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Zoe's Place hospice 'confident' of no service gap

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Route confirmed ahead of city's Sikh procession

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Worcester confirm bid to return to professional rugby

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Lampard confirmed as contender for Coventry job

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Alpine confirm switch to Mercedes power when Renault ends F1 engine project | Formula 1

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Configure your shipping and returns directly in Search Console

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8 conseils de traductrice pour survivre au confinement






Comme nous tous, vous êtes confiné à la maison pour donner une chance aux hôpitaux du pays d’affronter la menace du COVID-19, mais contrairement aux traducteurs qui besognent chaque jour devant leur ordinateur, vous n’avez pas l’habitude de travailler seul chez vous…


Pas de panique ! Pour vous aider à affronter ces moments difficiles, voire à tirer parti de la crise, je me propose de vous livrer quelques astuces de pro.

1. Garder le rythme

Pour mieux supporter l’isolement social, il faut s’imposer un rythme de travail. Cette période de confinement à durée indéterminée, que nous imposent des circonstances exceptionnelles, nous prive d’une part de contrôle, ce qui généralement est source d’angoisse. Afin d’éviter de ruminer devant le décompte morbide des contaminations ou de compter les jours de bagne, reprenez la main en vous imposant des horaires et un rythme régulier : lever à heure fixe, liste d’objectifs et de tâches à exécuter, pause déjeuner, etc.


Dans le même esprit, sachez vous déconnecter de votre travail en fin de journée. Pour préserver votre santé mentale et physique, il faut clairement définir le temps consacré à chacune de vos activités et vous y tenir pour qu’aucune n’empiète trop sur les autres. Plutôt que la perfection, visez l’équilibre : soyez indulgent avec vous-même !




Quand on travaille de chez soi, il est tentant de consacrer du temps à des tâches domestiques ou personnelles pendant ses heures de bureau. Pour rester productif et garder un rythme de travail régulier (voir conseil précédent), résistez à la tentation de lancer une machine, d’appeler une copine ou de vous épiler les sourcils en journée et reportez ces activités sur un créneau de temps libre.


La meilleure façon de s’organiser sans se disperser consiste à diviser son emploi du temps en plages horaires à consacrer à chaque type d’activité (travail, enfants, sport, prendre des nouvelles de proches, etc.). Lorsque vous vous attelez à une tâche, faites-le pleinement : essayez de vous concentrer sur ce que vous êtes en train de faire, sans penser au reste de votre liste.


Bien sûr, c’est compliqué de maintenir une barrière étanche, mais si vous avez des difficultés à tout caser, sachez qu’il vaut mieux revoir la durée des plages horaires que de les superposer (et donc de jongler avec les tâches). Le multitasking est un leurre : il est scientifiquement prouvé que l’être humain est plus performant lorsqu’il se concentre sur une seule chose à la fois.



3. bannir le pyjama (ET LE JOGGING !)

Ce n’est pas parce qu’on travaille de chez soi sans sortir de la journée qu’il faut renoncer à prendre soin de son apparence. Tenue, coiffure et, pourquoi pas, soyons fous, maquillage, sont autant de signaux envoyés à votre cerveau : vous n’êtes pas en vacances et votre activité professionnelle est maintenue malgré les circonstances. Si vous ne me croyez pas, fiez-vous à la sagesse de Karl Lagerfeld :


© La voix du Nord (photo AFP)

4. bouger

Le risque n° 1 du travailleur à domicile est le TMS (trouble musculo-squelettique), lié à la sédentarité et aux mauvaises postures. En ces temps difficiles où vous travaillez depuis votre canapé, vous risquez de ressentir des douleurs dans le bas du dos, des raideurs au niveau de la nuque et des épaules, une fatigue oculaire, etc. En plus de tenter, dans la mesure du possible, de vous aménager un coin bureau ergonomique, pensez à faire des pauses pour vous étirer et reposer vos yeux, ainsi qu’à entretenir votre forme physique. 


Bouger chaque jour évite de s’ankyloser, maintient la concentration et diminue le stress : c’est donc une activité indispensable en cas de confinement. Si vous ne vous sentez pas capable de courir un marathon sur votre balcon, commencez par vous tenir debout autant que possible (lorsque vous êtes au téléphone par exemple) et essayez le circuit training qui combine étirements, exercices de renforcement musculaire et cardio et peut se pratiquer sans matériel sur le tapis du salon. 



