
No Funding for Early Education? What About Partnerships?

Investing in early learning makes the biggest impact on a student's achievement, says Marion County, S.C., Superintendent Kandace Bethea. When a teacher is not available, we have to find other ways to get the job done, such as community partnerships.


School Funding Shifts to Help ELLs, Disadvantaged Students

While state school-finance systems have not changed much over time, they are devoting more targeted help to English language learners and student from low-income backgrounds than in the past, a new study finds.


Prevalence and Correlates of Low Fundamental Movement Skill Competency in Children

Children’s mastery of fundamental movement skills is correlated with a number of health benefits, including higher levels of physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness, perceived scholastic and athletic competence, and lower levels of overweight.

This is the first study to examine the associations between low skill competence (a new and novel way to report motor skills) and a range of health-related and sociodemographic factors in a large representative sample of children and youth. (Read the full article)


They Had a Bold Idea for a New School and $10M in Funding. So Why Did It Fail?

Powderhouse Studios was supposed to open this fall after winning a $10 million startup grant from XQ Institute. But after nearly seven years of planning, school committee members unanimously rejected the high school in March.


Special Education Funding Gets Moment in Spotlight at Democratic Debate

Advocates for increased federal funding for special education cheered Thursday when the issue was raised on the Democratic presidential debate stage in Los Angeles.


Boost IDEA Funding


Philanthropies Want to Fund Civics Education. But How?

A new paper sketches out the landscape and tensions in civic education as philanthropies look for ways to support the field.


Philanthropy Roundtable K-12 Chief on Funders' Response to Coronavirus

"This pandemic has given us an opportunity to think boldly about students' educational needs and how to creatively respond to them," says Katherine Haley.


NewSchools Venture Fund CEO on Education Philanthropy During Coronavirus

"Folks in some foundations are quietly expressing frustration that they've been cautioned to stay in their lane and only fund things aligned with their pre-COVID strategy," says Stacey Childress.


Nebraska Approves Performance Pay, K-12 Funding Boost

Teacher performance pay may soon be coming to the Cornhusker State.


Ed. Dept. Announces New Grants Under Teacher Incentive Fund

Federal education officials have begun announcing a new round of grants from the Teacher Incentive Fund.


Teacher Incentive Fund Awards Its Last Grants for Fiscal Year

Another dozen school districts have landed federal Teacher Incentive Fund grants, including one that will focus on paying principals and assistant principals for their performance.


Fund honoring beloved professor to support student enrichment experiences

To honor a favorite professor and help students with the expenses associated with internships and study abroad, 1979 Penn State alumna Maryann Hunter created a fund in political science.


Coronavirus: Priests in Peru fund oxygen plant to meet shortage

Lima, Peru, May 7, 2020 / 06:00 am (CNA).- Two priests in a rural area of Peru aimed to fight the coronavirus pandemic by finding a way to supply oxygen tanks, much needed for medical treatment, to their region.

The recent death of two doctors from coronavirus in Iquitos, Peru, underscored the hard-hit region’s shortage of medical equipment and medications. Both doctors died because of the lack of oxygen to treat them.

The Medical Corps of Hospital III of Iquitos and the Medical College of Peru said in a joint statement last month that there is a shortage of medications in the Loreto region, and its capital Iquitos is "one of the cities hardest hit by the infection."

“We don’t have medications” to treat coronavirus patients and “not enough oxygen tanks, pressure gauges and refilled tanks,” they reported.

One doctor was in intensive care at Loreto Regional Hospital and the other at a hospital under the country’s universal health insurance program, both in Iquitos, the Medical College of Peru said on social media.

Fr. Raymond Portelli, a parish pastor in Iquitos, along with the diocesan administrator of the Apostolic Vicariate of Iquitos, Fr. Miguel Fuertes, decided to start a fundraising campaign to acquire an oxygen plant for the city.

Portelli himself is a doctor caring for COVID-19 patients.

To purchase the machinery, they needed to raise about $118,000.

The city does have an oxygen plant, but it only produces between 100 and 160 tanks a day. The dean of the Medical College of Peru, Miguel Palacios, told local media that quantity is not enough and that current production would need to be tripled.

The priests’ campaign was launched the morning of May 3 on social media, and in less than a day, they had raised about $300,000.

Both priests thanked contributors, and said that thanks to the amount collected, a “high capacity” plant could be purchased for Iquitos.

Portelli added that Fuentes is currently in Lima coordinating with a specialist for the acquisition of the plant.

“Pray a lot that this work can be accomplished quickly. May God bless all who have contributed. We hope to continue to cover all the expenses,” he added.

  This story was first published by CNA's Spanish-language news partner, ACI Prensa. It has been translated and adapted by CNA.



Fayette leads all campuses in funds raised for THON with over $71K

Fifty students of Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus have generated $71,063.48 in donations for the annual Penn State IFC/Panhellenic Dance Marathon (THON), held Feb. 22 to 23 in the Bryce Jordan Center at University Park.


