
Largest St. Patrick's Challenge

In 2019, OM Ireland hosted its largest St. Patrick's outreach.


'The East is the new frontier'

Workers Berni and Carla are passionate about reaching the East of Turkey and encouraged by spiritual growth happening there.


Prayer makes a difference

How prayer shaped the history of OM and how important prayer still is today.


Hope and a future

Lima, Peru :: A Logos Hope team joins an inspirational pastor ministering to the children of criminals.


Rain for days

"[The village] didn’t know about the cyclone." OM worker Macdonald tells how his village experienced Cyclone Idai.


From troubled teen to disciple

The journey of a young Albanian girl from the Roma and Gypsy community who went from being a troubled teenager to excitedly following Jesus!


Saskia's Albanian journey

Saskia perseveres through language learning and connects with a young Albanian girl who becomes a follower of Jesus.


Crocodile Island

Realising the need for biblical role models, OM partnered with a local church to send a couple, Kelvin and Florence, to Crocodile Island as missionaries.


Blog from Bolivia: Moving ministries and the best birthday

Santa Cruz, Bolivia :: God surprises a Logos Hope crewmember with birthday treats and new perspectives as she serves with a team on shore.


Afloat again!

Montevideo, Uruguay :: Logos Hope returns to the water after annual maintenance and her crew prepares to resume the floating ministry.


Serving God through coffee shops and carpentry

Jose, an Argentinian worker serving in Southeast Asia, tells of how he entered overseas service and what he has seen God do through his not-so-typical ministry.


God's plan in the unplanned

Rosario, Argentina :: When their programme for the day gets cancelled, crew take to the streets to share their faith with those they meet.


Fighting Bible poverty

No method is infallible when trying to reduce Bible poverty among the least reached, an OM worker discovers as he distributed Bibles.


A vibrant community emerges

“Aren’t there enough churches in Italy?” Not to reach the 50,000 people in Pisa, says OM team, who plants La Torre.


Vibrancy comes from the Word of God

OM Ministry Leader, Lenna Lidstone, discusses how to use Discovery Bible Studies to see vibrant communities of Jesus Followers among the least reached.


Entering a reindeer herder’s world

In Arctic Russia, reindeer are the Nenets' life. Living among these people, ES longs for the Nenets to know Jesus, the true source of life.


Faith comes by hearing

African women who never went to school were unable to read the Bible upon becoming Christ followers. A new opportunity is giving them access to God's Word firsthand.


Refugee Relief - making it all happen!

Jude, project coordinator of OM's Refugee Relief Serbia describes her busy role, and how OM’s service can be a powerful practical witness of the love of Jesus to hundreds of refugees.


Permanent hope for the Kurds

For the Kurdish people, the future is uncertain. But the gospel message that believers want to share with them is one of overwhelming hope.


Persecution, prayer and fasting

Prayer and fasting have been part of the Algerian Church's lifestyle since its beginning. Unity among believers has contributed to ongoing spiritual strength amidst persecution.


Not an impossible dream

Years of consistent Christ-centred community allow an OM worker to develop friendships with Pakistani women and study the Bible with them.


A beacon of light for kids and teens

Children's club at the church in Tkvarcheli, which is held by MDT students, impacts lives of local children and gives them hope.


Mission trip to France, better than Chanel perfume! OM Transform

Transform mission conference one year, outreach team in France the following year, the sisters from Mexico are eager to share the love of Christ, realising the audience was different from what they expected.


Refugee life, hardships and hope

If God can speak to a national faith believer, and move him to cross continents to share his love for Jesus with other refugees, despite dangers and difficulties, what more might He achieve with more workers prepared to take the same risks for the gospel?


1,000 Muslim background missionaries

Algeria could transform missions in the Middle East, with a new ministry seeking to send 1,000 Algerian missionaries by 2025.


Church planting in Tunceli

A short-term creative outreach team helps long-term workers connect with several young men in a least-reached area.


Believe to receive – sharing the hope of Easter

Small outreach teams will share the life-changing message of the gospel with hundreds of women in brothels and on the street this Easter.


The Great Commission applies to families

Bahia Blanca, Argentina :: A missionary couple teaches church members about serving God as a family.


Aliens do exist

Ali Geake, Internal Communications Director, discusses the change living in another culture has had on her life and outlook.


'I can follow Jesus now'

A single mother finds hope through a Self Help Group and is sharing the good news.


Along the river

People in Mozambique, Malawi and Zimbabwe are still recovering from Cyclone Idai. OM is responding to the needs in different communities in these countries.


Losing everything for Christ

The leader said: "This is a secret; if we started to teach about Jesus in our mosques then we might as well open churches."


Beyond the Easter bunny

In partnership with local churches, a team shared the good news of Easter through music with all kinds of people in Austria.


When God changes your plans

Ariela left Argentina to serve Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and ended up going on a journey she never could have imagined.


Happy endings

“As I watched the ending scene (that lasted about three minutes) I thought about the “happy ending” notion,” says Ava. “Is it real or is it a fairy tale? A utopia created by Hollywood to give their viewers a false sense of hope in the reality of a broken world? And so, I said to myself: I believe in happy endings.”


Reaching the community

The Bailie family serve with their local church as part of OM in Ireland's Philippian Project.


The story of Lacken House

In 2008, OM Ireland purchased Lacken House to be their headquarters. Ten years and hundreds of people later, the team continues to minister from the heart of Ireland.


Largest St. Patrick's Challenge

In 2019, OM Ireland hosted its largest St. Patrick's outreach.


'The East is the new frontier'

Workers Berni and Carla are passionate about reaching the East of Turkey and encouraged by spiritual growth happening there.


Prayer makes a difference

How prayer shaped the history of OM and how important prayer still is today.


Hope and a future

Lima, Peru :: A Logos Hope team joins an inspirational pastor ministering to the children of criminals.


Rain for days

"[The village] didn’t know about the cyclone." OM worker Macdonald tells how his village experienced Cyclone Idai.


From troubled teen to disciple

The journey of a young Albanian girl from the Roma and Gypsy community who went from being a troubled teenager to excitedly following Jesus!


Saskia's Albanian journey

Saskia perseveres through language learning and connects with a young Albanian girl who becomes a follower of Jesus.


Crocodile Island

Realising the need for biblical role models, OM partnered with a local church to send a couple, Kelvin and Florence, to Crocodile Island as missionaries.


Blog from Bolivia: Moving ministries and the best birthday

Santa Cruz, Bolivia :: God surprises a Logos Hope crewmember with birthday treats and new perspectives as she serves with a team on shore.


Afloat again!

Montevideo, Uruguay :: Logos Hope returns to the water after annual maintenance and her crew prepares to resume the floating ministry.


Serving God through coffee shops and carpentry

Jose, an Argentinian worker serving in Southeast Asia, tells of how he entered overseas service and what he has seen God do through his not-so-typical ministry.


God's plan in the unplanned

Rosario, Argentina :: When their programme for the day gets cancelled, crew take to the streets to share their faith with those they meet.


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