
Critical Elements in the Medical Evaluation of Suspected Child Physical Abuse

Previous research has described important variability in the medical evaluation of suspected child physical abuse. This variability may contribute to bias and reduce reliability in the medical diagnosis of abuse.

A panel of child abuse pediatricians participated in a Delphi Process, defining critical elements for the medical evaluation of suspected physical abuse in children. Results can be used to reduce practice variability that may contribute to potential bias in evaluation. (Read the full article)


Statewide Medicaid Enhanced Prenatal Care Programs and Infant Mortality

Medicaid made substantial investments in enhanced prenatal and postnatal care programs to address maternal and infant health, including infant mortality. Evaluations of population-based programs are few, and although some have reported reductions in infant mortality, they have methodological limitations.

A population-based home visitation program can be a successful approach to reduce infant mortality. The reduced risk of infant death is consistent with previous findings on the effects of the program on health care utilization and birth outcomes. (Read the full article)


Pediatric Professional Medical Associations and Industry Guideline Compliance

There has been increasing legislative and regulatory focus on the relationships of pediatric prescribers and industry. Pediatric professional medical association (PMA) and industry relationships, however, are relatively unstudied and lack a systematic method of assessment.

This cross-sectional study used a new quantitative scale, the industry relationship index, to systematically rate 9 pediatric PMAs with respect to best practice guidelines on interactions with the biomedical industry, revealing significant variation in PMA practices. (Read the full article)


The Impact of Rudeness on Medical Team Performance: A Randomized Trial

Rudeness is routinely experienced by hospital-based medical teams. Individuals exposed to mildly rude behavior perform poorly on cognitive tasks, exhibit reduced creativity and flexibility, and are less helpful and prosocial.

Rudeness had adverse consequences on diagnostic and procedural performance of members of the NICU medical teams. Information-sharing mediated the adverse effect of rudeness on diagnostic performance, and help-seeking mediated the effect of rudeness on procedural performance. (Read the full article)


Alcohol and Marijuana Use and Treatment Nonadherence Among Medically Vulnerable Youth

Increasing percentages of youth are living with chronic medical conditions. Although adolescents face peak risks for onset and intensification of alcohol and marijuana use, we know little about these behaviors and their associations with treatment adherence among chronically ill youth.

This study quantifies alcohol and marijuana use behaviors among a heterogeneous sample of chronically ill youth in aggregate and by condition, and measures associations between alcohol use/binge drinking and knowledge about alcohol interactions with medications/laboratory tests and also treatment nonadherence. (Read the full article)


Trends in Emergency Department Visits for Unsupervised Pediatric Medication Exposures, 2004-2013

Unsupervised medication exposures increased during the previous decade, despite child-resistant packaging and caregiver education. To achieve the Healthy People 2020 objective of reducing emergency department visits for unintentional pediatric medication overdoses, targeted interventions including improved safety packaging may be needed.

Since 2010, emergency department visits for unsupervised medication exposures started to decrease. Most visits involved solid dose medications, typically for adult use. Most liquid medication exposure visits involved 4 over-the-counter pediatric products and may be more readily amenable for interventions. (Read the full article)


Hospital Variation in Health Care Utilization by Children With Medical Complexity

Children with medical complexity require a disproportionate amount of health services due to a multitude of chronic severe illness, and their impact on the health care system appears to be increasing.

This study provides one of the first comparisons of health care utilization patterns for children with medical complexity between medical centers in a population-based cohort. (Read the full article)


Outpatient Visits and Medication Prescribing for US Children With Mental Health Conditions

Seven percent of children in the United States receive mental health services each year. There are more pediatric outpatient mental health care visits to primary care physicians (PCPs) than to psychiatrists. Mental health utilization patterns regarding different conditions and medication prescribing are unknown.

One-third of children with mental health conditions see PCPs only. A greater proportion of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder see PCPs for this than do those with anxiety/mood disorders. Children seeing PCPs are prescribed psychotropic medications more often than those seeing psychiatrists. (Read the full article)


The Medical Home and Hospital Readmissions

Receiving primary care in a high-quality medical home may lead to reductions in hospital or emergency department (ED) utilization; however, the relationship between the medical home and postdischarge hospitalizations and ED visits is poorly understood.

Readmission rates vary markedly based on data source and definition. Unplanned readmissions were associated with absence of a usual source of well and sick care but not other medical home components. Lack of parent confidence at discharge identified patients at high risk for readmissions and ED visits shortly after discharge. (Read the full article)

medic | MONEY CLINIC: How to avoid late joiner penalties on your medical scheme

A health expert discusses what late joiner penalties are and how to avoid them.

medic | Key medical schemes still dominating sector, survey finds

There has been a distinct trend of consolidation among private medical schemes in South Africa, according to an actuarial specialist at Alexander Forbes.


