
IBM México nombra nuevo Presidente y Gerente General

IBM México anunció hoy el nombramiento de Eduardo Gutiérrez como Presidente y Gerente General de la compañía en el país. El directivo mexicano sucederá a Antonio Martins, quien ha sido nombrado Presidente de IBM Brasil.


Universidad del Valle de México firma convenio de colaboración con IBM México

Universidad del Valle de México firma convenio de colaboración con IBM México


La UNAM Firma Convenio de Colaboración con IBM México

La UNAM Firma Convenio de Colaboración con IBM México


IBM'S World Community Grid Unveils Research Projects on Three Continents to Improve Water Quality

IBM's World Community Grid, a worldwide network of PC owners helping scientists solve humanitarian challenges, today announced several computing projects aimed at developing techniques to produce cleaner and safer water, an increasingly scarce commodity eluding at least 1.2 billion people worldwide.

  • Energy & Utilities


IBM et SAP annoncent des projets d’investissements majeurs pour accompagner les clients dans leur transformation numérique

IBM (NYSE: IBM) et SAP SE (NYSE: SAP) annoncent aujourd’hui des projets communs pour accompagner leurs clients dans la modernisation de leurs systèmes et processus afin d’accélérer leur présence dans l’économie numérique. Les deux compagnies envisagent particulièrement d’innover ensemble pour créer de nouvelles solutions qui augmentent la valeur ajoutée du client en s’appuyant sur des extensions cognitives, des expériences client et utilisateur renforcées ainsi que des fonctionnalités sectorielles. Tout ceci doté de la SAP® Business Suite, du logiciel 4 SAP HANA® (SAP S/4HANA) et disponible sur site et dans le Cloud.


IA et Publicité : IBM lance Advertising Accelerator with Watson pour améliorer la performance des campagnes publicitaires

A l’occasion du CES de Las Vegas, IBM annonce le lancement d’Advertising Accelerator with Watson, une solution unique de prédiction d’audiences pour annonceurs.


IBM lance un réseau de marketing digital dans le cloud pour aider les entreprises à améliorer leurs performances marketing en temps réel

IBM, rejoint par plus de 100 partenaires commerciaux, lance le réseau IBM Digital Marketing dans le cloud et aide les directeurs marketing (CMO) et leurs équipes à intégrer plus rapidement et plus facilement de nouveaux services marketing, afin de mesurer et d’améliorer leur efficacité en temps réel.

  • Global Business Solutions


WesTrac Selects IBM's Portable Modular Data Center

IBM today announced that WesTrac Pty Ltd, an industrial machinery supplier headquartered in Perth, has selected IBM to design and implement a Portable Modular Data Center (PMDC) solution to provide the company with a flexible, cost-effective data centre to meet its immediate business needs as well as support future IT growth.


Téměř polovina lidí má kvůli pandemii finanční rezervu jen na měsíc

Téměř 40 procent Čechů pocítilo dopad pandemie na své příjmy. Třetina jich má finanční rezervu na čtyři a více měsíců, 42 procent maximálně na měsíc. O zaměstnání v době krize přišlo sedm procent dotazovaných. Většina se ale jeho ztráty nebojí. Vyplývá to z dubnového průzkumu NMS Market Research pro Raiffeisenbank.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Nejmenší firmy budou moci o podporu žádat do týdne, míní Schillerová

Na jednorázový příspěvek 500 korun denně budou mít nově nárok i malé společnosti s ručením omezeným postižené šířením koronaviru. „Čekáme na schválení Senátem a prezidentem, žádosti budou moci podávat zřejmě do týdne,“ uvedla ve čtvrtek ministryně financí Alena Schillerová.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Krize smazala z trhu práce polovinu nabídek, nejméně ohrožení jsou ajťáci

Koronavirová krize výrazně ovlivnila český pracovní trh. Ve srovnání s loňským rokem evidují personální agentury v posledních měsících přibližně poloviční nabídku nových pracovních pozic. Ubylo práce v gastronomii a cestovním ruchu, naopak logistika zažívá žně. Pro firmy zůstávají nejcennějšími pracovníky lidé z oblasti IT.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Máte exekuce? Koronavirus je sice nakonec nezastaví, ale může vám pomoci

