
Bookings are Now Closed

Bookings for IWMW 2008 are now closed. If you wish to be added to the waiting list please contact the events team. [13 June 2008]


Delegate Information for IWMW 2008 now available

Full delegate information including details of accommodation location is now available. [9 July 2008]


Paul Browning (2002)

Paul Browning is Information Strategy Co-ordinator at the University of Bristol (but was an earth scientist who ran a departmental network in a former life). He is a member of the institutional Web Team and is fed up using a bucket and spade to build and maintain the University Web; he has been on the lookout for a JCB and thinks he might have found one in the form of Zope. Paul is co-author of the JISC TechWatch Report on Content Management Systems. Most likely to say: "Can I have the keys to your information silo?" Least likely to say: "I think yet another portal is a smart idea." Paul has been invited to give a talk on Portals and CMS - Why You Need Them Both following the cancellation on the talk on The My.Sunderland Portal: A Case Study. Paul is also taking part in a panel session on Avoiding Portal Wars.


Andy Powell (2006)

Andy Powell is Head of Development at the Eduserv Foundation, a Bath-based charity that supports the effective use of ICT in education. As a member of Bath University Computing Services he was the first 'webmaster' at the University of Bath, moving in 1996 to UKOLN where he was involved in a number of European and JISC funded 'digital library' projects. More recently, Andy has liaised closely with the JISC, advising them on the standards and protocols needed to support e-learning and e-research, notably through the development of the JISC Information Environment and the e-Framework for Education and Research. Andy gave a plenary talk on "Reflections on 10 years of the Institutional Web". Andy can be contacted at andy.powell@eduserv.org.uk.


Look Who's Talking Now...

Alison Wildish, Head of Web Services, University of Bath follows up her plenary talk from last year entitled "Let the students do the talking..." which stimulated lot of debate. She spoke of my experiences at Edge Hill University and the success she'd had as a result of a more 'open' approach to Web content and services. In general the community were encouraged by our approach and many claimed to find it inspiring yet others, from the larger and research-led Universities, suggested "... it all sounds very good but Edge Hill is a new University so it HAS to focus on marketing... it's different for us". So twelve months on and now sitting on the other side of the fence, working in a research-led institution at the University of Bath, She will reflect on her previous talk and report on whether or not her approach and vision has changed. She'll be answering the questions many of you wish to ask: Is it just 'easier' to get things done in a new University? Should your vision for the web be dictated by the type of institution you are? Having moved to a research-led University is she now eating her words?


Global investment management firm T Rowe Price sets up in Melbourne

US-based global investment management firm, T Rowe Price (TRP), has opened a new office in Melbourne. Head of Australian business for TRP, Murray Brewer, said TRP in Australia is going from strength to strength.


Melbourne ranked world’s most liveable city for 4th year in a row

Australia’s fastest-growing city, Melbourne, has again been recognised as the best city in the world to live, topping the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) 2014 Global Liveability Index for the fourth year in a row.


Bio blog: Victorian Postdoctoral Research Fellowships – second round

Applications are now open for the second round of the prestigious A$1.8 million Victorian Postdoctoral Research Fellowships Program, being delivered by veski. The fellowships aim to strengthening Victoria’s innovation capabilities by enabling talented young researchers to work at world leading research centres before returning to Victoria. The Victorian Government offered six fellowships in 2013 and is again offering up to six fellowships to begin in 2015.


Kaiteki Fresh grows in regional Victoria

Japanese food production company, Kaiteki Fresh has announced a new state-of-the-art hydroponic facility in Bunyip, one hour east of Melbourne. The multi-million dollar investment will be the first facility of its kind outside of Asia, and will create 40 new local jobs. Kaiteki Fresh Australia, a subsidiary of Japan’s Mitsubishi Corporation, is a global leader in food production and technology.


Bio blog: Victoria to attract more world leading women in science and innovation with additional round of veski innovation fellowships

An additional round of veski innovation fellowships – a prestigious Victorian program to attract outstanding global leaders in science and research to Victoria – is actively seeking applications from outstanding women in science and research.


Internationally renowned Melbourne HIV scientist named Melburnian of the Year

Professor Sharon Lewin, the local co-chair of this year’s 20th International AIDS Conference, and internationally recognised HIV cure researcher, has been named Melburnian of the Year in an awards ceremony held on 15 November.


