
Bank Runs in Rural China

Bank runs are bad. They're bad enough to bring down governments. There's been a slow-motion bank run in rural China for several months, and people are starting to get concerned that the "contagion" could spread.

In the anatomy of an economic crisis, a bank run is the point of no return.

Bank runs occur when people scramble to withdraw cash from banks in fear of collapse. In the worst cases, banks' liquid cash reserves are exhausted, not everyone gets their money and the bank defaults. ...

In recent years it has become clear the Chinese people are losing faith in their financial institutions. There's been anger over harsh COVID lockdowns in Shanghai recently, while the collapse of China Evergrande saw rare public demonstrations as residents faced the prospect of losing their life savings used as deposits for housing. ...

Multiple sources contacted by Asia Markets, have confirmed deposits at the following six banks have been frozen since mid-April.

  • Yuzhou Xinminsheng Village Bank (located in Xuchang City, Henan Province)
  • Zhecheng Huanghuai Bank (City of Shangqui, Henan Province)
  • Shangcai Huimin Rural Bank (Zhumadian City, Henan Province)
  • New Oriental Village Bank (City of Kaifeng, Henan Province)
  • Huaihe River Village Bank (Bengbu City, Anhui Province)
  • Yixian County Village Bank (Huangshan City, Anhui Province)

It's understood the banks with branches across the Henan and Anhui Provinces successively issued announcements in April, stating they would suspend online banking and mobile banking services due to a system upgrade.

At the same time, clients reported their electronic deposits in online accounts, mobile apps and third-party platforms could not be withdrawn.

This led to depositors rushing to local bank branches, only to be told they were unable to withdraw funds.

It looks like the bank failures are due to fraud and corruption -- bank managers simply stole the money. Hopefully this corruption isn't widespread and the problem can be contained.


Trump's cabinet picks suggest China is front and centre of his mind - it could be a bumpy ride

The announcements should not be a surprise. Donald Trump said he'd do things differently this time. And yet they still prompt a double take.


Google Spent a Decade Researching What Makes a Great Boss. They Came Up With These 10 Things

Those are the types of questions Google set out to answer. In 2008, they began research into what makes a good manager, code-named Project Oxygen. They originally identified eight behaviors that were common among their highest performing managers, and began training all managers to develop those behaviors. Over time, Google saw a marked improvement in key metrics such as employee turnover, satisfaction, and performance.

complete article


Google Spent 2 Years Researching What Makes a Great Remote Team. It Came Up With These 3 Things

There can come days, however, when it all feels the same and very old.

That is when we steel ourselves and insist on being creative.

complete article


How Is Launching A Startup Different From Starting A Small Business

Facebook and Walmart had one thing in common, they both built a product people loved. But their journey was different. Understanding how and why building startups is different from small businesses will help you make wiser business decisions. Here are the most important differences you need to know.

complete article


The Pitching Machine Market was is expected to grow US$ 1030.89 Mn by 2030, as per Maximize Market Research.

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Incredible Secret Money Machine ebook


Luke Everett Hutchinson

Our dear son Luke Everett was born on October 21, 2014 at 12:52 pm. He weighed 9 lbs and 8 oz and was 21.5 inches long. He has dark brown/black hair like Claire and Sims. His eyes are blue for now but I'm sure they will change. He is the sweetest little baby and we cannot imagine our lives without him now. He is so new but it's like he has always been with us.

The delivery was the hardest one I've had and he broke his collar bone but we are both on the mend now and feeling better every day.  But I would take the pain again and again to have Luke with us.

Luke means light in Greek and Everett means brave. Our prayer for Luke is that he will point people to the light of Christ and that the Lord will strengthen him to be brave in doing what the Lord has called him to do.

Thanks be to the Lord for His many, many blessings. 

Thanks to our wonderful parents who have helped us tremendously with our other children during the past 9 days. We are all back together again and I hope to get a picture of everyone soon. And also, "Luke" was a character on LOST. :) He was an "Other" in 5 episodes of season 3. The LOST name streak lives on.


Un haut responsable du PCC appelle � la promotion d'une communaut� Chine-Vietnam d'avenir partag�

Le haut responsable chinois, Li Xi, a rencontr� Phan Dinh Trac, membre du Bureau politique, secr�taire du secr�tariat et pr�sident de la Commission des affaires int�rieures du Comit� central du Parti communiste vietnamien (PCV), mardi � Beijing. ...


Le PM chinois met l'accent sur l'am�lioration de la production agricole et la pr�vention des catastrophes

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La Chine accueille les entreprises � capitaux �trangers pour approfondir la coop�ration mutuellement b�n�fique

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Un rapport d'un groupe de r�flexion chinois "Un nouveau mod�le pour le progr�s humain et son importance mondiale" d�voil� au Br�sil

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Un diplomate chinois � l'ONU exhorte Isra�l � cesser d'utiliser l'aide humanitaire � Gaza comme monnaie d'�change

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This Can Have You Scratching Your Head

It was a late night last night of updating and
improving and in the process of doing that it got me
thinking . . .

An online business, and even more so an internet
network marketing business, can really get you
scratching your head sometimes.

We're conditioned to think in a linear fashion. Do
this and get that result is really how we think.

Work 40 hours a week and get paid for 40 hours of
work. It's how we grew up and for most of us it's
how we were conditioned to think about our results in

When it comes to business this isn't always the case,
and really most of the time it's not the case.

Business is not a linear thing.

Just yesterday I was sitting at my computer
scratching my head.

4 people joined my business directly with me as their
sponsor in the last 2 days. Not something to
complain about, after all I am the king of never
calling a single lead and that's the way things work
most of the time in my business, but this time it was
a little different.

