
Business brief: The Czech Republic’s fourth Industrial Revolution

Innovation and creativity have long been hallmarks of the Czech Republic. After all, this is the country that invented the term “robot”, when Czech writer, Karel Čapek, coined the word back in 1921.


Citizen entrepreneurship: Creating space for a more collaborative economy

Social entrepreneurs and governments speak different languages. However, understanding each other is essential to achieve quality of life through the businesses we start, grow and scale.


Tax systems to support creation and success of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

SMEs form the vast majority of businesses in most countries and contribute strongly to employment and economic growth, but they face particular challenges, particularly as concerns access to finance. Governments have a range of policy levers, including tax policies, that can and should be used to support the growth and development of SMEs, according to a new OECD report.


L'OCSE e il Governo Italiano intensificano la collaborazione su occupazione e sviluppo locale

L'Organizzazione per la Cooperazione e lo Sviluppo Economico (OCSE) e il Governo Italiano hanno intensificato la collaborazione per garantire un'efficace attuazione delle strategie di sviluppo locale per promuovere l'occupazione, incoraggiare l'imprenditorialità e aumentare l'inclusione sociale.


Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Organised by GOV, CFE participated in the 2017 OECD Global Anti-corruption & Integrity Forum 30-31 march 2017. The session Anti-Corruption Strategies for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.


Zombie firms and weak productivity: what role for policy?

Weak productivity growth is a major problem afflicting most societies. It curbs growth in incomes and endangers the sustainability of social security systems. An important, but often ignored, source of the productivity slowdown is the increasing prevalence of weakly productive firms and, among them, “zombie firms” – in essence firms that would typically exit or be forced to restructure in a competitive market.


Free trade zones are being used to traffic counterfeit goods

Rapid growth in free trade zones – where economic activity is driven by reduced taxes and customs controls, light regulation and limited oversight – is unintentionally fostering growth in counterfeit goods trafficking, according to a new report by the OECD and the EU’s Intellectual Property Office.


La valutazione dello "Startup Act" italiano - policy note

Considerato che solo una minima parte delle nuove imprese riesce a svilupparsi, i decisori pubblici si trovano di fronte a un'alternativa: concentrarsi sulle imprese che presentano un alto potenziale di innovazione, o favorire la sperimentazione e semplificare sia l'ingresso che l'uscita delle imprese dal mercato. Lo "Startup Act" combina i due approcci con un mix eclettico di strumenti di policy.


How to Solve the Investment Promotion Puzzle: A Mapping of Investment Promotion Agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean and OECD Countries

This joint OECD and IDB report presents rich new information on the organization, activities, and operative practices of IPAs in 51 countries, comprising 32 OECD countries and 19 Latin American and the Caribbean (LAC) countries (outside of the OECD area), providing a thorough understanding of who agencies are, what they do, and how they do it.


A magyar gazdaság növekszik, de a képzettség, az üzleti beruházások és a jövedelmek javításához reformokra van szükség

A magyar gazdaság a jelentős exportnak és az erőteljes hazai keresletnek köszönhetően számottevően bővült az elmúlt években.


Magyarország csatlakozott az OECD Fejlesztési Segítségnyújtási Bizottságához (DAC)

Magyarország lett az OECD Fejlesztési Segítségnyújtási Bizottságának (DAC) 30. tagja. A Bizottság a kétoldalú fejlesztési együttműködést szolgáltató államok vezető nemzetközi fóruma.


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Biarritz on 25-26 August 2019

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, will be in Biarritz on 25-26 August 2019 to attend the G7 Leaders’ Summit.


Iceland has influence beyond its size in global development

Despite a small aid budget, Iceland stands out among donors for its commitment to supporting the poorest countries and using its expertise in areas like renewable energy, land restoration and gender equality for aid programmes that advance global goals, according to a new OECD report.


Il fardello dell’obesità - L’economia della prevenzione: Key findings for Italy (in Italian)

Sebbene in Italia la prevalenza dell’obesità sia inferiore a quella della maggior parte degli altri paesi, essa ha comunque conseguenze significative. Gli italiani vivono in media 2,7 anni in meno a causa del sovrappeso. Il sovrappeso rappresenta il 9% della spesa sanitaria, superiore alla media degli altri paesi.


Switzerland tops fixed broadband ranking, while Korea leads in wireless broadband

Switzerland tops for the first time the OECD fixed broadband ranking, with 39.9 subscribers per 100 inhabitants, followed closely by the Netherlands (39.1) and Denmark (37.9). The OECD average is 25.6, according to new OECD statistics.