Sněmovna schválila návrh zákona o některých opatřeních ke zmírnění dopadů epidemie koronaviru. Jaké úlevy se dočkají dlužníci a jaké jsou podmínky pro zastavení exekuce, vysvětluje právník Adam Stawaritsch.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Pětina Čechů má vytvořený finanční polštář jen na pouhý měsíc, říká průzkum

Finanční znalosti Čechů se začínají zlepšovat. V indexu finanční gramotnosti, který každoročně měří Česká bankovní asociace, dosáhli Češi 61 procentních bodů ze 100. Oproti loňskému roku to je o čtyři body více, což je doposud nejvyšší hodnota za posledních několik let. Problém ale je, že pětina lidí přiznává, že má finanční polštář vytvořený jen na pouhý měsíc.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Máte trable s koupeným zájezdem? Poradíme vám, jak nepřijít o peníze

Nová zákon „Lex voucher“ stanovil pravidla pro vypořádání cestovních kanceláří s klienty. Na problematické situace, které mohou být s koupeným zájezdem spojeny, jsme se zeptali advokáta Ondřeje Vokála.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Kvůli svému koníčku zbankrotoval. Stačilo mít finanční rezervu

Potřeba finančního polštáře je dnes aktuálnější než kdy jindy. Jaká by měla být naše rezerva? A kam ji uložit? Zmapovali jsme aktuální nabídku spořicích účtů. Příběh klienta Poradny při finanční tísni ukazuje, jak se dá náhle dostat do dluhů, až k osobnímu bankrotu.

  • Finance - Finanční rádce


Začínali podnikat v bytě, dnes má rodinná firma tři tisíce zaměstnanců

Česká rodinná firma SSI Group vznikla v době, kdy jsme ještě neznali mobilní telefony a podnikatelské prostředí 90. let bylo poměrně divoké. Přesto se ji Václavu Vodrážkovi společně se synem Janem a dalšími členy rodiny dařilo každý rok posouvat o něco dál. Letos tak na trhu významná bezpečnostní agentura oslaví 30 let svého působení na trhu.

  • Finance - Práce a podnikání


"Paris, a Poem" in SWEDISH!


Yet again, something astonishing has arrived in my mailbox. This time, it's a chapbook titled Paris ett poem, containing a Swedish translation (surely the first) of Hoope Mirrlees' modernist masterpiece, Paris, a Poem. Mirrlees, you'll recall, is best known in genre circles for her fantasy novel Lud-in-the-Mist, in academic circles for being on the fringes of Bloomsbury, and in poetic circles for this poem.

Ylva Gislén translated the poem, wrote an introduction, provided explanatory notes, and created two collages for inclusion in the chapbook. All of it, clearly, a labor of love.

Quite a lovely  book. Published by Ellerströms.

And Speaking of Good Things . . .

The Temporary Culture chapbook assembled by Henry Wessells, "She Saved Us from World War Three," was reviewed by Michael Dirda in the Washington Post. Here's what he said:

Besides being one of the stars of “The Booksellers,” Henry Wessells is also the proprietor of the micro-publisher, Temporary Culture. His latest booklet, “She Saved Us From World War Three,” brings together an interview, essay and two letters highlighting the friendship between Gardner Dozois, the longtime editor of Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine, and Alice Sheldon, the former Washington intelligence agent whose intense, sometimes feminist sci-fi — no one ever forgets “The Women Men Don’t See” — was written using the pseudonym James Tiptree Jr. In one letter Sheldon explains that she has pretty much stopped writing because “the stories were getting to hurt too much.”

Which is pretty good coverage for a micro-press.



Cone Trufado Torta de Limão

Nosso CONE TRUFADO TORTA DE LIMÃO é super refrescante e uma ótima ideia para quem quer vender doces! Vem aprender a fazer o recheio e a decoração! Ao final do vídeo, você confere a validade da receita e a sugestão do preço de venda!

