
Thomas repeint en Sky la trilogie classique

Dans la douzième étape, entre Bourg-Saint-Maurice et l’Alpe d’Huez (175,5 km), nouvelle victoire du maillot jaune Geraint Thomas (Sky), qui se comporte de plus en plus en leader. Il s’agissait de la plus belle étape de montagne, avec trois grands cols hors catégorie.

Alpe d’Huez (Isère), envoyé spécial.
Tout de nerfs et de cernes, le peloton s’étirait déjà en lambeaux et nous voyions clairement à travers depuis un moment. Devant, derrière, un peu partout, un dialogue spumescent et ...


Des découvertes archéologiques de l'époque romaine et du Moyen-Âge à Roulers

(Belga) Les archéologues ont fait plusieurs découvertes archéologiques datant de la période romaine et du Moyen Âge à Roulers, communique la province de Flandre occidentale ce lundi. Les excavations se sont déroulées dans le cadre de travaux liées à l'aménagement d'un bassin tampon. Celui-ci sera construit au bout de la Wagenweg dans le quartier De Ruiter à Roulers dans le courant du printemps.

C'est pourquoi une étude archéologique est en cours. Elle a mis au jour des vestiges de l'époque romaine et du Moyen Âge. Un certain nombre de traces de fondations, un fossé, un four à charbon de bois et un tombeau contenant des restes brûlés avec des jarres en céramique ont été retrouvés. Ils prouvent l'existence d'activités et d'habitations qui remontent à l'époque romaine. Plusieurs fossés et fosses peuvent aussi être associés au Moyen Âge, entre le Xe et le XIIe siècle. "Ensemble, ils nous donnent un meilleur aperçu de l'histoire des habitations et de l'implantation paysagère des activités qui ont eu lieu sur le hameau de De Ruiter dans le passé. Dans une perspective plus large, ils contribuent à une meilleure compréhension de l'évolution de la vallée du Mandel vers ce qu'elle est devenue aujourd'hui", affirment les archéologues. Mercredi prochain, les personnes intéressées auront l'occasion de voir les fouilles de plus près et de participer à une visite guidée. L'archéologue Willem Hantson, du service du patrimoine archéologique et architectural RADAR, emmènera les visiteurs pour une visite de 40 minutes. Toutes les informations sont disponibles sur La province de Flandre occidentale prévoit de commencer au printemps la construction de la zone d'inondation contrôlée (ZIC) et du bassin de rétention d'eau pour l'agriculture. (Belga)


Le changement climatique, facteur aggravant du trafic d'êtres humains

(Belga) La multiplication des désastres météorologiques, qui pousse sur les routes des millions de personnes, est aujourd'hui l'une des "causes principales" du trafic d'êtres humains, selon un rapport onusien publié mardi, évoquant également les risques posés par la guerre en Ukraine.

"Le changement climatique accroît la vulnérabilité au trafic", souligne cette étude de l'Office des Nations unies contre la drogue et le crime (ONUDC), basée sur la collecte des données de 141 pays sur la période 2017-2020 et l'analyse de 800 affaires judiciaires. Au fil du temps, "des régions entières vont devenir inhabitables", ce qui "affecte de manière disproportionnée" les communautés pauvres vivant essentiellement de l'agriculture ou de la pêche. Elles se retrouvent "privées de leurs moyens de subsistance et contraintes de fuir leur communauté", devenant une proie facile pour les trafiquants, a expliqué à la presse en amont de la publication Fabrizio Sarrica, auteur principal du texte. Rien qu'en 2021, les catastrophes climatiques ont provoqué le déplacement interne de plus de 23,7 millions de personnes, tandis que de nombreux autres ont dû partir à l'étranger. Le rapport cite des typhons dévastateurs aux Philippines, ou encore le Bangladesh, particulièrement exposé aux cyclones et tempêtes. Dans les deux pays, une hausse des cas de trafic a été constatée, avec par exemple l'organisation de "larges campagnes de recrutement" pour piéger dans le travail forcé les plus démunis. Le Ghana, victime de sécheresses et d'inondations, et la région des Caraïbes, soumise aux ouragans et à la montée du niveau de la mer, sont aussi en première ligne. Autre terrain propice au trafic, les conflits armés. Si l'Afrique est de loin le continent le plus touché, l'instance onusienne pointe une situation potentiellement "dangereuse" en Ukraine, tout en saluant les mesures prises par les pays de l'Union européenne pour accueillir et protéger les millions de réfugiés. (Belga)


La Semaine politique : la France a dᅵtruit ses masques, un ex-collaborateur de Vᅵran a cherchᅵ ᅵ en vendre (et quelques autres infos)

Vous n'avez pas eu le temps de lire Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, Mediapart, Le Monde, Arrᅵt sur images et tous les autres titres de presse ? On s'en charge pour vous.


