
Miguel Del Río estará preocupado por denuncias que hicimos en su contra: abogado de Uribe

Jaime Granados, abogado de Álvaro Uribe Vélez, habló en 6AM sobre qué detonó el abogado Miguel Ángel del Río en medio de la audiencia preparatoria contra su defendido


Diego Cancino me tocó sin mi consentimiento e intentó besarme: Viviana Vargas

En 6AM Hoy por Hoy de Caracol Radio estuvo Viviana Vargas Ávila, funcionaria del Ministerio del Interior, para hablar sobre las denuncias que hizo en contra de Diego Cancino, viceministro de esta cartera, por acoso sexual.


No va a entrar en vigencia sin Ley de Competencias: senador Ávila sobre reforma a SGP

El senador Ariel Ávila, estuvo en 6AM, para abordar cómo será la transición y en qué consisten los 7 acuerdos que destaparon el camino para la reforma al Sistema General de Participaciones.


“Las alertas llegaron tarde, cuando ya había pasado lo peor”: colombiana en Valencia

Laura Velásquez, colombiana en Valencia, estuvo en 6AM para abordar la coyuntura climática de inundaciones que afecta a esta ciudad de España.


Gustavo Petro el mejor en términos ambientales, el peor en seguridad: Cifras y Conceptos

El Gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos, César Caballero explicó en 6AM que los colombianos consideran que después de 16 años, se está presentando la peor situación de seguridad del país, pero la mejor en términos ambientales durante el gobierno de Gustavo Petro.


Gustavo Petro el mejor en términos ambientales, el peor en seguridad: Cifras y Conceptos

El Gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos, César Caballero, explicó en 6AM que los colombianos consideran que después de 16 años, se está presentando la peor situación de seguridad del país, pero la mejor en términos ambientales durante el gobierno de Gustavo Petro.


César Caballero, gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos

El Gerente general de Cifras y Conceptos, César Caballero, explicó en 6AM que los colombianos consideran que después de 16 años, se está presentando la peor situación de seguridad del país, pero la mejor en términos ambientales durante el gobierno de Gustavo Petro.


“Todavía hay cuerpos sin vida en garages”: colombiana en desastres de Valencia

Nathalia Calero, colombiana en Valencia, habló sobre cómo ha avanzado la crisis en esa ciudad de España tras los desastres en los últimos días 


“Las honras fúnebres se harán en España”: hermano de colombiano fallecido en Valencia

Ante los acontecimientos que afectan a esta ciudad, se confirmó que Nelson Quijano fue el primer colombiano fallecido por las inundaciones. Su hermano habló en 6AM.


“Cuando entras a los pueblos ves demasiada tristeza”: colombiano en desastres de Valencia

Daniel Baliz, colombiano en Valencia, habló en 6AM sobre cómo avanzan los días de los habitantes de esta región tras la emergencia por las inundaciones


Inundaciones, alto tráfico y suspensión de clases: Así amanece Bogotá tras la emergencia

El secretario de Seguridad Bogotá, César Restrepo recomendó en 6AM a los ciudadanos tomar rutas alternas, porque las inundaciones continúan.


Inundaciones, alto tráfico y suspensión de clases: Así amanece Bogotá tras la emergencia

El secretario de Seguridad Bogotá, César Restrepo recomendó en 6AM a los ciudadanos tomar rutas alternas porque las inundaciones continúan, mientras que el concejal Samir Abisambra alertó por nuevas emergencias.


Autopista Norte está encima del humedal, la situación de ayer era inevitable: Galán

Carlos Fernando Galán, alcalde de Bogotá, hizo hincapié en cuáles son las principales causas de las inundaciones en la Autopista Norte 


Se raja la política de vivienda del Gobierno: Camacol advierte consecuencias

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Guillermo Herrera, presidente de la Cámara Colombiana de la Construcción (Camacol), quien habló sobre cuál es la situación actual del sector constructor en Colombia, afirmando que “hay un recorte importante para el 2025 en el sector vivienda. No tendremos los 50 mil subsidios que estamos esperando, sino que serán cerca de 20.500 para la adquisición de vivienda nueva en Colombia”


No vamos a permitir aumento del diésel: camioneros sobre incumplimientos del Gobierno

Alfonso Medrano, presidente de la Asociación Colombiana de Camioneros, habló en 6AM sobre cuáles son los incumplimientos que el Gobierno presenta con el gremio de transportadores


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, Cauca, tras atentado

Daniela Gómez Rivas, viceministra de Defensa, hizo hincapié en 6AM sobre qué acciones están tomando ante los recientes ataques en la zona


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, tras atentado

Viceministra de Defensa en 6AM


Viceministra de Defensa confirma cancelación de concierto en El Plateado, tras atentado

Viceministra de Defensa en 6AM 


No funciona la prueba piloto, genera un traumatismo en la movilidad: alcalde de La Calera

En 6AM de Caracol Radio estuvo Juan Carlos Hernández, alcalde de La Calera, quien habló sobre cuáles han sido las afectaciones del reversible de la vía Bogotá-La Calera y si está sirviendo o no la medida.


