
Fermented beverage and food storage in 13,000 y-old stone mortars at Raqefet Cave, Israel: Investigating Natufian ritual feasting


A tale of three caves:New dates for Pleistocene occupation in the inland Pilbara


Home Is Where the Hearth Is: Anthracological and Microstratigraphic Analyses of Pleistocene and Holocene Combustion Features, Riwi Cave (Kimberley, Western Australia)


Artifact densities and assemblage formation: Evidence from Tabun Cave


50,000 years of archaeological site stratigraphy and micromorphology in Boodie Cave, Barrow Island, Western Australia


A Review and Statistical Assessment of the Criteria for Determining Cave Significance


Models of Temperature, Entropy Production and Convective Airflow in Caves


Quaternary tectonic stability of the Bahamian archipelago: evidence from fossil coral reefs and flank margin caves


A genetic classification of caves and its application in eastern Austria


Origin and morphology of limestone caves


Oil in ancient caves poses new challenges


Pliocene–Pleistocene palaeoclimate reconstruction from Ashalim Cave speleothems, Negev Desert, Israel


A GIS-based modeling approach to predicting cave disturbance in karst landscapes: a case study from west-central Florida




Caves and Mining in Brazil: The Dilemma of Cave Preservation Within a Mining Context


Discovery of a diverse cave flora in China


Cave invertebrates in northwestern Minas Gerais state, Brazil: endemism, threats and conservation priorities






Microbial diversity in a Venezuelan orthoquartzite cave is dominated by the Chloroflexi (Class Ktedonobacterales) and Thaumarchaeota Group I.1c




Cave Diving: Results of the Exploration of the “Combe du Creux”


Stenomicra sp. Flies (Diptera: Periscelididae) on rolled leaves of Heliconia sp. and Calathea sp.


Male and female bats have similar number of bat flies


Mangroves have more morpho-species of fish larvae than bays


Grimoaldo Macchia - Suite Médiévale on “Ave Maris Stella”

Organ sheet music by Grimoaldo Macchia | Suite Médiévale on “Ave Maris Stella” (1: Trumpets in Dialogue; 2: Médiévale Dance; 3: Elegia; 4: Scherzo for Tuba; 5: Toccata in 7)

Reference: BE01617
Title: Suite Médiévale on “Ave Maris Stella”
Contents: 1: Trumpets in Dialogue; 2: Médiévale Dance; 3: Elegia; 4: Scherzo for Tuba; 5: Toccata in 7
Composer: Grimoaldo Macchia
Instrument: Organ solo
Price: €11.49
Pages: 16
Format: Portrait - 9” x 12” paper-back
Publication Date: 20-Jan-2020
Edition: New
Editor: W. B. Henshaw
EAN/ISMN: 979-0-2067-1617-1


[ASAP] Unraveling Multiple Distributions in Chain Walking Polyethylene Using Advanced Liquid Chromatography

DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.0c00314


First aircraft to evacuate Indian citizens stranded in UAE leaves Kochi

The first flight for evacuating Indians, mostly Keralites, stranded in Abu Dhabi departed from Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) at 12.30 pm on Thursday, official sources said .


Netter's neurology / editors, Jayashri Srinivasan, Claudia J. Chaves, Brian J. Scott, Juan E. Small ; illustrations by Frank H. Netter ; contributing illustrators, Carlos A.G. Machado, John A. Craig, Tiffany Slaybaugh Davanzo, James A. Perkins, Anita

Online Resource


Regulatory toxicology / edited by Franz-Xaver Reichl, Michael Schwenk

Online Resource


Textbook of nutrition in health and disease / Kaveri Chakrabarty, A.S. Chakrabarty

Online Resource


The peculiar institution and the making of modern psychiatry, 1840-1880 / Wendy Gonaver

Barker Library - RC438.G66 2018


Travelling Man

As one might expect in trying to go to numerous restaurants around the world, much travel would ensue. And sure enough, that happened.

In 2019, I travelled to:

  • Montreal (twice)
  • Toronto (twice)
  • Pittsburgh
  • Portland (thrice)
  • Phoenix
  • Austin
  • Atlanta
  • San Antonio
  • San Francisco (twice)
  • Napa Valley
  • London
  • Lima
  • Paris (twice)
  • Amsterdam, with a drive to Zwolle and Ghent, Belgium
  • Barcelona
  • Buenos Aires

Some of my favourite memories, in no particular order.

I’ve never been a fan of Formula racing but a friend of mine is. I’ve known him since I was a teenager and he was my first roommate when I moved out at the tender age of 18. We went to Montreal to watch the race. He loved it. He even ran into Mitsou.

At the track.

Made a trip the following weekend back to Montreal with my mom to have dinner in complete darkness.

My eldest son and I were supposed to go to Tokyo but our trip got cancelled. We ended up going to Toronto to see his favourite comedian: Fluffy! And then we went for his favourite food: Ramen! I enjoyed giving him that experience.

I got sick in London. Got to chat with the chefs at The Clove Club and The Ledbury.