Journï¿œes parlementaires, campus rï¿œgionaux : La Rï¿œpublique en marche va dï¿œpenser prï¿œs d'un million d'euros pour sa rentrï¿œe

C'est la rentrᅵe politique. Et qui dit rentrᅵe, dit universitᅵ d'ᅵtᅵ. Cette annᅵe, la Rᅵpublique en marche a vu les choses en grand en organisant ᅵ la fois des journᅵes...


Selon Le Canard enchaᅵnᅵ, le gouvernement Castex est le plus coᅵteux de l'histoire de la Ve Rᅵpublique (185 millions d'euros par an)

L'information est passï¿œe inaperï¿œue mais elle ne manque pas de sel. Alors que la gestion de la crise du covid-19 par le gouvernement est trï¿œs contestï¿œe (au retard dans la livraison de masques s'ajoute...


Machine learning and deep learning techniques for detecting and mitigating cyber threats in IoT-enabled smart grids: a comprehensive review

The confluence of the internet of things (IoT) with smart grids has ushered in a paradigm shift in energy management, promising unparalleled efficiency, economic robustness and unwavering reliability. However, this integrative evolution has concurrently amplified the grid's susceptibility to cyber intrusions, casting shadows on its foundational security and structural integrity. Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) emerge as beacons in this landscape, offering robust methodologies to navigate the intricate cybersecurity labyrinth of IoT-infused smart grids. While ML excels at sifting through voluminous data to identify and classify looming threats, DL delves deeper, crafting sophisticated models equipped to counteract avant-garde cyber offensives. Both of these techniques are united in their objective of leveraging intricate data patterns to provide real-time, actionable security intelligence. Yet, despite the revolutionary potential of ML and DL, the battle against the ceaselessly morphing cyber threat landscape is relentless. The pursuit of an impervious smart grid continues to be a collective odyssey. In this review, we embark on a scholarly exploration of ML and DL's indispensable contributions to enhancing cybersecurity in IoT-centric smart grids. We meticulously dissect predominant cyber threats, critically assess extant security paradigms, and spotlight research frontiers yearning for deeper inquiry and innovation.


Enhancing clean technology's dynamic cross technique using value chain

Numerous Indian economic sectors have been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, with many being forced to the verge of extinction. As a result, this essay analyses the importance of supply chains for grapes and the manufactured goods made from them, including beverages and currants, in a specific state that happens to be India's top grape-producing region. In order to identify the sites of rupture brought on by the pandemic and to recommend policy changes to create a resilient system, a value chain analysis is performed. Value chain management has emerged as one of the key strategies businesses use today to boost productivity and costs when they are up against greater rivalry in the marketplace, however, with several new challenges, such as concerns over security, environmental protection, compensation, and business accountability. According to the value chain study, the level of value addition for intermediary agents, such as pre-harvest contractors, has increased after COVID-19 at the expense of farmers. Various policy approaches are explained to enhance the grape value chain using the knowledge gained from Porter's value chain results and supply and demand shocks.


Enhancing Students’ Interest in Science and Technology through Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Active Learning Techniques


Recognizing and Managing Complexity: Teaching Advanced Programming Concepts and Techniques Using the Zebra Puzzle

Teaching advanced programming can be a challenge, especially when the students are pursuing different majors with diverse analytical and problem-solving capabilities. The purpose of this paper is to explore the efficacy of using a particular problem as a vehicle for imparting a broad set of programming concepts and problem-solving techniques. We present a classic brain teaser that is used to communicate and demonstrate advanced software development concepts and techniques. Our results show that students with varied academic experiences and goals, assuming at least one procedural/structured programming pre-requisite, can benefit from and also be challenged by such an exercise. Although this problem has been used by others in the classroom, we believe that our use of this problem in imparting such a broad range of topics to a diverse student population is unique.


Implementation of a novel technique for ordering of features algorithm in detection of ransomware attack

In today's world, malware has become a part and threat to our computer systems. All electronic devices are very susceptible/vulnerable to various threats like different types of malware. There is one subset of malware called ransomware, which is majorly used to have large financial gains. The attacker asks for a ransom amount to regain access to the system/data. When dynamic technique using machine learning is used, it is very important to select the correct set of features for the detection of a ransomware attack. In this paper, we present two novel algorithms for the detection of ransomware attacks. The first algorithm is used to assign the time stamp to the features (API calls) for the ordering and second is used for the ordering and ranking of the features for the early detection of a ransomware attack.