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Medieval Radiance And Incarnate Jazz: Light Gathering in NYC on November 8th

In the universe, every element, every star, every atom is constantly sending out waves of light—some visible, most hidden. From gamma rays, to the brilliance of sunlight, to the subtle glow of infrared, everything in existence shines. In this concert, we gather that light, pulling from the vast spectrum, where ancient harmonies meet the rhythms of the modern world...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Announcing SMOKE Jazz Club’s December Line-up Featuring The 12th Annual Coltrane Festival With Ravi Coltrane’s Smoke Debut, A Spectacular New Year’s Eve Celebration, Catherine Russell and Sean Mason, And More

Entering its second quarter century as committed as ever to pure jazz (All About Jazz),” SMOKE Jazz Club continues its 25th anniversary season with an exciting line-up in December. The holiday season kickstarts with “A Nat King Cole Christmas” featuring singer Allan Harris (Dec 4). SMOKE is thrilled to welcome acclaimed vocalist Catherine Russell in her club debut in a thrilling duo with pianist Sean Mason (Dec 5-8) performing repertoire off their latest album My Ideal...


CONTEST: Don’t Miss Your Chance To Be Part Of The 11th Edition Of The 7 Virtual Jazz Club International Improvised Music Contest!

New Application Deadline: December 31, 2024 With the eleventh edition of our international improvised music contest, we reaffirm our commitment to promoting talent from around the world and across all musical genres, making our format even more open and inclusive to celebrate every form of music. ...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Aaron Parnell Brown and The Riverside Gang Come To Black Squirrel Club In Philadelphia On Saturday November 23, 2024

Come see and hear one of Philly's most extraordinary artists in Jazz, Soul, and Blues—Aaron Parnell Brown and The Riverside Gang! Coming to the Black Squirrel Club on Saturday November 23rd! Saturday, November 23, 2024...


PERFORMANCE / TOUR: Rick Bogart Releases 5th Album 'Rick Bogart Sings Mr. Paganini' - Debut Performance at Backstage Tavern on Friday, November 8

Acclaimed jazz clarinetist and vocalist Rick Bogart is thrilled to announce the release of his highly anticipated new album as a tribute to Ella Fitzgerald, Rick Bogart Sings Mr. Paganini, now available on all streaming platforms...


RECORDING: Celebrated Composer-Trombonist Naomi Moon Siegel Releases Shatter The Glass Sanctuary On Slow and Steady Records

Available at Slow and Steady Records and Bandcamp. Trailblazing composer-trombonist Naomi Moon Siegel has announced the Nov...


Automating Ourselves Out of Existence

Time has grown more scarce after having a child, so I rarely blog anymore. Though I thought it probably made sense to make at least a quarterly(ish) post so people know I still exist.

One of the big things I have been noticing over the past year or so is an increasing level of automation in ways that are not particularly brilliant. :D

Just from this past week I've had 3 treat encounters on this front.

One marketplace closed my account after I made a bunch of big purchases, likely presuming the purchases were fraudulent based on the volume, new account & an IP address in an emerging market economy. I never asked for a refund or anything like that, but when I believe in something I usually push pretty hard, so I bought a lot. What was dumb about that is they took a person who would have been a whale client & a person they were repeatedly targeting with ads & turned them into a person who would not recommend them ... after being a paying client who spent a lot and had zero specific customer interactions or requests ... an all profit margin client who spent big and then they discarded. Dumb.

Similarly one ad network had my account automatically closed after I had not used it for a while. When I went to reactivate it the person in customer support told me it would be easier to just create a new account as reactivating it would take a half week or more. I said ok, went to set up a new account, and it was auto-banned and they did not disclose why. I asked feedback as to why and they said that they could not offer any but it was permanent and lifetime.