Melbourne to host renowned science conference IPAC in 2019

The International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) will take place in May 2019, and will see approximately 1,000 delegates visit Melbourne to discuss, collaborate and present on the latest scientific achievements in particle acceleration. Melbourne’s winning bid was presented in Korea, and was a direct result of collaboration between the Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) and the Australian Synchrotron, a particle acceleration research facility located in Melbourne.


Victorian wind farms bring power to Canberra

Two Victorian wind farms have won 20-year deals with the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), to supply a third of Canberra's electricity needs. In a deal worth A$68 million a year each, the alternative power venture is set to increase Canberra household power bills by A$93, however with 200 megawatts of capacity, the wind farms are expected to create a 580,000-tonne reduction to the city's yearly carbon emission each year (the equivalent of removing 157,000 cars).


In a changing climate, information is power

The following story by Alexa Jay was originally posted on the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) news blog.

In a variable and changing climate, information may be the key to unlocking successful adaptation strategies. How can millions of farmers access climate information services that support adaptation to climate variability and change?

Climate information services are a powerful tool in helping farmers adapt to the impacts of climate variability and change, to both protect against drought and extreme events and take advantage of good conditions. A new report presents lessons learned from 18 case studies across Africa and South Asia that have developed and delivered weather and climate information and related advisory services for smallholder farmers, demonstrating that scaling up these services for millions of farmers is possible today. This infographic highlights what kind of information is being provided to farmers, and how it expands the range of management options available.


Doubling down on a good investment

As the world’s population continues to expand, ensuring that food production can meet the growing demand is an ever-mounting challenge. Climate change, soil degradation, and volatile food prices further threaten food security at a time when increasing agricultural output is paramount.

In the report, Taking Stock of National Agricultural R&D Capacity in Africa South of the Sahara, produced by IFPRI’s Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators, researchers Nienke Beintema and Gert-Jan Stads summarize recent progress in the development of national agricultural research systems in Africa south of the Sahara (SSA). The report—presented at the conference celebrating 15 years of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) in Johannesburg, South Africa this week—also serves as a benchmark for monitoring the implementation of the Science Agenda for Agriculture in Africa, which is being launched at the conference.

Regional spending on agricultural research and development (R&D) must double if the countries of SSA are to meet the recommended United Nations (UN) and African Union’s target of investing 1 percent of agricultural GDP in public agricultural R&D, not to mention the even more ambitious post-2015 recommendation that low- and middle-income countries ramp up spending on agricultural R&D by five percent from 2015 to 2025.

The report highlights additional challenges to national agricultural research systems:

  • Low staff retention and qualification levels: Civil service recruitment restrictions, low salaries, and inadequate funding have prevented many public agricultural research institutions from competing for, training, and retaining staff; in addition, a very large share of senior researchers are approaching retirement.
  • Low female participation: Although female participation in agricultural R&D has increased in recent years, women have less influence on decisionmaking and policy because men continue to dominate in senior research and management positions.
  • High funding volatility: Volatile fluctuations in agricultural R&D funding exert negative impacts on agricultural research systems by impeding strategic planning, undermining the conduct of research programs, demotivating staff, and eroding prior progress, all of which affect the quality, quantity, and efficiency of research outcomes and their ultimate impact on agricultural productivity and poverty alleviation.
  • High donor dependency: Significant shares of government funding are generally allocated to salaries, leaving many countries dependent on donor and development bank funding to support the day-to-day costs of operating research programs and developing and maintaining R&D infrastructure; in addition to increasing funding volatility, high dependence on donor funding has the potential to skew national research priorities.

African governments and research agencies are limited in their choice of options to address the many challenges they face in developing their agricultural research systems because of funding constraints. The ASTI report lists various successful policy changes already adopted in certain countries, which can offer valuable lessons for other countries.

“It is critical that African countries invest more in agricultural research to ensure that they can feed their populations,” said Beintema. “Underinvestment, inadequate human resource capacity, poor research infrastructure, and a lack of coherent policies continue to constrain the quantity and quality of research outputs in many countries.”


Transdisciplinary Fellows (2024-2025) (Housing) (November 14, 2024 6:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 6:00pm
Location: Fellows Lounge (8th Floor of Munger)
Organized By: Sessions @ Michigan


How to Launch a Career in the Federal Government | Virtual Info Sessions (November 14, 2024 6:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 6:00pm
Organized By: University Career Center

Are you a student or recent graduate passionate about making a difference? Join us this fall for our virtual information sessions hosted by the Partnership for Public Service! Our Call to Serve team is excited to guide you through the pathways to impactful careers in the federal government. The Partnership’s Call to Serve team will share: 
Entry-level government opportunities, including internship and fellowship programs.
Practical tips to navigate the federal hiring process.
Tools for effectively searching government jobs.
This is a unique chance to gain valuable insights and set yourself on a path to make a meaningful impact in the federal government. Don’t miss out—spaces are limited, so secure your spot today by signing up here.  Participants are required to sign up on our website, do not sign up via Handshake! 


