
Linking Human Milk Oligosaccharides, Infant Fecal Community Types, and Later Risk To Require Antibiotics


Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) may provide health benefits to infants partly by shaping the development of the early-life intestinal microbiota. In a randomized double-blinded controlled multicentric clinical trial, healthy term infants received either infant formula (control) or the same formula with two HMOs (2'-fucosyllactose and lacto-N-neotetraose; test) from enrollment (0 to 14 days) to 6 months. Then, all infants received the same follow-up formula without HMOs until 12 months of age. Breastfed infants (BF) served as a reference group. Stool microbiota at 3 and 12 months, analyzed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, clustered into seven fecal community types (FCTs) with marked differences in total microbial abundances. Three of the four 12-month FCTs were likely precursors of the adult enterotypes. At 3 months, microbiota composition in the test group (n = 58) appeared closer to that of BF (n = 35) than control (n = 63) by microbiota alpha (within group) and beta (between groups) diversity analyses and distribution of FCTs. While bifidobacteriaceae dominated two FCTs, its abundance was significantly higher in one (FCT BiH for Bifidobacteriaceae at high abundance) than in the other (FCT Bi for Bifidobacteriaceae). HMO supplementation increased the number of infants with FCT BiH (predominant in BF) at the expense of FCT Bi (predominant in control). We explored the association of the FCTs with reported morbidities and medication use up to 12 months. Formula-fed infants with FCT BiH at 3 months were significantly less likely to require antibiotics during the first year than those with FCT Bi. Previously reported lower rates of infection-related medication use with HMOs may therefore be linked to gut microbiota community types. (This study has been registered at ClinicalTrials.gov under registration number NCT01715246.)

IMPORTANCE Human milk is the sole and recommended nutrition for the newborn infant and contains one of the largest constituents of diverse oligosaccharides, dubbed human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). Preclinical and clinical association studies indicate that HMOs have multiple physiological functions largely mediated through the establishment of the gut microbiome. Until recently, HMOs were not available to investigate their role in randomized controlled intervention trials. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the effects of 2 HMOs on establishing microbiota in newborn infants. We provide a detailed description of the microbiota changes observed upon feeding a formula with 2 HMOs in comparison to breastfed reference infants' microbiota. Then, we associate the microbiota to long-term health as assessed by prescribed antibiotic use.


Magnaporthe oryzae Auxiliary Activity Protein MoAa91 Functions as Chitin-Binding Protein To Induce Appressorium Formation on Artificial Inductive Surfaces and Suppress Plant Immunity


The appressoria that are generated by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae in response to surface cues are important for successful colonization. Previous work showed that regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) and RGS-like proteins play critical roles in appressorium formation. However, the mechanisms by which these proteins orchestrate surface recognition for appressorium induction remain unclear. Here, we performed comparative transcriptomic studies of Morgs mutant and wild-type strains and found that M. oryzae Aa91 (MoAa91), a homolog of the auxiliary activity family 9 protein (Aa9), was required for surface recognition of M. oryzae. We found that MoAA91 was regulated by the MoMsn2 transcription factor and that its disruption resulted in defects in both appressorium formation on the artificial inductive surface and full virulence of the pathogen. We further showed that MoAa91 was secreted into the apoplast space and was capable of competing with the immune receptor chitin elicitor-binding protein precursor (CEBiP) for chitin binding, thereby suppressing chitin-induced plant immune responses. In summary, we have found that MoAa91 is a novel signaling molecule regulated by RGS and RGS-like proteins and that MoAa91 not only governs appressorium development and virulence but also functions as an effector to suppress host immunity.

IMPORTANCE The rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae generates infection structure appressoria in response to surface cues largely due to functions of signaling molecules, including G-proteins, regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS), mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathways, cAMP signaling, and TOR signaling pathways. M. oryzae encodes eight RGS and RGS-like proteins (MoRgs1 to MoRgs8), and MoRgs1, MoRgs3, MoRgs4, and MoRgs7 were found to be particularly important in appressorium development. To explore the mechanisms by which these proteins regulate appressorium development, we have performed a comparative in planta transcriptomic study and identified an auxiliary activity family 9 protein (Aa9) homolog that we named MoAa91. We showed that MoAa91 was secreted from appressoria and that the recombinant MoAa91 could compete with a chitin elicitor-binding protein precursor (CEBiP) for chitin binding, thereby suppressing chitin-induced plant immunity. By identifying MoAa91 as a novel signaling molecule functioning in appressorium development and an effector in suppressing host immunity, our studies revealed a novel mechanism by which RGS and RGS-like proteins regulate pathogen-host interactions.


Prokaryotic and Viral Community Composition of Freshwater Springs in Florida, USA


Aquifers, which are essential underground freshwater reservoirs worldwide, are understudied ecosystems that harbor diverse forms of microbial life. This study investigated the abundance and composition of prokaryotic and viral communities in the outflow of five springs across northern Florida, USA, as a proxy of microbial communities found in one of the most productive aquifers in the world, the Floridan aquifer. The average abundances of virus-like particles and prokaryotic cells were slightly lower than those reported from other groundwater systems, ranging from 9.6 x 103 ml–1 to 1.1 x 105 ml–1 and 2.2 x 103 ml–1 to 3.4 x 104 ml–1, respectively. Despite all of the springs being fed by the Floridan aquifer, sequencing of 16S rRNA genes and viral metagenomes (viromes) revealed unique communities in each spring, suggesting that groundwater microbial communities are influenced by land usage in recharge zones. The prokaryotic communities were dominated by Bacteria, and though the most abundant phyla (Proteobacteria, Cyanobacteria, and Bacteroidetes) were found in relatively high abundance across springs, variation was seen at finer taxonomic resolution. The viral sequences were most similar to those described from other aquatic environments. Sequencing resulted in the completion of 58 novel viral genomes representing members of the order Caudovirales as well as prokaryotic and eukaryotic single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) viruses. Sequences similar to those of ssDNA viruses were detected at all spring sites and dominated the identifiable sequences at one spring site, showing that these small viruses merit further investigation in groundwater systems.