Microsoft Closes Ebook Store, Will Refund All Purchases

The books category has disappeared from the Microsoft Store and you'll no longer be able to access purchased or rented ebooks from July. Expect a full refund, though.


Justice Committee stresses new laws on family breakdowns must be properly funded if they are to help children

The Scottish Parliament’s Justice Committee is backing Scottish Government plans to change the law on deciding parent-child contact in family breakdown cases.

fund | Right manager, right fund

‘Offering a complicated range of highly specialised funds defeats the aim of simplicity’.


A TeenStreet fundraising adventure

A church youth group sees God provide finances for the teens to attend TeenStreet Europe 2013 in Germany.


Why the Feds Still Fall Short on Special Education Funding

Calls to fully fund the nation's main special education law resound on the campaign trail, but a complex array of factors make that an elusive goal.


Trial Set for 2020 in Long-Running Pennsylvania School Funding Lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed in 2014, alleges that the state was severely underfunding schools, forcing school districts to lean heavily on property taxes, which especially disadvantages students in property-poor areas.


Education Funding Bill Progresses in House After School Safety Money Restored

The House appropriations committee voted Wednesday to advance a bill providing a slight funding increase for the U.S. Department of Education, bringing overall funding to about $71 billion.


DSHA Announces the Recipients of More Than $2.85 Million in CDBG and HOME Funds

The Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) today announced that 17 communities and scattered sites will receive funds from the state’s Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) and HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME). More than $2.85 million will be divided amongst the municipalities of Kent and Sussex Counties for housing rehabilitation, water/sewer hookups, demolition, a planning study, street repair, curb/sidewalk installation, and administration to benefit low- to moderate-income families and individuals.


New Projects in Seaford, Dover, Wilmington to Receive Downtown Development Districts Funding

Downtown revitalization efforts in Wilmington, Dover and Seaford continue to gain momentum, with new projects in all three counties slated to receive funding from Delaware’s Downtown Development Districts program.


More projects in Wilmington, Dover and Seaford to receive Downtown Development Districts Funding

$4.5 million in grant funding for 11 projects will leverage $130 million in private investment DOVER, DE — Building on progress in Delaware’s downtowns, Governor Jack Markell and the Delaware State Housing Authority announced on Monday that 11 new downtown revitalization projects in Wilmington, Dover and Seaford will receive $4.5 million in grant funding through […]

  • Delaware State Housing Authority
  • Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017)
  • News


DSHA Employees raise $1,580 for Delaware Veterans Trust Fund

The Trust Fund helps Delaware veterans cover emergency expenses DOVER, DE – Delaware State Housing Authority employees have raised $1,580 for the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund, an account created in 2013 to help Delaware veterans pay for emergency costs, including medical expenses, utility bills and home repairs. Delaware’s Commission of Veterans Affairs administers the Trust […]

  • Delaware State Housing Authority


Projects in Downtown Development Districts to receive DDD Grant Funding

$3.6 million in grant funding for 16 projects to leverage $38.6 million in private investment MILFORD – Building on progress in Delaware’s downtowns, Governor Jack Markell and the Delaware State Housing Authority announced on Tuesday that sixteen new downtown revitalization projects in Harrington, Milford, Dover, Smyrna and Wilmington will receive $3.56 million in grant funding […]

  • Delaware State Housing Authority
  • Former Governor Jack Markell (2009-2017)


DSHA and FHLBank Pittsburgh Announce Home4Good Funding Awards

WILMINGTON (January 28, 2019) – Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh (FHLBank Pittsburgh) announced today $1.2 million in Home4Good funding awarded to programs across the state working to reduce homelessness. DSHA provided $500,000 toward the effort, and FHLBank Pittsburgh provided $700,000. The funding will be used to address four key […]


DSHA Announces Downtown Development Districts Funding Awards

SMYRNA – Building on progress in Delaware’s downtowns, Governor John Carney and the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) announced today that eight new downtown revitalization projects in Milford, Dover and Wilmington will receive $4.6 million in rebate funding through Delaware’s Downtown Development Districts (DDD) program. Established in May 2014, the DDD program was created to […]

  • Delaware State Housing Authority
  • Governor John Carney
  • News
  • Office of the Governor
  • Governor Carney


DSHA Announces Downtown Development Districts Funding Awards

DOVER – Twelve downtown revitalization projects in Milford, Smyrna and Wilmington have been selected to receive funding through Delaware’s Downtown Development Districts (DDD) program, with $5.5 million in rebates leveraging $103 million in total investment, Governor John Carney and the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) announced today. Established in May 2014, the DDD program was […]


DSHA and FHLBank Pittsburgh Announce Home4Good Funding Awards

DOVER – Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) and Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh (FHLBank Pittsburgh) announced today $1.2 million in Home4Good funding awarded to programs across the state working to reduce homelessness. DSHA provided $500,000 toward the effort, and FHLBank Pittsburgh provided $700,000. The funding will be used to address four key areas: homelessness […]


$1 Million Awarded to Housing Development Fund Projects Statewide

Seven affordable housing projects statewide will receive a total of $1 million from Delaware’s Housing Development Fund (HDF), Governor John Carney announced today joined by Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) Director Anas Ben Addi, New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer, elected officials and community leaders from across Delaware.

fund | Foreign funds: an investment case?

fund | How the fund managers do it

Money market fund managers need to pre-empt interest rate movements.

fund | Fund managers shun banks, retailers

Investec's Value Fund has for the first time since 2000 ditched any exposure to big four banking stocks and major retail groups.


