
Workshop: Measuring the potential of green growth in Chile (Santiago, Chile)

Chile's OECD membership presents challenges both in the context of changing patterns of production and consumption, and in the framework of a more sustainable economy. Specifically, green growth emphasizes improving growth rates, particularly through greening existing industries, as well as through new eco-businesses.


Report: Measuring the potential of local green growth - An analysis of Greater Copenhagen

This report presents, for the first time a local ‘green growth’ indicator framework. This indicator framework was developed from the OECD ‘green growth’ strategy at the national level, but modified to highlight issues of transition that are most relevant for local areas.


Project: Measuring the potential of green growth: Indicators of local transition to a low-carbon economy

This LEED project aims to to define key indicators of area-based transition to a low-carbon economy. The objective is to define measurable indicators at regional/local level that can inform over time of transition to low-carbon economic and industrial activities.


Workshop: Potential of social enterprises for job creation and green economy - how to stimulate their start and development?

The last decade has seen considerable policy attention to the social economy and its contribution to employment, in particular as regards the inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable workers and the provision of appropriate working conditions.


Africa: making growth more inclusive hinges on unlocking potential of local economies, says the African Economic Outlook 2015

With Africa’s population set to double by 2050, modernising local economies will be vital to make the continent more competitive and to increase people’s living standards, according to the African Economic Outlook 2015, released at the African Development Bank Group’s 50th Annual Meetings.


Africa: Economic transformation hinges on unlocking potential of cities, says the African Economic Outlook 2016

How Africa urbanises will be critical to the continent’s future growth and development, says the African Economic Outlook 2016 released today at the African Development Bank Group’s 51st Annual Meetings.


Weight of evidence assessment for the skin sensitisation potential of 4-isopropylaniline

This OECD monograph demonstrates how a chemical hazard assessment that considers and ranks all available relevant information - a so-called weight of evidence approach - can be constructed to conclude on a particular hazard endpoint for a chemical, in this case, skin sensitisation for 4-isopropylaniline.


Virgin Australia announces another trading halt due to coronavirus ahead of potential bailout

Virgin Australia has plunged into another trading halt during the coronavirus crisis as the airline waits on a potential bailout package from the federal government.


Instagram is removing coronavirus-related content not shared by health organizations

Instagram is now removing coronavirus-related content and accounts from recommendations and 'Explore' option unless it is posted by or belonging to credible health organizations.


Mel B tells how, finally, she has found contentment

Melanie Janine Brown is sitting on the doorstep of her farmhouse, one leg aloft as she points out the direction of her hometown, Leeds, with a pink sequined Ugg boot


A tentative beginning

The National Advisory Council's civil society members assured us of their independence and continued focus on the public good. That promise met its first test during the past fortnight. The India Together editorial.


Entente with the east

Non-overlapping economies in ASEAN and India provide an excellent opportunity for mutual benefits. Policymakers and opinion-makers must lay the framework, says Mukul Asher.


Patent nonsense

Nothing exposes the hollowness of the claims corporations now make to intellectual property as much as their own histories, says George Monbiot.


Genes can't be patented, says US court

A New York judge rules that trying to patent genetic information cannot be permitted - the first serious setback to the genetic technology industry, which will have implications worldwide, writes Sujatha Byravan.


COVID-19: Is Ceylon Tea A Potential Immunity Booster?

Recently, the Ministry of AYUSH has released certain guidelines on how to improve immunity and strengthen our body in the wake of global pandemic. The guidelines revealed that a mixture of turmeric and milk is very effective in boosting immunity. As


Gründliche Darstellung des electro-magnetischen Telegraphen: nach dem System des Professor Morse / von Alfred Vail, Assistent-Director des electro-magnetischen Telegraphen in den Vereinigten Staaten ; aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Clemens Ger

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5123.V3515 1848


The Delany system of machine telegraphy: a new system of automatic transmission and chemical recording which develops the carrying capacity of telegraph wires to the fullest extent: cheap telegraphy now practicable: letters will be telegraphed instead of

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5547.D45 1895


Telegraphic tales and telegraphic history: a popular account of the electric telegraph--its uses, extent and outgrowths / by W.J. Johnson

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5265.J64 1880


Abridgments of United States patents on underground lines, to January 1, 1886 / by James W. See

Archives, Room Use Only - TK3251.S44 1886


Illustrated catalogue and price list no. 13 of telegraph instruments, district telegraph supplies, hotel annunciators, house calls, burglar alarms, patented specialties, &c., &c. / manufactured exclusively by the National Electrical Manufacturing

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5295.N38 1895


Luftnachrichtentruppe Betriebsvorschriften.

