
Landesbeauftragter für politische Bildung, Aktion Kinder- und Jugendschutz SH und Offene Kirche Sankt Nikolai holen Anne-Frank-Ausstellung 2025 nach Kiel und erinnern mahnend an Novemberpogrome


Missing folate genes and AIDS - treat hypomethylation with nutrients, not toxic drugs!

This is another installment of research into the biochemistry of HIV and Aids by Cal Crilly, an Australian who finds himself fascinated with the intricacies of biology. Crilly analyzes the seemingly unconnected studies that show the biochemical changes that accompany the presence of numerous retroviruses - one of them called HIV - in humans. The mechanism that makes retroviruses appear is hypomethylation, and it is the same mechanism that accompanies pregnancy and inflammation. Those retroviruses are produced in the course of normal biological activity and they are not infectious. There are many different types (ever heard of HIV 'mutating'?). As an aside, we declare pregnant mothers to be "HIV positive" as pregnancy causes the presence of retroviruses in the course of normal biological activity, and those harmless endogenous retroviruses react with what's generally called an "HIV" test. Certain basic nutrients - Selenium, Folate, B12, B6, Choline are the most important - counteract hypomethylation of the cells and thereby calm the production of human endogenous retroviruses. The toxic Aids drug AZT causes hypermethylation but it is so destructive of normal cell processes that most patients die. The 'life prolonging' effect of HAART, the drug cocktail that is prescribed to Aids patients today is due to a sharp decrease in the dosage of deadly AZT in the cocktail. Cal demonstrates those facts and more with reference to studies you can find as well, if you're interested in the details. Meanwhile we continue to treat immune compromised people with drugs that further compromise the immune system and - in many cases - kill the patient. When is medicine going to start treating those people by insisting on better eating and supplementation supplying the correct nutrients? How long will it take until the toxic drugs are phased out in favor of real prevention?...


A solar PV Panel Summary


Helping Others To Freedom Pt8: Occult, Idolatry And Freemasonry

In Part 8 of 'Helping Others To Freedom', we learn that the demonic is an area that needs to be handled sensitively and cautiously. Yet we must also acknowledge that the demonic realm is very real and often an area of blockage to blessing in people's lives. Through this study on 'Occult, Idolatry And Freemasonry' we find out: how people can be affected by the demonic; whether or not Christians can be demonically influenced; how the enemy can get power in our lives; and how to get the freedom promised in the gospel of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. This session is available at https://www.preachtheword.com now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (https://youtube.com/PreachTheWord)...

  • Religion & Spirituality


Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia

El presidente de Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, ha manifestado su deseo de proponer al gobierno central una agenda clara destinada a mejorar la colaboración institucional con las comunidades autónomas. Este anuncio se realizó durante la firma de convenios con la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y la Universidad de Alcalá, en la que García-Page abordó la […]

Artículo publicado en : Page Propondrá Agenda de Armonización para Mejorar Colaboración Autonómica Tras Emergencia


Nicolas Sarkozy à un badaud: «Casse-toi!»

Nouvelle polémique autour de mots lâchés par Nicolas Sarkozy, samedi, au salon de l'Agriculture, sous l'oeil des caméras. Dans cette vidéo réalisée par Leparisien.fr, on voit le Président prendre un bain de foule. Jusque-là, rien d’étonnant. Mais lorsqu'il...


Ferrari remplacerait PPDA sur TF1 : "des gages donnés à Nicolas Sarkozy" ?

Canal+ a confirmé le départ de sa journaliste vedette. Cette dernière aurait été contactée par TF1 pour remplacer Patrick Poivre d'Arvor à la présentation du journal de 20h. Des commentateurs voient dans ce changement des "gages donnés" à Nicolas Sarkozy...


Vijesti :: Sigurno i bez pirotehnike u nadolazećim blagdanima

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Sigurno i bez pirotehnike u nadolazećim blagdanima
Postano: 12.11.2024. 13:22 (GMT 1) Kako bi još jednom pred nadolazeće blagdane, građanima poslali zajedničku poruku da je od izuzetnog značaja tijekom veselja i slavlja voditi računa o sigurnosti.

Zajednički možemo postići da nam nadolazeći blagdani budu mirni i spokojni. Suzdržite se od uporabe pirotehnike i na taj način kreirajte mirno i sigurno okruženje za vašu obitelj, prijatelje, susjede u vašem kvartu. Vodimo računa jedni o drugima posebno u vrijeme blagdana.

