
Utah to reconsider bill funding special needs scholarships


Pennsylvania Supreme Court Orders School Funding Trial

Six school systems, the Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small Schools, and the NAACP Pennsylvania State Conference want to change the state's school-funding system, which allows for wide spending gaps between low- and high-income districts.


Trial Set for 2020 in Long-Running Pennsylvania School Funding Lawsuit

The lawsuit, filed in 2014, alleges that the state was severely underfunding schools, forcing school districts to lean heavily on property taxes, which especially disadvantages students in property-poor areas.


Washington Supreme Court Ends Years-Long Funding Dispute

The supreme court put an end to five years of legal wrangling that landed the state's public school system with millions more dollars from the state and teachers with a pay raise.


A survey of the orange-bellied parrot Neophema chrysogaster in Tasmania, Victoria & South Australia : a report prepared for World Wildlife Fund (Australia) / P. B. Brown & R. I. Wilson.


Superfund Death Benefits -Suzanne Mackenzie - SLIDES.


Award of funding under the Regional Jobs and Investment Packages : Department of infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development, Department of Industry, Inovation and Science / The Auditor General.

"The objective of the audit was to assess whether the award of funding under the RJIP program was informed by appropriate departmental advice and that processes complied with the grants administration framework."--Page 8.


Newstart allowance : is it time to raise it? / research undertaken by The South Australian Centre for Economic Studies, University of Adelaide ; funded by the Independent Research Fund.

This paper assesses whether the Newstart Allowance for unemployed people should be increased. It investigates the relationship of the Newstart Allowance to Average Weekly Earnings, the Federal Minimum Wage, and Australian poverty lines, and considers the typical the duration of unemployment and long term unemployment, duration of time on income support, overseas allowances, cost of living, and a comparison with policy makers' remuneration. It finds that the value of the allowance has eroded since it was first set and that unemployment for many is not a transitional situation, and concludes that an increase is warranted to bridge the gap to the poverty line.


Kansas High Court Again Finds State School Funding Inadequate

The Kansas Supreme Court has again ruled that the money the state legislature provides its schools is constitutionally inadequate.


With $80 Million Fix, Kansas School Funding Heads Back to Court

Kansas will offer up $534 million more this fall to its public schools, an amount it will tell the state's supreme court in the coming weeks is enough to provide students with an "adequate" education.


Still Not Enough, Kansas' Supreme Court Says About State's School Funding Amount

The state's courts said the additional $548 million the legislature provided its schools this year is still not enough to ensure a constitutionally adequate education.


Kansas Lawmakers Rebuke Court for 'Nightmare' School Funding Ruling

Some state lawmakers said that Monday's ruling is another sign that they should ask voters whether or not the state's highest court should have a say over school spending amounts.


$92M or $363M? Schools Group Says Kansas Gov.'s Funding Plan Isn't Enough

A plan to end a years-long court battle over school funding in Kansas is under threat after an influential group of school districts withdrew its support.


Kansas Supreme Court Lets Legislature Off the Hook on K-12 Funding...For Now

While the court said the state is moving in the right direction, it also said it doesn't feel comfortable closing a funding lawsuit and wants to make sure the state keeps up with the costs of inflation.


Kansas Supreme Court Approves Law to Fund Schools But Keeps Case Open

Kansas' highest court has declared that the state finally is spending enough money on its public schools under a new education funding law but refused to end a lawsuit filed nearly a decade ago because it wants to monitor future funding by the legislature.


Mississippi: No Public Funds For Superintendents' Group

State lawmakers have made it illegal for school districts to spend any public money on the Mississippi Association of School Superintendents, saying district leaders personally attacked state officials while they were seeking votes for a school funding initiative last year.


Plaintiffs say education-funding lawsuit still necessary


Youth & Community Initiatives Funding available


Fundamentals of cone regression

Mariella Dimiccoli.

Source: Statistics Surveys, Volume 10, 53--99.