Costs and Use for Children With Medical Complexity in a Care Management Program


Children with medical complexity (CMC) comprise only 6% of the pediatric population, account for ~40% of pediatric health care spending, and provide an important opportunity for cost saving. Savings in this group can have an important impact on pediatric health care costs. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of a multicenter care management program on spending and use in CMC.


We conducted a prospective cohort analysis of a population of 4530 CMC enrolled in a learning collaborative designed to improve care for CMC ages 0 to 21 years identified using 3M Clinical Risk Group categories 5b through 9. The primary outcome was total per-member per-year standardized spending; secondary outcomes included inpatient and emergency department (ED) spending and use. We used a 1:1 propensity score match to compare enrolled patients to eligible nonenrolled patients and statistical process control methods to analyze spending and usage rates.


Comparison with the matched group showed a 4.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.9%–7.3%) decrease in total per-member per-year spending (P < .001), a 7.7% (95% CI: 1.2%–13.5%) decrease in inpatient spending (P = .04), and an 11.6% (95% CI: 3.9%–18.4%) decrease in ED spending (P = .04). Statistical process control analysis showed a decrease in hospitalization rate and ED visits.


CMC enrolled in a learning collaborative showed significant decreases in total spending and a significant decrease in the number of hospitalizations and ED visits. Additional research is needed to determine more specific causal factors for the results and if these results are sustainable over time and replicable in other settings.


Penn State Health selects president for its new Hampden Medical Center

Penn State Health has appointed Don McKenna as president of Penn State Health Hampden Medical Center.


Hershey Medical Center joins clinical trial evaluating antiviral drug remdesivir

Penn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center has begun enrolling participants in an international clinical trial evaluating an investigational antiviral drug, remdesivir, for treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).


Increasing Prevalence of Medically Complex Children in US Hospitals

Katherine H. Burns
Oct 1, 2010; 126:638-646


Two dedicated COVID-19 clinics available through Penn State Health Medical Group

Penn State Health has opened two regional clinics to care for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 who have health care needs that are serious enough to warrant a face-to-face appointment.


We are family: COVID-19 brings Hershey Medical Center front-line staff together

The staff of Hershey Medical Center is one of only several academic hospitals in the country with specialized infrastructure and and training geared around offering care during a contagion outbreak. But they have another advantage, too. “We are all a family,” says one doctor. “And we look out for one another.”


College of Medicine celebrates student achievements virtually

The spring season at Penn State College of Medicine is packed full of research presentations, awards and ceremonies. Since experts cannot predict when social distancing guidelines will be relaxed, College of Medicine leaders plan on celebrating many of these springtime celebrations virtually — including commencement.


The Medical Minute: Heightened risk of child abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic

Reports of suspected child abuse have declined in Pennsylvania since the onset of social distancing guidelines. But experts in the Penn State Center for the Protection of Children say this does not correlate with an actual decline in abuse cases.


Medical Foods for Inborn Errors of Metabolism: History, Current Status, and Critical Need

Successful intervention for inborn errors of metabolism (IEMs) is a triumph of modern medicine. For many of these conditions, medical foods are the cornerstone of therapy and the only effective interventions preventing disability or death. Medical foods are designed for patients with limited or impaired capacity to ingest, digest, absorb, or metabolize ordinary foods or nutrients, whereby dietary management cannot be achieved by modification of the normal diet alone. In the United States today, access to medical foods is not ensured for many individuals who are affected despite their proven efficacy in the treatment of IEMs, their universal use as the mainstay of IEM management, the endorsement of their use by professional medical organizations, and the obvious desire of families for effective care. Medical foods are not sufficiently covered by many health insurance plans in the United States and, without insurance coverage, many families cannot afford their high cost. In this review, we outline the history of medical foods, define their medical necessity, discuss the barriers to access and reimbursement resulting from the regulatory status of medical foods, and summarize previous efforts to improve access. The Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children asserts that it is time to provide stable and affordable access to the effective management required for optimal outcomes through the life span of patients affected with IEMs. Medical foods as defined by the US Food and Drug Administration should be covered as required medical benefits for persons of all ages diagnosed with an IEM.