A few months go by and I wondered what was up with that and I logged into my inactive account & set up a subaccount and it worked right away. Weird. But then even there they offer automated suggestions and feedback on improving your account performance and some of them were just not rooted in fact. Worse yet, if they set the default targeting options to overly broad it can cause account issues in a country like Vietnam to where if you click to approve (or even auto approve!) their automated suggestions you then get notifications about how you are violating some sort of ToS or guidelines ... if they can run that logic *after* you activate *their* suggestions, why wouldn't they instead run that logic earlier? How well do they think you will trust & believe in their automated optimization tips if after you follow them you get warning pop overs?

Another big bonus recently was a client was mentioned in a stray spam email. The email wasn't from the client or me, but the fact that a random page on their site was mentioned in a stray spoofed email that got flagged as spam meant that when the ticket notification from the host sent wounded up in spam they never saw it and then the host simply took their site offline. Based on a single email sent from some other server.

Upon calling the host with a friendly WTF they explained to the customer that they had so many customers they have to automate everything. At the same time when it came time to restoring hosting that the client was paying for they suggested the client boot in secure mode, run Apache commands x and y, etc. ... even though they knew the problem was not with the server, but an overmalicious automated response to a stray mention in a singular spam email sent by some third party.

When the host tried to explain that they "have to" automate everything because they have so many customers the customer quickly cut them off with "No, that is a business choice. You could charge different prices or choose to reach out to people who have spent tens of thousands on hosting and have not had any issues in years." He also mentioned how emails can be sent to spam, or be sent to an inbox on the very web host that went offline & was then inaccessible. Then the lovely customer support person stated "I have heard that complaint before" meaning they are aware of the issue, but do not see it as an issue for them. When the customer said they should follow up any emails with an SMS for servers going offline the person said you could do it on your end & then later sent them a 14-page guide for how to integrate the Twillio API.

Nothing in the world is fair. Nothing in the world is equal. But there are smart ways to run a business & dumb ways to run a business.

If you have enough time to write a 14-page integration guide it probably makes sense to just incorporate the feature into the service so the guide is unneeded!

Businesses should treat their heavy spenders or customers with a long history of a clean account with more care than a newly opened account. I had a big hedge fund as a client who would sometimes want rush work done & would do stuff like "hey good job there, throw in an extra $10,000 for yourself as a bonus" on the calls. Whenever they called or emailed they got a quick response. :D

I sort of get that one small marketplace presuming my purchases might have been a scam based on how many I did, how new my account was, and how small they were, but the hosting companies & ad networks that are worth 9 to 12 figures should generally do a bit better. Though in many ways the market cap is a sign the entity is insulated from market pressures & can automate away customer service hoping that their existing base is big enough to offset the customer support horror stories that undermine their brand.

It works.

At least for a while.

A parallel to the above is my Facebook ad account, which was closed about a half decade or so ago due to geographic mismatch. That got removed, but then sort of only half way. If I go to run ads it says that I can't, but then if I go to request an account review to once again explain the geographic difference I can't even get the form to submit unless I edit the HTML of the page on the fly to seed the correct data into the form field as by default it says I can not request a review since I have no ad account.

The flip side of the above is if that level of automation can torch existing paid accounts you have to expect the big data search & social companies are taking a rather skeptical view of new sites or players wanting to rank freely in their organic search results or social feeds. With that being the case, it helps to seed what you can to provide many signals that may remove some of the risks of getting set in the bad pile.

I have seen loads of people have their YouTube or Facebook or whatever such account get torched & only override the automated technocratic persona non grata policies by having followers in another channel who shared their dire situation so it could get flagged for human review and restoration. If that happens to established & widely followed players who have spent years investing into a platform the odds of it happening to most newer sites & players is quite high.

You can play it safe and never say anything interesting, ensuring you are well within the Overtone Window in all aspects of life. That though also almost certainly guarantees failure as it is hard to catch up or build momentum if your defining attribute is being a conformist.



How Trump increased his vote margins even in traditionally blue areas

NPR's Ayesha Rascoe talks with A.B. Stoddard, columnist at The Bulwark, about the election results and if it means there has been a durable political realignment.


Cryptocurrency's power players spent big on the election. Will it pay off?

NPR's Ayesha Rascoe speaks with Punchbowl News reporter Brendan Pedersen about the cryptocurrency industry's heavy spending on the 2024 campaign and what it could mean for crypto regulation.


A law expert explains the role federal judges will play in Trump's presidency

NPR's Ayesha Rascoe talks to Georgetown Law Professor Steve Vladeck about the role federal courts can play as a check on presidential power during a second Trump Administration.


'Performance Today' at 20: A Look Back

Twenty years of programs, two hours a day, every day. That's around 45-thousand performances, recorded in places as remote as alpine ski villages in South Korea, to the great cathedrals of music in Paris, to chamber music festivals in the hills of New Mexico, to NPR's own Studio 4-A. It's impossible to squeeze 20 years into two hours, so here are some sweet memories, thrilling performances, and even a few flukes.


