
Biofuels Cannot Be Called Sustainable in UK Advert: Board Upholds George Monbiot's Complaint

The debate over the true ecological sustainability of biofuels, the effects on global food prices, and their oft-heard claims of carbon-neutrality has been played out on TreeHugger in great detail. Adding a new


Monbiot: Canada's Image in Tatters

Since the Viet Nam war, Canadians (and some Americans) have been sewing Canadian flag patches on their backpacks when they travel to distinguish themselves from their neighbours. But they will be ripping them off soon, as the country becomes an


8 helpful apps for hurricanes

From tracking and data to emergency walkie-talkie capabilities and where to find gas, these apps can help weather the storm.


Can you unplug for 24 hours? Join National Day of Unplugging 2018 at sundown tonight

In our hyperconnected and always-on culture, stepping away from our gadgets for one day can be a move in the right direction for slowing down and connecting with people, not screens.


Now you can buy "Alexa-enabled smart homes"

But is this really a good idea? Maybe it is better to get up and flick a light switch instead of asking Alexa.


Reconfigurable canopy uses drones to move its modules around (Video)

This example of programmable architecture uses lightweight materials and drones to help it adapt to environmental changes.


A New "Lost Generation" Cycles Across Scandinavia To Understand North America

Toronto, a city rated as one of the most livable in the world by The


Cycling Across Scandinavia: Gothenburg to Boras, Sweden Doesn't Strip

Sarah and I have spent the better


Cycling Across Scandinavia: Rudolf Steiner Found, Thanks to James Turell

Leaving Boras takes us past a


Cycling Across Scandinavia: Stockholm's Vision for Urban Life

We are at the end of our LostGen2 quest for the world's best city


'NaturePlay' film reveals Scandinavia's amazing nature-based education system

This new award-winning documentary reveals the stark contrasts between America's obsession with standardized tests, at the cost of everything else, and Scandinavia's embrace of all things nature-based. It's clear which is the more successful approach.


'There's No Such Thing as Bad Weather' is a Scandinavian mom's guide to raising kids

Written by one of my favorite bloggers, this new book will inspire and guide readers to instill a love for nature in their children.


How an energy-efficient house can become a big wind-powered battery

There's more than one way to kill a duck curve.


Scotland introduces 20p deposit on all cans and bottles

Every country everywhere should be doing this.


This solar hydropanel can pull 10 liters of drinking water per day out of the air

SOURCE is a solar-powered and self-contained device capable of harvesting up to 10 liters of clean drinking water per day from the air.


How Better Conservation Measures Can Help Reduce Poverty

A landmark report released by The Nature Conservancy has demonstrated that effective conservation measures - far from simply benefiting the local biota - can also help alleviate poverty. The study, co-authored by Nature Conservancy policy advisor


Greening the Ways We Get Around: Why Attitudes Can Be As Important As Infrastructure

In the latest example of how tough life can be for would-be women cyclists around the world, the new police chief of the Iranian city of Esfahan has decreed it a crime for women to ride a bike


MECCANO: Not just for kids anymore. Now you can furnish your home with it.

There is a whole new line of furniture that you can build, just like the toy.


Plús Hús is a Scandinavian inspired, 320 sq. ft. flat packed prefab home

Made right in downtown Los Angeles, this prefab unit is made with an innovative recyclable and recycled panel system.


Greenpeace releases the Canned Tuna Shopping Guide for 2015

Learn which brands should be avoided and which are making a sincere effort to provide ocean-safe options, then vote with your wallet.


Canned tuna is synonymous with abuse and unsustainable fishing practices

Greenpeace has turned the global spotlight on Thai Union, the world's largest canned tuna producer and maker of Chicken of the Sea, for its horrific track record. Learn why you should boycott and what you can do to help.


How toxic is your new raincoat? Greenpeace can tell you

Greenpeace has taken some of the most popular outdoor gear to a lab in order to measure concentration of PFCs. What it found is disturbing.


Can being outside help treat ADHD?

Nature has a treatment, and it doesn't come in a bottle.


Can soda taxes reduce kids' consumption of sugary drinks?

U.S. doctors believes it's a serious public health concern that requires drastic action.