5. veiller à son hygiène de vie

Comme le dit l’adage : « un esprit sain, dans un corps sain ». Pour tenir sur la durée, en plus de faire du sport, veillez à bien vous alimenter, boire régulièrement (de l’eau !) et dormir suffisamment. Le confinement est à la fois source de stress et d’oisiveté, le cocktail idéal pour nous pousser à ouvrir le frigo toutes les 5 minutes et à nous gaver d’infos ou de séries jusqu’à pas d’heure. Là encore tout est question de rythme (prendre ses repas et se coucher à heures fixes) et d’organisation (prévoir des menus, utiliser son réveil, bannir l’ordinateur de sa chambre…).



6. rester CONNECTÉ

Nous avons de la chance d’être confinés chez nous au 21e siècle. Certes, vos collègues ne sont pas à vos côtés pour partager un jambon beurre ou discuter autour de la machine à café, mais vous pouvez les joindre à tout moment par email, par SMS ou en visioconférence. La technologie vous permet également d’organiser des apéros ou des pauses-café entre copains, de continuer de participer à vos cours de yoga, de partager vos idées et vos créations… même mon grand-père de 92 ans utilise Skype depuis sa maison de retraite : le monde est plus que jamais connecté.


Internet est notre fenêtre sur le monde : des voisins créent des groupes de soutien et organisent la solidarité sur Facebook, les artistes improvisent des concerts (Jean-Jacques Goldman est sorti de son silence pour l’occasion), les musées se visitent gratuitement, la BNF vous donne accès à des centaines de milliers de livres en support numérique, les professeurs font la classe à la maison, Open Culture, mais aussi Canal +, Netflix et consorts mettent à disposition des banques de films et de séries, l’Opéra et la Philharmonie de Paris proposent des spectacles et des concerts gratuits… Bref, les possibilités sont infinies et donnent le tournis.



7. gérer le stress et la charge mentale

La résilience est la capacité de l’être humain à surmonter les épreuves douloureuses en puisant en lui les forces nécessaires et en choisissant de se concentrer sur les éléments positifs de sa situation. Certaines personnes ont la chance de posséder naturellement cette forme d’élan vital, qui pousse à accepter ce que l’on ne contrôle pas et à affronter une situation dans le présent plutôt que de ressasser au conditionnel, mais nous pouvons tous cultiver un tel état d’esprit. 


Pour accroître votre résilience et, par là même, votre résistance au stress, commencez par être bienveillant, avec les autres comme avec vous-même, accueillez vos émotions, faites preuve de générosité, d’empathie, de gratitude. Il y a toujours des situations pires que la vôtre et tellement de choses à apprécier, même en ce moment : un rayon de soleil printanier, un service rendu, une conversation avec une personne qui compte pour vous… Découvrez ce qui vous fait du bien et pratiquez cette activité régulièrement pour vous détendre et relativiser.

8. faire feu de tout bois

Le confinement n’a pas besoin d’être une tragédie : c’est aussi une formidable occasion de changer ses méthodes de travail, de se former, d’innover… Lorsque l’université de Cambridge a fermé ses portes en 1666 à cause d’une épidémie de peste, Isaac Newton a été contraint de rester chez lui pendant plus d’un an. C’est en se promenant dans son jardin qu’il aurait vu la fameuse pomme tomber d’un arbre qui lui a inspiré l’idée de la gravitation universelle. Il a aussi réalisé de nombreuses expériences dans sa chambre qui seront à l’origine de sa théorie sur la composition chromatique de la lumière. Son confinement lui fut tellement bénéfique que les historiens considèrent cette année comme miraculeuse (annus mirabilis) pour l’avancement des travaux et la créativité du scientifique. Alors, détendez-vous : ne vous appesantissez pas sur ce qui vous freine et vous limite, pour mieux vous concentrer sur les opportunités qu’offre cette période d’introspection.


Haut les cœurs ! Nous sortirons un jour de ce confinement forcé pour reprendre le cours normal de nos vies… En attendant, prenez soin de vous, de vos proches et de chacun de nous…


Bon courage à tous !



