
Kampania phishingowa wykorzystująca wizerunek Ministerstwa Finansów

Zespół CERT Polska zaobserwował nowy wariant oszustwa, w którym przestępcy wykorzystują wizerunek Ministerstwa Finansów. Celem tego oszustwa jest zachęcenie potencjalnej ofiary do udostępnienia swoich danych uwierzytelniających do bankowości internetowej.


Trojan bankowy Hydra znowu w natarciu – nowa kampania

Ostrzegamy - szkodliwe oprogramowanie z rodziny Hydra ponownie aktywne. Jako cel obiera dane logowania do aplikacji bankowych na systemach Android.


Nowa kampania reklamowa “ad hijacking” za pośrednictwem Google Ads.

Ostrzegamy - fałszywe reklamy w serwisie Google Search wykorzystywane do propagacji szkodliwego oprogramowania.


Kampania phishingowa wykorzystująca wizerunek serwisu Netflix

Ostrzegamy przed kampanią phishingową ukierunkowaną na klientów serwisu Netflix. Celem przestępców jest wyłudzenie danych dostępowych do konta oraz poufnych informacji związanych z kartą płatniczą.


CERT Polska i SKW ostrzegają przed działaniami rosyjskich szpiegów

Zespół CERT Polska oraz Służba Kontrwywiadu Wojskowego zaobserwowały kampanię szpiegowską łączoną z działaniami rosyjskich służb specjalnych. Celem kampanii było nielegalne pozyskiwanie informacji z ministerstw spraw zagranicznych oraz placówek dyplomatycznych, w większości znajdujących się w państwach należących do NATO i Unii Europejskiej.


Publikacja zbioru wykradzionych danych logowania - co zrobić?

W tym tygodniu doszło do publikacji dużego zbioru danych wykorzystywanych do logowania przez polskich użytkowników. W ramach tego wycieku udostępniono ponad milion unikalnych rekordów z loginem oraz hasłem do różnych stron. W związku z tym jednostki odpowiedzialne za cyberbezpieczeństwo w Polsce, w tym CERT Polska, podjęły odpowiednie działania w celu ograniczenia skutków tej sytuacji.


Podatność w module WebInterface oprogramowania Telwin SCADA

W module WebInteraface oprogramowania Telwin SCADA CERT Polska wykrył podatność typu Path Traversal (CVE-2023-0956).


Cyberbezpieczeństwo ponad granicami: Projekt FETTA czyli pogłębienie współpracy w zakresie rozpoznania zagrożeń cyberprzestrzeni EU

Jednym z kluczowych wyzwań związanych z europejskim cyberbezpieczeństwem jest zależność od danych pochodzących z krajów spoza UE. Projekt FETTA (Federated European Team for Threat Analysis, pol. Europejski Zespół Analizy Zagrożeń) ma na celu rozwiązanie tego problemu poprzez utworzenie międzynarodowego zespołu opracowującego produkty i narzędzia z zakresu Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI).


Kampania Balada Injector infekuje strony WordPress wykorzystując popularne wtyczki

W ostatnich tygodniach zespół CERT Polska obserwuje wzmożoną kampanię ataków z użyciem szkodliwego oprogramowania Balada Injector, które infekuje strony oparte na WordPressie korzystając z podatności w niektórych popularnych wtyczkach.


Kampania APT28 skierowana przeciwko polskim instytucjom rządowym

CERT Polska obserwuje złośliwą kampanię e-mail prowadzoną przez grupę APT28 przeciwko polskim instytucjom rządowym.


Rekomendacje dla wzmocnienia ochrony systemów OT

CERT Polska wydał rekomendacje w związku z obserwowaną zwiększoną liczbę ataków na przemysłowe systemy sterowania (ICS/OT) dostępne bezpośrednio z internetu.


Podatności w oprogramowaniach przychodni medycznych

W oprogramowaniach Eurosoft Przychodnia, drEryk Gabinet i SimpleCare wykryto podatności polegające na stosowaniu tego samego, zakodowanego na stałe, hasła do bazy danych. Podatnościom przypisano identyfikatory CVE-2024-1228, CVE-2024-3699 i CVE-2024-3700.


Podatności w urządzeniach Longse Technology

W oprogramowaniu urządzeń firmy Longse Technology wykryto 4 podatności (od CVE-2024-5631 do CVE-2024-5634).


Mroczny rycerz powraca: Analiza złośliwego oprogramowania Joker

Zespół CERT Polska zaobserwował w ostatnich tygodniach nowe próbki złośliwego oprogramowania na urządzenia mobilne "Joker" w Google Play Store wycelowane między innymi w polskich użytkowników.