Waste Reduction Goal Town Hall (November 14, 2024 4:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 4:00pm
Location: Michigan League
Organized By: Planet Blue

With the existing waste reduction goal sunsetting in 2025, the Office of Campus Sustainability has been leading a workstream to review and recommend expanded waste reduction goals. These targets will more accurately reflect our waste reduction strategy, which supports a circular economy in conjunction with zero waste efforts, while considering the embodied equity, environmental justice, and carbon neutrality impacts of materials management. Come join a town hall to learn about the proposed new goals and discuss metrics, implementation strategies.

We will also be hosting a clothing swap so please bring your gently-used clothing to rehome and a bag for carrying away some new, pre-loved favorites!

Stop by for the whole event, just a few minutes, or anything in between!

  • Reception / Open House


Rep Stability/Comm Alg Seminar: Stabilization of infinite powers of varieties of tensors (November 14, 2024 4:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 4:00pm
Location: East Hall
Organized By: Representation Stability Seminar - Department of Mathematics

Draisma proved that infinite dimensional varieties of tensors, defined uniformly with respect to the base vector space, are topologically Noetherian up to the action of the general linear group.The infinite power Z^N of a finite dimensional variety Z is ring-theoretically Noetherian up to the action of the infinite symmetric group permuting the copies of Z. We show that infinite powers of infinite dimensional varieties of tensors are defined set-theoretically by the Sym x GL-orbits of finitely many equations. This talk will browse these results.
Joint work with Chiu, Draisma, Eggermont, and Farooq.


The Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship Nov. Recruitment Roundtable (November 14, 2024 1:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 1:00pm
Organized By: University Career Center

Are you looking for a summer job? Are you interested in working for one of the largest Federal Government Agencies? Well, look no further. The Intelligence and Cybersecurity Diversity Fellowship (ICDF) Program is an opportunity for current college students attending an institution of higher education, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority Serving Institutes (MSIs) who are majoring in Intelligence and/or Cybersecurity-related areas of study. In this program, students may receive:• A paid fellowship• First-hand, practical experience in Intelligence and Cybersecurity disciplines• Participation in high-priority challenge projects• Training in core and technical competencies• Advice and support from mentors• Networking opportunities• Tuition assistance (if available) If you’re interested in learning more about the ICDFProgram, please join us for a recruitment roundtable on Thursday, November 14th at 1:00 pm EDT.


Cool role spotlight: how this chef combines her passions for culinary arts and sales (November 14, 2024 12:00pm)

Event Begins: Thursday, November 14, 2024 12:00pm
Organized By: University Career Center

No career path is a straight line, sometimes you have to funnel your passions into new directions. On November 14 at 12:00PM PT joinus for a virtual session with Chef and Sales Manager Juliet Hope. During the event Juliet will share her insights into her role and career journey, including:
Pivoting your career to find the right path for you
What a day in the life of a Regional Sales Manager looks like
Tips for a successful career in the food industry
Hope to see you there! 


CTA Signs New Two-Year Agreement for Expanded Social Service Outreach Following Successful Pilot

Following a successful pilot, a new two-year agreement was approved today between the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and the City of Chicago's Department of Family and Support Services (DFSS), which manages the city's overall homelessness outreach, to continue providing expanded outreach and support for riders who are unsheltered, as well as those grappling with mental health and substance abuse.



PAINTED EYEBROW by George Tsui is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 28 pcs



The Dog Show LIMITED EDITION CANVAS by Sally Caldwell Fisher is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition of 150 pcs


Blown Off Course

Blown Off Course by Sally Caldwell Fisher is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to pcs


Blow Dat Horn

Blow Dat Horn by Alonzo Adams is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition 100 pcs


Blowin' The Blues

Blowin' The Blues by Alonzo Adams is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition 500 pcs


Ater Glow

Ater Glow by Alonzo Adams is a(n) Limited Edition. The Edition is Limited to Limited Edition 850 pcs


Rocket Lab Signs First Neutron Launch Contract, Posts 55% Growth in Q3

Rocket Lab [RKLB] announced its first launch deal for the upcoming medium-lift Neutron rocket —  a multi-launch agreement with an unnamed commercial satellite constellation operator.  Rocket Lab announced the deal […]


OEMs See Growth in Single-Zone Ductless Market as Homeowners Expand, Remodel

The work-from-home trend, a shortage of new housing and other factors are leading people to expand their homes and remodel existing spaces. They’re often turning to single-zone ductless products to heat and cool those new living spaces.