Drove the Dutch and Belgian countrysides in search of food. Driving down a lane flanked by rolling green fields on the way to Hof Van Cleve. It was so picturesque, we had to pull to the side to take pictures.

Found a Cuban-themed bar in Lima and enjoyed a couple good drinks before it got too loud.

Sat on the rooftop of a restaurant in Napa Valley enjoying the best dessert wine I’ve ever had: a madeira from 1920. Some things do get better with age.

Blandy’s Madeira from 1920

Hanging out with friends in a large house outside of Atlanta enjoying some of the finest whisky, cigars, and food.

Hung out in Austin during SXSW, bringing back good memories from a decade ago.

Celebrated a friend’s wedding anniversary in Pittsburgh. I enjoyed getting to see a bit of the ‘burgh for the first time and hang out with friends that I don’t get to see very often.

Walking with the girlfriend to coffee shops in Portland. Chatting with the baristas at Proud Mary, learning more about their process as I continue to improve my own process.

Walking for 45 minutes through the streets of Lima on the way to Central to beg our way into a table. Only to be denied and instead enjoyed the best meal at their sister restaurant, Kjolle.

In buying a bottle of whisky in Paris, the guy told us about a whisky speakeasy that the store runs. It’s in an old underground spot that used to be a spa. I had some of the best whisky I’ve ever had.

Nikka Single Cask distilled in 1986, bottled in 2008

Sitting in the back of an Uber in Buenos Aires, chatting with the driver on the way to a restaurant. He asked what the average salary was in Canada. We said maybe $30,000. He was stunned. Like, utterly flabbergasted. He wanted to move to Canada right away. Then we figured out he thought that was monthly, not yearly. His excitement quickly deflated.

Finishing off the year here in Ottawa, with friends that I’ve known since I was 14 in high school. Much reminiscing with stories of those times.

Adventure is out there

A couple years ago, I decided to make the shift from “things” to “experiences” and my life has been full of them. I am frequently amazed at how lucky and privileged I’ve been and continue to be and how my life is full of amazing friends. Here’s to 2020 being filled with just as much and more.


IndiGo reinstates pay cuts, introduces leave without pay for senior staff

IndiGo had announced pay cuts for its senior employees on March 19. However, it rolled back the decision on April 23


How isolation and WFH have deepened our engagement with work and people

Covid-19 and its aftermath are an opportunity to significantly reorient the way we approach work and leisure - and, by extension, life itself.


Art sales haven't been entirely dampened, they're just moving online

Overseas and here, auction houses are capitalising on the fact that collectors are stuck at home - and are online.


Light science: Physics and the Visual Arts / Thomas D. Rossing, Christopher J. Chiaverina

Online Resource


Negative group delay devices: from concepts to applications / edited by Blaise Ravelo

Barker Library - TK7867.N44 2019


Passive and active millimeter-wave imaging XIX: Baltimore, Maryland, United States, April 17, 2016 / edited by David A. Wikner, Arttu R. Luukanen

Online Resource


Millimeter-wave integrated circuits: methodologies for research, design and innovation / Mladen Božanić, Saurabh Sinha

Online Resource


Lightwave communications / George Papen, University of California, San Diego, Richard E. Blahut, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Barker Library - TK5103.59.P374 2019


Histoire et théorie du symbolisme religieux avant et depuis le christianisme, contenant : l'explication de tous les moyens symboliques employés dans l'art plastique, monumental ou décoratif chez les anciens et les modernes, avec les

Paris : Librairie A. Franck ... ; Poitiers : A. Dupré, imprineur-éditeur ..., 1870-1871.


Our capabilities have grown significantly: Foreign Minister S Jaishankar

The world has a growing interest in India becoming an additional engine of growth. It is also amenable to harnessing the reservoir of talent that India could provide with the passage of time.


“This Great Experiment”: How Wyoming Gave Women the Vote 30 Years Before the United States

The history is right there in Wyoming’s official nickname: the Equality State. In 1889, delegates to Wyoming’s constitutional convention voted to do something that had never been done before: permanently guarantee women the right to vote in a constitution, without any preconditions. Article No. VI, Section 1, states plainly: “The rights of citizens of the...

The post “This Great Experiment”: How Wyoming Gave Women the Vote 30 Years Before the United States appeared first on Behind The Scenes.


How To Survive An Average IQ

If the truth be known...you don't have an intelligence quotient at all!!


You state "to acquire into Mensa...I had to take an intelligence quotient diagnostic test and mark in the mastermind range" Well there are geniuses and there are geniuses...

Some 'geniuses' mark high on intelligence quotient diagnostic tests and never go forth a genius's legacy. While others...some of whom were learning disabled... contrive the visible light bulb... the burning engine... the telephone... the computer... etc. And some geniuses... like Einstein... have got doubted their ain genius.

There's no such as thing as a 'genius' on an intelligence quotient test. The lone diagnostic test of mastermind is what a individual actually sets out into the world.

Mary Ann Evans...from a deeply spiritual nineteenth century family...stopped formal religion-based schooling at 16 to dwell a free-thinking...morally scandalous...life. But...