68 Percent of Millennial Small Business Owners Rely on Social Media for Brand Promotion

Millennial business owners depend on social media for brand promotion more than any other medium.

Shocked, right? OK, probably not. But just how much Millennial business owners are using this relatively new media — or how much they don’t use traditional media — may come as a surprise.

New data (PDF) from Magisto shows that 68 percent of Millennial small business owners and entrepreneurs depend on social media channels for developing awareness of their own brands.

complete article


Top Cities for Millennials Looking for Small Business Jobs

It is generally assumed that millennials are seeking jobs in coastal cities — New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles.

But new data from shows that millennials looking to work for small businesses are actually narrowing their searches toward inland cities.

Cities Where Millennials Want to Work for Small Businesses
In fact, when identifying metro areas where millennials are most often looking for work at small businesses. Oklahoma City topped the job board’s list, not L.A. or New York.

This is the latest crop of data looking at generational trends among job seekers.

complete article


***** Oceania Aviation Ltd | Helicopter Specialists - Ardmore, New ... (rank 27)

Oceania Aviation Ltd - bases in Ardmore Airport Auckland & Queenstown Airport NZ. ... Josh C chatting with the Prime Minister of NZ last night.



Title: Pneumonia
Category: Diseases and Conditions
Created: 12/31/1997 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 4/25/2022 12:00:00 AM


Ed Miliband's reply To Sonia Poulton.

I'm reading that lot of people seem to have taken a lot of negative things from Ed Miliband's reply to Sonia Poulton's letter regarding welfare reform and the new Work Capability Assessment that was signed by thousands of people including myself. I'm actually quite surprised by this as I thought for a letter from a Politician it was very positive and actually addressed what it said in the original letter directly, which is quite rare. Lets look at it again for a moment.

Dear Ms Poulton,
Thank you for your correspondence regarding the Work Capability Assessment, and my apologies for the delay in replying. Disabled people need support and compassion, and the Labour Party believes in a welfare state that fulfils this principle. The previous Conservative Government took the opposite approach and left many disabled people on Incapacity Benefit with little support to return to work where possible. It is also important to separate out ill health and disability from the decision not to work, which is taken by a distinct minority. For these reasons, the previous Labour Government introduced the Work Capability Assessment, and I am supportive of the principles behind this test.
However, I share some of the concerns that have been expressed about the test by you, along with many charities, disability groups and healthcare professionals.
These concerns, the high percentage of appeals, and Professor Malcolm Harrington’s expert reviews have shown that the test must be improved. The Government needs to listen to Professor Harrington’s advice, especially when his third review for 2012 comes out. 
We have also forced a vote in Parliament on the need to reduce the human cost of the wrong decisions that result from the WCA in its current form. Given the importance of this issue, I am keen that you discuss this further with the Labour Party and share with us some of the experiences of people going through the WCA that you have collected. Anne McGuire, my Shadow Minister for Disabled People, would be happy to arrange a meeting in order to do so. Please contact her on ********** to arrange a convenient time.
Thank you again for taking the time to get in touch on this issue.
Yours sincerely, Rt Hon Ed Miliband MP
I can see it's going to have been the first paragraph that has angered people so much, he is stating what the new WCA was meant to achieve there. I agree with the points he makes, there was little or no support for people wanting to return to work from incapacity benefit under the old system. I have always wanted to work and said that in every medical I ever had under the old system. The problem is that I have to have a job I can reliably do, and mental illness prevents me doing a lot of jobs.

The new system was supposed to support me to get back into work which I was pleased to hear, but when I finally had my assessment I was horrified to find they were trying to deny me ESA altogether. I was confident I would get into the work related activity group where I would still receive ESA for 1 year and attend groups and activities designed to help get back into work. I am now having to go through the stressful and uncertain process of appealing their decision, and I daily read about people who have severe physical disabilities or are even dying being declared fit to work.

If we lived in a Utopian society where every employer would pay for adaptations and carers for disabled people from their own profits to enable them to work, and every employer was trained in mental health issues and was sympathetic towards employees who suffer from them. If businesses could afford to employ people who may be absent because they are receiving medical treatment  or just too ill that day to show up, then it would work. Every disabled and mentally ill person would have a job and we'd all stand in a big circle with the able bodied and mentally well holding hands and sing "I'd like to teach the world to sing".