Cone regression is a particular case of quadratic programming that minimizes a weighted sum of squared residuals under a set of linear inequality constraints. Several important statistical problems such as isotonic, concave regression or ANOVA under partial orderings, just to name a few, can be considered as particular instances of the cone regression problem. Given its relevance in Statistics, this paper aims to address the fundamentals of cone regression from a theoretical and practical point of view. Several formulations of the cone regression problem are considered and, focusing on the particular case of concave regression as an example, several algorithms are analyzed and compared both qualitatively and quantitatively through numerical simulations. Several improvements to enhance numerical stability and bound the computational cost are proposed. For each analyzed algorithm, the pseudo-code and its corresponding code in Matlab are provided. The results from this study demonstrate that the choice of the optimization approach strongly impacts the numerical performances. It is also shown that methods are not currently available to solve efficiently cone regression problems with large dimension (more than many thousands of points). We suggest further research to fill this gap by exploiting and adapting classical multi-scale strategy to compute an approximate solution.


Academy funds three leading engineers to tackle major industry challenges


Bold steps to pump coronavirus rescue funds down the last mile

Op-ed by Agustín Carstens published in the Financial Times on 29 March 2020.


Adaptive Resetting of Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine (TIDA) Network Activity during Lactation in Mice

Giving birth triggers a wide repertoire of physiological and behavioral changes in the mother to enable her to feed and care for her offspring. These changes require coordination and are often orchestrated from the CNS, through as of yet poorly understood mechanisms. A neuronal population with a central role in puerperal changes is the tuberoinfundibular dopamine (TIDA) neurons that control release of the pituitary hormone, prolactin, which triggers key maternal adaptations, including lactation and maternal care. Here, we used Ca2+ imaging on mice from both sexes and whole-cell recordings on female mouse TIDA neurons in vitro to examine whether they adapt their cellular and network activity according to reproductive state. In the high-prolactin state of lactation, TIDA neurons shift to faster membrane potential oscillations, a reconfiguration that reverses upon weaning. During the estrous cycle, however, which includes a brief, but pronounced, prolactin peak, oscillation frequency remains stable. An increase in the hyperpolarization-activated mixed cation current, Ih, possibly through unmasking as dopamine release drops during nursing, may partially explain the reconfiguration of TIDA rhythms. These findings identify a reversible plasticity in hypothalamic network activity that can serve to adapt the dam for motherhood.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Motherhood requires profound behavioral and physiological adaptations to enable caring for offspring, but the underlying CNS changes are poorly understood. Here, we show that, during lactation, neuroendocrine dopamine neurons, the "TIDA" cells that control prolactin secretion, reorganize their trademark oscillations to discharge in faster frequencies. Unlike previous studies, which typically have focused on structural and transcriptional changes during pregnancy and lactation, we demonstrate a functional switch in activity and one that, distinct from previously described puerperal modifications, reverses fully on weaning. We further provide evidence that a specific conductance (Ih) contributes to the altered network rhythm. These findings identify a new facet of maternal brain plasticity at the level of membrane properties and consequent ensemble activity.


Green Climate Fund approves programmes to fight climate change in Chile, Kyrgyzstan and Nepal

The Board of the Full Article


Council talks grant funding: Requests extension for public comment period on Metlakatla power tie-in


The Far Side of the Moon May Someday Have Its Own Telescope, Thanks to NASA Funding

The project hasn’t yet been greenlit, but a proposal just got major funding to explore the potential for the lunar observatory


Quarantine Cat Film Fest Will Raise Funds for Independent Theaters Closed by COVID-19

The quarantined felines of the world are coming for your screens


Plan proposes $18.7M in funds for AMHS: Alaska House subcommittee advances plan to restore minimal service


Basel Committee assesses members' implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio and large exposures framework

Press release about Basel Committee assesses members' implementation of the Net Stable Funding Ratio and large exposures framework, 19 March 2020


Frustrations mount for parents awaiting refund for school trips lost to COVID-19

Some school travel groups in Cape Breton that had trips cancelled in March due to COVID-19 are still waiting to get their money back.

