
The whole city of Florence can fit in one Atlanta cloverleaf

Steve Mouzon looks at the true cost of sprawl.


From Parentables: Bisphenol A Found In Canned Soup Marketed To Kids

A new study from the Breast Cancer Fund shows that BPA is found in canned foods marketed specifically to kids. This should be no surprise to TreeHugger readers; we have been talking about BPA lining cans for years. All


Can SUBSPORT Help Chemical Companies Move Towards Safer Alternatives?

The Substitution Support Portal SUBSPORT launched this week, intending to give business improved tools for substituting hazardous chemicals with safer substitutes.


More Americans Drinking BPA in Canned Beer, Thanks to Economy and Pabst Drinking Hipsters

Beer cans are lined with the stuff, but hey, thats the price you pay for convenience.


Bisphenol A Now Illegal In American Baby Bottles and Sippy Cups, No Thanks to FDA

It seems that the only people who benefit from this rule change are the members of the American Chemistry Council who make BPA.


Popeye the Sailor Man after a life of eating from BPA lined cans

Cartoonist Joe Mohr shows how the chemical might have affected the cartoon hero


Fetal exposure to BPA is linked to prostate cancer

A new study from the University of Illinois shows how chemical exposure early in life can alter stem cells and cause disease.


Scientists agree that BPA is an "ovarian toxicant"

Studies of humans, mice, monkeys, and sheep all point to the same scary conclusion -- that BPA wreaks havoc on the female reproductive system.


More Americans drinking BPA in canned beer

What's in that "polymer lining" in every can? A gender-bending hormone that may be really bad for you.


EWG has released new report on BPA in canned food

Find out which brands are the best and worst players in the canned food industry right now.


Two-thirds of food cans tested contain BPA, and the alternatives may not be much better

A new report shines the light on a dirty little 'secret' of canned goods, which has little to do with the food itself, and everything to do with the coating in the can.


Who cares about BPA? Canned beer is more popular than ever

Nobody should be drinking canned beer. Period. But it is particularly bad for young women.


If BPA is so terrible, why is everybody still drinking beer and pop out of BPA lined cans?

There is a fundamental logical inconsistency here. Either the stuff is bad for you or it isn't.


Happy 83rd Birthday, American beer can. Now go away.

There is no place for you in a healthy, circular economy, and this is nothing to celebrate


Mind the gap: New bridge in Cornwall is actually two giant cantilevers

What does it feel like to be an arch? Very different from how it feels like to be a cantilever.


Can we make steel without CO2 emissions using renewable hydrogen?

Yes, in theory. Doing it in practice is a whole other story. This is another example of how the hydrogen economy is a fantasy.


Why is Canada fighting over a gas pipeline to nowhere?

The world is awash in LNG that's a lot closer to the ocean and a lot cheaper to move.


Photo: Pelicans put on an air show

Our photo of the day comes from Cape San Blas, Florida.


African grey parrots surprise researchers with their altruism

Few other animals are known to be intrinsically motivated to assist others in need.


Brooklyn building shows that Passive Houses can have apartments too

Although the term “Passive House” might seem to refer to single family homes, these concepts can be applied to all kinds of buildings.


Two dead because trucks don't have side guards and cyclists apparently can't stay upright

In Brooklyn and Toronto, the same story: "accidents" where cyclists somehow lose control, fall under rear wheels.


Yes, your kid can eat snow

It's safe as long as you teach them some basic guidelines.


The CrossOver can transform any workspace into a standing desk

This beautiful product, made in the U.S. from sustainable and recycled materials, is my smartest office purchase to date.


You can hang your chair on the wall if it's an Ollie

Here is a clever new design that unfurls with a flourish and retracts with a simple pull of a string.


9 Easy Recipes for Small-Batch Fruit and Vegetable Canning and Preserving

Fruits and vegetables last all winter with jams, fruit butter, marmalades, and pickled vegetables from new cookbook Home Canning by Janet Cooper.