Wazni: Lebanon seeks $28 billion funds over next four years

Finance Minister Ghazi Wazni said Tuesday that Lebanon needs around $28 billion financial injection over the next four years.


Delaware Awarded STEP Grant Funds for Third Year in a Row

Wilmington, DE – For the third year in a row, the Small Business Administration (SBA) has granted a State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) award to Delaware’s Department of State. This year’s award totals $221,713 and will be used to support the state’s efforts to assist Delaware companies in entering and developing markets overseas. The […]


Nov. 4th @ 6pm: 4th Annual DE Veterans Trust Fund Dinner

November 4th, Saturday evening from 6pm to 9pm. Dover Downs Hotel and Casino-1131 N. DuPont Hwy, Dover, DE  19901 Saturday, November 4th will be packed full of great events honoring our veterans in Delaware. We have the Veterans Day Parade in the morning and the WWI Monument Dedication Ceremony promptly afterwards. The two early events should allow […]


Grants For Crime Reduction, Community Programs and Projects Available from Neighborhood Building Blocks Fund

Applications are being accepted from community organizations for $1.3 million in funds to support crime reduction, neighborhood revitalization, and economic development programs statewide, with special emphasis on programs in and around downtown areas and neighborhoods, Attorney General Matt Denn and Delaware Division of Small Business, Development and Tourism Director Cerron Cade announced Tuesday. Applications are […]

  • Department of Justice
  • Department of Justice Press Releases
  • Small Business
  • Delaware Department of Justice
  • Neighborhood Building Blocks Fund


A New Grow Delaware Fund is Announced to Mirror the Success of the Grow Wilmington Fund in Helping Small Businesses Succeed

The two funds are designed to spur job growth in Delaware Community and business leaders came together today to celebrate the success of a small business initiative which began in Wilmington a few years ago and to announce a complimentary effort that will support small businesses and job growth throughout Delaware. Facilitated by West End […]


Grant Funding Supports Financial Literacy

A diverse group of Delaware nonprofit organizations will share in nearly $300,000 in grants from the state’s Financial Literacy Education Fund (FLEF) this year, supporting programs across the state to help Delawareans from all walks of life make better financial decisions for themselves and their families.


Delaware Awarded Latest Round of STEP Grant Funds to Support Small Business Exports

For the fourth year in a row, the Delaware Department of State has received a State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) award from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA.) This year’s award totals $268,096 and will be used to support the state’s efforts to assist small Delaware companies in entering and developing markets overseas.


5th Annual Delaware Veterans Trust Fund Dinner – Saturday Evening, November 3rd, 2018

When/Where: Saturday, November 3, 2018 at 6-9 P.M. – Dover Downs Hotel & Casino Retired Navy Command Master Chief Charles ‘Chuck’ Baldwin will keynote the 5th Annual Dinner for the Delaware Veterans Trust Fund at Dover Downs Rollins Center on November 3rd, 2018. “Mr. Baldwin also serves as a member of the Delaware Commission of […]


Grant Funds Promote Financial Literacy Education

Delaware schools, nonprofits and community organizations are invited to apply for a new round of state grant funds to support financial literacy education for people from all walks of life.


Customer Complaint Leads to Refunds for Delmarva Power Customers

Spurred by a single complaint from a customer, Delmarva Power will soon issue refunds to thousands of customers impacted by a recently identified billing error.


STEP Grant Funds Support Small Business Exports

The Delaware Department of State has received a State Trade and Export Promotion (STEP) award from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA.)


Delaware Nonprofits Share in Grant Funds to Promote Financial Literacy

A wide-ranging group of community organizations serving Delawareans from all walks of life have been selected to receive this year’s round of grant funds from the Financial Literacy Education Fund (FLEF.)


Coronavirus Pandemic: Yamaha Employees Donate Rs. 61.5 Lakh Toward COVID-19 Relief Fund

Yamaha Motor India Group (YMIG) on Saturday announced that its employees have joined the fight against the novel Coronavirus Pandemic by voluntarily donating a day's salary from the April month. The...


Equity Mutual Fund Flows Halve In April As COVID-19 Keep Investors Away

Net flows into mutual funds that invest in equity fell 47 per cent to Rs 6,212 crore in April from Rs 11,722 crore in March, AMFI data showed.


Delaware agriculture marketing and research projects receive federal funding

Five marketing and research projects supporting Delaware crops will receive nearly $230,000 in funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, Delaware Secretary of Agriculture Ed Kee announced today.