IMPORTANCE Aquifer systems may hold up to 40% of the total microbial biomass on Earth. However, little is known about the composition of microbial communities within these critical freshwater ecosystems. Here, we took advantage of Florida’s first-magnitude springs (the highest spring classification based on water discharge), each discharging at least 246 million liters of water each day from the Floridan aquifer system (FAS), to investigate prokaryotic and viral communities from the aquifer. The FAS serves as a major source of potable water in the Southeastern United States, providing water for large cities and citizens in three states. Unfortunately, the health of the FAS and its associated springs has declined in the past few decades due to nutrient loading, increased urbanization and agricultural activity in aquifer recharge zones, and saltwater intrusion. This is the first study to describe the prokaryotic and viral communities in Florida’s first-magnitude springs, providing a baseline against which to compare future ecosystem change.


The BIR2/BIR3-Associated Phospholipase D{gamma}1 Negatively Regulates Plant Immunity

Plants have evolved effective strategies to defend themselves against pathogen invasion. Starting from the plasma membrane with the recognition of microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) via pattern recognition receptors, internal cellular signaling pathways are induced to ultimately fend off the attack. Phospholipase D (PLD) hydrolyzes membrane phospholipids to produce phosphatidic acid (PA), which has been proposed to play a second messenger role in immunity. The Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) PLD family consists of 12 members, and for some of these, a specific function in resistance toward a subset of pathogens has been shown. We demonstrate here that Arabidopsis PLD1, but not its close homologs PLD2 and PLD3, is specifically involved in plant immunity. Genetic inactivation of PLD1 resulted in increased resistance toward the virulent bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. As pld1 mutant plants responded with elevated levels of reactive oxygen species to MAMP treatment, a negative regulatory function for this PLD isoform is proposed. Importantly, PA levels in pld1 mutants were not affected compared to stressed wild-type plants, suggesting that alterations in PA levels are not likely the cause for the enhanced immunity in the pld1 line. Instead, the plasma-membrane-attached PLD1 protein colocalized and associated with the BAK1-INTERACTING RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASES BIR2 and BIR3, which are known negative regulators of pattern-triggered immunity. Moreover, complex formation of PLD1 and BIR2 was further promoted upon MAMP treatment. Hence, we propose that PLD1 acts as a negative regulator of plant immune responses in complex with immunity-related proteins BIR2 and BIR3.


A Novel Role for a Phospholipase D in Plant Immunity


MtSSPdb: A New Database for the Small Secreted Peptide Research Community


EPSIN1 Contributes to Plant Immunity by Modulating the Abundance of Pattern Recognition Receptors at the Plasma Membrane


Bronchopulmonary dysplasia: a crime of opportunity?

First described in 1967, one of the most vexing problems in the care of preterm infants continues to be bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD). The clinical presentation and pathological changes associated with BPD, also referred to as chronic lung disease of prematurity, have changed substantially since that initial description by Northway et al. [1]. The condition described in that seminal report, characterised by marked respiratory distress associated with pulmonary oedema due to shunting across the patent ductus arteriosus, was also specific to preterm infants that had received high inspired oxygen concentrations for at least a week.


Therapeutic drug monitoring using saliva as matrix: an opportunity for linezolid, but challenge for moxifloxacin

The World Health Organization (WHO) has listed moxifloxacin and linezolid among the preferred "group A" drugs in the treatment of multidrug-resistant (MDR)-tuberculosis (TB) [1]. Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) could potentially optimise MDR-TB therapy, since moxifloxacin and linezolid show large pharmacokinetic variability [1–4]. TDM of moxifloxacin focuses on identifying patients with low drug exposure who are at risk of treatment failure and acquired fluoroquinolone resistance [5, 6]. Alternatively, TDM of linezolid strives to reduce toxicity while ensuring an adequate drug exposure because of its narrow therapeutic index [1, 3, 7].


Serotonin (5-HT) Shapes the Macrophage Gene Profile through the 5-HT2B-Dependent Activation of the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]

Key Points

  • 5-HT2B agonists stimulate AhR transcriptional activation in human macrophages.

  • Serotonin-induced expression of AhR target genes is 5-HT2B dependent in macrophages.


    Development of IFN-Stimulated Gene Expression from Embryogenesis through Adulthood, with and without Constitutive MDA5 Pathway Activation [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]

    Key Points

  • The augmented ISG profile of RdRP mice develops largely postnatally.

  • Elevated ISG expression is then maintained through adulthood.

  • The ISG signature in adults requires persistent type I IFN signaling.


    Apolipoprotein E Triggers Complement Activation in Joint Synovial Fluid of Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients by Binding C1q [INNATE IMMUNITY AND INFLAMMATION]

    Key Points

  • ApoE was found in complex with C4d in RA patient SF.

  • Deposited ApoE activates complement whereas ApoE in solution is inhibitory.

  • Posttranslational modifications alter ApoE's capacity to bind FH and C4BP.