Archives, Room Use Only - UG595.G7 L84 1941


Decision of Hon. Philip F. Thomas, commissioner of patents, on the application of Samuel F.B. Morse, for an extension of his patent for a new and useful improvement in electro-magnetic telegraphs: patented April 11, 1846: patent extended for seven years f

Archives, Room Use Only - KF228.M674 U55 1860


Before the Commissioner of patents: in the matter of the application of Samuel F.B. Morse, for an extension for seven years of letters patent granted to him June 20th, 1840, reissued January 15th, 1846, and again reissued June 13th, 1848, for the electro-

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5118.M7 H37 1854


Tent life in Siberia: and adventures among the Koraks and other tribes in Kamtchatka and northern Asia / by George Kennan

Archives, Room Use Only - DK755.K34 1890


[Collection of United States patents concerning the telegraph].

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5269.C65 1859


Pioneer inventions and pioneer patents: a lecture on patent law delivered to the senior engineering students of Purdue University of the classes of '22, '23, and '24 and previous classes / by Frank Keiper

Archives, Room Use Only - T223.Z1 K45 1924


[Collection of British patents].

Archives, Room Use Only - T207.C65 1864


Researchers develop molecule for potential COVID-19 drug in India


Samsung files patent for phone with 'status indicator' on selfie camera


All about Contents.

There are people you just need to say “yes” to.

I consider myself fortunate to have known and worked with Erin Kissane for years, and I’ve admired her writing for quite some time before that. Krista Stevens has been a friendly fixture throughout my career; she used to run an impossibly tight ship at Digital Web, where some of my first articles were published, before doing wonderful and incredible things at A List Apart. So yeah, when they asked me to work with them on their New Secret Project©, I basically signed up before they could finish telling me what it was all about.

And with that, I’m thrilled to announce that Contents, a new magazine focusing on content strategy, will be launching this fall.

Here’s Erin’s introduction:

The conversation about content strategy, online publishing, and all the subfields and specializations that surround them is flourishing. Wonderfully, it’s no longer possible to keep track of the posts, comments, talks, and events that take place every week within our world. And it’s not just that we’re voluble: our community is extraordinarily generous with knowledge, help, and professional support.

After benefiting from this conversation in so many ways, we’d like to give something back. A bounded collection of ideas and connections. A place to catch up with the movement of our fledgling industry and the much older fields from which it emerged. An editorial lens.

As a designer-person who benefitted immensely from Erin’s and Kristina’s respective books on the subject, this is all music to the ol’ ears. Because I think Contents is going to be a wonderful, oh-so-valuable resource for those of us looking to better understand content strategy (myself included), and I’m excited to contribute a little bit to making that happen.

In short: because of folks like Erin, Krista, and the oh-so-capable Erik Westra, I know Contents will be something special. You should check us out on Twitter, and maybe contribute an article or eight if you’re so inclined.


Plasma medicine research highlights its antibacterial effects, potential uses


Processing Content Security Policy violation reports

Content Security Policy can be used to generate reports describing attempts to attack your site. This post briefly explains how this works, and presents a simple example script that can be used to process these reports.


JNU releases tentative academic calendar for Monsoon session, set to return to classes by June 25


‘Saudi Prince Faisal is under detention’

Human Rights Watch (HRW) said on Saturday that Saudi Arabian authorities recently detained and are holding incommunicado Prince Faisal bin Abdullah, w


Bringing Relevant Content into your Designs

October 6, 2015

Many important considerations impact software design. Business goals, user goals, user context, cultural considerations, platform paradigms, branding requirements, devices … the list goes on and on. While a primary focus for any software design effort should be the data or other content that’s being displayed, this keystone element is often given short shrift. This is unfortunate and shortsighted. Given the focus it your content will receive, it should be a primary consideration during the design process.

It is a common practice to represent data and content as “Lorem ipsum,” repeating data, or simply using “best case scenario” data. In reality, this isn’t what will be experienced in the final product. The data you have to work with can drastically affect the final design, and the design will influence the type, format, and presentation of data.

Infusing Real Content into Your Designs

Whether you’re using...read more
By Juan Sanchez



JNU tentative academic calendar released for Monsoon session, set to return to classes by June 25

JNU tentative academic calendar released for Monsoon session, set to return to classes by June 25


Call of duty gets equal attention as her infant

Call of duty gets equal attention as her infant


Countries should pay attention to the most vulnerable: Tedros Ghebreyesus

He said, more than 3.5 million cases of Covid-19 and almost 250,000 deaths have now been reported to WHO.