Iz policije podsjećaju da petarde i rakete nisu dio blagdanskog ozračja i njihovo neoprezno i nestručno rukovanje može izazvati teške posljedice. Pirotehnička sredstva nisu bezopasna, pogotovo kada su u dječjim rukama, i od njih mogu nastupiti teške tjelesne ozljede šaka, ruku, očiju i lica. Petarde uzrokovati požare, a njihova uporaba može biti itekako opasna u zatvorenim prostorima i na mjestima gdje se okuplja veći broj ljudi.

Kazne za one koji ne poštuju propise su dosta visoke.

Učinite svoju okolinu sigurnom, brinite za svoje susjede posebno starije životne dobi, kao i kućne ljubimce, kojima detonacije petardi nisu nimalo ugodne.

Foto: Pixabay.com/Ilustracija


Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app

Perché realizzare un’applicazione mobile per un festival? Forse per permettere ai visitatori di accedere al calendario degli eventi senza stampare il programma. Magari per essere aggiornati sulle variazioni dell’ultimo minuto. Probabilmente per facilitare l’accesso ai luoghi degli incontri. O per … Continua a leggere

L'articolo Quando un foglio volante è meglio di un’app proviene da Fucinaweb.


Chocolate Therapy Ash Grey T-Shirt

This Ash Grey T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Baseball Jersey

This Baseball Jersey will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy BBQ Apron

This BBQ Apron will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Beer Stein

This Beer Stein will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Button

This Button will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Calendar Print

This Calendar will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Coffee Mug

This Coffee Cup will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Fitted T-Shirt

This Fitted T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Framed Tile

This Framed Tile will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Golf Shirt

This Golf Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Hooded Sweatshirt

This Hooded Sweatshirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Journal

This Journal will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Jr. Baby Doll T-Shirt

This Baby Doll T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Jr. Hoodie

This Zipper Hoodie will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Jr. Raglan

This Jr. Raglan will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Jr. Spaghetti Tank

This Spaghetti Tank will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Large Coffee Cup

This Large Coffee Mug will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Long Sleeve T-Shirt

This Long Sleeve T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Magnet

This Magnet will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Men's Sleeveless Tee

This Muscle Tee will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Messenger Bag

This Messenger Bag will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Mousepad

This Mousepad will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Organic Cotton Tee

This Organic Cotton Tee will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Oval Sticker

This Sticker will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Rectangular Sticker

This Sticker will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Ringer T

This Ringer T will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Sweatshirt

This Sweatshirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Teddy Bear

This Teddy Bear will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Throw Pillow

This Throw Pillow will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Tile Box

This Tile Box will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Tile Coaster

This Tile Coaster will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Tote Bag

This Tote Bag will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Wall Clock

This Wall Clock will help you proclaim that chocolate is much better than therapy. Nothing may be better than the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth. - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy White T-Shirt

This White T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Women's Cap Sleeve T-Shirt

This Cap Sleeve T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Women's Raglan Hoodie

This Raglan Hoodie will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Women's Tank Top

This Women's Tank Top will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Chocolate Therapy Women's T-Shirt

This Women's T-Shirt will help you proclaim that the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth is much better than therapy - Mmmmm... Chocolate... for some there's therapy, for the rest of us there's chocolate. Yes, sometimes there is nothing like enjoying the sweet sensation of creamy, rich and delicious chocolate melting in your mouth to relieve stress, help relax, and sooth the soul. Sometimes it doesn't seem to matter if it is dark chocolate, semi-sweet chocolate, extra-sweet chocolate or malted chocolate in bars, kisses, drops or chips. Yes, it is very true, when things get tough or stressful, "For Some There's Therapy. For The Rest Of Us, There's Chocolate".


Honda Jazz GE 2009 coolant question?

Hi All, just a quick question. I have an issue with regards to my coolant in my 2009 Honda Jazz GE. The coolant in the coolant reservoir is not going back to my radiator once the engine is...

  • 2nd Generation (GE 08-13)


Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Selects Motorola Solutions’ Control Room Solution to Transform Emergency Services Operations

PRZOOM - Newswire (press release) - Tue, 12 Nov 2024 00:00:00 -0500, Glasgow Scotland - £29.5 million investment in cloud-hosted solution to mobilise firefighters and help improve safety and security in Scotland - FireScotland.gov.uk

  • Telecom / Wireless / VoIP / IPTV


The Sweetest Chocolate Girls

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