    Serine Phosphorylation of the STAT1 Transactivation Domain Promotes Autoreactive B Cell and Systemic Autoimmunity Development [AUTOIMMUNITY]

    Key Points

  • STAT1-pS727 is required for SLE-associated AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses.

  • STAT1-pS727 in B cells promotes autoimmune AFC, GC, and autoantibody responses.

  • STAT1-pS727 is not required for foreign Ag– or gut microbiota–driven responses.


    Complement Deficiencies Result in Surrogate Pathways of Complement Activation in Novel Polygenic Lupus-like Models of Kidney Injury [AUTOIMMUNITY]

    Key Points

  • Novel TM lupus mouse strains develop spontaneous nephritis.

  • In C1q deficiency, kidney complement activation likely occurred via the LP.

  • In C3 deficiency, coagulation cascade contributed to kidney complement activation.


    The Factor H-Binding Site of CspZ as a Protective Target against Multistrain, Tick-Transmitted Lyme Disease [Microbial Immunity and Vaccines]

    The spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato is the causative agent of Lyme disease (LD). The spirochetes produce the CspZ protein that binds to a complement regulator, factor H (FH). Such binding downregulates activation of host complement to facilitate spirochete evasion of complement killing. However, vaccination with CspZ does not protect against LD infection. In this study, we demonstrated that immunization with CspZ-YA, a CspZ mutant protein with no FH-binding activity, protected mice from infection by several spirochete genotypes introduced via tick feeding. We found that the sera from CspZ-YA-vaccinated mice more efficiently eliminated spirochetes and blocked CspZ FH-binding activity than sera from CspZ-immunized mice. We also found that vaccination with CspZ, but not CspZ-YA, triggered the production of anti-FH antibodies, justifying CspZ-YA as an LD vaccine candidate. The mechanistic and efficacy information derived from this study provides insights into the development of a CspZ-based LD vaccine.


    Induction of Protective Antiplague Immune Responses by Self-Adjuvanting Bionanoparticles Derived from Engineered Yersinia pestis [Microbial Immunity and Vaccines]

    A Yersinia pestis mutant synthesizing an adjuvant form of lipid A (monophosphoryl lipid A, MPLA) displayed increased biogenesis of bacterial outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). To enhance the immunogenicity of the OMVs, we constructed an Asd-based balanced-lethal host-vector system that oversynthesized the LcrV antigen of Y. pestis, raised the amounts of LcrV enclosed in OMVs by the type II secretion system, and eliminated harmful factors like plasminogen activator (Pla) and murine toxin from the OMVs. Vaccination with OMVs containing MPLA and increased amounts of LcrV with diminished toxicity afforded complete protection in mice against subcutaneous challenge with 8 x 105 CFU (80,000 50% lethal dose [LD50]) and intranasal challenge with 5 x 103 CFU (50 LD50) of virulent Y. pestis. This protection was significantly superior to that resulting from vaccination with LcrV/alhydrogel or rF1-V/alhydrogel. At week 4 postimmunization, the OMV-immunized mice showed more robust titers of antibodies against LcrV, Y. pestis whole-cell lysate (YPL), and F1 antigen and more balanced IgG1:IgG2a/IgG2b-derived Th1 and Th2 responses than LcrV-immunized mice. Moreover, potent adaptive and innate immune responses were stimulated in the OMV-immunized mice. Our findings demonstrate that self-adjuvanting Y. pestis OMVs provide a novel plague vaccine candidate and that the rational design of OMVs could serve as a robust approach for vaccine development.


    B Cells Inhibit CD4+ T Cell-Mediated Immunity to Brucella Infection in a Major Histocompatibility Complex Class II-Dependent Manner [Microbial Immunity and Vaccines]

    Brucella spp. are facultative intracellular bacteria notorious for their ability to induce a chronic, and often lifelong, infection known as brucellosis. To date, no licensed vaccine exists for prevention of human disease, and mechanisms underlying chronic illness and immune evasion remain elusive. We and others have observed that B cell-deficient mice challenged with Brucella display reduced bacterial burden following infection, but the underlying mechanism has not been clearly defined. Here, we show that at 1 month postinfection, B cell deficiency alone enhanced resistance to splenic infection ~100-fold; however, combined B and T cell deficiency did not impact bacterial burden, indicating that B cells only enhance susceptibility to infection when T cells are present. Therefore, we investigated whether B cells inhibit T cell-mediated protection against Brucella. Using B and T cell-deficient Rag1–/– animals as recipients, we demonstrate that adoptive transfer of CD4+ T cells alone confers marked protection against Brucella melitensis that is abrogated by cotransfer of B cells. Interestingly, depletion of CD4+ T cells from B cell-deficient, but not wild-type, mice enhanced susceptibility to infection, further confirming that CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity against Brucella is inhibited by B cells. In addition, we found that the ability of B cells to suppress CD4+ T cell-mediated immunity and modulate CD4+ T cell effector responses during infection was major histocompatibility complex class II (MHCII)-dependent. Collectively, these findings indicate that B cells modulate CD4+ T cell function through an MHCII-dependent mechanism which enhances susceptibility to Brucella infection.