Performance Analysis of Double Buffer Technique (DBT) Model for Mobility Support in Wireless IP Networks


Marketable, Unique and Experiential IT-Skills Education for Business Students


Sustaining Negotiated QoS in Connection Admission Control for ATM Networks Using Fuzzy Logic Techniques


The Development of Students Geometrical Thinking through Transformational Processes and Interaction Techniques in a Dynamic Geometry Environment


Predicting Suitable Areas for Growing Cassava Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning Techniques: A Study in Nakhon-Phanom Thailand

Aim/Purpose: Although cassava is one of the crops that can be grown during the dry season in Northeastern Thailand, most farmers in the region do not know whether the crop can grow in their specific areas because the available agriculture planning guideline provides only a generic list of dry-season crops that can be grown in the whole region. The purpose of this research is to develop a predictive model that can be used to predict suitable areas for growing cassava in Northeastern Thailand during the dry season. Background: This paper develops a decision support system that can be used by farmers to assist them determine if cassava can be successfully grown in their specific areas. Methodology: This study uses satellite imagery and data on land characteristics to develop a machine learning model for predicting suitable areas for growing cassava in Thailand’s Nakhon-Phanom province. Contribution: This research contributes to the body of knowledge by developing a novel model for predicting suitable areas for growing cassava. Findings: This study identified elevation and Ferric Acrisols (Af) soil as the two most important features for predicting the best-suited areas for growing cassava in Nakhon-Phanom province, Thailand. The two-class boosted decision tree algorithm performs best when compared with other algorithms. The model achieved an accuracy of .886, and .746 F1-score. Recommendations for Practitioners: Farmers and agricultural extension agents will use the decision support system developed in this study to identify specific areas that are suitable for growing cassava in Nakhon-Phanom province, Thailand Recommendation for Researchers: To improve the predictive accuracy of the model developed in this study, more land and crop characteristics data should be incorporated during model development. The ground truth data for areas growing cassava should also be collected for a longer period to provide a more accurate sample of the areas that are suitable for cassava growing. Impact on Society: The use of machine learning for the development of new farming systems will enable farmers to produce more food throughout the year to feed the world’s growing population. Future Research: Further studies should be carried out to map other suitable areas for growing dry-season crops and to develop decision support systems for those crops.


Adaptation of a Cluster Discovery Technique to a Decision Support System


Using Research Techniques to Teach Management of IT Concepts to Postgraduate Business Students


Text Classification Techniques: A Literature Review

Aim/Purpose: The aim of this paper is to analyze various text classification techniques employed in practice, their strengths and weaknesses, to provide an improved awareness regarding various knowledge extraction possibilities in the field of data mining. Background: Artificial Intelligence is reshaping text classification techniques to better acquire knowledge. However, in spite of the growth and spread of AI in all fields of research, its role with respect to text mining is not well understood yet. Methodology: For this study, various articles written between 2010 and 2017 on “text classification techniques in AI”, selected from leading journals of computer science, were analyzed. Each article was completely read. The research problems related to text classification techniques in the field of AI were identified and techniques were grouped according to the algorithms involved. These algorithms were divided based on the learning procedure used. Finally, the findings were plotted as a tree structure for visualizing the relationship between learning procedures and algorithms. Contribution: This paper identifies the strengths, limitations, and current research trends in text classification in an advanced field like AI. This knowledge is crucial for data scientists. They could utilize the findings of this study to devise customized data models. It also helps the industry to understand the operational efficiency of text mining techniques. It further contributes to reducing the cost of the projects and supports effective decision making. Findings: It has been found more important to study and understand the nature of data before proceeding into mining. The automation of text classification process is required, with the increasing amount of data and need for accuracy. Another interesting research opportunity lies in building intricate text data models with deep learning systems. It has the ability to execute complex Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks with semantic requirements. Recommendations for Practitioners: Frame analysis, deception detection, narrative science where data expresses a story, healthcare applications to diagnose illnesses and conversation analysis are some of the recommendations suggested for practitioners. Recommendation for Researchers: Developing simpler algorithms in terms of coding and implementation, better approaches for knowledge distillation, multilingual text refining, domain knowledge integration, subjectivity detection, and contrastive viewpoint summarization are some of the areas that could be explored by researchers. Impact on Society: Text classification forms the base of data analytics and acts as the engine behind knowledge discovery. It supports state-of-the-art decision making, for example, predicting an event before it actually occurs, classifying a transaction as ‘Fraudulent’ etc. The results of this study could be used for developing applications dedicated to assisting decision making processes. These informed decisions will help to optimize resources and maximize benefits to the mankind. Future Research: In the future, better methods for parameter optimization will be identified by selecting better parameters that reflects effective knowledge discovery. The role of streaming data processing is still rarely explored when it comes to text classification.