MCEE Expo and Conference Draws a Crowd

The aisles were packed for the 2015 edition of MCEE, a Canadian trade show and conference for the plumbing, hydronics, HVACR, electrical, and lighting industries. The two-day trade show and conference took place April 22-23 in Montreal.


Fluke Ti9 Puts Thermal Imaging Power in Your Hands

Fluke introduces the Fluke Ti9, a high-performance, affordable thermal imager that is ideal for troubleshooting electrical installations as well as electro-mechanical, process, and HVAC/R equipment.


RM85 dehumidifier is lightweight, robust and powerful

The RM85 is the latest in Ebac’s line of rotational molded polyethylene housing dehumidifiers.


River Valley Community Fellowship

11/17/2024 - 10:00 AM - Venue: SteamPlant Event Center


Oil - private survey of inventory shows headline crude oil draw vs build expected

The data is a day later than normal this week due to the US holiday on Monday.

The numbers via oilprice.com on Twitter:


Expectations I had seen centred on:

  • Headline crude +0.1 mn barrels
  • Distillates +0.2 mn bbls
  • Gasoline +0.6 mn


This data point is from a privately-conducted survey by the American Petroleum Institute (API).

  • It's a survey of oil storage facilities and companies
  • The official report is due Wednesday morning US time.

The two reports are quite different.The official government data comes from the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)

  • Its based on data from the Department of Energy and other government agencies
  • Whereas information on total crude oil storage levels and variations from the previous week's levels are both provided by the API report, the EIA report also provides statistics on inputs and outputs from refineries, as well as other significant indicators of the status of the oil market, and storage levels for various grades of crude oil, such as light, medium, and heavy.
  • the EIA report is held to be more accurate and comprehensive than the survey from the API
This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.


AUD/USD little changed after the October employment report showed a steady jobless rate

The October jobs report from Australia was not as strong as we have become accustomed to:

It was not a poor report, just not another blockbuster!

AUD/USD is not a lot changed. Earlier we had Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Bullock sounding not dovish:

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.


EUR/USD hits its lowest in a year

The rising USD continues to ... rise still.

EUR/USD is circa 1.0555 and at its lowest since November last year.

The Federal Reserve appears to be on track for a December rate cut but its not bothering dollar bulls, taking their cues from the world of politics dollar-bostering Trump policies. Trump, of course, won't in the big chair until after January 20 but markets discount the future. Or what they expect in the future anyway. And that's a stronger dollar for now.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.


EUR/USD feels the inevitable pull towards 1.0500 next

There was a bit of a wrestle after the US CPI report yesterday but eventually, the dollar once again reigned supreme. EUR/USD saw a break below the April low of 1.0601 and has now traded down to fresh lows for the year. As the greenback continues to run a rampage, it is starting to draw in a rather critical level for EUR/USD in the bigger picture:

As seen from the above, the pair has been sort of stuck within a range of 1.0500 to 1.1200 roughly since the start of 2023.

As such, there looks to be an inevitable pull towards the 1.0500 mark now as sellers have proven their mettle at each and every other test since the start of October trading. The most recent of course being the fall below the April low of 1.0601, as mentioned above.

Taking the technical backdrop above into consideration, it pretty much means we're reaching a very, very critical juncture in gauging the post-election dollar momentum.

A firm break below 1.0500 is not only one to set off any further declines in EUR/USD. But the spillover potential means that it is going to spur even further gains in the dollar as we look towards year-end.

There is certainly strong arguments for that, as Adam pointed out here. But are traders going overboard in frontrunning the potential for the Trump trade and tariffs? That's something to consider as well perhaps.

For now, the momentum trade is name of the game in FX. However, don't ignore the implications set out by key technical boundaries such as the one in the chart above. That will be vital in determining the strength and resolve of the dollar momentum we're seeing now.

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.


Chinese stocks close lower as cautious tones linger for now

And that is thanks to Beijing disappointing markets once again with a failure to live up to stimulus announcements. It was the case right after the Golden Week holiday and it was the case again on Friday last week. With the drop today, the CSI 300 index closes down by 1.7% to post its lowest close this week.