But here's the problem Ed, society is not like that, hate crimes against the disabled are being committed every day, employers can't afford to adapt buildings and employ carers without any funding available. And where are all these jobs we are supposed to be applying for anyway? There aren't even jobs for the able bodied who have just been made unemployed, let alone jobs for a woman like me who hasn't worked for 10 years because I'm mentally ill and prone to nervous breakdowns. And all the thousands of others who have even more severe metal illness's and physical disabilities, who is going to employ them Ed?

Even if I do make it to the Work Related Activity group, what will the people there actually be able to do for me to remedy these problems? Are the department for work and pensions even the best people to be in charge of such a thing? How are we going to change society enough in the one year I have to get me a job? There are thousands like me, nothing the DWP alone will be able to do will find us all suitable jobs. Money needs to be available to employers to enable them to employ us, and they need to be educated in the many and complicated needs of people who have mental illness and disabilities. More jobs need to be created to meet the demand for them, as we want to work Ed we really do, this minority of people who don't want to work are non existent Ed. Only someone who's never had to live on benefits would say something like that, it is a soul destroying experience and everything rests on the words of an anonymous decision maker who you will never meet.

So that's the bit that makes us angry fair enough, but he does go on to talk about the human cost of what is happening, so he's admitting things aren't right there in a veiled way. And he says that he has concerns about the high number of appeals, that's all we can really hope for, he's a politician after all. He's never going to turn around and just say "sorry everyone it's not working like it should have, we didn't think it through we'll go back to the drawing board", Politicians just don't do that. But there is hope that behind closed doors they are frantically reassessing what they've done and realising it is going horribly wrong. Bills have gone through parliament now though and thousands of people are suffering, if they admit they were wrong they will have to compensate everyone who has suffered, I can't see that ever happening. It will take years to undo the damage that has been done, the human cost has already been too great and will only get worse is the horrible truth.

It's not only the benefits system that has to change for this to work it's the very nature of employment and societies attitude to disabled people that has to change too, and that will take more than a year.   


Događaji - najave i recenzije :: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]

Autor: Redakcija 031 Naslov: Kino Urania [14.-20.11.2024.] [program]
Postano: 13.11.2024. 10:35 (GMT 1) Bogate projekcije Kinematografa u Kinu Urania čekaju na vas, a što je u ponudi pogledajte u tekstu niže...

Cijena ulaznica za redovite repertoarne iznose 4,50 EUR/33,90 kn, dok uz predočenje studentske ili umirovljeničke iskaznice karte možete kupiti po cijeni od 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn. Ulaznica za školske projekcije (grupe manje od 30 učenika) je 3,30 EUR/24,86 kn, a za grupe veće od 30 učenika cijena ulaznice je 2,70 EUR/20,34 kn. Za obiteljsku srijedu i dječje matineje ulaznice iznose 3,70 EUR/27,88 kn za sve gledatelje.

*Prije izdavanja ulaznica napomenite imate li studentski ili umirovljenički popust. Izdane ulaznice ne mogu se stornirati. Popust vrijedi uz predočenje važećih iskaznica.

Ulaznice možete rezervirati klikom info[at]kinematografi-osijek[dot]hr

Premijerni naslov kojeg biste ovog tjedna obvezno trebali staviti na svoju kino listu je novi spektakl Ridleya Scotta Gladijator 2 koji je oduševio filmsku kritiku i uz velika očekivanja publike sa svojim prikazivanjem počinje 14.11.

Drugi premijerni naslov je hrvatska ratna drama Proslava koji ukazuje na okolnosti koje za posljedicu imaju pojavu ekstemizma u društvu.

U nedjelju 17.11. CICAE, međunarodna mreža art kina, čiji je dugogodišnji član i kino Urania, obilježava Europski dan Art kina.

Suočeni s rastućim antidemokratskim osjećajima, populizmom i polarizacijom, sve većim nasiljem i predrasudama protiv manjina, disidenata, filmskih i kulturnih profesionalaca, mi – globalni arthouse pokret – stojimo ujedinjeni u našoj predanosti obrani ideala slobodno i otvoreno društvo i dijalog pun poštovanja koji prevazilazi granica i kultura.

Kao neovisna kina, mi – zajedno s našom raznolikom publikom diljem svijeta – svakodnevno radimo na rasvjetljavanju demokracije, jednakosti i slobode. Čvrsto stojimo uz one čiji se glasovi ušutkavaju, bilo kada i bilo gdje.

Arthouse kina dugo su bila, i ostat će, portali u svjetove izvan našeg. Služeći kao ključna kulturna središta u svojim lokalnim zajednicama, oni pružaju jedinstveni prostor za otkrivanje, otvarajući prozore za nove priče, perspektive i susrete.