OECD events at the Internet Governance Forum 2012 (Baku, Azerbaijan)

OECD events at the Internet Governance Forum 2012 (Baku, Azerbaijan)


Unlocking Global Collaboration to Accelerate Innovation for Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia

The aim of this consultation, held on 20-21 June 2013 in Oxford (UK), was to stimulate discussion at the highest possible level of expert engagement in setting out an agenda for OECD action to accelerate innovation for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.


Maximizing the Benefits of the Internet Economy

The open Internet combined with today’s emerging technologies has launched the information revolution and is powering the global digital economy. Everyone has a stake in that development, both as individuals and in the organizations in which we serve and affiliate ourselves.


To seize the opportunities of digitalisation, Southeast Asia needs to close the gap between Technology 4.0 and Policy 1.0

As one of the most dynamic regions in the world with an increasingly diversified economy, an expanding middle class, and a young and literate population, Southeast Asia is well positioned to embrace the ongoing global digital transformation. Digitalisation can spur the much needed innovation and productivity growth across many activities, transform public services, and improve well-being for all citizens.


Pensions at a Glance 2011 - Czech Republic country profile

The country profile: pension eligibility ages and other qualifying conditions; the rules for calculating benefit entitlements; the treatment of early and late retirees; personal income tax and social security contributions.


Reforming Brazil’s pension system

Brazil’s old-age pensions have reduced old-age poverty below OECD levels, but pension expenditures of 8.2% of GDP are expected to rise rapidly as the population ages. A pension reform is necessary to ensure the financial sustainability of the system.


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Migration: integration of migrants in Switzerland successful, but stronger focus on vulnerable groups needed

Labour market integration of immigrants in Switzerland is generally successful: three quarters of immigrants in Switzerland are in employment – more than in any other OECD country


Jobs for immigrants (Vol.3): Labour market integration in Austria, Norway and Switzerland

This publication reviews the labour market integration of immigrants and their children in three OECD countries (Austria, Norway and Switzerland) and provides country-specific recommendations. It also includes a summary chapter highlighting common challenges and policy responses. It is the third and last in a series which has covered eleven OECD countries.


Identify and mobilize migrants' skills for development

The purpose of this joint OECD/AFD initiative is to propose ways of thinking about new public policies that could better harness the skills of diasporas to foster development in the countries of origin.


Recruiting Immigrant Workers: New Zealand 2014

New Zealand, is one of the OECD countries with large and longstanding labour migration. The report finds that by and large, the New Zealand labour migration system is functioning well. Several features of the NZ immigration system, such as the Expression of Interest system, are gradually about to become an example for selection systems elsewhere in the OECD.


Better integration of immigrant workers would enhance their contribution to Kyrgyzstan’s economy, says new ILO-OECD Development Centre report

Since its independence from the Soviet Union, Kyrgyzstan has rather been known as an emigration country, however around 4% of the population was born outside the current national territory and the country keeps attracting new immigrants.


The climate challenge: Achieving zero emissions

Governments need to put together the optimal policy mix to eliminate emissions from fossil fuels in the second half of the century. Cherry-picking a few easy measures will not do the trick. There has to be progress on every front, notably with respect to carbon pricing, and that is what peer review and learning from best practice should help achieve, said OECD Secretary-General.


OECD’s chemical hazard assessment programme to shift focus

The OECD is to review its chemical hazard assessment programme with the aim of providing a more specialised service for member countries from 2015.


Multi-level governance and robust water allocation regimes needed to secure Brazil’s future water needs

The recent droughts in Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo states have exposed the need to shift from crisis management to effective risk governance of the country’s water resources, according to a new OECD report.


Brazil faces critical moment to put economy back on track

Brazil has made remarkable social and economic progress in the past two decades, but must now overcome important challenges if it is to put its economy on a stronger, fairer, greener growth trajectory, according to two new reports from the OECD.


The Haze Surrounding Climate Mitigation Statistics - Insights Blog

How have CO2 and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions changed since 1990? Three different visuals tell three very different stories (click on them to see full size). Which perspective offers the most clarity?


Overcoming climate change and unleashing a dynamic, zero-carbon economy

The UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris 30 November-11 December is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reach a new international agreement to combat climate change and accelerate our transition to a low-carbon economy. The “carbon entanglement” of our economies is keeping us on a collision course with nature.