A Centralized Approach for Practicing Genomic Medicine

Next-generation sequencing has revolutionized the diagnostic process, making broadscale testing affordable and applicable to almost all specialties; however, there remain several challenges in its widespread implementation. Barriers such as lack of infrastructure or expertise within local health systems and complex result interpretation or counseling make it harder for frontline clinicians to incorporate genomic testing in their existing workflow. The general population is more informed and interested in pursuing genetic testing, and this has been coupled with the increasing accessibility of direct-to-consumer testing. As a result of these changes, primary care physicians and nongenetics specialty providers find themselves seeing patients for whom genetic testing would be beneficial but managing genetic test results that are out of their scope of practice. In this report, we present a practical and centralized approach to providing genomic services through an independent, enterprise-wide clinical service model. We present 4 years of clinical experience, with >3400 referrals, toward designing and implementing the clinical service, maximizing resources, identifying barriers, and improving patient care. We provide a framework that can be implemented at other institutions to support and integrate genomic services across the enterprise.

medic | Coronavirus: Medical schemes provide little aid for cash-strapped members

If you have lost your income due to the lockdown, your options are limited.


Plasma medicine research highlights antibacterial effects and potential uses

Researchers in Penn State’s College of Engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences and College of Medicine say direct LTP treatment and plasma-activated media are effective treatments against bacteria found in liquid cultures and have devised a way to create plasma directly in liquids.


Consumer Alert: Medicare Prescription Plan Finder Causes Confusion

The federal government’s newly-revamped tool can lead to increased costs. Commissioner Trinidad Navarro has released a rare consumer alert regarding Medicare’s newly-updated Prescription Plan Finder. Throughout this year’s open enrollment period, which ends on December 7, the Department of Insurance has received numerous complaints about the tool and anticipated prescription drug costs. The Prescription Plan […]


Secretary of State Announces Medical License and Controlled Substance Registration Suspensions

Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock has suspended the Delaware medical license and controlled substance privileges of Gregory Villabona, in light of allegations of unprofessional conduct related to the prescription and distribution of opioid medications.


Secretary of State Announces Medical License and Controlled Substance Privileges Suspension

Secretary of State Jeffrey Bullock has suspended the Delaware medical license and controlled substance prescribing privileges of Ifeanyi Udezulu for repeatedly failing to adhere to state regulations for the safe prescribing of opioid medications.


News:Announcement of obtaining a license for manufacturing regenerative medicine products by Nikon CeLL innovation Co., Ltd.


Resume Medicine Supply From Pharmacy Without Delay: Delhi Court To AIIMS

The Delhi High Court has asked the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) to ensure that dispensation of medicines from its pharmacy, which was functioning in limited capacity due to the...


Medical Legal Partnership

Agency: HSS Closing Date: 5/29/2020


DHSS Releases Delaware’s Plan for Managing the Health Care Needs of Children with Medical Complexity

NEW CASTLE (May 30, 2018) – As a way to better support the needs of children with medical complexity and their families, the Division of Medicaid and Medical Assistance this week released Delaware’s Plan for Managing the Health Care Needs of Children with Medical Complexity and announced that stakeholders will continue work to develop longer-term […]


DPH Announces Sustained Funding for Overdose-Reversing Medication Naloxone

Increasing access to the overdose-reversing medication naloxone has been a key priority for the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) as state and local partners work together to develop solutions to address the opioid epidemic. In support of that, the Department’s Division of Public Health (DPH) is announcing sustained funding for naloxone for first responder agencies statewide.


DHSS Secretary Dr. Kara Odom Walker Elected to Prestigious National Academy of Medicine

NEW CASTLE (Oct. 15, 2018) – Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Secretary Dr. Kara Odom Walker, a board-certified family physician, has been elected as a member of the prestigious National Academy of Medicine (NAM), Academy President Victor Dzau announced today during the organization’s annual meeting in Washington. Secretary Walker is one of 75 […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Governor John Carney
  • Office of the Governor
  • Dr. Kara Odom Walker
  • Health care spending
  • National Academy of Medicine
  • opioid epidemic


DPH to distribute overdose reversing medication naloxone March 2, 2019 at AtTack Addiction 5K

NEW CASTLE (Feb. 13, 2019) – In an effort to reduce the number of individuals overdosing, and dying from drug overdoses in Delaware, the Division of Public Health (DPH) is announcing the Community Naloxone Distribution Initiative. DPH will distribute free naloxone kits to members of the general public, at events in each county in March. […]


DPH to Distribute Overdose Reversing Medication Naloxone March 9, 2019 in Georgetown

GEORGETOWN (March 1, 2019) – In an effort to reduce the number of individuals dying from drug overdoses in Delaware, the Division of Public Health (DPH) will hold Community Naloxone Distribution events in each county throughout the month of March. DPH will distribute free naloxone kits to members of the general public from 10 a.m. […]


DPH to Distribute Overdose Reversing Medication Naloxone March 20, 2019 in Dover

The Division of Public Health will distribute free naloxone kits to members of the general public from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, at Delaware Technical Community College, Terry Campus, 100 Campus Drive, Dover, DE 19904. The distribution event will be held in the Corporate Training Center, Rooms 408 and 412. Individuals are encouraged to stop by at any time during the event. Training takes approximately 15 minutes. 


