
[ASAP] Covalent Triazine Frameworks Incorporating Charged Polypyrrole Channels for High-Performance Lithium–Sulfur Batteries

Chemistry of Materials
DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c00246


Common performance metrics for airport infrastructure and operational planning / Barbara A. Bottiger, [and 6 others]

Barker Library - TL725.3.P5 B68 2018


Aircraft performance: an engineering approach / Mohammad Sadraey

Barker Library - TL671.4.S234 2017


High-performance computing of big data for turbulence and combustion / Sergio Pirozzoli, Tapan K. Sengupta, editors

Online Resource


Ignition!: an informal history of liquid rocket propellants / by John D. Clark ; foreword by Isaac Asimov

Barker Library - TL785.C53 2017


Performance of the Jet Transport Airplane: Analysis Methods, Flight Operations, and Regulations / by Trevor M. Young

Online Resource


Re-platforming the airline business: to meet travelers' total mobility needs / Nawal K. Taneja

Dewey Library - HE9780.T3638 2019


Performance Evaluation and Design of Flight Vehicle Control Systems.

Online Resource


Benefit-cost analysis guidebook for airport stormwater / Richard A. Krop [and 10 others]

Barker Library - TL725.3.D7 K76 2019


Unmanned aerial vehicles: breakthroughs in research and practice / [edited by] Information Resources Management Association

Barker Library - TL685.35.U56 2019


Unmanning: how humans, machines, and media perform drone warfare / Katherine Chandler

Dewey Library - UG1242.D7 C435 2020


Storming the heavens : the Soviet League of the Militant Godless / Daniel Peris.

Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 1998


Women, dance and revolution: performance and protest in the southern Mediterranean / Rose Martin

Rotch Library - GV1704.M37 2016


Transforming Delhi / A.K. Jain ; foreword by Christopher Charles Benninger

Rotch Library - HT169.I42 D455 2015


Muslim identities and modernity: the transformation of Egyptian culture, thought and literature / Maha F. Habib

Rotch Library - HM831.H33 2016


Tehran: life within walls: a city, its territory, and forms of dwelling / Hamed Khosravi, Amir Djalali, Francesco Marullo ; foreword, Salomon Frausto ; afterword, Michiel Riedijk

Rotch Library - NA1487.T44 K47 2017


Industrial sexuality: gender, urbanization, and social transformation in Egypt / by Hanan Hammad

Rotch Library - HN786.A8 H34 2016


Arabic type-making in the machine age: the influence of technology on the form of Arabic type, 1908-1993 / by Titus Nemeth

Rotch Library - Z251.A6 N46 2017


Qazaqliq, or ambitious brigandage, and the formation of the Qazaqs: state and identity in post-Mongol central Eurasia / by Joo-Yup Lee

Rotch Library - DS24.L44 2016


The architectural form of the mosque in the central Arab lands, from the Hijra to the end of the Umayyad period, 1/622-133/750 / Thallein Antun

Rotch Library - NA4670.A58 2016


Awadh from Mughal to colonial rule: studies in the anatomy of a transformation / Saiyid Zaheer Husain Jafri

Rotch Library - DS485.O94 J34 2016


Islamization in Bosnia: Sarajevo's conversion and socio-economic development, 1461-1604 / Allan Norman York

Rotch Library - BP65.B62 S279 2017


LIbya's hidden pages of history: a memoir / Mustafa Ahmed ben-Halim, former Prime Minister of Libya ; translation by Leslie McLoughlin

Rotch Library - DT235.B5313 2014


The mosaics of the Norman Stanza in Palermo: a study of Byzantine and medieval Islamic palace decoration / by David Knipp

Rotch Library - NA3792.N67 K55 2017


Form and light: from Bauhaus to Tel Aviv / Yigal Gawze ; essays, Michael Jacobson, Gilad Ophir

Rotch Library - NA1478.T45 G39 2018


Modern Iran since 1797: reform and revolution / Ali M. Ansari

Rotch Library - DS272.A58 2019


Mega cities, mega challenge: informal dynamics of global change: insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pearl River Delta, China / Frauke Kraas, Kirsten Hackenbroch, Harald Sterly, Jost Heintzenberg, Peter Herrle and Volker Kreibich (eds.)