The Potential Benefits of Transboundary Co-operation in Georgia and Azerbaijan: Kura River Basin - Environment Working Paper

This study was one of the first attempts to evaluate and quantify the benefits of transboundary co-operation between Georgia and Azerbaijan. A specific framework for inventorying these benefits, taking into account all the different dimensions of transboundary water management, was built and applied to the major transboundary water bodies.


Environmental pressures rising in New Zealand

New Zealanders enjoy a high environmental quality of life and access to pristine wilderness. However, New Zealand’s growth model, based largely on exploiting natural resources, is starting to show its environmental limits with increasing greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution, according to a new OECD report.


Equator Prize 2017 Award Ceremony

Fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy mix, with both OECD economies and the BRIICS still relying on fossil fuels for more than 80% of their energy supply.


Switzerland should do more to address threats to biodiversity

The OECD’s third Environmental Performance Review of Switzerland finds that despite being one of the greenest OECD countries in terms of energy supply, greenhouse gas emissions and domestic material consumption per unit of GDP, Switzerland urgently needs to address pressures on its biodiversity.


OECD awarded the Hassan II Great World Water Prize

The OECD has been awarded the Hassan II World Water Prize by the government of Morocco and the World Water Council in recognition of its work under Secretary-General Angel Gurría to elevate water security as a crucial global issue and the policy guidance it has provided countries around the world on the issue.


Report: Decarbonising Maritime Transport - Pathways to zero-carbon shipping by 2035

This report examines what would be needed to achieve zero CO2 emissions from international maritime transport by 2035. It assesses measures that can reduce shipping emissions effectively and describes possible decarbonisation pathways that use different combinations of these measures; and reviews under which conditions these measures could be implemented and presents concrete policy recommendations.


The Czech economy is thriving but boosting skills and productivity and transitioning to a low-carbon productive model is vital to sustainable and inclusive growth

The Czech economy is thriving, with robust employment, expanding exports and falling government debt. Efforts should now focus on boosting workforce skills and innovation to improve labour supply and productivity, further reduce poverty and inequality, and green the economy, according to two new OECD reports.


Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Metz, 6 May 2019

Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, will be in Metz on 6 May 2019 to attend the G7 Environment Ministerial. He will deliver remarks to present the OECD report Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action.


Policy Paper: Scaling up climate-compatible infrastructure: Insights from national development banks in Brazil and South Africa

National development banks (NDBs) and development finance institutions are poised to play a role in bridging the investment gap for climate-compatible infrastructure in developing countries. This paper highlights the role of NDBs drawing from case studies of the Brazilian Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social and the Development Bank of Southern Africa.


Get Joy to Enjoy Dazzling Taj Mahal Tour with Tiger Safari

If you visit this country first time, then read this article completely because it will help you to guide about Indian tourism. Visitors from all over the globe come here and feel their dreams come true, here you can explore the...


Workshop: Indicators of local transition to low-carbon economy (Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz, Germany)

The Regional Growth Core Schönefelder Kreuz and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau in partnership with the OECD Local Economic and Employment Development Programme (LEED) are working on defining and collecting measurable indicators at the regional/ local level that can inform over time of transition to low-carbon economic and industrial activities.


The climate challenge: Achieving zero emissions

Governments need to put together the optimal policy mix to eliminate emissions from fossil fuels in the second half of the century. Cherry-picking a few easy measures will not do the trick. There has to be progress on every front, notably with respect to carbon pricing, and that is what peer review and learning from best practice should help achieve, said OECD Secretary-General.


A call for zero emissions from the World Economic Forum in Davos

OECD Secretary-General, Mr. Angel Gurría, gives his views in this blog from the World Economic Forum in Davos on the huge risk that carbon dioxide emissions pose to the economy and the environment.


Green Development Co-operation in Zambia - Green Growth Paper

Embracing green growth can secure strong, stable and sustainable development. An increasing number of developing countries have formulated and/or implemented innovative policies to pursue green growth, notably in Africa. Zambia, in particular, is committed to drawing up an Inclusive Green Growth Strategy (IGGS) that builds upon a nationally-defined and comprehensive definition of green growth.


Webinar - Decarbonizing Development: Three Steps to a Zero-Carbon Future

On 28 May 2015, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform (GGKP) webinar will examine how proper planning can help lay the foundation for both a stable climate and good development path; explore how countries can create the right enabling environment so that the needed technology, infrastructure and financing are available; and discuss how countries can carefully manage the transition, given vital political economy considerations.