
In Gov. Newsom's four-phase plan to reopen the state, concerts are Phase 4

Gov. Newsom says "therapeutics" will have to be developed and implemented before mass gatherings such as concerts and sporting events can be held.


Inside Zoom's exclusive A-list, invite-only, money-raising-juggernaut quarantine party

WME agent Richard Weitz's "Quarantunes" events are more than just the hottest ticket in town; they're a model for celebrity fundraising during COVID-19.


North Korea nuclear alert: Satellite images reveal despot Kim's terrifying plot

KIM JONG-UN is building a massive facility outside the capital Pyongyang, satellite images have shown, suggesting he is planning to beef up his stockpile of nuclear weapons.


Pirates of the Caribbean 6: Fans DEMAND Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow – 'Absurd without him'

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 6 may go ahead without Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow and fans are having none of it.


Kate Middleton and Prince William's incredibly selfless gesture shows UK fighting spirit

KATE MIDDLETON AND Prince William have carried out a brilliant and selfless gesture behind the scenes to help Britain stop the spread of coronavirus - by sending their own staff to Whitehall in the battle against the pandemic.


Kate Middleton and Prince William's incredibly selfless gesture shows UK fighting spirit

KATE MIDDLETON AND Prince William have carried out a brilliant and selfless gesture behind the scenes to help Britain stop the spread of coronavirus - by sending their own staff to Whitehall in the battle against the pandemic.


Pirates of the Caribbean 6: Fans DEMAND Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow – 'Absurd without him'

PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 6 may go ahead without Johnny Depp's Jack Sparrow and fans are having none of it.


Thăm một số đảo thuộc Quần đảo Trường Sa

Gần như tất cả các đảo nổi VN đang quản lý đều có chùa và dân, còn rau muống biển thì có vị 'như cách đây 30 năm' trong đất liền, một Việt kiều nói.


Tháng 4/1975 'rung chuyển trong trời đêm màu cam'

Hoạ sỹ Ann Phong nói về ký ức Cuộc chiến VN với trời đêm Sài Gòn rực khói lửa và sắc biển xanh của thuyền nhân lênh đênh tạo nên bản sắc hội hoạ của bà.


Việt Nam khuyến khích 'cưới trước 30, sinh con sớm'

Giới phân tích cho rằng thay đổi chính sách về dân số của Việt Nam là cần thiết để tránh “mối nguy hiểm” đối với an ninh quốc gia sau thời gian dài hạn chế sinh đẻ.


So với Mỹ, tượng đài chiến thắng ở VN 'nhiều mà chẳng đẹp'

Ý kiến nói sau chiến thắng năm 1975 các cấp ở VN thi đua xây tượng đài nhiều, tốn kém mà không đẹp.


Món bánh chuối cả thế giới mê trong thời Covid-19

Cách làm bánh chuối được tìm kiếm nhiều nhất trên internet, nhưng bí quyết để làm ra ổ bánh ngon tuyệt đỉnh thì không phải công thức nào cũng có.


Autoridades americanas comemoram 'efeito certeiro' de remédio contra coronavírus

No mesmo dia, entretanto, uma publicação no periódico Lancet colocou dúvida sobre eficácia do remdesivir.


Os 6 casos envolvendo aliados ou família de Bolsonaro que ficam em evidência com mudança de comando da PF

Ex-juiz da Lava Jato, Moro anunciou sua demissão do governo e acusou o presidente Bolsonaro de tentar interferir em investigações.


Coronavírus: o mapa interativo que mostra as medidas e tipos de isolamento adotados na América Latina

Mapa interativo mostra medidas que países vizinhos vêm tomando desde primeiros casos registrados de covid-19 para restringir movimento dos cidadãos.


Família de Aldir Blanc desmente Regina Duarte e diz que recebeu condolências de assessor

Em entrevista à CNN Brasil, secretária Especial da Cultura diz que optou por mandar mensagens privadas às famílias, em vez de fazer homenagens públicas.


'Coronavírus pode acabar com minha oportunidade de ser mãe': mulheres sofrem com suspensão de tratamento de fertilidade

Casais com problemas de fertilidade que estavam passando por processo de fertilização in vitro no Brasil temem perder chance de ter filhos por causa da pandemia.


