
Construction and analysis of safe, secure, and interoperable smart devices [electronic resource] : international workshop, CASSIS 2004, Marseille, France, March 10-14, 2004 : revised selected papers / Gilles Barthe [and others] (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2005]


Nanoplasmon-enhanced drop-screen for high throughput single-cell nucleocytoplasmic miRNA profiling

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9LC01226E, Paper
Jia Liu, Guoyun Sun, Shih-Chung Wei, Song Guo, Weikang Nicholas Lin, Chia-Hung Chen
Nanoplasmon-enhanced drop screen is developed to measure single-cell multiple miRNAs with high sensitivity of 0.1 nM, addressing cell nucleocytoplasmic profile in a throughput ∼100 cells per minute.
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Seeded droplet microfluidic system for small molecule crystallization

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00122H, Paper
N. Garg, R. Tona, P. Martin, P. M. Martin-Soladana, G. Ward, N. Douillet, D. Lai
A microfluidic approach to seeded crystallization has been demonstrated using abacavir hemisulfate, a nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor, in droplet reactors to control polymorphism and produce particles with a low particle size distribution.
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The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Direct loading of blood for plasma separation and diagnostic assays on a digital microfluidic device

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00302F, Paper
Christopher Dixon, Julian Lamanna, Aaron R. Wheeler
The integration of 3D porous membranes in a digital microfluidic device enables the generation of cell-free plasma from finger-stick volumes of blood with in-line, on-chip analysis.
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In situ generation of plasma-activated aerosols via surface acoustic wave nebulization for portable spray-based surface bacterial inactivation

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00001A, Paper
Kiing S. Wong, William T. H. Lim, Chien W. Ooi, Leslie Y. Yeo, Ming K. Tan
We demonstrate an efficient technique for in situ production and application of plasma-activated aerosols for surface disinfection.
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Photonic crystal-based smart contact lens for continuous intraocular pressure monitoring

Lab Chip, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C9LC01268K, Paper
Bohee Maeng, Hyung-kwan Chang, Jungyul Park
A powerless smart contact lens enabling to monitor intraocular pressure (IOP) by checking the visual color change in photonic crystal structure with a microhydraulic amplification system has been realized.
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Smartphone-based multiplex 30-minute nucleic acid test of live virus from nasal swab extract

Lab Chip, 2020, 20,1621-1627
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00304B, Paper
Fu Sun, Anurup Ganguli, Judy Nguyen, Ryan Brisbin, Krithika Shanmugam, David L. Hirschberg, Matthew B. Wheeler, Rashid Bashir, David M. Nash, Brian T. Cunningham
A 30-minute nucleic acid test for equine respiratory virus from nasal swab material, detected with a smartphone.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Microfluidic assessment of red blood cell mediated microvascular occlusion

Lab Chip, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00112K, Paper
Yuncheng Man, Erdem Kucukal, Ran An, Quentin Watson, Jürgen Bosch, Peter A. Zimmerman, Jane A Little, Umut A. Gurkan
Abnormal red blood cells (RBC) deformability contributes to hemolysis, thrombophilia, inflammation, and microvascular occlusion in various circulatory diseases. A quantitative and objective assessment of microvascular occlusion mediated by RBCs with...
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[ASAP] Flexible Fitting of Small Molecules into Electron Microscopy Maps Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Neural Network Potentials

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01167


[ASAP] Mechanism-Based Rational Discovery and <italic toggle="yes">In Vitro</italic> Evaluation of Novel Microtubule Stabilizing Agents with Non-Taxol-Competitive Activity

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.9b01133


[ASAP] Multisolvent Models for Solvation Free Energy Predictions Using 3D-RISM Hydration Thermodynamic Descriptors

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00065


[ASAP] Augmenting Hit Identification by Virtual Screening Techniques in Small Molecule Drug Discovery

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00113


[ASAP] Scope of 3D Shape-Based Approaches in Predicting the Macromolecular Targets of Structurally Complex Small Molecules Including Natural Products and Macrocyclic Ligands

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00161


[ASAP] Computational Insights into Molecular Activation and Positive Cooperative Mechanisms of FFAR1 Modulators

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00030


Hidden Criticism?: the Methodology and Plausibility of the Search for a Counter-Imperial Subtext in Paul.