Pour aller plus loin :



Professionnelle accréditée en commerce international ayant travaillé plusieurs années en tant que conseillère auprès de PME, Gaële Gagné est devenue traductrice indépendante en 2005. Aux commandes de Trëma Translations, elle traduit de l'anglais vers le français et partage ses connaissances en marketing et gestion d'entreprise avec ses collègues traducteurs par le biais d'un blog intitulé Mes petites affaires et de formations dispensées via le CI3M.

Et maintenant ?


Abonnez-vous au flux

Consultez d'autres articles :

Nous ne sommes pas que des cerveaux !
Série de l'été : prendre le temps de s'organiser
Créer un site web pour votre entreprise de traduction
Nouveaux traducteurs : 10 conseils pour bien démarrer
Travailler pendant les vacances (de vos enfants)


¡Guau! Buscador de bibliografía científica. Fuente infinita de información



Trump confie l'immigration à Tom Homan, le "tsar des frontières"

Trump confie l'immigration à Tom Homan, le "tsar des frontières"


Donald Trump confie à Elon Musk et Vivek Ramaswamy "l'efficacité gouvernementale"

Donald Trump confie à Elon Musk et Vivek Ramaswamy "l'efficacité gouvernementale"


Wall Street prend confiance et termine en hausse

La Bourse de New York a conclu en hausse lundi, tirée par la technologie, à l'entame d'une semaine chargée en résultats d'entreprises où les investisseurs semblent enclins à davantage d'optimisme.

L'indice Dow Jones a avancé de 0,76% à 33,629,56 points, le Nasdaq, à dominante technologique, a grimpé de 2,01% à 11.364,41 points et l'indice élargi S&P 500 a pris 1,19%, repassant au-dessus des 4.000 points, à 4.019,81 points.

"Les marchés se focalisent sur les résultats d'entreprises et même si jusqu'ici ils sont, à mon avis, un peu décevants, les actions se comportent bien", a noté Hugh Johnson, de la firme de conseil économique Hugh Johnson Economics, soulignant les meilleures performances des secteurs de la technologie et des dépenses facultatives.

Pas moins de 11 sociétés membres de l'indice Dow Jones, soit un tiers d'entre elles, vont publier cette semaine leurs résultats trimestriels et souvent annuels.

Dès mardi sont attendus notamment Johnson and Johnson, 3M, General Electric et Microsoft. Mercredi, les investisseurs guetteront Boeing et Tesla.

Mais, selon M. Johnson, c'est surtout l'attitude à venir de la banque centrale américaine (Réserve fédérale ou Fed) qui motivait l'humeur du marché. Les investisseurs "penchent vers l'idée que la Fed va lever le pied sur les hausses des taux d'intérêt, ce qui est synonyme de meilleurs temps économiques, de meilleurs résultats d'entreprises et de meilleurs cours des actions", a-t-il résumé.

La Fed, qui réunit son Comité monétaire la semaine prochaine, se dirige, à en croire plusieurs de ses membres, vers un relèvement moindre des taux d'un quart de point de pourcentage, contre un demi-point en décembre.

"La grande attente désormais, pour la Réserve fédérale, est qu'elle relève ses taux de seulement un quart de point de pourcentage en février mais aussi en mars", a commenté M. Johnson.

"De plus, d'après l'évolution des produits à terme basés sur les fonds fédéraux, les investisseurs commencent à penser que la Fed va envisager une baisse des taux au dernier trimestre 2023", a-t-il assuré.

Selon lui, le marché penche donc "légèrement vers l'optimisme et cela se voit dans la performance des actions".

Du côté des valeurs, Salesforce a été recherchée (+3,09%), après l'annonce d'une forte augmentation de la participation dans le groupe informatique du fonds d'investissement activiste Elliott Management.

Elliott dispose désormais d'une participation de "plusieurs milliards de dollars" au capital du groupe de logiciels, a-t-on précisé de source proche, ce qui représenterait un investissement majeur en comparaison de sa participation jusqu'ici.

Spotify, le numéro un mondial des plateformes audio, groupe suédois coté à Wall Street, a gagné 2,08% à 99,95 dollars après avoir annoncé la suppression de 600 emplois, soit 6% de ses effectifs, dernier épisode d'une série de grands licenciements chez les géants du Net pour réduire leurs coûts.

Le titre du site de ventes en ligne d'ameublement Wayfair s'est envolé de 26,86% à 59,36 dollars, après que sa décision de réduire ses coûts et ses effectifs a entraîné la publication d'une note favorable de la part d'analystes bancaires.