A look at this year's Carbuncle Cup candidates

It's all a facade, as architects compete to see who can design the ugliest exterior.


"Steam Canoe" winter station made from a new technology, Press Laminated Timber

The OCADU project won a Wood Works! award and will probably win a lot more to come.


Enchanting off-grid floating home can be yours for $210K

This inviting, one-bedroom canal boat is in the 600-square-foot range and has all the comforts of home.


Can bribes save the rainforest?

A popular solution for deforestation has been to offer locals payments for NOT cutting down trees. But does this system actually work?


Vital Mangroves On The Edge Of Extinction Thanks to All-You-Can-Eat Shrimp (Book Review)

Mangroves are a special ecosystem. Found all over the world, they thrive in the in-between zones of land and sea, and act as nurseries for a vast variety of animals, grocery stores for humans, a buffer between homes


Can One Person Really Make a Difference?

The planet is facing some major problems. Just how much impact can a single person's actions have?


In defense of libraries -- and why Amazon can never compare

An economics professor suggested we replace libraries with Amazon bookstores "to save taxpayers money" and the Internet went wild, with good reason.


Can Cross-Laminated Timber save the world?

Anthony Thistleton makes a persuasive case in a new book, 100 Projects UK CLT.


Dog hair can be turned into wool for knitting

'Knit Your Dog' is an Illinois-based business that will take your dog's excess hair and transform it into cozy clothes and accessories.


Insect-based dog food cuts canine carbon

And it's available now across the UK.


Americans still love libraries

Libraries were the 'most common cultural activity' for many Americans last year.


Social distancing doesn’t mean we can’t stick together

A lesson in coexistence.


Americans continue to battle food waste

A small survey by Bosch shows that U.S. homeowners feel guilty about wasting food, but need to change their habits.


Flying With Canopy in The Costa Rican Rainforest (Photos + Video)

Although activities that mess with local ecosystems to let humans experience nature usually seem intrusive, looking at the canopy face to face while slowly traveling in an aerial tram in the Costa Rican rainforest is a fairly


This is what it looks like when 35,000 walrus can’t find enough sea ice

Tens of thousands of walrus haul out on Alaska’s shore.


NASA launching a new ice monitoring tool that can identify changes the width of a pencil

The laser-outfitted satellite will be able to pick up shifts in the ice on a very small scale.


The EPA doesn't want Americans to know how dangerous Teflon chemicals are

The agency tried to suppress a major toxicology report on perfluoroalkyl chemicals, but now it's been quietly released online -- with alarming conclusions.


Flushing water pipes can increase lead exposure

Is your child's school flushing water pipes to reduce lead exposures? Do you flush at home? Then you should read this to learn a better solution to lead exposure risks.


A closer look at Telus Sky: Can an all-glass tower really be considered green?

The building is handsome and sexy, just like Bjarke. But this is Calgary, and you need a warm jacket in winter.


TransCanada to pipe tar sands crude to Eastern Canada. What does this mean for Keystone XL?

TransCanada announced today that they are moving forward with their so-called Energy East Pipeline project, which will bring crude oil from Western Canada to refineries and export terminals in Eastern Canada.


How to dress for bicycling in Canada: In body armour

In a world where we are supposed to make it easier for people to get on bikes, some are determined to scare everybody off them.


In "Canada's Texas": after 44 years, Alberta's Conservative government falls, "Socialist" NDP wins majority

This is a truly seismic change, and may mean some big changes in the oil sands and pipeline debates.


Canada's New Democratic Party may take a LEAP into a green future

It's controversial and probably cost the party leader his job, but there is much to like in it.


A guide to hot springs in the Canadian Rockies

You've probably heard of the Banff Hot Springs, but what about Miette and Radium? These are worth a visit!


Controversial Energy East oil pipeline cancelled

It's that seventies show all over again as a Trudeau gets blamed but it's not his fault; it's simple economics.