
Maintenance cost savings for pavement surface treatments

Use of Surface Treatments to Extend Pavement Life: A Case Study on US 301, Sussex County, Virginia , released by the Virginia Department of Transportation


International Symposium on Pavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment*

University of California Pavement Research and National Center for Sustainable Transport have postponed the International Symposium on Pavement Life Cycle Assessment from June 3-6, 2020 to January 13-15, 2021 in Sacramento, CA. TRB is pleased to cosponsor this event. The symposium will focus on the implementation of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for pavements. The workshop address the implementation of LCA in pavement operations at the network and project levels.


TRB Webinar: How to Certify and Verify Pavement Surface Condition Data

Does your organization know how to measure and verify pavement surface condition data based on mapping sensor technologies? TRB will conduct a webinar on Wednesday, June 10, 2020, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM Eastern to discuss the challenges and solutions from experience on actual projects. In pavement management systems, accurate and precise condition data are essential for making data-driven decisions about maintenance and rehabilitation projects. Some condition data, including surface cracking and other d...


“Tell Us ‘Our’ Story”: What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact?

TRB's “Tell Us ‘Our’ Story" challenge is now looking into the future. What impact do you hope to have on the world and how is the Transportation Research Board helping you make that impact? What is your vision for the Transportation Research Board 100 years from now? What are solutions that you have identified as a result of research you learned about through TRB? TRB welcomes all stories: small or large, profound or light-hearted, sobering or humorous. In addition to posting responses to these questions...


Guidebook on Effective Land Use Compatibility Planning Strategies for General Aviation Airports

Incompatible land uses can threaten the safe utility of airports and expose people living and working nearby to potentially unacceptable levels of noise or safety risk. At the state level, all 50 states have enacted some form of airport zoning legislation since the 1950s. The majority of states (90 percent) have enacted laws mandating or enabling local governments to adopt, administer, and enforce airport zoning regulations. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Research Report 206: Guidebo...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_rpt_206


Airport Surface Weather Observation Options for General Aviation Airports

The needs of airports may vary depending on the types of operations typically conducted at the airport, as well as the type of weather common to the airport. The TRB Airport Cooperative Research Program's ACRP Syntheis 105: Airport Surface Weather Observation Options for General Aviation Airports aims to provide the operators of general aviation (GA) airports a comprehensive source of information about airport-based weather observation options so they may make informed decisions to support the specific o...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_syn_105


Lákavá sousta pro bohaté dravce aneb Koronavirová krize překreslí podnikatelskou mapu Česka

Rozvolňování opatření proti šíření koronaviru v Česku zdárně pokračuje podle plánu. Otevírají se obchody a instituce, firmy obnovují svoji činnost a zanedlouho otevřou zahrádky u hospod. Lidé už začali plánovat dovolenou a nervózně sledují vývoj zpráv, jestli budou moct letos k moři či nikoliv. Vše by mohlo nasvědčovat tomu, že se všechno brzy vrátí do starých kolejí. Ale to je omyl, česká společnost se vrátí do poněkud odlišnějšího světa. Protože u toho už nebude řada firem a desítky či možná stovky tisíc lidí budou pracně zajišťovat svoji existenci.


Zavřel obchody koronavirus, nebo vláda? Kdo nese odpovědnost a kdo zaplatí škody?

Zdá se, že pandemie COVID 19 ustupuje. Lidem otrnulo a už se objevují logické otázky, kdo zaplatí vzniklé škody nejen podnikatelům, ale i dalším subjektům. Paleta poškozených se stále rozšiřuje a není skoro hodiny, aby v mediích nevystoupil někdo z poškozených láteřící, že na něj vláda zapomněla anebo že pomoc přichází pomalu. Někdy oprávněně, někdy spíše vykutáleně.


Výprava do Angguruku: Za civilizací nezkaženými Papuánci do neprostupné džungle

„Angguruk–Wamena–Angguruk!“ křičí do vysílačky mladík z kmene Jaliů v odletové hale pralesního letiště ve vesničce Angguruk, v srdci Západní Papuy, indonéské části Nové Guiney. Pravda, termín odletová hala je pro malou boudu s váhou, na níž se v Česku váží brambory, se stolem, židlí a jedinou vysílačkou poněkud nadnesený, ale tady, mezi Papuánci, není asi nic normální.


Národní umělec a „prostě chlapák“ dostal na rozkaz do postele i vlastní tetu. Dnes by Vejražka slavil 105 let

V pražských Košířích má svou ulici. Národní umělec Vítězslav Vejražka  (1915–1973). Články, které se čas od času objeví, zdůrazňují jeho mužnost. „Prostě chlapák,“ tak pojmenoval svůj medailón Týdeník Televize. Ve skutečnosti byl Vítězslav Vejražka placenou štětkou Státní bezpečnosti a na rozkaz se vyspal s každým, koho mu tajná policie předhodila. Včetně vlastní tety. Přečtěte si bizarní příběh herce, který by dnes slavil 105. narozeniny.