Le groupe, très prospère aux Etats-Unis pendant la pandémie, avait annoncé vendredi qu'il allait se défaire de 10% de son personnel, soit 1.750 emplois. L'action avait déjà gagné 20% dans la foulée de cette annonce.

Les investisseurs ont modestement réagi à l'annonce d'un élargissement d'un partenariat entre Microsoft et le spécialiste de l'intelligence artificielle OpenAI, créateur du robot conversationnel ChatGPT, moyennant un investissement de "plusieurs milliards de dollars". L'action Microsoft a avancé de 0,98% à 242,58 dollars.

Tesla a gagné 7,74% à 143,75 dollars, dans l'attente de ses résultats mercredi et alors que son patron Elon Musk est revenu lundi à la barre à San Francisco au procès où il est accusé de fraude par des investisseurs pour avoir tweeté il y a plus de quatre ans qu'il comptait sortir le constructeur automobile de la Bourse.

Le fabricant de semi-conducteurs AMD a bondi de presque 9,22% grâce à une bonne note d'analystes bancaires.

Sur le marché obligataire, les rendements sur les bons du Trésor à dix ans se tendaient légèrement à 3,52% contre 3,47% vendredi.


Students’ Continuance Intention to Use Moodle: An Expectation-Confirmation Model Approach

Aim/Purpose: This study aims at investigating the factors that influence students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, as an exemplar of learning management systems (LMSs), in the post-adoption phase. Background: Higher education institutions (HEIs) have invested heavily in learning management systems (LMSs), such as Moodle and BlackBoard, as these systems enhance students’ learning and improve their interactions with the educational systems. While most studies on LMSs have focused on the pre-adoption or acceptance phases of this technology, the determinant factors that influence students’ continuance intention to use LMSs have received less attention in the information systems (IS) literature. Methodology: The theoretical model for this study was primarily drawn from the expectation-confirmation model (ECM). A total of 387 Kuwaiti students, from a private American University in the State of Kuwait, participated in this study. Partial least squares (PLS) was employed to analyze the data. Contribution: This study contributes to the existing scientific knowledge in different ways. First, this study extends the expectation confirmation model (ECM) by integrating factors that are important to students’ continuous intention to use LMSs, including system interactivity, effort expectancy, attitude, computer anxiety, self-efficacy, subjective norms, and facilitating conditions. Second, this study adds on a Kuwaiti literature context by focusing on the continuous intention to use LMSs, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the first study that extends and empirically assesses the applicability of the ECM in the LMSs context in a developing country – Kuwait. Third, this study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM, and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Finally, this study aims to assist HEIs, faculty members, and systems’ developers in understanding the main factors that influence students’ continuance use intention of LMSs. Findings: While subjective norms were not significant, the results mainly showed that students’ continuous intention to use Moodle is significantly influenced by performance expectancy, effort expectancy, attitude, satisfaction, self-efficacy and facilitating conditions. The study’s results also confirmed that satisfaction and attitude are two conceptually and empirically different constructs, conflicting with the views that these constructs can be taken as interchangeable factors in the ECM. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study offers several useful practical implications. First, given the significant influence of system interactivity on performance expectancy and satisfaction, faculty members should modify their teaching approach by enabling communication and interaction among instructors, students, and peers using the LMS. Second, given the significant influence of performance expectancy, satisfaction, and attitude on continuous intention to use the LMS, HEIs should conduct training programs for students on the effective use of the LMS. This would increase students’ awareness regarding the usefulness of the LMS, enhance their attitude towards the LMS, and improve their satisfaction with the system. Third, given the significant role of effort expectancy in influencing performance expectancy, attitude, and students’ continuous intention to use Moodle, developers and system programmers should design the LMS with easy to use, high quality, and customizable user interface. This, in turn, will not only motivate students’ performance expectancy, but will also influence their attitude and continuous intention to use the system. Recommendation for Researchers: This study conceptually and empirically differentiates between satisfaction and attitude, as two separate affect constructs, which were taken as interchangeable factors in ECM and were disregarded by a large number of prior ECM studies concerned with continuous use intention. Hence, it is recommended that researchers include these two constructs in their research models when investigating continuous intention to use a technology. Impact on Society: This study could be used in other countries to compare and verify the results. Additionally, the research model of this study could also be used to investigate other LMSs, such as Blackboard. Future Research: This study focused on how different factors affected students’ continuous intention to use Moodle but did not consider all determinants of successful system, such as system quality, information quality, and instructional as well as course content quality. Thus, future research should devote attention to the effects of these quality characteristics of LMS.