    Putative {beta}-Barrel Outer Membrane Proteins of the Bovine Digital Dermatitis-Associated Treponemes: Identification, Functional Characterization, and Immunogenicity [Microbial Immunity and Vaccines]

    Bovine digital dermatitis (BDD), an infectious disease of the bovine foot with a predominant treponemal etiology, is a leading cause of lameness in dairy and beef herds worldwide. BDD is poorly responsive to antimicrobial therapy and exhibits a relapsing clinical course; an effective vaccine is therefore urgently sought. Using a reverse vaccinology approach, the present study surveyed the genomes of the three BDD-associated Treponema phylogroups for putative β-barrel outer membrane proteins and considered their potential as vaccine candidates. Selection criteria included the presence of a signal peptidase I cleavage site, a predicted β-barrel fold, and cross-phylogroup homology. Four candidate genes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3), refolded, and purified. Consistent with their classification as β-barrel OMPs, circular-dichroism spectroscopy revealed the adoption of a predominantly β-sheet secondary structure. These recombinant proteins, when screened for their ability to adhere to immobilized extracellular matrix (ECM) components, exhibited a diverse range of ligand specificities. All four proteins specifically and dose dependently adhered to bovine fibrinogen. One recombinant protein was identified as a candidate diagnostic antigen (disease specificity, 75%). Finally, when adjuvanted with aluminum hydroxide and administered to BDD-naive calves using a prime-boost vaccination protocol, these proteins were immunogenic, eliciting specific IgG antibodies. In summary, we present the description of four putative treponemal β-barrel OMPs that exhibit the characteristics of multispecific adhesins. The observed interactions with fibrinogen may be critical to host colonization and it is hypothesized that vaccination-induced antibody blockade of these interactions will impede treponemal virulence and thus be of therapeutic value.


    Differential Outcomes following Optimization of Simian-Human Immunodeficiency Viruses from Clades AE, B, and C [Pathogenesis and Immunity]

    Simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) infection of rhesus monkeys is an important preclinical model for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) vaccines, therapeutics, and cure strategies. SHIVs have been optimized by incorporating HIV-1 Env residue 375 mutations that mimic the bulky or hydrophobic residues typically found in simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Env to improve rhesus CD4 binding. We applied this strategy to three SHIV challenge stocks (SHIV-SF162p3, SHIV-AE16, and SHIV-325c) and observed three distinct outcomes. We constructed six Env375 variants (M, H, W, Y, F, and S) for each SHIV, and we performed a pool competition study in rhesus monkeys to define the optimal variant for each SHIV prior to generating large-scale challenge stocks. We identified SHIV-SF162p3S/wild type, SHIV-AE16W, and SHIV-325cH as the optimal variants. SHIV-SF162p3S could not be improved, as it already contained the optimal Env375 residue. SHIV-AE16W exhibited a similar replicative capacity to the parental SHIV-AE16 stock. In contrast, SHIV-325cH demonstrated a 2.6-log higher peak and 1.6-log higher setpoint viral loads than the parental SHIV-325c stock. These data demonstrate the diversity of potential outcomes following Env375 modification in SHIVs. Moreover, the clade C SHIV-325cH challenge stock may prove useful for evaluating prophylactic or therapeutic interventions against clade C HIV-1.

    IMPORTANCE We sought to enhance the infectivity of three SHIV stocks by optimization of a key residue in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Env (Env375). We developed the following three new simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) stocks: SHIV-SF162p3S/wild type, SHIV-AE16W, and SHIV-325cH. SHIV-SF162p3S could not be optimized, SHIV-AE16W proved comparable to the parental virus, and SHIV-325cH demonstrated markedly enhanced replicative capacity compared with the parental virus.


    The Microbiota Contributes to the Control of Highly Pathogenic H5N9 Influenza Virus Replication in Ducks [Pathogenesis and Immunity]

    Ducks usually show little or no clinical signs following highly pathogenic avian influenza virus infection. In order to analyze whether the microbiota could contribute to the control of influenza virus replication in ducks, we used a broad-spectrum oral antibiotic treatment to deplete the microbiota before infection with a highly pathogenic H5N9 avian influenza virus. Antibiotic-treated ducks and nontreated control ducks did not show any clinical signs following H5N9 virus infection. We did not detect any significant difference in virus titers neither in the respiratory tract nor in the brain nor spleen. However, we found that antibiotic-treated H5N9 virus-infected ducks had significantly increased intestinal virus excretion at days 3 and 5 postinfection. This was associated with a significantly decreased antiviral immune response in the intestine of antibiotic-treated ducks. Our findings highlight the importance of an intact microbiota for an efficient control of avian influenza virus replication in ducks.

    IMPORTANCE Ducks are frequently infected with avian influenza viruses belonging to multiple subtypes. They represent an important reservoir species of avian influenza viruses, which can occasionally be transmitted to other bird species or mammals, including humans. Ducks thus have a central role in the epidemiology of influenza virus infection. Importantly, ducks usually show little or no clinical signs even following infection with a highly pathogenic avian influenza virus. We provide evidence that the microbiota contributes to the control of influenza virus replication in ducks by modulating the antiviral immune response. Ducks are able to control influenza virus replication more efficiently when they have an intact intestinal microbiota. Therefore, maintaining a healthy microbiota by limiting perturbations to its composition should contribute to the prevention of avian influenza virus spread from the duck reservoir.