Online Resource


French Muslims in Perspective: Nationalism, Post-Colonialism and Marginalisation under the Republic / Joseph Downing

Online Resource


Beyond the self: conversations between Buddhism and neuroscience / Matthieu Ricard and Wolf Singer

Hayden Library - BQ4570.N48 R5313 2017


The chosen wars: how Judaism became an American religion / Steven R. Weisman

Hayden Library - BM205.W45 2018


Figuring racism in medieval Christianity / M. Lindsay Kaplan

Hayden Library - BT734.2.K354 2019


Spirit on the move: Black women and Pentecostalism in Africa and the diaspora / edited by Judith Casselberry and Elizabeth A. Pritchard

Hayden Library - BR1644.3.S65 2019


Gender and the path to awakening: hidden histories of nuns in modern Thai Buddhism / Martin Seeger

Hayden Library - BQ6150.S44 2018


Free will and classical theism: the significance of freedom in perfect being theology / edited by Hugh J. McCann

Online Resource


Religion: what it is, how it works, and why it matters / Christian Smith

Hayden Library - BL48.S65 2019


Cosmos, chaos, and the world to come: the ancient roots of apocalyptic faith / Norman Cohn

Online Resource


Emergent religious pluralisms Jan-Jonathan Bock, John Fahy, Samuel Everett, editors

Online Resource


Amplifying Islam in the European soundscape: religious pluralism and secularism in the Netherlands / Pooyan Tamimi Arab

Online Resource


Buddhism and the Dynamics of Transculturality: New Approaches / Birgit Kellner

Online Resource


The soul of Judaism: Jews of African descent in America / Bruce D. Haynes

Hayden Library - BM205.H376 2018


American cosmic: UFOs, religion, technology / D. W. Pasulka

Barker Library - BL65.U54 P37 2019


Global Catholicism, Tolerance and the Open Society: an Empirical Study of the Value Systems of Roman Catholics / Arno Tausch, Stanislaw Obirek

Online Resource


Islamism, crisis and democratization: implications of the world values survey for the Muslim world / Hussein Solomon, Arno Tausch

Online Resource


Black freethinkers: a history of African American secularism / Christopher Cameron

Barker Library - BL2747.5.C36 2019


Encountering Buddhism and Islam in premodern central and south Asia / edited by Blain Auer and Ingo Strauch

Rotch Library - BQ322.E63 2019


Jihadism: Online Discourses and Representations

Online Resource


Buddhism in Central Asia / edited by Carmen Meinert, Henrik Sørensen

Online Resource


Shaykh Yūsuf al-Qaraḍāwī: spiritual mentor of Wasaṭī Salafism / Sagi Polka

Online Resource


Freedom of religion, secularism, and human rights / edited by Nehal Bhuta

Dewey Library - BV741.F74 2019


Pragmatic realism, religious truth, and antitheodicy: on viewing the world by acknowledging the other / Sami Pihlström

Online Resource


Permanent revolution: the Reformation and the illiberal roots of Liberalism / James Simpson

Online Resource


The theology of liberalism: political philosophy and the justice of God / Eric Nelson

Online Resource


Revisiting Secularism in Theory and Practice: Genealogy and Cases / edited by Seda Ünsar, Özgür Ünal Eriş

Online Resource


Queer nuns: religion, activism, and serious parody / Melissa M. Wilcox

Barker Library - BR115.H6 W5425 2018


Al Muhajiroun: a case study in contemporary Islamic activism / Douglas Weeks

Online Resource


The temptation of graves in Salafi Islam: iconoclasm, destruction and idolatry / Ondřej Beránek and Pavel Ťupek

Rotch Library - BP195.W2 B47 2018


Mind beyond brain: Buddhism, science, and the paranormal / David E. Presti with Bruce Greyson, Edward F. Kelly, Emily Williams Kelly, and Jim B. Tucker

Hayden Library - BQ4570.P75 M56 2018


Legal Research Reports: Laws Protecting Journalists from Online Harassment

The Law Library of Congress is proud to present the report, Laws Protecting Journalists from Online Harassment.

Attacks against journalists appear to be on the rise recently in countries around the world. These include attacks allegedly directed by governments or politicians, as well as by individuals displeased with their own media coverage or generally with the press. The widespread use of social media has facilitated harassment of journalists in online settings by a variety of means, including by disseminating threats and disinformation, stalking, and broadcasting private or personally identifiable information about targeted journalists (doxing). This report is composed of a survey of relevant international law instruments and activities directed at protection against online threats and harassment of journalists, as well as individual surveys for 11 countries. 

This report is one of many prepared by the Law Library of Congress. Visit the Comprehensive Index of Legal Reports page for a complete listing of reports and the Current Legal Topics page for our highlighted and newer reports. 


Modern concepts of peripheral nerve repair / Kirsten Haastert-Talini, Hans Assmus, Gregor Antoniadis, editors

Online Resource


Animal vocal communication: assessment and management roles / Eugene S. Morton

Online Resource


Brain function assessment in learning: first International Conference, BFAL 2017, Patras, Greece, September 24-25, 2017, proceedings / Claude Frasson, George Kostopoulos (eds.)

Online Resource


Smell detectives: an olfactory history of nineteenth-century urban America / Melanie A. Kiechle

Hayden Library - QP458.K54 2017