Modelling End Users’ Continuance Intention to Use Information Systems in Academic Settings: Expectation-Confirmation and Stress Perspective

Aim/Purpose: The main aim of this study is to identify the factors that influence the continuance intention of use of innovative systems by non-academic employees of a private university and associated academic institutions in Bangladesh. Background: The targeted academic institutions have introduced many new online services aimed at improving students’ access to information and services, including a new online library, ERP or online forum, and the jobs-tracking system (JTS). This research is focused only on the JTS for two reasons. First, it is one of the most crucial systems for the Daffodil Family, as it enables efficient working across many institutes spread across the country and abroad. Second, it is employed in a wide variety of organisational institutes, not just the university. This study aims to discover negative factors that lead to a decrease in users’ intentions to continue using the system. The ultimate goal is to improve the motivation among administrative staff to use technology-related innovation by reducing or eliminating the problems. Methodology: G* power analysis was employed to determine the expected sample size. A questionnaire survey was conducted of 211 users of a new job tracking system from a private university in Bangladesh, to collect data for testing the suggested research model. The data was analysed using the structural equation technique, which is a powerful multivariate analysis mechanism. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of literature and helps better understand users’ continuance intention in the post-implementation phase of the JTS. It complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT, by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Specifically, this study examines the role of technostress where organisations invest in IT to make their users more comfortable with innovative and new technologies like the JTS. Findings: This research develops a theoretical advancement of the expectation-confirmation theory, with implications for IT managers and senior management dealing with IT-related behaviour. All proposed hypotheses were supported. Specifically, the predictors of exhaustion – work overload, work–life balance, and role ambiguity – are significant. The core factors for satisfaction, perceived usefulness, and confirmation, are also found to be significant. Finally, satisfaction and exhaustion significantly influence continuance intention, in both positive and negative ways. Recommendations for Practitioners: This study gives an idea about some of the difficulties that people face when implementing new and innovative IT, particularly in academia in Bangladesh. It offers insights into strategies the management may want to follow when implementing new technology like the JTS. This study suggests strategies to increase satisfaction and reduce technostress among new users to enhance organisational support for change. Recommendation for Researchers: Methodologically, the study provides researchers about the technique that reduces the threat of the common method bias. First, it created a psychological separation between criterion and predictor variables. Second, the threat of common method variance was actively controlled by modelling a latent method factor and by using marker variables that researchers can use in their work. This study complements the micro-level examinations of continuance intention of using IT by building on our understanding of the phenomenon at the individual level. Researchers can extend this model by integrating other theories. Impact on Society: The findings of the study indicate that work overload, work–life conflict, and role ambiguity create tiredness, leading to lower user satisfaction with the system. Perceived usefulness and confirmation have an increasingly similar effect on users’ satisfaction with the system and their subsequent continuance intention. These findings tell university administrators what measures they should take to improve continuance intention of using innovative technology. Future Research: Future studies could conceptualise a five-factor personality model from the personal perspective of users. This model can also be extended by including the dimensions of absorptive capacity, i.e., the dynamic capabilities of users. Absorptive capacity of understanding, assimilating, and applying might influence the user’s perception of usefulness and confirmation of using JTS.


Differences in Stage of Integration between Business Planning and Information Systems Planning according to Value Configurations


Decision Confidence, Information Usefulness, and Information Seeking Intention in the Presence of Disconfirming Information


Fuzzy Logic and the Market: A Configurational Approach to Investor Perceptions of Acquisition Announcements

Prior research on mergers and acquisitions (M&As) has substantially advanced our understanding of how isolated acquirer- and deal-specific factors affect abnormal returns. However, investors are likely to perceive and evaluate M&As holistically—that is, as complex configurations (i.e., Gestalts) of characteristics, rather than as a list of independent factors. Yet, extant M&A literature has not addressed why and how configurations of factors elicit positive or negative reactions. In other words, overlooking the interdependent nature of factors known to influence acquisition success has limited our understanding of both M&As and investor judgment. Taking an inductive approach to addressing this important issue, this study relies on fuzzy set methodology. Our results provide compelling evidence that investor perceptions of M&A announcements are not only configurational in nature but also characterized by equifinality - or the presence of multiple paths to success - and asymmetric causality - that is, configurations that represent bad deals are not simply a mirror image of good deals, but differ fundamentally. By constructing a typology of "good" and "bad" deals as perceived by market participants, we develop a mid-range theory of M&A stock market performance. As such, this study offers novel theoretical and empirical insights to scholars, and implications for practitioners.