Pozivamo donositelje političkih odluka i zajednice posvuda da…

• zaštitite slobodu govora i umjetničko izražavanje, kao temelj živog kulturnog krajolika.

• poštuju i uvažavaju različita mišljenja i perspektive, identitete i načina života i potiču kulturu uključenosti i empatije.

• potiču dijalog i razmjenu među zajednicama, kulturama i granicama, kako bismo izgradili razumijevanje, poštovanje i uvažavanje svjetova izvan našeg.

• osiguraju sigurnost audiovizualnih umjetnika i kulturnih djelatnika koji promiču i štite našu zajedničku kulturnu baštinu.

• podržavaju i zaštite bitna kulturna mjesta, kao što su nezavisna kina, kao središta slobodne kulture i društva.

Wim Wenders, kao veleposlanik Europskog dana Art kina poziva Vas na potpisivanje peticije ukoliko ste suglasni s gore navedenim ciljevima.

Ostali filmski naslovi u ovotjednom programu su filmovi iz revije Film Biography- Dražen, biografsko politički film The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu, intrigantan triler Konklava, psihološki triler Izolacija, a u dječjem programu Divlji robot i obiteljska avantura Izumitelj, o znatiželjnom i svojeglavom izumitelju i umjetniku Leonardu da Vinci-ju.

Last chance to see u ovom filmskom tjednu u Kino klubu kina Urania: uz Zelena granica pogledajte i kontroverzni Klub Zero.

Nabavite na vrijeme i ulaznice za naše predstave!

U utorak, 19.11.2024. u 19 sati Dragan Marinković Maca nas očekuje sa svojim stand up-om Macaglu, a ulaznice su u online prodaji i na blagajni kina Urania.

U srijedu, 20.11.2024. u 19 sati ponovo će na programu biti Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera. Ulaznice možete kupiti online ili na blagajni kina Urania.

Obje predstave Anđelke Stević Žugić Što me opet snađe koje će se održati 9. i 10.12.2024. u 19 sati su također rasprodane pa četvrti nastup ugovoramo za 7. veljače 2025. u isto vrijeme. Ulaznice za predstavu 7.2.2025. mogu se rezervirati i kupiti na blagajni kina Urania.

Nakon 13 rasprodanih Dejtova u kinu Urania, s novom predstavom Astroklikeri dolazi nam i Sandra Silađev 13.12. u 19 sati, a predstava je rasprodana.

Proslavite rođendan u kinu Urania ili istražite VR svijet u našem VR Game Room-u možete te isprobajte neke od najpopularnijih VR igrica.

Posebne pogodnosti i povoljnije cijene možete iskoristiti uz studentsku i umirovljeničku iskaznicu te na dječjim matinejama i obiteljskim srijedama, uz grupne popuste i poklon vouchere

Četvrtak, 14. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Resonance Cinema: Svjetski dan dijabetesa- Sigurno u dugi- edukcijska projekcija
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Petak, 15. studenog 2024.
16:30-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
21:21 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)

Subota, 16. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Divlji robot- The Wild Robot (101 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Young local authors: NK Olimpija- premijera filma
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
20:00 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
21:30 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Nedjelja, 17. studenog 2024.
10:30-12:00 i 16:30- 20:00 VR Game Room
11:00 Dječja matineja: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
17:00 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
18:45 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:21 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)

Ponedjeljak, 18. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
17:15 Izolacija- Izolacija (82 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
18:45 Proslava (86 min) PREMIJERA
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
20:15 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA

Utorak, 19. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:15 Konklava- Conclave (120 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Stand up Dragana Marinkovića Mace- Macaglu
20:00 Kino klub: Klub zero- Club zero (110 min)
21:00 Film Biography: The Apprentice: Priča o Trumpu (120 min)

Srijeda, 20. studenog 2024.
12:00-20:00 VR Game Room
16:30 Film Biography: Dražen- Dražen (100 min)
18:00 Kino klub: Izumitelj- The Inventor (100 min) SINK
19:00 Monodrama Pračovjek- komedija bez filtera, 16+
20:00 Kino klub: Zelena granica- Green border (152 min)
21:00 Gladijator 2- Gladiator II (150 min) PREMIJERA


Hania is Famous at Last

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Tasmanian Fashion Festival

Photography – @Styudio_b The Tasmanian Fashion Festival is an annual event that celebrates the fashion industry in Tasmania, Australia. It showcases the work of local designers, models, and fashion retailers, and provides a platform for emerging talent to gain exposure and recognition. The festival features a series of fashion shows, where designers can showcase their...


