
River food webs: Incorporating nature’s invisible fabric into river management

Increasing the population of spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead in Washington state’s Methow River is a goal of the Upper Columbia Spring Chinook Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Plan. Spring Chinook salmon and summer steelhead are listed as endangered and threatened, respectively, under the Endangered Species Act.


Inside Their Hidden World: Tracking the Elusive Marbled Murrelet

The marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus) is a threatened coastal bird that feeds on fish and nests in old-growth forests. In northwest Washington, murrelet populations are declining despite protections provided by the Northwest Forest Plan.


Birds of the major mainland rivers of southeast Alaska

This publication describes the bird communities of major mainland rivers of southeast Alaska and is based on a review of all known relevant studies as well as recent fieldwork. We synthesized information on the composition, structure, and habitat relationships of bird communities at 11 major mainland rivers. Information on current management concerns and research needs are also included.


Forage resource evaluation system for habitat—deer: an interactive deer habitat model

We describe a food-based system for quantitatively evaluating habitat quality for deer called the Forage Resource Evaluation System for Habitat and provide its rationale and suggestions for use. The system was developed as a tool for wildlife biologists and other natural resource managers and planners interested in evaluating habitat quality and, especially, comparing two or more patches of habitat or the same patch at different seasons or under different conditions. It is based on the quantity (of biomass) and quality (digestible energy and digestible protein) of the habitat's food resources in relation to user-specified metabolic requirements of deer (which differ with species, age, sex, season, and reproductive status). It uses a linear programming algorithm to determine the suitable forage that can sustain deer at the specified requirements.


Interactive Marquee for Safari and Chrome

Using CSS3 and keyframes to produce an interactive marquee


Interactive Marquee for Safari, Chrome and Firefox

A second version of the marquee demo using CSS3 and keyframes to produce an interactive marquee for any length of text.


CSS play responsive droplist menu suitable for touch screen devices

A responsive droplist menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSS play responsive 'background' images suitable for IE7 and IE8

A method of getting IE7, IE8 and early version of other browsers to support 'background-size:cover'.


CSS play responsive dropdown/flyout menu suitable for touch screen devices

A responsive dropdown/flyout menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSS play responsive layout with animated repositioning

A responsive layout with animated repositioning of elements. For all the latest browsers.


CSS play responsive single level menu suitable for touch screen devices

A responsive single level menu that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSS play responsive image map

A responsive image map that works on touch screen devices including Android OS and IE10.


CSS play responsive videos with playlists

Using minimal jQuery and css3 to create responsive videos with playlists, video play state and multi occurrences.


CSS play responsive 'swipe' slideshow

Using minimal jQuery and css3 to create responsive 'swipe' action full screen slideshows.


CSS play responsive 'swipe' slideshow version two

A second minimal jQuery and css3 responsive 'swipe' action full screen slideshows.


CSSplay - Responsive Droplist Menu

A responsive droplist menu that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.


CSSplay - Responsive Single Level Menus

A couple of single level responsive menus that works in all modern browsers including touch screens and smart phones.


CSSplay - Universal Mini Menu

The previous multi level mini menu suitable for smartphones adapted to show how it might look on PCs.


CSSplay - Form select list alternative

An alternative to a form select list which can be fully styled.


CSS play responsive 'swipe' slideshow version three

An update to the Swipe Me! slideshow to add extra fuctions and simplify usage.


CSS play responsive inline 'swipe' slideshow version two

An update to the Swipe Me Inline slideshow to add extra fuctions and simplify usage.


CSSplay - Responsive multi-level menu

A responsive multi-level menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive multi-level menu #2

A second responsive multi-level menu suitable for PCs, Tablets and Smartphones.


CSSplay - 3D Perspective Modelling

Another look at 3D modelling suitable for IE10 and IE11 without using 'transform-style: preserve-3d;'


CSSplay - Responsive 'curtains' layout

A responsive 'curtains' layout using a litle javascript. Working in all browsers and OS including IE7+ and Android


CSSplay - Responsive 'curtains' layout version 2

A second responsive 'curtains' layout using a litle javascript, this time working in the opposite direction. Suitable all browsers and OS including IE7+, Android and windows 8 smartphones


CSSplay - CSS only responsive 'Blinds' layout

A CSS ONLY responsive 'curtains' layout using NO javascript. Suitable all the latest browser versions and OS, including tablets, touch screens and smartphones


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive slide down/up menu

A CSS ONLY responsive slide down/up full screen menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive full screen slideshow

A responsive full screen vertical scrolling slideshow using CSS and a little jQuery for all modern browsers and OS.


CSSplay - CSS only responsive droplist menu version 2

A CSS ONLY responsive multi-level droplist menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - Responsive 'Slanty' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'slanty' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - Responsive 'Wavy' layout

A CSS and jQuery responsive single page website with 'wavy' partitions, suitable for all modern browsers and OS


CSSplay - CSS only universal slide in/out menu

A CSS ONLY universal slide in/out menu suitable for all the latest browsers and operating systems with animation.


CSSplay - CSS responsive slideshow with auto play option

A CSS only responsive slideshow with auto play option for all the latest browsers and operating systems.


CSSplay - CSS responsive slideshow with auto play option, version 2

An update to the CSS only responsive slideshow with auto play option for all the latest browsers and operating systems, to simplify and add extra functionality.


CSSplay - CSS responsive auto play slideshow

A responsive left/right auto play slideshow using the latest CSS selectors.


CSSplay - CSS responsive left right slideshow with wrap around

A responsive left/right slideshow with wrap around using the latest CSS selectors.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap multi level menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap multi level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - CSS responsive autorun slideshow tutorial

A tutorial for a simple responsive autorun slideshow sutiable for all the latest browsers and OS.


CSSplay - CSS responsive video aspect ratio converter

A tutorial for a responsive video (iframe) aspect ratio converter using calc()


CSSplay - CSS responsive video aspect ratios

A tutorial for CSS only responsive video (iframe) aspect ratios.)


CSSplay - Responsive CSS click/tap droplist menu - version 2

A second CSS ONLY responsive click/tap droplist menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS fade in/out menu panel

A CSS ONLY responsive click/tap fade in/out menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level menu

A CSS responsive multi-level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level menu

Another CSS responsive multi-level menu for all the latest browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones.


CSS PLAY - Responsive swipe action stacked slideshow

A responsive swipe action stacked slideshow for all browsers and OS, using a little jQuery.


CSS PLAY - Responsive swipe action stacked slideshow v2

A responsive swipe action stacked slideshow, with multiple instances and sizes, for all browsers and OS, using a little jQuery.


CSSplay - Responsive CSS multi-level jQuery menu

A CSS responsive multi-level menu for all browsers and OS, PCs, tablets and smartphones using a little jQuery.