German parliament to hold confidence vote on Dec. 16, source says

BERLIN: German Chancellor Olaf Scholz will hold a vote of confidence in parliament on Dec. 16, a source told Reuters on Tuesday, a move that would pave the way for snap elections following the collapse of his three-way governing coalition.

More to follow


IGP confirms probe into death threat against informant in Sabah scandal case

KOTA BHARU: Police have confirmed that the whistleblower who sent an open letter to the Yang di-Pertuan Agong regarding allegations of corruption in Sabah has received death threats.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the case is being investigated by the Bukit Aman Classified Crime Investigation Unit under Section 507 of the Penal Code, which addresses criminal intimidation through anonymous communication.

The 36-year-old male informant received a threatening call via WhatsApp from an unknown number.

“During the call, the suspect, believed to be a local man, threatened the informant in Mandarin, claiming to be from a hitman group and demanding the informant stay silent.

“The suspect warned that if the informant did not comply, he would be killed within 24 hours and called it a final warning,” Razarudin told Bernama today.

Razarudin said the suspect also sent two images, one of a pistol with ammunition and another showing a person shot in the street.

The informant expressed deep fear for his own safety and that of his family, he said.

“After receiving the WhatsApp message, the informant reported the incident and blocked the number. Since then, no further threats have been made,” Razarudin said, adding that the informant initially suspected that the phone number might belong to a scammer or was dialed incorrectly.

He said further checks revealed that the phone number was no longer in service and had no registered owner.

Razarudin added no other reports had been filed regarding this number, and the investigation returned no relevant records.


IPO surge on Bursa Malaysia reflects investor confidence

KUALA LUMPUR: Bursa Malaysia Bhd is experiencing a resurgence in IPOs as 2024 draws to a close, reflecting renewed investor confidence in the local bourse.

With 44 initial public offerings to date, Bursa Malaysia has outpaced other markets in Southeast Asia, emerging as an attractive IPO destination amid a stable economic and political landscape.

According to Mohd Sedek Jantan, UOB Kay Hian Wealth Advisors’ head of investment research, several factors have contributed to this surge. “The risk of doing business in the fourth quarter has subsided as major economic and political uncertainties have passed, such as the US presidential election while Malaysia’s active role in international forums has bolstered the country’s global standing,” he told Bernama.

He reckons that Malaysia’s stable economic indicators, including positive trade figures, healthy employment rates and steady industrial production have fostered a predictable business environment that encourages IPO activity. “Political stability and a clear government policy framework further enhance investor confidence,” he said.

The surge in IPOs on Bursa Malaysia underscores the local bourse’s resilience compared to other regional markets.

Mohd Sedek noted that Malaysia has recorded 36 IPOs so far this year, raising about US$450 million in the first half alone, which accounts for 33% of Southeast Asia’s total IPO proceeds.

“This stands in contrast to a subdued IPO market across the Asia-Pacific, where proceeds have dropped by 63%, largely due to challenges in China and Hong Kong.

“Malaysia has outperformed both Indonesia and Singapore in IPO activity this year,” he pointed out, highlighting that Indonesia faces political uncertainty following its recent presidential election, while Singapore has seen a slowdown in activity due to high regulatory costs and weak investor demand.

In contrast, he said Malaysia’s IPO market benefits from a stable macroeconomic backdrop, business-friendly regulations, and the supportive Madani Economy Framework.

Mohd Sedek said the growth in IPOs reflects optimism in key Malaysian sectors, with recent listings from the construction, manufacturing, and healthcare industries.

He said in the construction sector, which expanded by 22.9% in the third quarter, private and public investments in residential, non-residential, and large-scale infrastructure projects are expected to drive further growth. “Key government initiatives, such as RM9 billion for private finance initiatives and RM25.5 billion from government-linked investment companies are expected to sustain this momentum,” he added.