  • News/Canada/Nova Scotia


Manitoba municipalities to receive most operating funds sooner than normal due to COVID-19

Manitoba municipalities will be receiving most of their operating funding from the province sooner than usual because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the province announced Friday.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


P.E.I. emergency pandemic funding will be accounted for, says premier

With opposition parties continuing to call for the legislature to be convened, P.E.I. Premier Dennis King says that opportunity for them to examine the government’s spending is coming.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Shelters, community groups allotted $3M from COVID-19 relief fund

Seventy-three homeless shelters and other community organizations are getting extra funding to help pay for basics like extra food, cleaning and staff during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • News/Canada/Ottawa


Elvis Stojko shows off his new quad for coronavirus relief fundraiser

The Canadian three-time world champion figure skater displayed his four-wheeler driving skills as part of the Americares Blades for the Brave fundraiser for front-line workers.


Kurt Browning clowns around to raise spirits and funds for COVID-19 relief

The Canadian four-time world champion figure skater hammed it up along with fellow Canadian skater Kaitlyn Weaver, to raise funds for the United Nation's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.


Figure skater and composer Eric Radford plays the piano for COVID-19 fundraiser

The World pairs champion and Olympic gold medallist played the piano during a special hosted by fellow Canadian figure skater Kaitlyn Weaver, to raise funds for the United Nation's COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund.


Sufi singer Radhika Sood Nayak raises funds for COVID-19

Sufi singer Radhika Sood Nayak has composed and sung her new song 'AsāN', through which she aims to raise funds for the people affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

  • IMC News Feed


Canadian soccer star Alphonso Davies, a former refugee, helping raise funds for UN relief

Teenaged Edmonton soccer star Alphonso Davies said he welcomes being a role model to young kids and wants to put his platform to good use.


Mutual funds' performance: the role of distribution networks and bank affiliation

Bank of Italy Working Papers by Giorgio Albareto, Andrea Cardillo, Andrea Hamaui and Giuseppe Marinelli

fund | The money market is great for emergency funds

fund | Hedge funds

A properly diversified portfolio needs some exposure to hedge funds, but negative perceptions remain a problem.


Glasgow firm hails potential Covid-19 treatment as biotech veteran leads funding

A BIOTECH veteran has hailed a Glasgow firm that claims to have discovered two separate potential treatments for Covid-19 patients for use before they are put on ventilators.


Pitch competition offers $30,000 in funding for student entrepreneurs

The Pennsylvania Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP) at Penn State is looking for undergraduate entrepreneurs from any Penn State campus to compete in the 2020 Inc.U Competition. Six finalist teams will earn a spot on “The Investment,” a production of WPSU-TV, giving them a chance to pitch their company for a share of $30,000 in funding. The 2020 Inc.U Competition submission deadline is Feb. 7.


FCC, Congress Weigh Overhaul of E-Rate to Fund Remote Learning

The Federal Communications Commission is engaging Congress to expand funding for in-home connectivity and devices for teachers and students grappling with the coronavirus crisis.


Some States' Share of Federal Teacher Funds Will Shrink Under ESSA

The change to the Title II program will benefit Southern states, while Michigan, New York, and Pennsylvania, among others, will see their allocations shrink.


Federal Teacher-Quality Funds Spread Too Thinly, Brief Argues

A report suggests that the $2.5 billion program should focus more on continuous improvement than on scattershot activities.


NewSchools Venture Fund CEO on Education Philanthropy During Coronavirus

"Folks in some foundations are quietly expressing frustration that they've been cautioned to stay in their lane and only fund things aligned with their pre-COVID strategy," says Stacey Childress.


Letters: SPFL has thrown money at immediate issue without making any fundamental changes

LIKE many of your readers, I would imagine, I am a fairly enthusiastic armchair football supporter with no real club affiliation.


Trump's Budget Eliminates Funding for Teacher Training, Class-Size Reductions

The proposed budget from the Trump administration eliminates the Title II grant program, which pays for professional development and class-size reduction efforts.


Colette Douglas Home: Why the state must stop funding faith schools

By the time I left school, aged 18, I couldn’t distinguish between which beliefs I had worked out for myself and which were absorbed through conditioning.


Incoming California Governor to Seek Nearly $2 Billion in Early-Childhood Funding

Democrat Gavin Newsom, who takes office Jan. 7, plans to expand full-day kindergarten and child-care offerings in the state, according to media reports.