
Saying Goodbye to Guys Lit Wire

This is the final post for Guys Lit Wire.

We started this site many years ago (I'm honestly afraid to even see how many years), after an online discussion about how teenage boys seemed less willing to browse for books they wanted than teenage girls. (The argument being that if the guys had more easy to find recommendations, they would read more but when they didn't know how to find books on subjects they liked, they just gave up looking.)

So that was what we set out to do (as evident from the site's name): recommend some books that we thought teenage boys would like. This often meant books from a boy POV, or graphic novels that might lure in reluctant readers, or nonfiction that might appeal to specific audiences that don't read a lot but like certain subjects. What all of these books had in common is that one of our many contributors thought it was a good book and deserved some more attention from readers who would probably love it if they knew about it. We certainly hope that all kinds of kids and teens (boys and girls) have picked up a book because of something we posted here.

Beyond that, we also supported several schools and organizations devoted to getting books into the hands of kids who needed them via underfunded library shelves. Cumulatively, over 10,000 books have been bought & shipped due to our efforts. Most recently, for Ballou Sr High School in Washington DC, over 200 books were bought off their wish list by our readers and sent their way at the end of 2017. 

Support for the Annual Book Fair for Ballou will continue, as I take those posts over to my site, Chasing Ray, and continue to host the book fair there. Please follow me on twitter, (@chasingray), for updates on that effort.

Personally, Sarah Stevenson & I would like to thank everyone who was with us on this ride. We are both writing much more heavily now on our own projects and bring an end to GLW with a heavy but grateful heart. Simply put, it is time. All of us at the site are confident however that we accomplished far more here than we ever thought possible. The archives will remain live and there are a ton of great book recommendations to peruse; be sure to check them out. 


Colleen Mondor & Sarah Stevenson
January, 2018

  • GLW General Information


U.S. bobsledder Pavle Jovanovic dies at 43

Former U.S. Olympic bobsledder Pavle Jovanovic died May 3 at the age of 43, USA Bobsled/Skeleton said in a release Saturday.


В Facebook объяснили удаление фотографии со Знаменем Победы над Рейхстагом

В Facebook объяснили удаление фотографии, на которой советский солдат водружает Знамя Победы над Рейхстагом. По словам представителя компании, это произошло из-за ошибки автоматизированного инструмента для выявления нарушений. Сейчас инструмент работает исправно.

  • Интернет и СМИ


В Южной Корее выявили рекордное количество зараженных COVID-19 за месяц

За прошедшие сутки в Южной Корее было выявлено 34 новых случаев заражения коронавирусом — это рекордное число за последний месяц. Все случаи связывают с молодым человеком, который проигнорировал подозрение на наличие вируса и посетил несколько клубов Сеула, где контактировал с 1,5 тысячи посетителей.


Российский эпидемиолог оценил риск заражения COVID-19 при купании в водоемах

COVID-19 не несет опасности при купании в водоемах, так как передается воздушно-капельным и контактно-бытовым путем. Лебедев добавил, что некоторые водоемы сильно облучаются солнечным светом, что губительно для коронавируса. Эксперт также уточнил, что стоит опасаться других инфекций, например острых кишечных.


Otevřeno pro jednoho hosta. Pandemie inspirovala vznik svérázných restaurací

Celosvětová pandemie koronaviru, kvůli které nejspíš zkrachují tisíce restaurací, inspirovala koncept švédské restaurace Bord For En (Stůl pro jednoho). Podnik bude servírovat tříchodové menu vždy jen pro jediného hosta. Stolovat se bude venku na louce, s výhledem do zeleně, uvedla ve své reportáži stanice CNN. Restaurace se otevře 10. května a bude v provozu jen přes léto.