In the manufacturing sector, Malaysia’s transformation under the New Industrial Master Plan 2030 aims to drive growth in high-value, technology-driven industries. “The government’s focus on digitalisation, green technology, and advanced manufacturing techniques is expected to attract further investments, solidifying Malaysia’s position as a competitive manufacturing hub in Asean,” he said.

Malaysia’s healthcare sector is also expanding due to demographic shifts and rising health awareness. The integration of technology, such as telemedicine and digital health solutions, is anticipated to boost the sector’s growth by improving care accessibility and efficiency. “This trend, coupled with government support for medical tourism, positions Malaysia as a key player in the healthcare industry in the region,” Mohd Sedek said.

Bursa Malaysia CEO Datuk Muhamad Umar Swift expressed satisfaction with the IPO momentum, noting that three Main Market IPOs were listed this week alone.

“This surge reflects a thriving capital market with strong regulatory support and a diverse investor pool. Malaysia has experienced a bull run, making us the Asean exchange with the highest number of IPOs to date this year,” he said.

Echoing this sentiment, the exchange regulator’s chairman Tan Sri Abdul Wahid Omar highlighted the significance of Monday’s listings, which took place on the auspicious date of 11.11. (Nov 11)

“Both companies chose that date for its auspicious nature, marking a rare occasion of two listings on the same day. The last time Bursa hosted two listings on a single day was in November 2017, following the demerger of Sime Darby Group, which saw both Sime Darby Plantation Bhd and Sime Darby Property Bhd debut together,” he said.

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd chief economist Dr Mohd Afzanizam Abdul Rashid noted that the strong IPO pipeline signals positive prospects for the Malaysian economy, as stable policies and a clear path towards becoming a high-income nation attract investor interest.

“Malaysia’s equities are undervalued, offering upside potential. The economic and policy stability enhances investor confidence, while companies’ growth trajectories inspire optimism for the market’s future,” he said.

Mohd Afzanizam said that as Bursa Malaysia continues to attract IPOs, he expects the exchange’s momentum to inspire small and medium enterprises to pursue similar growth opportunities. “The record-setting IPO activity underscores Malaysia’s resilience and strong capital market position in Asean, providing a positive outlook for 2025,” he added. – Bernama


Quiambao confirmed to play for Gilas in FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers

La Salle star Kevin Quiambao will play for Gilas Pilipinas in the second window of the 2025 FIBA Asia Cup Qualifiers despite his ongoing UAAP Season 87 stint.


100% water in Gilgit unfit for drinking

All water samples collected from the scenic city of Gilgit have been found to be contaminated


How Wattpad shaped an entire generation of fanfiction obsessed teens

If you ever had the app, odds are you were reading some barely coherent narrative about One Direction or Harry Potter


Patents Nintendo Suing Palworld Over Confirmed, But, Damn, This Suit Is Weird

If you’ve followed along with our coverage on the hit video game Palworld, developed by Pocketpair, you will know that Nintendo and the Pokémon Co. has sued Pocketpair for patent infringement. Prior to the suit, there had been a ton of speculation that a lawsuit would be filed, but that it would be a copyright […]


Pod Rods: New Infiniti crossover

Infiniti is showing off its upcoming seven passenger crossover and we get behind the wheel of a Dodge Challenger 392 HEMI SRT8.


Höhenflüge Hohenfichte 2017 - BMX Contest

On 09.09.2017 again the "Höhenflüge" BMX Contest takes place in Hohenfichte. Huge Airs and street-combos, as you see them on Instagram and Co, you can see here live on 09.09.2017. And all this under the motto: higher, farther, more stylish. In addition to a few special prizes, the best riders of the day have the chance to win 1500€ prize money, so.... off to Hohenfichte! The mood is still heated with the right music. In addition BBQ and beverages of various kinds, in order not to leave the physical well-being outside. Beer and fire should end the day slowly and comfortably. If you are one of those who like to drink a bottle more, then you have a big meadow ready for camping. More infos HERE

Arrival from Friday possible


Custom BMX Configurator v2 - Save your configurations

You want to create a new Custom BMX, but you have no plan, what color should it be? Are you unsure whether the new handlebar and the fork in green color match your current BMX bike? Then try it out with our new Custom BMX Configurator!