    Priming of Antiviral CD8 T Cells without Effector Function by a Persistently Replicating Hepatitis C-Like Virus [Pathogenesis and Immunity]

    Immune-competent animal models for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) are nonexistent, impeding studies of host-virus interactions and vaccine development. Experimental infection of laboratory rats with a rodent hepacivirus isolated from Rattus norvegicus (RHV) is a promising surrogate model due to its recapitulation of HCV-like chronicity. However, several aspects of rat RHV infection remain unclear, for instance, how RHV evades host adaptive immunity to establish persistent infection. Here, we analyzed the induction, differentiation, and functionality of RHV-specific CD8 T cell responses that are essential for protection against viral persistence. Virus-specific CD8 T cells targeting dominant and subdominant major histocompatibility complex class I epitopes proliferated considerably in liver after RHV infection. These populations endured long term yet never acquired antiviral effector functions or selected for viral escape mutations. This was accompanied by the persistent upregulation of programmed cell death-1 and absent memory cell formation, consistent with a dysfunctional phenotype. Remarkably, transient suppression of RHV viremia with a direct-acting antiviral led to the priming of CD8 T cells with partial effector function, driving the selection of a viral escape variant. These data demonstrate an intrinsic abnormality within CD8 T cells primed by rat RHV infection, an effect that is governed at least partially by the magnitude of early virus replication. Thus, this model could be useful in investigating mechanisms of CD8 T cell subversion, leading to the persistence of hepatotropic pathogens such as HCV.

    IMPORTANCE Development of vaccines against hepatitis C virus (HCV), a major cause of cirrhosis and cancer, has been stymied by a lack of animal models. The recent discovery of an HCV-like rodent hepacivirus (RHV) enabled the development of such a model in rats. This platform recapitulates HCV hepatotropism and viral chronicity necessary for vaccine testing. Currently, there are few descriptions of RHV-specific responses and why they fail to prevent persistent infection in this model. Here, we show that RHV-specific CD8 T cells, while induced early at high magnitude, do not develop into functional effectors capable of controlling virus. This defect was partially alleviated by short-term treatment with an HCV antiviral. Thus, like HCV, RHV triggers dysfunction of virus-specific CD8 T cells that are vital for infection resolution. Additional study of this evasion strategy and how to mitigate it could enhance our understanding of hepatotropic viral infections and lead to improved vaccines and therapeutics.


    NF-{kappa}B and Keap1 Interaction Represses Nrf2-Mediated Antioxidant Response in Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Infection [Pathogenesis and Immunity]

    The rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV), which belongs to the family Caliciviridae and the genus Lagovirus, causes lethal fulminant hepatitis in rabbits. RHDV decreases the activity of antioxidant enzymes regulated by Nrf2 in the liver. Antioxidants are important for the maintenance of cellular integrity and cytoprotection. However, the mechanism underlying the regulation of the Nrf2-antioxidant response element (ARE) signaling pathway by RHDV remains unclear. Using isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) technology, the current study demonstrated that RHDV inhibits the induction of ARE-regulated genes and increases the expression of the p50 subunit of the NF-B transcription factor. We showed that RHDV replication causes a remarkable increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS), which is simultaneously accompanied by a significant decrease in Nrf2. It was found that nuclear translocation of Keap1 plays a key role in the nuclear export of Nrf2, leading to the inhibition of Nrf2 transcriptional activity. The p50 protein partners with Keap1 to form the Keap1-p50/p65 complex, which is involved in the nuclear translocation of Keap1. Moreover, upregulation of Nrf2 protein levels in liver cell nuclei by tert-butylhydroquinone (tBHQ) delayed rabbit deaths due to RHDV infection. Considered together, our findings suggest that RHDV inhibits the Nrf2-dependent antioxidant response via nuclear translocation of Keap1-NF-B complex and nuclear export of Nrf2 and provide new insight into the importance of oxidative stress during RHDV infection.

    IMPORTANCE Recent studies have reported that rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) infection reduced Nrf2-related antioxidant function. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying this process remain unclear. The current study showed that the NF-B p50 subunit partners with Keap1 to form the Keap1-NF-B complex, which plays a key role in the inhibition of Nrf2 transcriptional activity. More importantly, upregulated Nrf2 activity delayed the death of RHDV-infected rabbits, strongly indicating the importance of oxidative damage during RHDV infection. These findings may provide novel insights into the pathogenesis of RHDV.


    Alkaline guts contribute to immunity during exposure to acidified seawater in the sea urchin larva [RESEARCH ARTICLE]

    Meike Stumpp, Inga Petersen, Femke Thoben, Jia-Jiun Yan, Matthias Leippe, and Marian Y. Hu

    Larval stages of the abulacraria superphylum including echinoderms and hemichordates have highly alkaline midguts. To date the reason for the evolution of such extreme pH conditions in the gut of these organisms remains unknown. Here, we test the hypothesis that analogous to the acidic stomachs of vertebrates, these alkaline conditions may represent a first defensive barrier to protect from environmental pathogens.

    pH-optimum curves for five different species of marine bacteria demonstrated a rapid decrease in proliferation rates by 50-60% between pH 8.5 and 9.5. Using the marine bacterium Vibrio diazotrophicus which elicits a coordinated immune response in the sea urchin larva of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, we studied the physiological responses of the midgut pH regulatory machinery to this pathogen. Gastroscopic microelectrode measurements demonstrate a stimulation of midgut alkalization upon infection with V. diazotrophicus accompanied by an upregulation of acid-base transporter transcripts of the midgut. Pharmacological inhibition of midgut alkalization resulted in an increased mortality rate of larvae during Vibrio infection. Reductions in seawater pH resembling ocean acidification (OA) conditions lead to moderate reductions in midgut alkalization. However, these reductions in midgut pH do not affect the immune response and resilience of sea urchin larvae to a Vibrio infection under OA conditions.