Rotch Library - HT169.B342 D435 2019


Urban heritage along the silk roads: a contemporary reading of urban transformation of historic cities in the Middle East and beyond / Fatemeh Farnaz Arefian, Seyed Hossein Iradj Moeini, editors

Rotch Library - NA109.M628 U733 2020


Shareholder cities: land transformations along urban corridors in India / Sai Balakrishnan

Rotch Library - HD879.M444 B35 2019


Arabicity: contemporary Arab art / edited by Rose Issa and Juliet Cestar ; contributions by Rose Issa, Georges Corm, Michket Krifa, Etel Adnan

Rotch Library - N7265.3.A733 2019


Visual arts in Cameroon: a genealogy of non-formal training, 1976-2014 / Annette Schemmel

Rotch Library - N7399.C3 S34 2015


Performing the arts of Indonesia: Malay identity and politics in the music, dance and theatre of the Riau islands / edited by Margaret Kartomi

Rotch Library - PN2905.R54 P47 2019


Islamization in modern South Asia: Deobandi reform and the Gujjar response / David Emmanuel Singh

Rotch Library - BP63.A37 S56 2012


Dervishes and Islam in Bosnia: sufi dimensions to the formation of Bosnian Muslim society / by Ines Aščerić-Todd

Rotch Library - BP188.8.B54 A83 2015


Islam without Europe: traditions of reform in eighteenth-century Islamic thought / Ahmad S. Dallal

Rotch Library - BP55.D35 2018


Library and information science in the Middle East and North Africa / edited by Amanda B. Click, Sumayya Ahmed, Jacob Hill, and John D. Martin III

Rotch Library - Z665.2.M625 L53 2016


Knowing too much: why the American Jewish romance with Israel is coming to an end / Norman G. Finkelstein

Rotch Library - DS119.6.F56 2012


Method and madness: the hidden story of Israel's assaults on Gaza / by Norman G. Finkelstein

Rotch Library - DS119.76.F499 2014


In the presence of power: court and performance in the pre-modern Middle East / edited by Maurice A. Pomerantz and Evelyn Birge Vitz

Rotch Library - DS36.855.I45 2017


Performance Metrics to Improve Quality in Contemporary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Practice

This Viewpoint discussing implementing quality assessment metrics in percutaneous coronary intervention programs.


J Deluca Fish Company Inc. Recalls Siluriformes Products Produced Without Benefit of Import Inspection

J Deluca Fish Company Inc., doing business as Nautilus Seafood, a Wilmington, Calif. firm and the importer of record, is recalling approximately 69,590 pounds of Siluriformes fish products that were not presented for import re-inspection into the United States.


USDA Offers Food Safety Tips for Areas in the Path of Tropical Storm Barry

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is issuing food safety recommendations for those who may be impacted by Tropical Storm Barry.


Premium Foods USA, Inc., Recalls Siluriformes Products Produced Without Benefit of Import Inspection

Premium Foods USA, Inc., a Woodside, N.Y. establishment and importer of record, is recalling approximately 76,025 pounds of various Siluriformes fish products that were not presented for import re-inspection into the United States.


H&T Seafood Inc. Recalls Siluriformes Products Produced Without the Benefit of Inspection

H&T Seafood Inc., a Bell, Calif. firm, is recalling an undetermined amount of Siluriformes products that were packed and distributed without the benefit of USDA inspection and used the mark of inspection without authorization.


You Chang Trading, Inc. Recalls Siluriformes Products Produced Without Benefit of Inspection

You Chang Trading, Inc., a Brooklyn, N.Y. establishment, is recalling an undetermined amount of raw Siluriformes fish filet products labeled as Tilapia that were not presented for FSIS import re-inspection.


Alli & Rose, LLC Recalls Siluriformes Fish Products Produced Without Benefit of Import Inspection

Alli & Rose, LLC, a Redlands, Calif. establishment, is recalling approximately 21,930 pounds of Siluriformes (catfish) products that were not presented for import re-inspection.


Golden Pearl Trading Corporation Recalls Ready to Eat Imported Siluriformes Products Produced Without Benefit of Import Inspection

Golden Pearl Trading Corporation (doing business as Dandy Food Products), a San Lorenzo, Calif. establishment, is recalling approximately 12,054 pounds of ready-to-eat (RTE) imported Siluriformes products that were not presented for import re-inspection into the United States.


Sebi moots new norms for warehouses in comex space

Sebi has come out with a consultation paper on how comexes should deal with warehouses registered with them. It has specified minimum standards for warehouses which want to be part of the commodity derivatives space in the country.


Face-to-face in Shakespearean drama : ethics, performance, philosophy / edited by Matthew James Smith and Julia Reinhard Lupton


Beat drama : playwrights and performances of the 'Howl' generation / edited by Deborah R. Geis ; series editors, Enoch Brater and Mark Taylor-Batty