
5 things everyone can do to protect the planet's soil

Here's why soil is one of our most valuable natural resources and what you can do to support it.


Food-loving travelers to Asia can shop, cook, and eat with locals, thanks to the Traveling Spoon

This cool new website connects travelers with local home cooks for unforgettable meals.


Rare African golden cat kittens photographed for the first time

Out of 300 photos of golden cats taken over the course of over 18,000 trap days, just four images of kittens have been captured.


Cats can perch and play in this cat-sized glass and wood structure

This apartment has its own striking, modern-styled cat house within a house.


Homemade cat food can be dangerous for your pet

A new study finds that most recipes for homemade cat food lack essential nutrients and even contain potentially toxic ingredients.


Flow battery breakthrough can store renewable energy cheaply

Storing solar energy for when the sun doesn't shine or wind power for a calm day costs too much. But that could all be changing.


Astronaut pee can be used as an energy source

A new system for turning astronaut urine into drinking water also makes good use of the waste urea as fuel.


Solar farms can enhance biodiversity and sequester soil carbon too

New research, backed by conservation groups in the UK, suggest solar farms may offer opportunities for a more biodiverse countryside.


What can rule-bending alternative builders teach us about smarter shelters? (Video)

Modern building codes and zoning regulations, while helping to set safety standards that can save lives, can also serve as big barriers to building small, sensible, and affordable dwellings with alternative materials and techniques.


Glass paint can cool down metal roofs

For many roofs, white paint is the best way to cool down, but for metal roofs a new glass coating could be even better.


Flat-packed emergency shelter sets up in 2 hours, resists Category 5 hurricane winds

Lightweight shelters might be an affordable and quick option for emergency housing, but they are also susceptible to damage from high winds. This prototype could be a better solution.


Can TWIN elevators make buildings more energy efficient?

Thyssenkrupp's TWIN elevators have a very unique feature that could save buildings energy and space.


Pre-fab tiny house prototype costs $1200, can be built in 3 hours

Hold on to your wallets, because this little dwelling isn't for sale yet, but it is a promising development in the tiny house movement.


American Zoos Going 'EEK-o-friendly' for a Green Halloween

Select zoos are enticing green families with healthier treats and recycled crafts this Halloween


10 DIY gifts you can make in under an hour

From funky fork bracelets to bath bombs and sweater sleeve coffee warmers, we've got your quick DIY gifts covered.


Costa Rican Designer Beautifully Re-Invents the Pedestal Fan

Fan(c)Fan is a creation by Marco Gallegos which challenges this product's typical scale and materials.


Cool Bike Cinema Draws Attention to Vacant Lots in Madrid

Spanish collective Basurama built a movable cinema mounted on a bike and used it to expose empty spots which could be turned into public spaces temporarily.


Oscar Niemeyer's Bold Response to Latin American Suburban Sprawl in the XX Century

Of all of Niemeyer's impressive works, the 1960s Copan building in Sao Paulo is the one speaking directly to contemporary urban trends.


California Leads the Energy Efficiency Race: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Releases 2008 Scorecard

So you think you're doing everything you can to improve your home's energy efficiency. And if you haven't done everything you can do personally, both TreeHugger and Planet Green have plenty of tips on how you can get up to


How hard is it to walk in American suburbs? Worse than I imagined

On the Mouzon scale of 1 to 10 for walkability, this intersection gets -10.


Modular wall-mounted mini-vases are also canvases for art

Plants get a stylish home with these eye-catching, handmade wooden planters made for the wall.


How the Law Stops Us Sharing, And What We Can Do To Change It

The sharing economy is getting more and more attention, but laws drawn up for traditional business don't always adapt well to informal sharing or collaborative consumption.


UK Report: Active transportation can fight climate change, air pollution and traffic congestion

It talks a lot about cycling, but notes that we don't do nearly enough about walking.