  • Ekonomika - Zahraniční


Doplatek cestovce za zrušený zájezd je nemorální, zlobí se Dostálová

Zákon, díky němuž mohou cestovky místo vracení peněz nabízet vouchery, podle ombudsmana Stanislava Křečka nechrání jejich klienty. Poukazuje přitom na případ rodiny, která musí cestovní kanceláři naopak doplácet za dovolenou, která se nejspíš neuskuteční. Podle ministryně Kláry Dostálové může být takové jednání nekalou obchodní praktikou.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Slabá koruna může zdražit zájezdy, říká zástupce cestovek

Cestovní ruch v mnoha zemích zamrzl, dovolené v zahraničí přesto mohou zdražit. Očekává to místopředseda Asociace cestovních kanceláří Jan Papež. Důvodem je podle něj oslabení koruny kvůli pandemii, kterou nazval tichou intervencí.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Hospodářská komora kritizuje Prahu: Už tu nechceme trdla a matrjošky

Historické centrum Prahy je kvůli vládním opatřením liduprázdné. Skomírají malé provozovny, jen občas je k vidění stánek s trdelníky. Hospodářská komora Prahy 1 se proto obává o osud místních podnikatelů.

  • Ekonomika - Domácí


Third Brighton player tests positive for coronavirus

A third Brighton player tests positive for coronavirus.


Coronavirus: 'Stay alert' advice defended by communities secretary

It follows criticism that a move away from the "stay at home" slogan could confuse the public.


Michał Herda: Lisp Koans 2.0

I have rewritten the Common Lisp Koans to fix the many issues that sort-of plagued the code.

You can see, inspect, and download the outcome here.


Смяротная аварыя пад Лідай: Volkswagen урэзаўся ў грузавік, які спыніўся на абочыне


Аббарр. Пепел и крылья (4569K) - Helga Wojik - Героическая фантастика

Между острыми скалами и раскаленной пустыней, на самом краю света распустился Черный Цветок. Аббарр – город бистов, здесь находят приют изгои и горит зеленое пламя Бездны. Сила и слабость сплетаются узлом, оживляя древние мифы и пророчества.
Этого места нет на картах. Сюда приходят, чтобы сбежать от прошлого, от врагов и друзей, от себя самого. Тут Ашри начинает новую жизнь. Но, похоже, спокойное время позади. Зловещая тень накрыла белые стены Аббарра, обращая все, что дорого, в пепел…


A Name To Conjure With (470K) - Donald Aamodt - Научная фантастика


Voormalige TVL-kok 'Chef Moke' overleden (Wellen) - Het Belang van Limburg Mobile - Het Belang van Limburg

  1. Voormalige TVL-kok 'Chef Moke' overleden (Wellen) - Het Belang van Limburg Mobile  Het Belang van Limburg
  2. Wellense chef Moke Karmaoui overleden: “Je blijft ons grote voorbeeld en onze held”  Het Laatste Nieuws
  3. Limburgse chef Moke Karmaoui (50) overleden: “Je blijft ons grote voorbeeld en onze held”  Het Laatste Nieuws
  4. Hele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws


Medium-intensity earthquake strikes Delhi, adjoining areas; 3rd amid Covid-19 lockdown - Hindustan Times

  1. Medium-intensity earthquake strikes Delhi, adjoining areas; 3rd amid Covid-19 lockdown  Hindustan Times
  2. Earthquake of magnitude 3.5 hits Delhi-NCR  Times of India
  3. Earthquake in Delhi: Tremors felt in national capital region  The Financial Express
  4. Magnitude 3.4 Earthquake Strikes Delhi, Epicentre Near UP Border  News18
  5. Breaking news live : Eathquake tremors felt in Delhi, adjoining areas  Times of India
  6. View Full coverage on Google News


Will Kansas City's challenging regular season schedule affect its chances to repeat as Super Bowl champions?

The Kansas City Chiefs will look to repeat as Super Bowl champions in 2020, but their regular season schedule won't offer any concessions.


Virtual racing wasn’t real – but it made many fans feel real good

NASCAR will make its return to the track on May 17 at Darlington Raceway – but that doesn't mean fans have been without racing for the past two months.


Former Rockford Peaches pitcher Mary Pratt dies

Mary Pratt, who played for the Rockford Peaches and Kenosha Comets in the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League, has died


NHL execs express mixed feelings over proposal to hold draft early

There are mixed feelings among executives about the idea, ranging from frustration to begrudging acceptance.


US bobsledder Pavle Jovanovic dead at 43

Former U.S. Olympic bobsledder Pavle Jovanovic has died


UFC 249 ushers in fan-free, mask-filled era of sports

Kicks, punches and grunts echoed through the empty arena


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