Como convencer as pessoas a lavar as mãos? Causar nojo nelas parece ser o jeito mais eficaz

Há milhões de pessoas que não lavam as mãos infiltradas entre nós, mesmo com acesso a água encanada e sabão. Mas por que elas não incorporam esse simples hábito de higiene, e como podemos mudar suas cabeças?


Coronavírus: 'Devo usar máscara? Posso pegar duas vezes?' Essas e outras perguntas sobre a covid-19

BBC preparou lista de perguntas e respostas sobre covid-19.


Coronavírus pode ser só 'ensaio' de uma próxima grande pandemia, diz médico e matemático da USP

Eduardo Massad diz que próxima pandemia depois de coronavírus deve ser avassaladora e defende que o mundo aprenda mais sobre medidas de distanciamento social.


Coronavírus: estudo com coquetel de remédios tem bons resultados contra a covid-19, mostra The Lancet

Em estudo clínico randomizado controlado, pessoas que receberam as substâncias interferon beta 1-b, lopinavir-ritonavir e ribavirin tiveram tempo menor para alta e desaparecimento do vírus, na comparação com o grupo controle.


A tentação do dinheiro 'fácil' da máfia na Itália em crise

A economia italiana está enfraquecida há anos, mas a pandemia acabou deteriorando ainda mais a situação financeira de famílias e negócios, que agora estão na mira do crime organizado.


'Não quero morrer sem revê-la': as mães que doaram seus filhos no passado e hoje lutam para reencontrá-los

Mulheres que doaram os filhos décadas atrás relatam angústia e tristeza em busca de respostas sobre paradeiros das crianças.


'Küçük ve dev adımın' 40. yılı

İnsanoğlunun Ay'a ayak basışının 40. yıl dönümü ABD'de bir dizi etkinlikle kutlanıyor. Ay'a ayak basan ilk insan olan Neil Armstrong, 'Bir insan için küçük, insanlık için dev bir adım' demişti.


BM iklim yardımı istedi

BM'nin iklim değişikliğinden sorumlu başmüzakerecesi Yvo de Boer, zengin ülkelerin iklim değişikliğiyle mücadele için gelişmekte olan ülkelere en az 10 milyar dolar kaynak aktarmasını istedi.


K.Kore: Muhatabımız ABD

Kuzey Kore, nükleer programı ile ilgili gerginliğe yönelik olarak yeniden müzakere masasına oturmayı arzuladığını ancak yalnızca Amerika Birleşik Devletleri ile görüşmek istediğini duyurdu.


Notre Dame Stadium's fan experience in 2020 is up in the air

'It starts with the team and the students'; athletic director Jack Swarbrick ponders possibilities for Notre Dame Stadium this year



'She lit up a room': Kim Blanchar, a retired Brebeuf teacher, died of COVID-19

"A little bit of all of us died when Kim died. If we could treat others like Kim treated us, the world would be a better place."



'Don't go visit your mom' on Mother's Day, San Francisco health director advises

The director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health told residents Wednesday not to visit their mothers on Mother's Day, even if wearing masks and keeping six feet apart.


Notre Dame Stadium's fan experience in 2020 is up in the air

'It starts with the team and the students'; athletic director Jack Swarbrick ponders possibilities for Notre Dame Stadium this year



Hackney: 'Please come get me!' — Facebook Live police shooting victim's final act

The outrage felt throughout the community is from a culmination of so many caught-on-video police shootings.



Numéricable Selects Calix and Arcadiz for Broadband Business Services Rollout

Numéricable has selected the Calix E7-2 Ethernet Service Access Platform and gigabit passive optical network technology to upgrade its service delivery platform in Belgium and Luxembourg. Calix, along with optical specialist Arcadiz Telecom, will work closely to roll out Numéricable’s new high-speed broadband networks to deliver business services across the region. The new platform will enable Numéricable’s customers to take advantage of advanced voice, video, and data services at symmetrical speeds ranging from 30 megabits per second (30 Mbps) up to 1 gigabit per second (1 Gbps).