A Study of Online Exams Procrastination Using Data Analytics Techniques


Recurrent Online Quizzes: Ubiquitous Tools for Promoting Student Presence, Participation and Performance


Special Series on Tools, Techniques, and Technologies for Promoting Organizational Learning


Salvaging Information Engineering Techniques in the Data Warehouse Environment


International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing


Punk Rock Meets Firearms: KAK Industry’s Unique Path in the Firearms World ~ VIDEO

When you think of punk rock, your mind might jump to rebellious music, hardcore shows, & underground clubs—not the firearms industry. However, for KAK Industry...


Anurag Kashyap and I are not even friends: Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Actor maintains filmmaker is close to his heart


Zara Noor Abbas wants husband Asad Siddiqui to heat up the screen with Deepika Padukone, Alia Bhatt

‘Standup Girl’ actor says she has no qualms about beau playing romantic roles


Bulbulay actress Shagufta Ijaz’s husband, Yahya Siddiqui, passes away after battle with cancer

The actress shared the news of her husband’s passing on Instagram.


Caractéristiques attrayantes des sacs Chanel Deauville Toile fourre-tout

Sacs durante cuir magnifiques sont united nations des things de faiblesse as well as connus d'une femme. Et lorsque the sac s'avère être de chicago célèbre marque Chanel fourre-tout à Deauville, promote the monde rêve de saisir chicago sienne united nations jour prochain. Comme l'été s'avère être déballait sa beauté durante as well as de charme de chicago mother nature, Chanel fourre-tout à Deauville présente également différentes gammes de series dump rendre l'ensemble des connaisseurs voulant...


Style 101: Sadia Tariq Güzel

Playing dress up with Sadia Tariq Güzel


Sissy & Shaniqua, Then & Now

We first met Okhui ‘Sissy’ Benlein & Shaniqua McCready on the 1900 block of Pennsylvania Avenue back in 2018. This episode, we reunite with Sissy & Shaniqua, we listen back together to their original recordings, and we ask them, “How’s life changed in the past three years?”


Going west: Maryland's Big Ten trip to No. 1 Oregon features unique wrinkles

The new Big Ten truly comes to full bore for Maryland this weekend with its first-ever West Coast conference trip to No. 1 Oregon, bringing with it a host of logistical tweaks and challenges.


Community Next Steps for Making Globally Unique Identifiers Work for Biocollections Data


Unique COI haplotypes in Hediste diversicolor populations in lagoons adjoining the Ionian Sea


Liquid-applied Membrane

Merkrete Fracture Guard 7000 is a liquid applied membrane to provide crack isolation up to 3/8 inch.


Liquid-resistant gloves

SmartFlex Full Coat Liquid Resistant Gloves (BK350) seal out liquids and keep hands dry.


Lifting techniques

Items on a pallet jack can weigh up to 100 pounds, making caution when handling a necessity, according to OSHA. Lifting or placing items on a pallet causes many workers to bend at the waist repeatedly, creating possible ergonomics problems.


National Academies calls for enhanced regulation of liquefied petroleum gas systems

Washington — Federal regulation of small distribution systems for propane and other liquefied petroleum gas should be revised for clarity, efficiency, enforceability and applicability to risk, a new report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine concludes.


Test your SDS IQ


Safety Data Sheets for bulk liquid flavorings may be incomplete, study shows

Morgantown, WV — Two potentially hazardous chemicals are missing from the Safety Data Sheets for bulk liquid flavorings, findings from a recent NIOSH Respiratory Health Division study show.


StratorSoft Announces Integration With Domo to Address the Unique Needs of the Physical Security Industry

In an era where data-driven insights are increasingly crucial, the physical security domain has yet to fully leverage the abundance of available data.


Be vigilant when working with flammable, combustible liquids

Nearly every workplace has potentially dangerous liquids, including fuels, paint thinners, solvents, cleaners, waxes and adhesives, according to the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety.


Chemical safety 101: flammable liquids

Did you know? Flammable liquids are required to be stored in approved glass, plastic or metal containers.


Quiz: Test your heart health IQ

February is Heart Health Month. Try this quiz.


Ergonomic digging techniques

Manually digging and trenching can be very physically demanding work, made even more dangerous when proper techniques are not employed.


The need for unique women’s PPE

Is the “one size smaller” rule for women’s personal protective equipment adequate?