    Our study addressed the evolutionary benefits of the alkaline midgut of ambulacraria larval stages. The data indicate that alkaline conditions in the gut may serve as a first defensive barrier against environmental pathogens and that this mechanism can compensate for changes in seawater pH.


    Differentiation of Community-Associated and Livestock-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates and Identification of spa Types by Use of PCR and High-Resolution Melt Curve Analysis [Clinical Veterinary Microbiology]

    Infections due to methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are present worldwide and represent a major public health concern. The capability of PCR followed by high-resolution melt (HRM) curve analysis for the detection of community-associated and livestock-associated MRSA strains and the identification of staphylococcal protein A (spa) locus was evaluated in 74 MRSA samples which were isolated from the environment, humans, and pigs on a single piggery. PCR-HRM curve analysis identified four spa types among MRSA samples and differentiated MRSA strains accordingly. A nonsubjective differentiation model was developed according to genetic confidence percentage values produced by tested samples, which did not require visual interpretation of HRM curve results. The test was carried out at different settings, and result data were reanalyzed and confirmed with DNA sequencing. PCR-HRM curve analysis proved to be a robust and reliable test for spa typing and can be used as a tool in epidemiological studies.


    ProPSMA: A Callout to the Nuclear Medicine Community to Change Practices with Prospective, High-Quality Data


    Mobilising community networks for early identification of tuberculosis and treatment initiation in Cambodia: an evaluation of a seed-and-recruit model

    Background and objectives

    The effects of active case finding (ACF) models that mobilise community networks for early identification and treatment of tuberculosis (TB) remain unknown. We investigated and compared the effect of community-based ACF using a seed-and-recruit model with one-off roving ACF and passive case finding (PCF) on the time to treatment initiation and identification of bacteriologically confirmed TB.


    In this retrospective cohort study conducted in 12 operational districts in Cambodia, we assessed relationships between ACF models and: 1) the time to treatment initiation using Cox proportional hazards regression; and 2) the identification of bacteriologically confirmed TB using modified Poisson regression with robust sandwich variance.


    We included 728 adults with TB, of whom 36% were identified via the community-based ACF using a seed-and-recruit model. We found community-based ACF using a seed-and-recruit model was associated with shorter delay to treatment initiation compared to one-off roving ACF (hazard ratio 0.81, 95% CI 0.68–0.96). Compared to one-off roving ACF and PCF, community-based ACF using a seed-and-recruit model was 45% (prevalence ratio (PR) 1.45, 95% CI 1.19–1.78) and 39% (PR 1.39, 95% CI 0.99–1.94) more likely to find and detect bacteriologically confirmed TB, respectively.


    Mobilising community networks to find TB cases was associated with early initiation of TB treatment in Cambodia. This approach was more likely to find bacteriologically confirmed TB cases, contributing to the reduction of risk of transmission within the community.


    Incidence and Associations of Chronic Kidney Disease in Community Participants With Diabetes: A 5-Year Prospective Analysis of the EXTEND45 Study


    To determine the incidence of and factors associated with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 in people with diabetes.


    We identified people with diabetes in the EXamining ouTcomEs in chroNic Disease in the 45 and Up Study (EXTEND45), a population-based cohort study (2006–2014) that linked the Sax Institute’s 45 and Up Study cohort to community laboratory and administrative data in New South Wales, Australia. The study outcome was the first eGFR measurement <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 recorded during the follow-up period. Participants with eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 at baseline were excluded. We used Poisson regression to estimate the incidence of eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 and multivariable Cox regression to examine factors associated with the study outcome.


    Of 9,313 participants with diabetes, 2,106 (22.6%) developed incident eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 over a median follow-up time of 5.7 years (interquartile range, 3.0–5.9 years). The eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 incidence rate per 100 person-years was 6.0 (95% CI 5.7–6.3) overall, 1.5 (1.3–1.9) in participants aged 45–54 years, 3.7 (3.4–4.0) for 55–64 year olds, 7.6 (7.1–8.1) for 65–74 year olds, 15.0 (13.0–16.0) for 75–84 year olds, and 26.0 (22.0–32.0) for those aged 85 years and over. In a fully adjusted multivariable model incidence was independently associated with age (hazard ratio 1.23 per 5-year increase; 95% CI 1.19–1.26), geography (outer regional and remote versus major city: 1.36; 1.17–1.58), obesity (obese class III versus normal: 1.44; 1.16–1.80), and the presence of hypertension (1.52; 1.33–1.73), coronary heart disease (1.13; 1.02–1.24), cancer (1.30; 1.14–1.50), and depression/anxiety (1.14; 1.01–1.27).


    In participants with diabetes, the incidence of an eGFR <60 mL/min/1.73 m2 was high. Older age, remoteness of residence, and the presence of various comorbid conditions were associated with higher incidence.