Numéricable serves over 150,000 customers in Brussels with triple-play services for residential subscribers. Owned by Coditel and with a close relationship to the French Numéricable organization, with whom it shares a range of resources, Numéricable Belgium is a long-established operator with a highly dispersed coax cable network. The company has traditionally delivered triple-play residential services over its hybrid fiber coax infrastructure, but in recent years has moved increasingly towards using its fiber to connect businesses and has developed a number of specific niche markets. The company is now looking at ways to maximize the potential of its fiber infrastructure in Belgium and Luxembourg and deliver revenue-generating advanced services to its business customers.

  • Service Providers/Europe IPTV


News24.com | Covid-19: Family in limbo as elderly mom's body lies at funeral parlour

The body of an elderly woman, who died of Covid-19, has been lying at a funeral parlour since Monday because her family, who are in another province, cannot get the necessary documents from closed Home Affairs branches in order to travel.


'Quaranscream': Wine spritzer company opens Mother's Day venting hotline

A beverage company in the U.S. is inviting moms to let out a ‘quaranscream’ this Mother’s Day on a designated ‘zero-judgement venting hotline’ for a chance to win its wine spritzers.


Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Awarded 2015 Chatham House Prize

13 October 2015

Médecins Sans Frontières, the medical humanitarian organization, has been awarded the Chatham House Prize 2015 for its life-saving work in combating the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa.

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has been awarded the Chatham House Prize 2015.

The Chatham House Prize is presented annually to the person or organization deemed by members of the Royal Institute of International Affairs to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year.

This year, members voted for MSF in recognition of its work in combating the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa. MSF was among the first groups to respond to the epidemic in March of that year and remained engaged on the ground throughout the crisis, caring for the majority of patients in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone. MSF leaders and staff were persistent and forceful in their action to halt the spread of the epidemic and, as a result, were instrumental in saving thousands of lives. 

Dr Joanne Liu, MSF’s international president, will represent MSF at the Chatham House Prize award ceremony in London where she will be presented with a crystal award and a scroll, signed by Her Majesty The Queen, patron of the institute. Previous recipients of the Prize include former president Lula of Brazil, Burmese democracy campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi, former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton, and Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Dr Robin Niblett CMG, director of Chatham House, said: 

'I warmly congratulate Médecins Sans Frontières on being voted the recipient of this year's Chatham House Prize. This is the first time an organization has been awarded the Prize and I am delighted that their vital work has been recognized in this way. MSF led the fight against Ebola by sounding an early alarm on its dangers. It put into place a highly effective operation that saved thousands of lives, and helped prevent a more wide-spread catastrophe, risking and, in some cases, losing the lives of its own staff.'

Dr Joanne Liu, international president of MSF said:

'I am honoured that MSF will be the recipient of this year’s Chatham House Prize and I look forward to accepting this award on behalf of the thousands of people who worked in the Ebola outbreak. This includes the doctors, nurses and logisticians who volunteered from around the world, and the thousands more national staff in Guinea, Liberia, Mali, Nigeria and Sierra Leone who made our work possible. Knowing that they did this while coping with the fear of Ebola in their communities and in the face of incredible stigma makes their contribution even more remarkable. While we continue to work on the ground, our focus is also trying to ensure that next time there is an outbreak, that patients get the care and treatment they need, on time, before it spreads and turns into a killer epidemic. But we all still have a long way to go and it is important that we work together to respond to these challenges and opportunities.'

Members Event

Chatham House Prize 2015: In Conversation with Dr Joanne Liu of Médecins Sans Frontières
13 October 2015 - 17:00 - 18:00


Chatham House gratefully acknowledges the support of our lead sponsor Royal Dutch Shell, and other sponsors AIG, BHP Billiton, Chevron and DTCC.


There were three other nominees for the Chatham House Prize 2015:

  • Mahamadou Issoufou, President, Republic of Niger (2011-) 
  • Juan Manuel Santos, President, Republic of Colombia (2010-)
  • Angela Merkel, Chancellor, Federal Republic of Germany (2005-)

About the Chatham House Prize

The annual Chatham House Prize, launched in 2005, is awarded to the person or organization that is deemed by Chatham House members to have made the most significant contribution to the improvement of international relations in the previous year.