Violence broke out after a soccer match in Amsterdam

Violence after a soccer game in Amsterdam shocks both Dutch and Israeli authorities.


Gangs in Haiti shot at a Spirit Airlines plane as it was trying to land in Port-Au-Prince

Violence continues in Haiti, despite the appointment of a new prime minister. The international airport was shut down after shots were fired at a landing commercial flight.


Former airman Jack Teixeira sentenced to 15 years for leaking classified documents

The former Massachusetts Air National Guard member, Jack Teixeira, has been sentenced to 15 years in a federal prison for leaking classified documents about the war in Ukraine.


ON EXPLORATIONS – the science of black holes, with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson and Dr. Fulvia Melia.

On Explorations this week Dr. Michio Kaku speaks with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson, an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. Tyson studied at Harvard University, the University of Texas at […]

The post ON EXPLORATIONS – the science of black holes, with Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson and Dr. Fulvia Melia. appeared first on KKFI.


US Violence Against Women Act

On September 12, 2024, the Biden-Harris administration celebrated 30 years since the passage of the US Violence Against Women Act, with an announcement of new funds and new areas of […]

The post US Violence Against Women Act appeared first on KKFI.


Finding oneself through sound, dance and family

A documentary brings the sounds of nature into an Australian prison, a queer dancer tries to make space for other LGBTQ performers, and what it’s like when your grandfather is revered as a saint by his church.


The importance of seeking beauty, wherever it can be found

Daniela Gesundheit is part of indie band Snowblink, and a cantor, the person who leads people in singing and prayer in a synagogue. But while Gesundheit kept those two worlds separate, she felt there were conversations happening within the Jewish tradition that were too big to be confined.


Gender-fluid dressing could lead to renaissance in fashion, says advocate

Until now, a lot of forays into genderless fashion have been subdued and shapeless, featuring neutral colours and boxy silhouettes. The author and activist behind the #DeGenderFashion movement says a truly gender-fluid approach to dressing could allow room for a much more expressive wardrobe.


Cancer taught me the hard truth about speaking up for myself

As a little girl, Jennifer Fotheringham was shushed for asking about cancer. As a grown woman, she was dismissed for asking about a mammogram. Now as a cancer survivor, she knows not to be silenced.

  • Radio/White Coat/ Black Art


James Runcie on the beauty, sorrow and genius of Johann Sebastian Bach

The British novelist spoke with Eleanor Wachtel in 2022 about his book, The Great Passion, a fictional imagining of J.S. Bach as an ambitious, passionate musician and father.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


The beautiful, melancholy world of Anita Desai

The South Asian author and winner of the 2017 Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival's Grand Prix spoke with Eleanor Wachtel on stage at the festival in Montreal.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


Amitava Kumar on India, the U.S. and the indelible imprint of the immigrant experience

The academic and author spoke with Eleanor Wachtel about his provocative new novel, Immigrant, Montana.

  • Radio/Writers & Company


Dec 17: Our annual holiday book show, including the health hazards of space travel and more

A history of COVID-19 and the neuroscience of religion.

  • Radio/Quirks & Quarks


Jan 14: Exxon's excellent climate science, dolphins drowned out by noise, supersonic but boomless and more...

Climate change and insects, and designing Canada’s lunar rover

  • Radio/Quirks & Quarks


Jan 21: Fork-headed trilobite, echidnas blow snot bubbles, Perseverance delivery drop-off and more…

Farming fish lose their fertilizer and inoculation against misinformation.

  • Radio/Quirks & Quarks


Feb 25: Giraffe romance, CO2 record interruption, Stone Age farmer violence and more…

Recycled water purity and fears of a fungal future.

  • Radio/Quirks & Quarks


March 11: Encore of Quirks & Quarks' 2005 special celebrating Albert Einstein's impact on science

"The Einstein Show" marked 100 years since his publication of four papers that changed the laws of physics

  • Radio/Quirks & Quarks


Drone surveillance and crowdfunded ransom: How tech is changing borders and those who cross them

Millions of people are on the move today, in the biggest forced displacement since the Second World War. And unlike in decades past, new technologies are changing the narratives of their movement — both by reinforcing and extending borders, and acting as a lifeline for those trying to cross them. 


These artists are exposing the dangers of AI and surveillance through art

From an AI-generated infinite conversation between thinkers to making art from easily obtained surveillance footage, artists are making the dystopia entertaining, at least