Patients of Sussex County Doctor Whose Medical License, Controlled Substance Registration Revoked Getting Resources

DOVER (May 9, 2019) – On May 8, 2019, the medical license and controlled substance registrations of Nihar B. Gala, MD, were permanently revoked by the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline. The revocation was a result of allegations of unprofessional conduct related to the prescription of opioids to a patient at high risk […]


Drug Take-Back Day Event Collects 5,385 Pounds of Unwanted Or Expired Medications

DOVER (May 15, 2019) – During the 18th Prescription Drug Take-Back Day event on April 27, 2019, Delaware collected 5,385 pounds of unwanted or expired medicine, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Division of Public Health (DPH). That amount is approximately 1,600 pounds more than the 3,739 pounds collected in October. […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Division of Public Health
  • News
  • DE Division of Public Health
  • Delaware Division of Public Health
  • Drug Take Back
  • Drug Take Back Day
  • Help Is Here
  • opioid epidemic


Patients of NCCo Doctor Whose Medical License, Controlled Substance Registration Suspended Urged to Seek Ongoing Care

DOVER (Aug. 1, 2019) – On July 30, 2019, the medical license and controlled substance registration of Damon Cary, MD, were suspended temporarily by the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline. The suspension was the result of a request made by the Delaware Attorney General’s Office following investigations into the prescribing and treatment practices […]


Medicaid MCOs Embrace YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program

NEW CASTLE (Aug. 1, 2019) – As a way to improve the health of Delawareans who are covered by Medicaid, while potentially reducing overall health care spending, the Department of Health and Social Services’ two Medicaid managed care organizations are making the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program available to their members who meet eligibility criteria. The […]


DHSS Receives Medicaid Substance Use Disorder Waiver from Federal Government

DHSS Secretary Dr. Kara Odom Walker says, “In the midst of the opioid crisis we are facing in Delaware and across the country, (these facilities) are another resource we can use to better serve our Medicaid clients in need of treatment for substance use disorder.” NEW CASTLE (Aug. 5, 2019) – The Department of Health […]


Bayhealth and Beebe Medical Centers Each Awarded $750,000 to Develop Rural Residency Programs

DOVER – Bayhealth and Beebe Medical Centers have each received $750,000 in federal grant funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to develop rural residency programs. HRSA awarded approximately $20 million in Rural Residency Planning and Development Program (RRPD) grants to recipients across […]

  • Delaware Health and Social Services
  • Division of Public Health
  • DE Division of Public Health
  • Delaware public health


DPH to Distribute Overdose-Reversing Medication Naloxone Friday, Sept. 6 in Millsboro

n response to six suspected overdose deaths, including four in Sussex County, that occurred over the holiday weekend, the Division of Public Health (DPH) will hold a Community Naloxone Training and Distribution event in Millsboro on Friday, Sept. 6, 2019. DPH will distribute free naloxone kits to members of the public from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Millsboro Fire Company, 109 East State St., Millsboro, DE 19966.


DHSS Awarded $3.58 Million Federal Grant to Increase Addiction Treatment Capacity Among Medicaid Providers

NEW CASTLE (Sept. 26, 2019) – The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) recently awarded the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services a $3.58 million planning grant to increase the treatment capacity of Medicaid providers to deliver substance use disorder treatment and recovery services to Delawareans in need. Delaware was one of 15 […]


Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau to Hold Public Meetings

Newly Medicare-eligible residents encouraged to attend Welcome to Medicare: 2020 The Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau (DMAB), a division of the Department of Insurance, has announced a series of Welcome to Medicare: 2020 events taking place throughout the year. More than a dozen public learning sessions will take place across the state. Participants will learn about […]


Health Insurance: Know how a medical insurance claim is processed

Treatment expenses can be reimbursed by insurer or customer can opt for cashless facility


New Visa plan to boost Thailand's Medical Tourism

On Tuesday, the Cabinet of Thailand announced a new visa plan under which the permit to stay, of foreign nationals aged 50 or more, has been increased from one year to ten years. The vice-minister at the Prime Minister’s Office, Colonel Apisit Chaiyanuwat…


COVID-19 cure search: India starts clinical trials of Ayush Medicines like Ashwagandha, Guduchi

India has turned to its age-old medicinal practice of Ayurveda to check if it can work against novel Coronavirus.


Covid Pharma: Andhra launches app to trace people buying medicines for fever, cold

Chief minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy said YSR Telemedicine will continue on a permanent basis and village clinics will have great utility in times of health emergency.


China could use medical data to blackmail Americans, report says

The two sides have been struggling with more than 100 issues raised by the United States in a lengthy statement given to Chinese officials in May