The selection process draws on the expertise of Chatham House's research teams and three presidents, who nominate candidates. Our members are then invited to vote for the winner in a ballot.

Further information about the Chatham House Prize


CBD News: Message from Mr. Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary, on the occasion of the First Latin American Congress (4th of Argentina) for the Conservation of Biodiversity, San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, 22 - 26 November 2010.


CBD News: The Society for Ecological Restoration has conferred its 2011 Special Recognition Award to the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) at the Gala Awards Banquet on 23 August 2011 in Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico, on the marg


CBD News: Message by Ahmed Djoghlaf, CBD Executive Secretary on the occasion of World Wetlands Day "Wetlands and Tourism", 2 February 2012


CBD News: Mensaje de Sr. Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Secretario Ejecutivo del CDB, en la ocasión de la XXIX asamblea ordinaria parlamento latinoamericano, Panamá, 18 -19 Octubre de 2013


CBD News: Statement by Mr. Braulio F. de Souza Dias, CBD Executive Secretary, at the opening of the Mediterranean Regional Workshop to Facilitate the Description of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas, Málaga, Spain, 7 - 11 April 20


CBD News: Message of the Executive Secretary of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Braulio Ferreira De Souza Dias, on the Occasion of World Migratory Bird Day, 10-11 May 2014: "Destination Flyways: Migratory Birds and Tourism"


CBD News: to Parties yet to ratify or accede to the Nagoya Protocol from Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Minister for Environment and Natural, Resources, Mexico and COP 13 President and Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias, Executive Secretary, Convention on Biol


CBD News: Rafael Pacchiano Alamán, Minister of Environment and Natural Resources of Mexico, as the incoming president of the thirteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 13) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), in a joint lett


CBD News: The CHM Awards winners were announced at the CHM Award Ceremony held on 9 December 2016 at the margins of COP 13. In the "Existing National CHM" category, Mexico won the Gold Award, Australia the Silver Award, and Belgium the Bronze Aw


CBD News: In today's global celebrations of the International Day for Biological Diversity, under the theme of 'Biodiversity and Sustainable Tourism', people are examining the positive but also potentially negative impacts that tourism can ha


LECOM's Dr. James Lin named AGS Geriatrics Clinician of the Year

(American Geriatrics Society) The American Geriatrics Society (AGS) today named James Lin, DO, MS, MHSA, president of the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine (LECOM) Institute for Successful Aging in Erie, Pa., its 2020 Clinician of the Year. Lin will be honored at the AGS 2021 Annual Scientific Meeting (#AGS21), May 13-15, 2021, in Chicago, Ill., following the cancellation of the AGS 2020 Annual Scientific Meeting due to COVID-19.


Médecins Sans Frontières's Dunkirk spirit

As France has moved in recent weeks to clear camps where migrants stay while trying to cross illegally into Britain, Médecins Sans Frontières has just opened a new one. Sophie Arie talks to Caroline Gollé, medical coordinator at the Médecins Sans Frontières​ La Linière camp​. Read more about the camp: http://www.bmj.com/content/352/bmj.i1696


Each team's best non-Top 100 prospect

We're bridging the gap between our Top 100 and organizational Top 30 lists this week with a look at each club's next best top prospect who didn't make the Top 100.


Creatividad Dentro de la Crisis: Opciones Legales para Inmigrantes Venezolanos en América Latina

Convocamos un seminario en línea (webinar) en español en la ocasión del lanzamiento del informe, Creatividad dentro de la crisis: opciones legales para inmigrantes venezolanos en América Latina, que describe donde se han radicado los migrantes venezolanos; las medidas que han utilizado los gobiernos latinoamericanos para regularizar el estatus legal de los migrantes venezolanos; y los esfuerzos por integrar a los recién llegados en sus nuevas comunidades de residencia.


La Situación de Cambio Constante entre EE UU y México: Tendencias y Políticas de Migración, Incluyendo Menores No Acompañados

Una llamada en español que analiza las dinámicas cambiantes y las cuestiones políticas relacionadas con la migración a través de México a los Estados Unidos.