
The biology of thought: a neuronal mechanism in the generation of thought - a new molecular model / Krishnagopal Dharani

Online Resource


Handbook of frontal lobe assessment / Sarah E. MacPherson, Sergio Della Sala ; with Simon R. Cox, Alessandra Girardi, Matthew H. Iveson

Hayden Library - QP382.F7 M33 2015


Big brains and the human superorganism: why special brains appear in hominids and other social animals / Niccolo Leo Caldararo

Hayden Library - QP376.C27 2017


Proprioception in orthopaedics, sports medicine and rehabilitation / Defne Kaya, Baran Yosmaoglu, Mahmut Nedim Doral, editors

Online Resource


Genetic models and molecular pathways underlying autism spectrum disorders / edited by Anantha Shekhar

Online Resource


Cellular biophysics and modeling: a primer on the computational biology of excitable cells / Greg Conradi Smith

Hayden Library - QP363.S595 2019


How brain arousal mechanisms work: paths toward consciousness / Donald Pfaff

Hayden Library - QP411.P43 2019


The emotional mind: the affective roots of culture and cognition / Stephen T. Asma, Rami Gabriel

Hayden Library - QP401.A76 2019


Yeats and postmodernism / edited by Leonard Orr

Online Resource


The smoke / Simon Ings

Hayden Library - PR6059.N54 S66 2019


Close reading with computers: textual scholarship, computational formalism, and David Mitchell's Cloud atlas / Martin Paul Eve

Online Resource


The transmission of Beowulf: language, culture, and scribal behavior / Leonard Neidorf

Hayden Library - PR1586.N45 2017


Grand union: stories / Zadie Smith

Dewey Library - PR6069.M59 A6 2019


Science, form, and the problem of induction in British Romanticism / Dahlia Porter

Hayden Library - PR448.I538 P67 2018


Women's literary networks and Romanticism: "a tribe of authoresses" / edited by Andrew O. Winckles, Angela Rehbein

Online Resource


The Oxford handbook of British Romanticism / edited by David Duff

Online Resource


Phantasmatic Shakespeare: imagination in the age of early modern science / Suparna Roychoudhury

Dewey Library - PR3047.R69 2018


Feminism and women's writing: an introduction / Catherine Riley with Lynne Pearce

Dewey Library - PR119.R55 2018


Imagination and science in Romanticism / Richard C. Sha

Hayden Library - PR468.S34 S53 2018


A Companion to Relativism

A Companion to Relativism presents original contributions from leading scholars that address the latest thinking on the role of relativism in the philosophy of language, epistemology, ethics, philosophy of science, logic, and metaphysics.



Adam Smith

Almost everyone has heard of Adam Smith, founding father of modern economics and author of Wealth of Nations. There is, however, much more to him than this.
This new introduction gives a crystal clear overview of the entirety of Smith’s thought. It demonstrates how Smith’s economic theories fit into a larger system of thought that encompasses moral philosophy, philosophy of science, legal and political theory, and aesthetics. Examining the central



Adam Smith

Almost everyone has heard of Adam Smith, founding father of modern economics and author of Wealth of Nations. There is, however, much more to him than this.
This new introduction gives a crystal clear overview of the entirety of Smith’s thought. It demonstrates how Smith’s economic theories fit into a larger system of thought that encompasses moral philosophy, philosophy of science, legal and political theory, and aesthetics. Examining the central



Colonialism and homosexuality [electronic resource] / Robert Aldrich

London ; New York : Routledge, 2003


Social Distancing: Here's why two metres distance to avoid coronavirus transmission is not enough

According to the latest reports from Massachusetts Institute of Technology published in The Telegraph, maintaining one of two metres of distance is not enough to give protection from catching the highly contagious airborne disease.


New Cities and Community Extensions in Egypt and the Middle East [electronic resource] : Visions and Challenges / edited by Sahar Attia, Zeinab Shafik, Asmaa Ibrahim


Recidivism in the Caribbean [electronic resource] : Improving the Reintegration of Jamaican Ex-prisoners / by Dacia L. Leslie

Leslie, Dacia L., author


Remaking Sustainable Urbanism [electronic resource] : Space, Scale and Governance in the New Urban Era / edited by Xiaoling Zhang


Social Life Cycle Assessment [electronic resource]: Case Studies from the Textile and Energy Sectors


Strategies for Resisting Sexism in the Academy [electronic resource]: Higher Education, Gender and Intersectionality


Viability and Sustainability of Small-Scale Fisheries in Latin America and The Caribbean [electronic resource] / edited by Silvia Salas, María José Barragán-Paladines, Ratana Chuenpagdee


Russian Legal Realism [electronic resource]


Classic Collection : Anthony Giddens: Capitalism and Social Modern Theory [electronic resource]


Socialkonstruktivistiske analysestrategier [electronic resource] / Anders Esmark, Carsten Bagge Laustsen og Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (red.)