We have already added a share button, so you can show your dream BMX to your friends. As of now, you can also save your configured Custom BMX via short link. Simply click on "SAVE", then on "COPY LINK" to save the short link on your device. You are then able to view your configured BMX from any device, make changes to it and save a new configuration again.

Please note: products can not currently be selected. However, we are working to provide this functionality as soon as possible. Then you can configure your dream BMX online, order it and get it sent home preassembled.


Galatasaray confirms forward Mauro Icardi tore his ACL

Galatasaray forward Mauro Icardi tore his right ACL in the Europa League match against Tottenham and could miss the rest of the season, the team said Friday.


Maryland remains confident, even valiant ahead of daunting final half of season:

The Maryland Terrapins are used to hoeing a difficult road during the football season. In 2024, however, the difference is a team that has not only failed to reach rather mild expectations, but one that is severely underperforming.


Flights between U.S., Haiti suspended amid gunfire striking passenger jets

Violence in Haiti led to the closure of Toussaint Louverture International Airport after gunfire struck a Spirit Airlines flight from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, trying to land Monday.


German Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he'll ask for a vote of confidence in December

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he will ask for a vote of confidence on Dec. 16, paving the way forward for an early parliamentary election in February.


Israeli media: Government confirms Netanyahu ordered pager attack on Hezbollah

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu approved an audacious plan to employ booby-trapped pagers in September against members of the Iran-backed Hezbollah terror group in Lebanon, his office said Monday.


A confirmed observation of Oxalis dillenii in Spain.


Government confirms where £350m of dormant asset funds will be allocated

The government has earmarked four areas for spending until 2028


Profit Margin Confidence and ABC’s Construction Backlog Indicator Both Fall in August

Associated Builders and Contractors reported Sept. 10 that its Construction Backlog Indicator fell to 8.2 months in August, according to an ABC member survey conducted from Aug. 20 to Sept. 5. The reading is down one month from August 2023.


Senate confirms Heather MacDougall as OSHRC member

Washington – The Senate on March 12 confirmed Heather MacDougall as the third Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission member.


OSHRC fully staffed again after Senate confirms two nominees

Washington — The Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission can resume its work after the Senate confirmed Cynthia Attwood and Amanda Wood Laihow by voice vote Jan. 9.


OSHA releases confined space resource

Washington – OSHA has published new guidance intended to help small businesses comply with the agency’s Confined Spaces in Construction Standard.


Confined space monitoring system

The X-Viz Confined Space Monitoring System meets OSHA requirements during plant turnarounds.


New hazard alert targets confined space dangers of pesticide spray tanks

Olympia, WA — Pesticide spray tanks are considered confined spaces if they’re big enough to enter (through a manhole cover or access port) and occupy, and require a permit for full or partial entry, emphasizes a new hazard alert from the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries’ Division of Occupational Safety and Health.


Security Industry Confidence Surges as Optimism Grows, SIA Survey Reveals

The latest survey was conducted before the Federal Reserve announced that it would reduce interest rates by a half-point.


FAA confirms date for air ambulance rule

Washington – A final rule regarding safety regulations for helicopter air ambulances will go into effect April 22, 2015, the Federal Aviation Administration has announced.


Senate confirms the nominations of two candidates for mine review commission

Washington — The Senate on Sept. 29 confirmed the nominations of Mary Lu Jordan and Timothy Baker to serve as members of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.


Senate confirms new Chemical Safety Board chair and member

Washington — The Senate on Dec. 13 confirmed Steve Owens as chair of the Chemical Safety Board and Catherine J.K. Sandoval as a CSB member, returning a quorum to the short-staffed agency.


Secretary of labor nominee faces questions during Senate confirmation hearing

Washington — Julie Su emphasized her commitment to “finding and expanding the vast areas of common ground between employers and employees” during her April 20 confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.


OSHA’s confined spaces in construction rule under OMB review

Washington – OSHA’s final rule on confined spaces in construction is being reviewed by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. The review is one of the final steps required before OSHA can formally publish the rule.


Confined spaces: New hazard alert from Kentucky

Lexington, KY — Spurred by 56 worker deaths involving confined spaces in the state between 1994 and 2022, the Kentucky Occupational Safety and Health Surveillance Program has issued a hazard alert.