Online glosář Reflexu o koronaviru: Na venkově končí roušky, hospody někde otvírají dřív

Česko se zastavilo. Vláda kvůli pandemii koronaviru zavedla nouzový stav, který má šířené nemoci zamezit. Jaký je život v nouzovém režimu? Jak se chovají lidé, jak reaguje ekonomika? Hrozí, že vláda současné krize zneužije ke šmírování a omezení práva i po skončení pandemie? V online komentovaném přenosu vážně ale i s nadsázkou odpovidají redaktoři a spolupracovníci Reflexu.


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

As the COVID-19 situation continues to develop, it seems the best thing to do is follow the advice in the Scouts BSA handbook, "What to Do When Lost": Stay calm, think, observe, and plan. ...


Cavalcade of Wonders




good behavior


Sexual Cavalry


Caveat emptor


Appeal to heaven


Cadaver Synod


throne of heaven


Savage Sleep of Sonja


Knights and Knaves




Gravity loves masonry






Grave Dust


Caverns of the Regional Goblin Manager


Rutgers Expert Available to Discuss RNA Discovery


Meet the Director: Guy Savard

This is a continuing profile series on the directors of the Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science user facilities. These scientists lead a variety of research institutions that provide researchers with the most advanced tools of modern science including accelerators, colliders, supercomputers, light sources and neutron sources, as well as facilities for studying the nano world, the environment, and the atmosphere.


Hard News: How do we all move past our differences, get together and save the world?

The closing panel in The Listening Lounge at February's Splore festival was a fairly ambitious one, I wasn't sure whether it was going to work and I knew I was going to depend on my panelists – a psychologist, a brilliant young Zimbabwean New Zealander, an evangelical pastor and a campaign expert – to make it work.
I'm never really sure after these discussions what's actually happened – I've spent the whole time in the moment. But re-reading the transcript (thank you to Emma Hart for that), I felt good about it.
I also felt that the subtitle: "How do we all move…


Hard News: The last – and best – parts of the cannabis bill have arrived

Regular readers will know that I've been hanging out for the "market allocation" parts of the proposed Cannabis Legalisation and Control Bill, which will be the subject of a referendum this year.
While most media outlets ran inane stories last year on how many joints 14 grams added up to, it was clear to anyone who took the subject seriously that the questions of who would get to produce and sell cannabis and how licences would be awarded were vastly more important. And we've had to wait for answers to those.
Well, they're here. And it's very good news. From…


Will you go to hell if you don’t have good fruit? (John 15:1-8)

In John 15:1-8, Jesus talks about the importance of the branches abiding in the vine in order to produce fruit. If branches do not produce good fruit, they will be burned. Is Jesus saying that if Christians do not have good works they will be sent to hell? No! Not at all. Listen to the study to see what Jesus IS teaching and why this is important for properly understanding the gospel.


#440990 - Avocado Caesar Dressing Recipe

This Avocado Caesar Salad Dressing is a great homemade dressing for those who want a different spin on an ordinary sauce for your salad. The creaminess from the Avocado gives it a much thicker texture as it coats all of the Rom

craving more? check out TasteSpotting


#441005 - Pavlova Recipe

If you are unfamiliar with pavlovas, they are light meringue cakes; inspired by the tutu of a famous ballerina named Anna Pavlova. This dessert will be sure to impress.

craving more? check out TasteSpotting


As coronavirus catches tech CEOs with their pants down, IBM's Ginni Rometty warns of IT's new role post-pandemic

Middle management is about to learn just how necessary they are

Last night, one of the most senior figures in the IT industry from one of the biggest companies gave the strongest indication that when COVID-19 lockdowns gradually begin to lift, people will not return to the jobs they once had. That means both tech jobs, and how technology supports other business roles.…


Need some weekend reading? How about the source code for UK, Australia's coronavirus contact-tracing apps

Problems aside, no one is sure how useful phone-based tracking will be

The NHSX, a technology group within the UK government's National Health Service, has released the source code for its Android and iOS COVID-19 coronavirus contact-tracing apps in an effort to allay privacy concerns and improve the code.…


11/30/14 - Wear the ring I gave you


08/23/15 - Never have the courage


12/20/15 - To once again see the sparkle your eyes used to have


05/01/16 - Your lips have grown so cold


09/03/17 - Bodily into heaven


12/31/17 - The Great Hall in Heaven


Review of The Flesh Cavern (Windows)

A review by piltdown_man (179399). A short but enjoyable bit of perversion


Featured - My Biggest Lab Mistake (and why I don't leave home without socks)

My grad schools days are long behind me, and as time goes on, my memories of the pain and suffering become more of a blur. But, there was one day that I will never forget.  Not only did I lose an entire days work, but I was lucky to avoid serious injury. It was the day I made the biggest mistake I ever made in the lab.My graduate school was in a southern area of the country where obnoxio; (read more)

Source: Suzy - Discipline: Misc


Featured - The Traveling Life

My travel schedule is set for another year. Every year I tell myself I’m not going to commit to so much travel but whenever I am asked to cover some event, it’s an opportunity for me to talk to people in diverse and burgeoning fields and get new ideas for products, so I don’t say no.  And who doesn’t enjoy attending conferences? So I’ll be traveling to a conference every month from no; (read more)

Source: Suzy - Discipline: BioTech


JoT #2700: Coronavirus changes everything!

Is the new normal a new normal for you?


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Au zoo avec Sam et Lucca

Contes de fées aux enfants - Au zoo avec Sam et Lucca.