O post Cone Trufado Torta de Limão apareceu primeiro em Cozinha do Bom Gosto.


Researcher Discloses 4 Zero-Day Bugs in IBM's Enterprise Security Software

A cybersecurity researcher today publicly disclosed technical details and PoC for 4 unpatched zero-day vulnerabilities affecting an enterprise security software offered by IBM after the company refused to acknowledge the responsibly submitted disclosure. The affected premium product in question is IBM Data Risk Manager (IDRM) that has been designed to analyze sensitive business information


Our mystery guest + le cafoutche = The "everything room" in France

Up till now, the best part of our cafoutche was the view. More about a few sweet and savory projects in today's missive. Thank you for reading and sharing this post with a friend! Today's Word: cafoutche : storage room, cupboard AUDIO FILE: click here to listen to the following quote in French Cafoutche: De l’occitan cafoucho synonyme de cahute. A Marseille il désigne un petit placard où l’on met de tout et de rien. Peut désigner la cave, aussi bien qu’une petite pièce fermée ou un débarras. Cafoutche: from Occitan cafoucho synonymous with hut. In Marseille this designates a small closet where you put everything and nothing. May refer to the cellar, as well as a small closed room or storage room. --www.lasardineduport.fr A DAY IN A FRENCH LIFE by Kristi Espinasse Not only is our guest on the mend, she is mending! Helping, that is, to fix everything from a punctual petit creux to our unruly store room--insisting all the while, ça fait du bien de travailler. What a positive way to look at work--as something that makes us feel better! I know this is true with my writing which I often put off to a later date,...



Coronavirus: El rechazo alemán de los eurobonos es insolidario, mezquino y cobarde

Europa es más que una coalición de ególatras. En una crisis como esta no existe alternativa para los eurobonos.


Plean B in áit na hArdteistiméireachta le plé ag an gComhaireacht

Déanfar machnamh ar mhalairt phlean do scrúduithe na hArdteistiméireachta a chuirfidh an tAire Oideachais Joe McHugh os comhair chruinniú comhaireachta ar maidin. Sin a dúirt foinsí sinsireacha comhrialtais le RTÉ.


Ardteistiméireacht 2020 ar ceal - Plean "C" le cur i bhfeidhm

Tá sé deimhnithe ag an Aire Oideachais agus Eolaíochta, Joe McHugh go bhfuil scrúduithe na hArdteistiméireachta don bhliain seo curtha ar ceal agus go bhfuil Plean "C", mar a bhfaighfidh daltaí grádanna tuartha óna meánscoil féin, le teacht ina n-áit.


Editorial: 'Bedlam' shows us what we've done to our mental health system

Psychiatrist Kenneth Rosenberg's film brings together many strands of American dysfunction: mental healthcare, incarceration, homelessness, policing, race. It provides few answers but helps us ask the right questions.


Pitcher JC Ramírez's returns to Angels with velocity that keyed success

Angels pitcher JC Ramírez could be a starting pitcher or throw out of the bullpen depending on how much velocity he has coming off Tommy John surgery.


Lawsuit asks Orange County court to reject Anaheim's sale of Angel Stadium to Angels

Suit filed on behalf of a citizen group alleges the city of Anaheim negotiated the sale of Angel Stadium to the Angels with a 'lack of transparency.'


Stephen Sondheim's Star-Studded 90th Birthday Salute Made For Perfect TV

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Groban and Meryl Streep are just a few of the artists featured in Take Me to the World, a tribute to the iconic Broadway composer and lyricist.


Criticism grows over Gov. Gavin Newsom's management of the coronavirus crisis

Business groups, nonprofits, healthcare associations and some legislators are criticizing some moves the California governor made in response to coronavirus outbreak.


Stephen Sondheim's Star-Studded 90th Birthday Salute Made For Perfect TV

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Neil Patrick Harris, Josh Groban and Meryl Streep are just a few of the artists featured in Take Me to the World, a tribute to the iconic Broadway composer and lyricist.