It's been a rather back and forth last few days but the feeling is that there are hints of exhaustion when it comes to Chinese equities at the moment. That especially since Beijing has not followed up on the rallying momentum prior to the Golden Week holiday.

In the bigger picture, China is a very, very attractive opportunity as valuations are cheap and price levels are low at the moment. And that provides an alluring proposition for any investor, that is if you can ride this wave out. I'm definitely keeping an eye out but I'm not entirely convinced that this is where the turning point is, especially since local authorities have not delivered in recent weeks.

The technical breakout at the end of September is a good starting point but I fear that with a lack of convincing, China stocks might slip back into old habits and slide down again in the weeks ahead. The warning signs are definitely building to say the least: It's not a pretty picture in China

This article was written by Justin Low at www.forexlive.com.


Fed's Logan: Models show that Fed funds could be 'very close' to neutral

  • Fed will 'most likely' need more cuts but should 'proceed cautiously'
  • If Fed cuts too far past neutral, inflation could re-acclerate
  • Difficult to know how many Fed rate cuts may be needed, and how soon they need to happen
  • Fed has made a great deal of progress in bringing inflation down
  • Fed not quite back to price stability yet
  • US economic activity is resilient
  • Labor market cooling gradually but not weakening materially
  • Sees upside risk to inflation, downside risk to employment, says financial conditions may pose biggest challenges for monetary policy
  • If bond yields continue to rise, the Fed may need less-restrictive policy

Logan last spoke in late October and wasn't quite this hawkish. I think the Fed cuts in December but takes a pause after that and waits to see how things play out.

This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com.


Fed's Schmid: It remains to be seen how much more Fed will cut and where rates settle

  • Rate cuts to date are an acknowledgement of growing confidence that inflation is on the path to 2% goal
  • Hope productivity growth can outrun the effects of slowing population growth
  • Won't let enthusiasm over rising productivity get ahead of data or commitment to reaching Fed goals

There isn't much of a hint on anything here.

This article was written by Adam Button at www.forexlive.com.


Federal Reserve Chair Powell is speaking on Thursday

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell delivers a speech on his economic outlook, followed by a question and answer session.

  • Powell participates in "Global Perspectives" conversation before event hosted by the Dallas Regional Chamber, World Affairs Council of DFW and the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
  • @ 2000 GMT / 1500 US Eastern time

While the Fed seems committed to a December rate cut not all signs in the CPI data on Wednesday were encouraging.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.


New York Fed's Williams speaking Thursday - Kugler, Barkin also (Powell too!)

Times below are GBT / US Eastern time:

1400 / 0900 Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks on the economy in fireside chat before the Real Estate Roundtable

1500 / 1000 Federal Reserve Board Governor Adriana Kugler speaks on "Central Bank Independence and Economic Outlook" before the Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association (LACEA) and the Latin American Chapter of the Econometric Society 2024 Meeting

2000 / 1500 Powell, as already noted

2115 / 1615 Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams speaks before the "Intermediating Impact: Making Missing Markets" event hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

As head of the NY Fed Williams is vice chair of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) and has a permanent vote at the table. .

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at www.forexlive.com.


THIOTEPA-REACH thiotepa 15 mg powder for injection vial (thiotepa)

Unexpected increase in consumer demand


Harnessing the Power of Trust: The Future of Client Communications for Your Retirement Plan

Join Warren Cormier, CEO and co-founder of Boston Research Technologies for an exciting presentation that will highlight advances in the science of communications, focusing on how we can better connect with defined contribution plan participants and clients through trust-based communications, intuitive decision making and Enhanced Active Choice.

Show Secondary Body: 
1. Pardot Form URL: 
2. Pardot Form Handler URL: 
3. Pardot URL Parameters: 
?Latest_Download=https://www.cpa.com/24FF58740170656676C71F675DCC6022&Campaign_URL=https://marketing.cpa.com/l/701003/2019-07-19/9gg6&Lead_WebForm_Source=Paychex&Record_Type_ID=FS Sales&Send_Email=true&Dont_Route_to_Sales=TRUE


How Much Should I Save for Retirement?

Determining how much to save for retirement is challenging, given the high uncertainty about income, portfolio returns, and spending needs many years into the future. Given this uncertainty, and the high heterogeneity of earning potential and spending needs, what works well on average does not work well for everyone. A one-size-fits-all solution is unlikely to work.