    Connecting General Practitioners Through a Peer-Facilitated Community of Practice for Chronic Disease Care [Innovations in Primary Care]


    Intratumoral Delivery of a PD-1-Blocking scFv Encoded in Oncolytic HSV-1 Promotes Antitumor Immunity and Synergizes with TIGIT Blockade

    Oncolytic virotherapy can lead to systemic antitumor immunity, but the therapeutic potential of oncolytic viruses in humans is limited due to their insufficient ability to overcome the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment (TME). Here, we showed that locoregional oncolytic virotherapy upregulated the expression of PD-L1 in the TME, which was mediated by virus-induced type I and type II IFNs. To explore PD-1/PD-L1 signaling as a direct target in tumor tissue, we developed a novel immunotherapeutic herpes simplex virus (HSV), OVH-aMPD-1, that expressed a single-chain variable fragment (scFv) against PD-1 (aMPD-1 scFv). The virus was designed to locally deliver aMPD-1 scFv in the TME to achieve enhanced antitumor effects. This virus effectively modified the TME by releasing damage-associated molecular patterns, promoting antigen cross-presentation by dendritic cells, and enhancing the infiltration of activated T cells; these alterations resulted in antitumor T-cell activity that led to reduced tumor burdens in a liver cancer model. Compared with OVH, OVH-aMPD-1 promoted the infiltration of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC), resulting in significantly higher percentages of CD155+ granulocytic-MDSCs (G-MDSC) and monocytic-MDSCs (M-MDSC) in tumors. In combination with TIGIT blockade, this virus enhanced tumor-specific immune responses in mice with implanted subcutaneous tumors or invasive tumors. These findings highlighted that intratumoral immunomodulation with an OV expressing aMPD-1 scFv could be an effective stand-alone strategy to treat cancers or drive maximal efficacy of a combination therapy with other immune checkpoint inhibitors.


    Remodeling Translation Primes CD8+ T-cell Antitumor Immunity

    The requisites for protein translation in T cells are poorly understood and how translation shapes the antitumor efficacy of T cells is unknown. Here we demonstrated that IL15-conditioned T cells were primed by the metabolic energy sensor AMP-activated protein kinase to undergo diminished translation relative to effector T cells. However, we showed that IL15-conditioned T cells exhibited a remarkable capacity to enhance their protein translation in tumors, which effector T cells were unable to duplicate. Studying the modulation of translation for applications in cancer immunotherapy revealed that direct ex vivo pharmacologic inhibition of translation elongation primed robust T-cell antitumor immunity. Our work elucidates that altering protein translation in CD8+ T cells can shape their antitumor capability.


    Different Effects of Soil Fertilization on Bacterial Community Composition in the Penicillium canescens Hyphosphere and in Bulk Soil [Environmental Microbiology]

    This study investigated the effects of long-term soil fertilization on the composition and potential for phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) cycling of bacterial communities associated with hyphae of the P-solubilizing fungus Penicillium canescens. Using a baiting approach, hyphosphere bacterial communities were recovered from three soils that had received long-term amendment in the field with mineral or mineral plus organic fertilizers. P. canescens hyphae recruited bacterial communities with a decreased diversity and an increased abundance of Proteobacteria relative to what was observed in soil communities. As core bacterial taxa, Delftia and Pseudomonas spp. were present in all hyphosphere samples irrespective of soil fertilization. However, the type of fertilization showed significant impacts on the diversity, composition, and distinctive taxa/operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of hyphosphere communities. The soil factors P (Olsen method), exchangeable Mg, exchangeable K, and pH were important for shaping soil and hyphosphere bacterial community compositions. An increased relative abundance of organic P metabolism genes was found in hyphosphere communities from soil that had not received P fertilizers, which could indicate P limitation near the fungal hyphae. Additionally, P. canescens hyphae recruited bacterial communities with a higher abundance of N fixation genes than found in soil communities, which might imply a role of hyphosphere communities for fungal N nutrition. Furthermore, the relative abundances of denitrification genes were greater in several hyphosphere communities, indicating an at least partly anoxic microenvironment with a high carbon-to-N ratio around the hyphae. In conclusion, soil fertilization legacy shapes P. canescens hyphosphere microbiomes and their functional potential related to P and N cycling.

    IMPORTANCE P-solubilizing Penicillium strains are introduced as biofertilizers to agricultural soils to improve plant P nutrition. Currently, little is known about the ecology of these biofertilizers, including their interactions with other soil microorganisms. This study shows that communities dominated by Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobacteria colonize P. canescens hyphae in soil and that the compositions of these communities depend on the soil conditions. The potential of these communities for N and organic P cycling is generally higher than that of soil communities. The high potential for organic P metabolism might complement the ability of the fungus to solubilize inorganic P, and it points to the hyphosphere as a hot spot for P metabolism. Furthermore, the high potential for N fixation could indicate that P. canescens recruits bacteria that are able to improve its N nutrition. Hence, this community study identifies functional groups relevant for the future optimization of next-generation biofertilizer consortia for applications in soil.


    Ecological and Ontogenetic Components of Larval Lake Sturgeon Gut Microbiota Assembly, Successional Dynamics, and Ecological Evaluation of Neutral Community Processes [Microbial Ecology]

    Gastrointestinal (GI) or gut microbiotas play essential roles in host development and physiology. These roles are influenced partly by the microbial community composition. During early developmental stages, the ecological processes underlying the assembly and successional changes in host GI community composition are influenced by numerous factors, including dispersal from the surrounding environment, age-dependent changes in the gut environment, and changes in dietary regimes. However, the relative importance of these factors to the gut microbiota is not well understood. We examined the effects of environmental (diet and water sources) and host early ontogenetic development on the diversity of and the compositional changes in the gut microbiota of a primitive teleost fish, the lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens), based on massively parallel sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. Fish larvae were raised in environments that differed in water source (stream versus filtered groundwater) and diet (supplemented versus nonsupplemented Artemia fish). We quantified the gut microbial community structure at three stages (prefeeding and 1 and 2 weeks after exogenous feeding began). The diversity declined and the community composition differed significantly among stages; however, only modest differences associated with dietary or water source treatments were documented. Many taxa present in the gut were over- or underrepresented relative to neutral expectations in each sampling period. The findings indicate dynamic relationships between the gut microbiota composition and host gastrointestinal physiology, with comparatively smaller influences being associated with the rearing environments. Neutral models of community assembly could not be rejected, but selectivity associated with microbe-host GI tract interactions through early ontogenetic stages was evident. The results have implications for sturgeon conservation and aquaculture production specifically and applications of microbe-based management in teleost fish generally.