As Saint George Eliot...she taught herself ancient and modern languages...among other things...and became a published transcriber of German theological textual matters and one of the top fiction authors in the English language. Her influence shaped other geniuses...like Henry Jesse James and Prince Charles Dickens...who followed her...and it goes on to determine modern literature.

She might not make very well on an intelligence quotient diagnostic diagnostic test because the content of the test would be largely irrelevant to her gifts. And Seth Thomas Thomas Edison would be set into particular erectile dysfunction classes...as learning disabled...or as "addled" brained as he was diagnosed. He only had three calendar months of formal schooling.

Well...where is this leading?

IQ diagnostic tests are widely misunderstood...even by psychologists...which is unforgivable.

Geniuses are original originative minds whose bequest is never obsolete but is ever fresh.

So here is a primer on the misconceptions and nature of the intelligence quotient test.

Misconception 1

You have an IQ. You make not because...

An intelligence quotient is a simple statistic. It have got no psychological significance any more than than saying you have an address. Neither an intelligence quotient mark nor a street computer address is portion of you.

Misconception 2

A high intelligence quotient mark intends you're smart. It doesn't because...

The judgements you do in life...and the action you take on those judgments...tells the human race how smart you are...not some test. Some high intelligence quotient people have got got made judgements and determinations that are truly feeble brained.

Everyone can mention modern times when politicians...most of whom have advanced degrees...did unbelievably stupid things. And others can mention modern times when high intelligence quotient operating surgeons operated on the incorrect patient or removed the incorrect limb. Then there are military leadership who...mistakenly...gave orders to open up fire on their ain men.

In short...a high intelligence quotient mark doesn't coerce you to move intelligently.

So what is an IQ?

IQ stand ups for 'intelligence quotient'...a score. It makes not stand up for intelligence.

A quotient...you remember...is the reply you acquire when you split one figure by another. An intelligence quotient is a number...not a quality of your brain.

When the first intelligence quotient diagnostic diagnostic test was developed by Binet...to rank order students by academic skill...he used a scoring system for his test based on months.

When you got the right reply you got a month's credit. You then added up all of the calendar calendar months to acquire a 'mental age'...and then divided that figure by the months of your chronological age. So if you were 100 calendar calendar calendar calendar months old and you got a diagnostic test mark of 110 months...you split 110 months (your mental age) by 100 months (your existent age) and the quotient = 1.1

To avoid fractions...multiply the quotient by 100. So an intelligence quotient mark of 1.1 goes 110. That agency you are slightly in progress of your chronological age and might be reading-ready before person with a 99 IQ...but without motive it doesn't matter.

Besides motivation...the other ingredient of mastermind is imagination...which is not measured by intelligence quotient tests. Geniuses conceive of what isn't and what most people believe is impossible. The "addled" Seth Thomas Thomas Edison would not have got been able to spell impossible. No problem...it wasn't portion of his vocabulary anyway.

As clip went on...a psychologist named Wechsler abandoned the intelligence quotient computation and devised a widely used...heavily researched...test that states you your percentile rank...and he arbitrarily made a mark of 100 equal to the 50th percentile.

Because the intelligence quotient label was so entrenched in the public vocabulary...he converted percentile ranks to IQs for easiness of communication. But a mark on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) is nil more than your rank among your age peers...on that test.

So a WAIS-R mark of 100 (50th percentile) intends that 50% of your age equals did worse on the diagnostic diagnostic test than you did...and 50% did better. A mark of 85 agency that 16% of your equals did worse than you and 84% did better. A mark of 115 agency that you did better on the diagnostic test than 84% of your equals and 16% outperformed you. Notice that the percents above and below you add up to 100%

So what make you cognize from these scores? Only the information given in the last paragraphs. The diagnostic tests cannot state who will contrive the replacement to the visible light bulb. And modern atom physicists are still trying to work out the nature of substance based on the Grecian observation...made one thousands of old age ago...that everything is made of unseeable atoms in motion.

There...an intelligence quotient mark is nil more than your relative place to your age equals on a peculiar test. That's it.

So if you desire to put claim to genius...forget the intelligence quotient that you don't have got anyway...and dreaming the impossible dream. If you believe a claim to mastermind is out of the inquiry for you because you "have" only an norm IQ...forget about it. You might just do the impossible dreaming a world the manner Seth Thomas Thomas Edison did.


Dave Brubeck's Time out / Stephen A. Crist

Lewis Library - ML410.B868 C75 2019


God save the queens: the essential history of women in hip-hop / Kathy Iandoli

Dewey Library - ML3531.I26 2019


Three women opera composers: a musicological interpretation of Ingeborg von Bronsart, Ethel Smyth, and Thea Musgrave / Melinda J. Boyd ; with a foreword by Laurel Parsons

Lewis Library - ML390.B817 2019


Dixie Dewdrop: the Uncle Dave Macon story / Michael D. Doubler

Lewis Library - ML420.M13858 D68 2018