Students Call College That Got Millions In Coronavirus Relief 'A Sham'

In a federal lawsuit, students accuse Florida Career College of breaking promises about career training and job placement. The for-profit school has been allotted $17 million in federal pandemic aid.


'Miracle' revived the memory and glory of the 1980 U.S. hockey team's triumph

The 2004 film 'Miracle' didn't follow the script when it came to most hockey movies. It provided a dramatic retelling of one of the greatest Olympic moments.


Heroics by UCLA's freshmen against Arizona State bodes well for team's future

Three UCLA freshmen were the heroes behind a stunning victory over Arizona State on Thursday, showcasing a glimpse of a very promising future for the Bruins.


Airickca Gordon-Taylor, Emmett Till relative who preserved lynching victim's legacy, dies at 50

Airickca Gordon-Taylor spent her life educating others about the black teenage lynching victim's legacy.


Los médicos extranjeros en la trinchera contra el coronavirus ahora temen ser deportados de EE.UU

Miles de profesionales médicos extranjeros en un limbo inmigratorio


What to watch tonight? Check out 'Queen & Slim' and learn why those snakeskin boots are so important

If you're self-isolating, then you have time to watch "Queen & Slim" and fall for those boots. The film is now available through streaming platforms and on DVD.


Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday bash reminds us why his music remains so radical

The best performances in "Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Birthday Celebration" showed how the composer doesn't traffic in formulas.


Surviving the Shutdown: Siblings keep the family legacy alive at Kareem's Restaurant

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing shutdown have left many restaurants uncertain about their future.


A co-working whodunit clips corporate feminism's Wing

Andrea Bartz's novel, "The Herd," is a mystery wrapped around a parody of The Wing


'Stealing Home' revisits Dodger Stadium's nefarious origins

Eric Nusbaum's "Stealing Home" follows a family displaced from Chavez Ravine, where Dodger Stadium was built.


Q&A: Author Cynthia Ozick will spend her 92nd birthday 'contemplating mayhem'

Cynthia Ozick, essayist and acclaimed novelist, shelters from coronavirus and discusses anti-Semitism, the Spanish flu and longevity.


Letters to the Editor: A memorable Passover celebration at 'Temple Beth Zoom'

With social distancing a must, this year's virtual celebration will be long remembered.


Letters to the Editor: Newsom's stopgap stimulus for immigrants perpetuates their abuse

The state isn't doing right by undocumented immigrants with a financial relief program that does nothing to address abusive labor practices.


Letters to the Editor: Gavin Newsom's briefings are reassuring, even if they're filled with jargon

Gov. Gavin Newsom's daily coronavirus news conferences may drag on, but he's hitting all the right notes with the public.


Letters to the Editor: Newsom's right. Crowding beaches in a pandemic is not your birthright as a Californian

Calls to open all beaches because Californians have a right to them are silly and dangerous. Gov. Newsom is making the right call.


Huh? Hollywood's A-listers seem confused by Eminem's Oscars performance

From Martin Scorsese to Idina Menzel, the audience at Sunday's Academy Awards ceremony was perplexed by Eminem's performance of his 2002 hit "Lose Yourself."


Netflix's class warfare movie 'The Platform' has struck a chord. Two economists explain why

Economics professors Susan Harmeling and Nico Voigtländer break down Netflix's social allegory "The Platform," exploring how the Spanish thriller is even more resonant in wake of the coronavirus pandemic.


Hymns of the apocalypse: Pearl Jam's new album was made for this pandemic moment

Pearl Jam didn't intend for their new album, "Gigaton," to be a coronavirus hymnal. Yet it rises to the occasion with glimmers of hope, resilience and even ecstasy.


How L.A. artist Wayne White captured the 'curdled American dream' for the cover of X's 'Alphabetland'

L.A. punk band X tapped famed "word painter" Wayne White to create the striking cover art for its new album, "Alphabetland."


How to watch Stephen Sondheim's 90th birthday party with Streep, Patinkin and LuPone

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Neil Patrick Harris, Sutton Foster, Bernadette Peters, Audra McDonald, Christine Baranski, Katrina Lenk and Michael Cerveris salute composer Stephen Sondheim.