Parkash Badal welcomes Farooq Abdullah's release from detention


This week's sponsor: GatherContent

GATHER CONTENT: Stop content delaying website launches with custom collaborative online templates and workflow. Try it free!


Call of duty gets equal attention as her infant

As a mother of newborn baby, this 24-year-old emergency medical technician (EMT) working with the 108 emergency ambulance service was eligible for six months maternity leave. But made of sterner stuff, Riddhi Chavda, couldn’t wait to rejoin duty.


Kerala continues to deal competently with the Covid-19 pandemic as well


R3c-type LnNiO3 (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Pm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu) half-metals with multiple Dirac cones: a potential class of advanced spintronic materials

In the past three years, Dirac half-metals (DHMs) have attracted considerable attention and become a high-profile topic in spintronics becuase of their excellent physical properties such as 100% spin polarization and massless Dirac fermions. Two-dimensional DHMs proposed recently have not yet been experimentally synthesized and thus remain theoretical. As a result, their characteristics cannot be experimentally confirmed. In addition, many theoretically predicted Dirac materials have only a single cone, resulting in a nonlinear electromagnetic response with insufficient intensity and inadequate transport carrier efficiency near the Fermi level. Therefore, after several attempts, we have focused on a novel class of DHMs with multiple Dirac crossings to address the above limitations. In particular, we direct our attention to three-dimensional bulk materials. In this study, the discovery via first principles of an experimentally synthesized DHM LaNiO3 with many Dirac cones and complete spin polarization near the Fermi level is reported. It is also shown that the crystal structures of these materials are strongly correlated with their physical properties. The results indicate that many rhombohedral materials with the general formula LnNiO3 (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, Pm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Lu) in the space group R3c are potential DHMs with multiple Dirac cones.


Combining random microseed matrix screening and the magic triangle for the efficient structure solution of a potential lysin from bacteriophage P68

Two commonly encountered bottlenecks in the structure determination of a protein by X-ray crystallography are screening for conditions that give high-quality crystals and, in the case of novel structures, finding derivatization conditions for experimental phasing. In this study, the phasing molecule 5-amino-2,4,6-triiodoisophthalic acid (I3C) was added to a random microseed matrix screen to generate high-quality crystals derivatized with I3C in a single optimization experiment. I3C, often referred to as the magic triangle, contains an aromatic ring scaffold with three bound I atoms. This approach was applied to efficiently phase the structures of hen egg-white lysozyme and the N-terminal domain of the Orf11 protein from Staphylococcus phage P68 (Orf11 NTD) using SAD phasing. The structure of Orf11 NTD suggests that it may play a role as a virion-associated lysin or endolysin.


Structure of GTP cyclohydrolase I from Listeria monocytogenes, a potential anti-infective drug target

A putative open reading frame encoding GTP cyclohydrolase I from Listeria monocytogenes was expressed in a recombinant Escherichia coli strain. The recombinant protein was purified and was confirmed to convert GTP to dihydroneopterin triphosphate (Km = 53 µM; vmax = 180 nmol mg−1 min−1). The protein was crystallized from 1.3 M sodium citrate pH 7.3 and the crystal structure was solved at a resolution of 2.4 Å (Rfree = 0.226) by molecular replacement using human GTP cyclohydrolase I as a template. The protein is a D5-symmetric decamer with ten topologically equivalent active sites. Screening a small library of about 9000 compounds afforded several inhibitors with IC50 values in the low-micromolar range. Several inhibitors had significant selectivity with regard to human GTP cyclohydrolase I. Hence, GTP cyclohydrolase I may be a potential target for novel drugs directed at microbial infections, including listeriosis, a rare disease with high mortality.


Types of potential IT/Computer Jobs


Rapid Response telescope system spots first potentially hazardous asteroid

The Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) PS1 telescope has discovered an asteroid about 150 feet in diameter that will come within 4 million miles of Earth in mid-October.

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Research on tungara frogs may be applicable to hearing loss/attention deficits in humans

A new study has revealed information about the way tungara frogs in the tropical rain forest hear, sort, and process sounds which is very similar to the way humans do. The knowledge could be applicable to communication disorders associated with hearing loss and attention deficits or difficulties.

The post Research on tungara frogs may be applicable to hearing loss/attention deficits in humans appeared first on Smithsonian Insider.


Panama’s slime molds get attention from Arkansas University grad student

This past summer, Laura Walker became the first scientist to collect slime molds from soils at the Barro Colorado Nature Monument in Panama, a reserve administered by the Smithsonain since 1946.

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