How modern, minimalist design (and washing your hands) can fight disease

The modern movement started as a way of dealing with tuberculosis. The same rules apply today.


Naomi Klein's 'Leap Manifesto' calls on the Canadian government to divest from fossil fuels

Klein, author of 'This Changes Everything,' launched the Leap Manifesto at the Toronto International Film Festival. Read and sign it here to join the call for a more sustainable and equitable future.


Here's how 'night owls' can reset their sleep clocks

Over 3 weeks, researchers trained night owls to reset their sleep patterns; the results are pretty remarkable.


The 'Hurry Slowly' podcast can help you do more by slowing down

Hosted by Jocelyn K. Glei, these wonderful interviews boost productivity, creativity, and resilience in surprising ways.


On Canada's Birthday, a call for a Union of Climate Action

Those crazy radicals at 475 demand High Performance Building across the Dominion.


Potatoes can make you a better athlete

But you might get a bit gassy.


What kind of milk can I drink without feeling guilty?

Welcome to my personal dairy dilemma and the weird, convoluted thoughts that keep me up at night.


Follow the eye candy even if you cannot be at eCarTec

If you cannot be live in Munich for eCarTec, check out the photo updates on their facebook page


For $19 you can kill a wolf in Montana

After nearly being hunted to extinction, wolf populations in the United States have recovered enough that hunting wolves is allowed to control their numbers. But are we moving too fast?


Canada's first tiny house festival debuts as part of planned tiny housing development

We visited Canada's first tiny house festival to find out more about this newly declared eco-residential development in Quebec for homes under 1,000 square feet in size.


Canadian grocer to allow reusable containers for meat, seafood, deli

Starting next week, shoppers at Metro stores in Quebec can go zero waste more easily than ever.


This high-tech, grow-it-yourself medical cannabis kit is as easy as using an app

Seedo, creators of automated consumer grow labs, will shortly plant a seed in the U.S. medical marijuana market.


16th-century text shows ginkgo seeds can fight skin infections

Inspired by a centuries-old text on traditional Chinese medicine, a young researcher has found that seeds from the gingko tree could prove helpful for acne, psoriasis, dermatitis and eczema.


The very surprising way common insomnia drugs can be fatal

The FDA has announced new (and stronger) warning requirements for certain prescription insomnia medications. Here's why.


Why are they flooding the Grand Canyon?

The U.S. Department of the Interior has taken to releasing massive amounts of the Colorado River from dams, here's why.


What Our Sugar & Ethanol Habits Are Doing to Central American Workers

Kidney failure is killing sugarcane workers in Central America who supply sugar for both our sweet tooth and demand for ethanol.


Do you eat for health or environmental sustainability? The Double Pyramid says you can do both

The Double Pyramid is an innovative way of portraying how the ecological footprints of our food compare to their nutritional value.


You can't be an environmentalist if...

So you want to save the world, do you? Let's get one thing straight.


Bitcoin mining is using as much power as 5,699,560 American households.

It creates as much CO2 as a million transatlantic flights. Why isn't this a bigger deal?


Coworking is a great idea, but can WeWork survive?

Sharing resources and renting just what you need is green, but not much of a business model.


Drones help to predict volcanic eruptions

Drones can continually monitor active volcanoes to help with advanced warnings of eruptions.


Can You Spot TreeHugger in this Google 'Search Story' About Solar Power in Michigan? (Video)

Don't Blink or You'll Miss It! Google has created a series of video ads called "Search Stories". They're basically short vignettes showing some cool projects that were made possible by people finding the right information (using Google, of course). The


Republican Presidential Hopefuls Out Of Step With Their Religions On Climate Change

Here at TreeHugger we've long documented how every major religious group has come out supporting strong action on climate change, so the following irony, pointed out by Climate Progress shouldn't come as a shock: Even


African inventor makes 3D printer with... E-waste

Kodjo Afate Gnikou is a 33 years old inventor from Togo, in West Africa. Using mostly e-waste that he found in a scrap yard, he built a functioning 3D printer that he calls W.AFATE.


Fungi can recycle your smartphone battery

The best way to extract all of those valuable metals in old electronics may be to grow some fungus.


Trudeau says Canada will ban single-use plastics as early as 2021

The prime minister also mentioned holding companies responsible for the packaging waste they create.