7 things you can do if you can't do a Climate Strike

Some people have to work, but they can still show solidarity.


Ruby Cup: "Buy one, give one" menstrual cup on a social mission to help African schoolgirls (Video)

Did your fear of stains stop you from going to school or work? Probably not. But this company is aiming to bring menstrual cups to African schoolgirls who miss school because they have their period and cannot afford disposables.


You can see Tesla's shop on the KuDamm, but not the cars: where is Germany's incentive program?

Tesla's new boutique shop on Berlin's famous KuDamm beckons, but where is Germany's national strategy for electric cars?


Now your hair ties and scrunchies can be fair-trade, plastic-free

These handy accessories tick all the boxes for ethics and eco-friendliness.


8 Best North American Beaches For Exploring Tide Pools

Discover the miniature, magical world of tide pools -- and beat the heat -- by heading to North America's coastlines.


Can tourism ever be sustainable? The Rainforest Alliance says, "Yes!"

This NGO is doing wonderful work to bring sustainable tourism into the mainstream. It's time to start planning your next vacation!


Can co-working vacations offer a better work-life balance?

More and more people are working remotely. Now, alternative travel companies are offering what they are calling "co-workations" -- a combination of a creative business trip and inspirational adventure holiday for location-independent professionals.


Scientists identify the most environmentally harmful animal product in the American diet

A new paper compares eggs, dairy, poultry, beef and pork to determine which has the biggest environmental impact.


American dietary guidelines dump environmental concerns

Recommendations to eat less meat for environmental reasons won’t be included in the final 2015 dietary guidelines.


Almost half of American drivers don’t bother using their turn signals

And then they yell at cyclists for not following the rules.


Canada's NDP leader calls for national cycling strategy

Actually, this is something every country needs.


Why don't Americans wear helmets in the shower?

Way more people get traumatic injuries in the shower than they do on bikes, but almost nobody takes the most basic safety precautions.


10 More Ways To Hide The Bed (Some of Which You Can Actually Afford)

Every tiny apartment does not have to have an expensive Murphy bed.


How can people demand a "naturally green" environment and hate wind turbines?

There is either a giant contradiction here in Ontario's Prince Edward County or I am missing something.


These Moroccan sunsets will make you want to want to go to Africa

There's nothing like watching the sun go down on a beach in a tiny African village.


Young Americans Do Care About the Environment

Student activism nationwide flies in the face of a recent study claiming young Americans don't care about the environment.


Verveine recycles humble aluminum cans into luscious jewelry

Recycled aluminum and silver get another shot at becoming beautiful with this handmade collection, created with Japanese origami papers.


Colorado's Browns Canyon: Good things come in a small package

This beautiful area near Salida, Colorado, could become the next national monument, with your help.


The really hot poop on composting toilets: It can heat your house

Put your poop to work; it's fuel for a biological furnace.


Meet the ELF: An American-built solar-powered trike

Rob Cotter used to build expensive sports cars. Now he makes vehicles that are much, much cooler.


Canada declares climate emergency, then approves pipeline expansion

Trudeau doesn't seem to understand what 'climate emergency' means.


Mealworms can eat an all-plastic diet and not die

Researchers at Stanford found a way to speed up the process of breaking down Styrofoam and other types of polystyrene, with help from mealworms.


With Lolistraw, you can have your straw and eat it too

But even more exciting than its edibility is the Lolistraw's hyper-compostability.


Scandi design + Portuguese cork: Buy your next phone case from 15:21

It's so much nicer to feel a warm natural material in your pocket than cold slippery plastic.


It's time to embrace American hemp production

This super-plant has been misunderstood for too long.


Agenda 21 Update: Tinfoil Hats in Iowa, Republicans Fight Back

It's Crazytown in Des Moines as Republicans fight Soviet style collectivism, AKA sustainable development


This is why we can't have nice things. Like a functional government.

There is some exceptional the nonsense coming from Republican members of the US Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Good grief.