    IMPORTANCE We quantified the effects of environment (diet and water sources) and host early ontogenetic development on the diversity of and compositional changes in gut microbial communities based on massively parallel sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes from the GI tracts of larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). The gut microbial community diversity declined and the community composition differed significantly among ontogenetic stages; however, only modest differences associated with dietary or water source treatments were documented. Selectivity associated with microbe-host GI tract interactions through early ontogenetic stages was evident. The results have implications for lake sturgeon and early larval ecology and survival in their natural habitat and for conservation and aquaculture production specifically, as well as applications of microbe-based management in teleost fish generally.


    Microbial Diversity in Deep-Subsurface Hot Brines of Northwest Poland: from Community Structure to Isolate Characteristics [Geomicrobiology]

    Deep-subsurface hot brines in northwest Poland, extracted through boreholes reaching 1.6 and 2.6 km below the ground surface, were microbiologically investigated using culture-independent and culture-dependent methods. The high-throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons showed a very low diversity of bacterial communities, which were dominated by phyla Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Bacterial genera potentially involved in sulfur oxidation and nitrate reduction (Halothiobacillus and Methylobacterium) prevailed in both waters over the sulfate reducers ("Candidatus Desulforudis" and Desulfotomaculum). Only one archaeal taxon, affiliated with the order Thermoplasmatales, was detected in analyzed samples. Bacterial isolates obtained from these deep hot brines were closely related to Bacillus paralicheniformis based on the 16S rRNA sequence similarity. However, genomic and physiological analyses made for one of the isolates, Bacillus paralicheniformis strain TS6, revealed the existence of more diverse metabolic pathways than those of its moderate-temperature counterpart. These specific traits may be associated with the ecological adaptations to the extreme habitat, which suggest that some lineages of B. paralicheniformis are halothermophilic.

    IMPORTANCE Deep-subsurface aquifers, buried thousands of meters down the Earth’s crust, belong to the most underexplored microbial habitats. Although a few studies revealed the existence of microbial life at the depths, the knowledge about the microbial life in the deep hydrosphere is still scarce due to the limited access to such environments. Studying the subsurface microbiome provides unique information on microbial diversity, community structure, and geomicrobiological processes occurring under extreme conditions of the deep subsurface. Our study shows that low-diversity microbial assemblages in subsurface hot brines were dominated by the bacteria involved in biogeochemical cycles of sulfur and nitrogen. Based on genomic and physiological analyses, we found that the Bacillus paralicheniformis isolate obtained from the brine under study differed from the mesophilic species in the presence of specific adaptations to harsh environmental conditions. We indicate that some lineages of B. paralicheniformis are halothermophilic, which was not previously reported.


    Engagement of T Cell-Expressed PD-L1 Weakens Antitumor Immunity [Immunology]

    T cell–expressed PD-L1 exerts tolerogenic effects on tumor immunity in pancreatic cancer.


    Postpartum Involution and Cancer: An Opportunity for Targeted Breast Cancer Prevention and Treatments?

    Childbirth at any age confers a transient increased risk for breast cancer in the first decade postpartum and this window of adverse effect extends over two decades in women with late-age first childbirth (>35 years of age). Crossover to the protective effect of pregnancy is dependent on age at first pregnancy, with young mothers receiving the most benefit. Furthermore, breast cancer diagnosis during the 5- to 10-year postpartum window associates with high risk for subsequent metastatic disease. Notably, lactation has been shown to be protective against breast cancer incidence overall, with varying degrees of protection by race, multiparity, and lifetime duration of lactation. An effect for lactation on breast cancer outcome after diagnosis has not been described. We discuss the most recent data and mechanistic insights underlying these epidemiologic findings. Postpartum involution of the breast has been identified as a key mediator of the increased risk for metastasis in women diagnosed within 5–10 years of a completed pregnancy. During breast involution, immune avoidance, increased lymphatic network, extracellular matrix remodeling, and increased seeding to the liver and lymph node work as interconnected pathways, leading to the adverse effect of a postpartum diagnosis. We al discuss a novel mechanism underlying the protective effect of breastfeeding. Collectively, these mechanistic insights offer potential therapeutic avenues for the prevention and/or improved treatment of postpartum breast cancer.


    How To Watch The Community Reunion Table Read In Australia

    The cast of Community is reuniting for a virtual table read to raise money for coronavirus relief. Almost all of main cast will be back for the online event, including Donald Glover who left the show in season 5. It will also include a Q&A where fans can submit questions via social media. This is how you can watch it live. More »


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    Fighting autoimmunity and cancer: The nutritional key

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    Coronavirus takes a toll in Sweden's immigrant community

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    It was early March and concerns over the coronavirus were already present, but the couple, ...


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    Immunity of recovered COVID-19 patients could cut risk of expanding economic activity

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    &apos;No evidence&apos; coronavirus survivors have immunity, warns WHO

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    Coronavirus study to track infection rate and immunity levels among UK population

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    WHO warns against idea of &apos;immunity passports&apos; for people who have survived coronavirus

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