You see during that period I had absolutely no ads
running for my business and still 4 people joined
with me as their sponsor without me having to do a
thing, meanwhile my first year in the business all
I did was prospect and call leads and nothing happened.

Why is it so easy now?

Well, once you have passive traffic coming your way
good things happen and you don't have to do
anything additional actively for those good results.

But this can get people confused. I know it did for
me for a long time. Some days would be great with
little effort and some days would be not so great
with a Herculean effort.

What the heck right?

That's business for you. It's not linear. You set it
up and once you get all the pieces in place
sometimes the results flow like the mighty Amazon and
others well just one lead would keep you going.

This shift stunts most. They still want to think that
their efforts should correlate directly to their
results and when it doesn't it frustrated the heck of
them. The best advice is settle down, know your
conversion figures, and just keep on pushing.

Let me tell you . . .

If you have a great marketing system, you're doing
the right things for generating interest in your
business via your marketing system you're on the
right track despite what the results show.

They will exceed your expectations in the long run.

Think about your business like this. It's more like
having a boat tethered to port by several ropes
than going to the J.O.B.

You may spend a huge effort getting one rope off and
you've made progress, but there is still 8 more
ropes to go and nothings moving.

You've made positive progress and you know it, just
don't let money be the only marker of your success
in the beginning.

That will come.

What if you could make a living online? How would
you're life change? What would you do? I took this
course and that dream has become a reality in my life
and because it I recommend it as a MUST have for
any truly interested. Go here now:


Relaunching My Website. This Time, It's True

For years, I've been saying that I'm going to relaunch this blog and relaunch my website and frankly given life and work, it just hasn't happened. But my life is in major flux right now, and I'm trying out a...


LXer: Machine Learning in Linux: Reor - AI note-taking app

Published at LXer: Reor is a private AI personal knowledge management tool. Think of it as a notes program on steroids. Each note is saved as a Markdown file to a �vault� directory on your machine....

  • Syndicated Linux News


Noël made in China

A pékin aussi on s’apprête à fêter Noël comme il se doit… avec ou sans le sourire. Hesiem, Pékin (Chine)


JabTV Presents - DNA Slot Machine featuring Britney Spears

Michael Jackson with Britney Spears legs! Oh my! It's the DNA slot machine, bet on mixing and matching celebrities DNA.


PHPfr 1.0 fast approaching!

I blogged today about the imminent release of PHP Function Reference 1.0 (and it’s about time!). PHPfr has been stuck at version for over a year now, but the project is fast approaching this important milestone. There are some great new features and it’s localized in English, German and Romanian so far, with more to come. Watch this space for the big announcement sometime (hopefully) in the next week!


Human Versus Machine Japanese Translation Mini Battle

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Preaching in North America

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World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China

World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China. My country is China and alliance code is 2S2D3T. I only will add Chinese Flag. Chinese Brothers and Sisters, please add me and let's form a powerful World War alliance. If you are not Chinese flag, will consider adding you into alliance as well but you must be of high level and a player with integrity and play fair. I don't like players who keep sanctioning other world war players and also those who keep farming especially farm on low level or inexperienced world war players. ATM is definitely welcome, please send me a link and I will definitely welcome your generosity. Once again, please add my World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T and flag is China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.
World War Iphone Alliance Code 2S2D3T China.

  • World War Iphone


Dragon Fly - Chinese New year card

Made for the Chinese new year of 2005, this animation of a flying dragon is accompanied by traditional chinese music. The dragon is believed to ward off evil spirits for the new year.


Aluminium China 2025: Celebrating 20 Years of Collective Achievements and Embracing a New Chapter

The 20th ALUMINIUM CHINA will take place from July 9-11, 2025, at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC). Organized by RX China, the event will feature over 600 diverse exhibitors showcasing the entire aluminium industry chain. With the theme "Aspirational·Limitless·Unique: 20 Years of Excellence," next year's exhibition will span over 60,000 square meters and expects to bring together []


Clickable maps for Chinatown, Gramercy Park, and West 40s

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Mauslot Slot Machines: Cara Mendapatkan Kemenangan Sering Seperti Seorang Pro

Mauslot Slot Machines: Cara Mendapatkan Kemenangan Sering Seperti Seorang Pro   Mauslot adalah salah satu permainan kasino online yang paling populer di Indonesia. Game slot ini menawarkan kesempatan untuk memenangkan alternatif mauslot  jackpot besar dengan cara yang sederhana. Namun, untuk meningkatkan peluang kemenangan Anda, Anda perlu memahami beberapa strategi dasar. Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk […]

The post Mauslot Slot Machines: Cara Mendapatkan Kemenangan Sering Seperti Seorang Pro appeared first on DOMINOQQ - DOMINO QQ ONLINE - DOMINO QIU QIU ONLINE.


Learning to Understand China : Personal experience

Michael Prosser, a prominent figure in the study of intercultural communication, and distinguished professor of Shanghai International Studies University explains in this article that a major obstacle for Americans to learn about the real China, and the causes of the misunderstandings about China, is the lack of personal experience of the country.


Drooling Down Her Chin

In this 2005 shoot from Wired Pussy via, Dana DeArmond is thoroughly ball-gagged and drooling down her chin: Elsewhere on Bondage Blog: Gagged And Drooling On His Cock Bondage Mouthsoaping Treasure Trove Mystery Hogtied Beauty Serena Ali, Bondage Beauty Bridle-Gagged Red-Head Jennings Mouth Gag And A Bit Of Drooling