Defining the mechanism of the mitochondrial Atm1p [2Fe–2S] cluster exporter

Metallomics, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00286C, Paper
Stephen A. Pearson, Christine Wachnowsky, J. A. Cowan
Atm1p mediated mitochondrial Fe–S cluster export is investigated, providing support for a [2Fe–2S](GS)4 cluster as a physiological substrate. A detailed mechanism of cluster export, combining kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural data is presented.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Gold(III) bis(dithiolene) complexes: from molecular conductors to prospective anticancer, antimicrobial and antiplasmodial agents

Metallomics, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00064G, Paper
Diana Fontinha, Silvia Andreia Sousa, Tânia S. Morais, Miguel Prudêncio, Jorge Leitão, Yann Le Gal, Dominique Lorcy, Rafaela Silva, Mariana Velho, Dulce Belo, Manuel Almeida, Joana Guerreiro, Teresa Pinheiro, Fernanda M. Marques
The anticancer, antimicrobial and antiplasmodial activities of six gold(III) bis(dithiolene) complexes were studied. Complexes (1-6) showed relevant anticancer properties against A2780/A2780cisR ovarian cancer cells (IC50 values of 0.08-2 µM), also...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Enantiomeric Copper Based Anticancer Agents Promoting Sequence-Selective Cleavage of G-Quadruplex Telomeric DNA and non-random cleavage of plasmid DNA

Metallomics, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0MT00084A, Paper
Sabiha Parveen, J. A. Cowan, Zhen Yu, Farukh Arjmand
Copper-based binuclear enantiomeric complexes 1S and 1R were synthesized as anticancer chemotherapeutic agents to target G-quadruplex rich region of DNA and thoroughly characterized by various spectroscopic and single X-ray crystal...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Chiral Ru(II) complexes act as a potential non-viral gene carrier for directional transportation to the nucleus and cytoplasm

Metallomics, 2020, 12,504-513
DOI: 10.1039/C9MT00192A, Paper
Qiong Wu, Shuang-Yan Zhang, Si-Yan Liao, Jie-Qiong Cao, Wen-Jie Zheng, Li Li, Wen-Jie Mei
A novel approach has been proposed to develop a potent gene carrier system for enantioselectivity on the self-assembly of G-quadruplex DNA promoted by chiral Ru(II) complexes, and the different assembled nanostructures of cellular uptake to the nucleus and cytoplasm.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


History and Imperialism: Writings, 1963-1986

Writings on History brings together a selection of texts by Louis Althusser dating from 1963 to 1986, including essays, a lecture, notes to his collaborators, and the transcript of an informal 1963 discussion of literary history. The centrepiece of this collection is Althusser’s previously unpublished Book on Imperialism, a theorization of globalized capitalism that remained unfinished.  All these writings are concerned with the place of history in



History and Imperialism: Writings, 1963-1986

Writings on History brings together a selection of texts by Louis Althusser dating from 1963 to 1986, including essays, a lecture, notes to his collaborators, and the transcript of an informal 1963 discussion of literary history. The centrepiece of this collection is Althusser’s previously unpublished Book on Imperialism, a theorization of globalized capitalism that remained unfinished.  All these writings are concerned with the place of history in



NCI study finds long-term increased risk of cancer death following common treatment for hyperthyroidism

Findings from a new NCI study of patients who received radioactive iodine (RAI) treatment for hyperthyroidism show an association between the dose of treatment and long-term risk of death from solid cancers, including breast cancer.


Chuang xin xing ren cai ji li ji zhi yan jiu : ji yu xin li qi yue de shi jiao = Study on incentive mechanism of innovative talent based on psychological contract perspective / Zhu Xiaomei zhu

Zhu, Xiaomei


[ASAP] Lattice Strain Measurement of Core@Shell Electrocatalysts with 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Nanobeam Electron Diffraction

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00224


[ASAP] 4-Nitrophenol Reduction: Probing the Putative Mechanism of the Model Reaction

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00725


[ASAP] A Complete Multisite Reaction Mechanism for Low-Temperature NH<sub>3</sub>-SCR over Cu-CHA

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00440


[ASAP] The Mechanism of Interfacial CO<sub>2</sub> Activation on Al Doped Cu/ZnO

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00574


[ASAP] Comprehensive Insights into the Catalytic Mechanism of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome 3C-Like Protease and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 3C-Like Protease

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00110


[ASAP] Fragrant Venezuelaenes A and B with A 5–5–6–7 Tetracyclic Skeleton: Discovery, Biosynthesis, and Mechanisms of Central Catalysts

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01575


[ASAP] Pd/Cu-Catalyzed Dehydrogenative Coupling of Dimethyl Phthalate: Synchrotron Radiation Sheds Light on the Cu Cycle Mechanism

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00918


[ASAP] Photoredox Catalysis: The Reaction Mechanism Can Adjust to Electronic Properties of a Catalyst

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c00200


Long-term health effects due to styrene vapour exposure small: AIIMS director

As far as treatment is concerned, there is no specific antidote or a definite medicine for reversing the effect of this compound.The therapy remains mainly supportive, he said.