Our free webinar has Dr. Marlena Lee discussing the different retirement strategies to help you and your firm reach your retirement goals.

In this presentation Dr. Lee will help examine:

  • Target income replacement rates
  • Saving more as income grows
  • The importance of starting early and saving consistently
Show Secondary Body: 
1. Pardot Form URL: 
2. Pardot Form Handler URL: 
3. Pardot URL Parameters: 
?Latest_Download=https://www.cpa.com/B1A31E01759933CABF66BBF96D2D3839&Campaign_URL=https://marketing.cpa.com/l/701003/2019-07-19/9ggd&Lead_WebForm_Source=Paychex&Record_Type_ID=FS Sales&Send_Email=true&Dont_Route_to_Sales=TRUE


OSCE Project Co-ordinator lights up central Tashkent with 20 solar-powered street lamps

TASHKENT, 29 July 2016 - A central area of Tashkent is to be lit by 20 autonomous street light systems fully powered by solar energy as part of a pilot project officially launched today by the OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Uzbekistan.

The Co-ordinator is supporting the host country in the area of green economy policies, including the analysis of costs and benefits in using environmentally-friendly and sustainable systems in street lighting and urban planning.

Senior Project Officer at the OSCE Project Co-ordinator Hans-Ullrich Ihm said that urban street lighting powered by solar energy is one of many possibilities that contribute to preserving our environment by reducing the consumption of fossil fuel and emissions. He added that the Project Co-ordinator strives to support the government in implementing policies advocating for such technologies.

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OSCE States explore role for the Organization regarding migration and refugee flows

VIENNA, 20 July 2016 – Possible roles for the OSCE in the context of the migration and refugee flows across the OSCE area were discussed today at a special meeting of the Permanent Council in Vienna.

The meeting was a milestone in the process launched in March 2016 by Germany’s 2016 OSCE Chairmanship. In a series of seven meetings and following an inclusive approach, an Informal Working Group took stock of the migration-related activities of the OSCE and developed proposals for future engagement. The Working Groups was chaired by Swiss Ambassador to the OSCE Claude Wild and open to all participating States, Partners for-Cooperation and OSCE executive structures as well as a number of international organizations and NGOs.

Presenting results of this ambitious preparatory process Wild said in today’s Permanent Council: “While the current situation is generally referred to as ‘the refugee and migration crisis’, it is in fact a crisis of international migration governance. Comprehensive governance is needed to deal responsibly with the phenomenon of migration and refugee flows. This includes addressing issues of protection, combating crime, border management, successful integration as well as solidarity and partnerships.”

Wild highlighted that the OSCE is uniquely positioned and equipped to use its political convening power and technical expertise to create formal and informal networks. “In such networks national experts and decision makers can exchange best practices in all specific issues that have to be addressed to design and implement responsible national policies on migration and refugee flows,” he said.

Chairperson of the Permanent Council and German Ambassador to the OSCE, Eberhard Pohl, thanked the Swiss OSCE Ambassador and his team for their committed work. “There was a clear common understanding among all OSCE States today that migration and refugee flows figure high on the OSCE agenda in line with its comprehensive approach to security,” Pohl said.

“Given the scale and transnational character of this issue, it is clear that no single country can cope with the challenge of current migration and refugee flows alone. It has to be addressed in a co-operative manner, in a spirit of shared responsibility. We will continue to support OSCE activities in this field and work to further develop the contribution of the OSCE.”

The OSCE Permanent Council is one of the main regular decision-making bodies of the Organization bringing together representatives of all 57 OSCE participating States and the 11 Partners for Co-operation.


OSCE/ODIHR observers to hold press conference in Moscow on Monday

MOSCOW, 5 August 2016 – On the occasion of the formal opening of the election observation mission (EOM) deployed by the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) to observe the 18 September State Duma elections in the Russian Federation, the mission will hold a press conference in Moscow on Monday, 8 August 2016.

Jan Petersen, the head of the OSCE/ODIHR election observation mission, will introduce the role of the EOM and its upcoming activities.

Journalists are invited to attend the press conference at 15:00, Monday, 8 August, at Interfax, 1-ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya ul., 2 Moscow, 127006.

For further information, please contact Inta Lase OSCE/ODIHR EOM Media Analyst, at +79166214710 (mobile) or Inta.Lase@odihr.ru


Thomas Rymer, OSCE/ODIHR Spokesperson, at +48 609 522 266 (Warsaw mobile) or at thomas.rymer@odihr.pl.



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