seeking and Internet Self-Efficacy


Improving Progression and Satisfaction Rates of Novice Computer Programming Students through ACME – Analogy, Collaboration, Mentoring, and Electronic Support


The Adoption of Single Sign-On and Multifactor Authentication in Organisations: A Critical Evaluation Using TOE Framework


Perceptions of DEIA, Job Satisfaction, and Leadership Among U.S. Federal Government Employees

Aim/Purpose . The quantitative comparative ex post facto research study covered in this paper aims to fill gaps in the literature by focusing on whether gender influences perceptions of leadership; diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); and job satisfaction among federal employees within the Department of Justice using empirical data. The study also explores whether there are relationships between the perception of leadership and job satisfaction and the perception of DEIA and job satisfaction. Background. Since 2002, the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has administered the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS), which measures employee perceptions of whether and to what extent successful organizational conditions exist in their agencies. Areas currently assessed within the FEVS include training, job satisfaction, leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness, work-life balance, and diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. The exploration of variations in perceptions of leadership, DEIA efforts, and job satisfaction among U.S. federal employees by gender and other criteria are crucial areas for research that are underrepresented in the literature. This is not only important for the United States federal government, which is grappling with high attrition rates, but also for public administrations around the world. Methodology. A quantitative ex post facto research design was used to analyze data from responses of U.S. federal employees working for the Department of Justice. Leadership, job satisfaction, and DEIA were all measured using aggregate scores from pre-determined question sets. Differences based on gender were analyzed using t-tests. Additionally, chi-squares and Spearman’s rank correlations were employed in order to explore whether there is a relationship between the perception of leadership and job satisfaction and the perception of DEIA efforts and job satisfaction among U.S. federal government workers. Contribution. The findings of this study aid in providing empirical data to support the need for federal government leadership to understand the impact of employees’ perceptions on their willingness to continue working in the federal government. The research study was grounded in Public Service Motivation Theory, which centers around factors that motivate individuals to pursue and maintain careers in the public service sector. More specifically, this study supported the public service motivation theory in that it looked at gender as a mitigating factor in public service motivation as well as explored the role of leadership and DEIA as a correlating factor to job satisfaction. The results of this research have practical implications for federal government leaders interested in increasing employee motivation and retention and who should be considering the range of sociocultural and demographic characteristics that have been found in the research to impact employee perceptions and experiences. Findings. The analyses found differences in perceptions of leadership, DEIA, and job satisfaction among United States Federal Government employees based on gender. Additionally, perceptions of leadership and DEIA were both found to influence job satisfaction. The first research question explored in this study used a t-test to consider whether the perception of leadership among U.S. federal employees differed based on participant gender with significance found. The second research question examined whether the perceived job satisfaction of U.S. federal employees differed based on gender, with statistical significance detected. The third research question focused on whether perception of DEIA differed when gender was explored and the results of the t-test indicated a significant difference in perceptions of DEIA when gender was considered. The fourth research question considered the relationship between the perception of leadership and job satisfaction. A Chi-square and a Spearman Rank Correlation were performed, and a relationship was found to exist. Research question five explored whether a relationship exists between the perception of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility initiatives and job satisfaction, with significance found following a chi-square and a Spearman rank correlation. Recommendations for Practitioners. Leadership behaviors of managers and the existence of DEIA policies play a critical role in employees’ job satisfaction and commitment. The recommendations for organizational leadership in the public service sector include addressing gender inequality in work practices and environments and cultivating more inclusive organizational cultures. Recommendations for Researchers. The lack of inclusion of socio-cultural norms in the research on public service motivation is a gap that has yet to be sufficiently addressed and is an area of research that should be explored. Impact on Society. Research on public service motivation in local, state, national, and international government employment can aid organizations in developing strategies for improving recruitment, selection, and retention in public service organizations. This information can advance scientific knowledge on transforming management and leadership practices across sectors. Future Research. Future research can expound on what has been done here by examining in more detail how various identities, and more specifically intersecting identities, within the LGBTQIA+ community as well as other historically marginalized groups, impact such factors as perceptions of leadership, job satisfaction, employee motivation and retention, and work-life balance. Perceptions of specific DEIA initiatives should also be further explored.


Business Intelligence Systems in the Holistic Infrastructure Development Supporting Decision Making in Organisations


An Integrated ICT Management Framework for Commercial Banking Organisations


The Relationship among Organizational Knowledge Sharing Practices, Employees' Learning Commitments, Employees' Adaptability, and Employees' Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Investigation


Socio-Technical Knowledge Management and Epistemological Paradigms: Theoretical Connections at the Individual and Organisational Level