Artisan cheeses Tasmania

Why not go on a Tasmanian gourmet cheese crawl ? There’s an immense number of cheese producers in Tasmania, and the fabulous news is that a number of them are open to visitors for tastings, meaning you can base your entire holiday around a spectacular gourmet cheese crawl. With so many small scale producers making...


Award winning mushrooms in 1891 Railway Tunnel Tasmania

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Lady Sonia

Visit site

There are definite perks to a sensually hot, older female, as introduction for this internet-site makes clear through the tempting foreplay of its focal point in pleasure.

Inspected by: Missy
Read review »

  • Reviews > Older Women


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Niagara Falls in 1934

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WrestleMania 31 in San Jose before start

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Mieszkanie do wynajęcia Bielsko-Biała, oś. Apartamenty Olszówka, ul. Kustronia

Status: WYNAJĘTE. Mieszkanie do wynajęcia Bielsko-Biała: 2 pokoje z msc. parkingowym. Nowe budownictwo Bielsko-Biała, oś. Apartamenty Olszówka, ul. Kustronia. Wynajem mieszkania.


Beautiful California

I have to admit that it's been a while since I've posted on this blog. Tonight, I was thinking about being grateful about my current surroundings and where I grew up at.

It's nice to talk about the many different countries where I've lived and traveled to, yet I have failed to show my appreciation for California.

Below are a few pictures of places in California that caught my eye. California is by far a beautiful place and the beach and ocean are hypnotizing. Take a look at this beautiful picture of the ocean. This is a picture of the California coast.

Buy this Giclee Print at

Now for a nice picture of where I currently live. Long Beach is known for the beautiful Queen Mary and it's a sight to see. Below is a picture of the Long Beach Coast.

Buy this Art Print at

Now below is my old stomping ground. San Francisco is where I used to spend most of my time as a teenager. Below is a captivating picture of the Transamerica Pyramid.

Buy this Giclee Print at

Last but now least I'd like to share a common scene we used to see in San Francisco:

Buy this Giclee Print at

Travel Banter Blog
Drifter's Memoirs



Southern California Travel Attaction

Hi Everyone,

Can you believe it's February? Well, I had to take a good look
at my surroundings and I have to say I'm blessed. Since I've
been in Southern California, I've see a few nice places.

One of the places I visited was the Queen Mary. If you're not
familiar with the Queen Mary, take a look at the poster below.
She's docked in Long Beach and a great tourist attraction.

Buy this Art Print at

She's quite a beauty. She has served in wars and
was well known by the stars in her days. To learn
more about this famous ship, visit her website below.
If you're in the Long Beach area, be sure to see this
great travel attraction.

Visit the Queen Mary Here

It's unbelieveable to see what's happening on the Queen Mary.

Take care and happy travels.

Drifters Memoirs
Travel Banter Blog



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Get a complimentary design consultation from California Closets


Classic Collision Expands into Southern California

Classic Collision, LLC announced the acquisition of Carrillo’s Auto Body with locations in La Mesa and San Diego, Calif. For 40 years, Carrillo’s Auto Body has been a cornerstone in the heart of Normal Heights on Adams Avenue, with a second location in La Mesa “We have stood by our commitment to quality and outstanding […]

The post Classic Collision Expands into Southern California appeared first on CollisionWeek.


Open webOS на конференции Southern California Linux Expo 2012


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California Brown Pelican Breeding Plumage Study


California Sea Lions Bodysurfing at La Jolla Cove


Brandt’s Cormorants (Phalacrocorax penicillatus) Courtship and Nesting on Seacliffs in La Jolla, California



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Free Virginia Is For Lovers Personalized OR not Postcard

Posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Southern Hospitality - California Style, Ch 56, More than Life Itself - Diane SanFilippo

We had to turn the car in on Thursday, and we had thought that we would do some ‘touring’ beforehand, but without air-conditioning, we were virtually prisoners in this small, but cool, room.


Africa: Pneumonia - The Silent Killer

[Stop Pneumonia] Pneumonia is the single biggest infectious killer of adults and children - claiming the lives of 2.2 million, including 502,000 children under five, in 2021 according to the Global Burden of Disease. Pneumonia-causing pathogens are also the most likely cause of the next pandemic, according to the latest Disease Control Priorities estimates.


Uganda: Pneumonia Still a Leading Cause of Child Death Below Five Years

[Nile Post] Pneumonia remains one of the leading causes of death among children under five in Uganda, despite being largely preventable.


Tanzania: Singer Zuchu Announces Break-Up With Diamond Platnumz

[New Times] Tanzania's music superstars Diamond Platnumz and Zuhura Othman Soud, commonly known as Zuchu, have brought their relationship to an end after three years dating.