
No race balance, but desegregation ends for Georgia district


Rural educator enters race for state schools superintendent


No race balance, but desegregation ends for Georgia district


Soul of woman embraces heart of man / Sandy Ross.

This book is a biography of Sandy and her great grand fathers life journey, through an inspirational spiritual connection, involving cellular memory and genetic DNA. It entails a story of forced assimilation on a culture, still not identified in the countries constitution. Survival, deception, manipulation and confusion regarding Colonisation. This is on a scale of mass deception from a democracy that claims, equality and equity to all. The letter of Patent making South Australia a Province in 1836, shows that Consciousness Raising is evolving through the resilience and visualisation of the' Original peoples' of this ancient land, seen through the eyes of Sandy.


“There but for the grace of God” : review of recent lawyer misconduct cases / presented by: Anna Jackson, Magistrates Court of South Australia, Alex Ward, Edmund Barton Chambers.


Chaos & the geek : a Grace Grayson novel / Elizabeth Stevens.


Race across the world : the incredible story of the world's greatest road race - the 1968 London to Sydney Marathon / John Smailes.

London-Sydney Marathon -- History.


The Family Tree Polish, Czech & Slovak genealogy guide : how to trace your family tree in Eastern Europe / Lisa A. Alzo.

Polish people -- Genealogy.


Indiana Educators Race to Renew Teaching Licenses Before Deadline

Thousands of Indiana teachers are scrambling to begin renewing their professional teaching licenses before new rules that state lawmakers approved this spring take effect July 1.


Encyclopédie anatomique. Comprenant l'anatomie descriptive, l'anatomie générale, l'anatomie pathologique, l'histoire du développement, et celle des races humaines / par G.-T. Bischoff [and others] : traduit de l'all

Londres : H. Bailliere, 1843-1847.


Teacher Activism Played Prominent Role in Southern Governors' Races

Governors' races in Kentucky and Mississippi took center stage, testing the political muscle of teacher activists and yielding possible policy implications for everything from public employee pensions to teacher pay.


Education Is on the Ballot in These Governors' Races

Voters in three southern states will head to the polls for governors races that have shined a spotlight on educator activism, school funding, and teacher pay.


Education Issues Resonate in Governors' Races

This year's November elections—a preview to next year's nationwide showdowns—cast their own spotlight on education, a dynamic that played out most prominently in the Kentucky governor's race, where teachers organized to unseat a combative incumbent who'd sparred with them.


New Breed of After-School Programs Embrace English-Learners

A handful of districts and other groups are reshaping the after-school space to provide a wide range of social and linguistic supports for newcomer students.


The three Graces, seen from behind and from the side. Engraving by D. Marchetti after G. Tognoli after A. Canova.



A young woman with a greyhound on a terrace, setting off for a rendez-vous. Photograph after H. Knöchl, ca. 1875.

[Munich?], [between 1870 and 1879?]


Grace Darling participating in the rescue of survivors from the shipwrecked Forfarshire in 1838 off the Farne Islands, coast of Northumberland. Photograph after W.B. Scott.



New Breed of After-School Programs Embrace English-Learners

A handful of districts and other groups are reshaping the after-school space to provide a wide range of social and linguistic supports for newcomer students.


Wayne Gretzky’s advice to top NHL prospects: ‘Embrace every moment of it’

Five of the top NHL prospects took part in a video call with Gretzky and were given advice as they prepare to take the next step in their careers.


Differential network inference via the fused D-trace loss with cross variables

Yichong Wu, Tiejun Li, Xiaoping Liu, Luonan Chen.

Source: Electronic Journal of Statistics, Volume 14, Number 1, 1269--1301.

Detecting the change of biological interaction networks is of great importance in biological and medical research. We proposed a simple loss function, named as CrossFDTL, to identify the network change or differential network by estimating the difference between two precision matrices under Gaussian assumption. The CrossFDTL is a natural fusion of the D-trace loss for the considered two networks by imposing the $ell _{1}$ penalty to the differential matrix to ensure sparsity. The key point of our method is to utilize the cross variables, which correspond to the sum and difference of two precision matrices instead of using their original forms. Moreover, we developed an efficient minimization algorithm for the proposed loss function and further rigorously proved its convergence. Numerical results showed that our method outperforms the existing methods in both accuracy and convergence speed for the simulated and real data.


By the richest of God's grace / Anna Penney.

Penney, Anna -- Travels.


Our Lady of Grace family page of history : a bookweek bicentennial project / edited by Janeen Brian.

Our Lady of Grace School (Glengowrie, S.A.)


Ventral Hippocampal Input to the Prelimbic Cortex Dissociates the Context from the Cue Association in Trace Fear Memory

The PFC, through its high degree of interconnectivity with cortical and subcortical brain areas, mediates cognitive and emotional processes in support of adaptive behaviors. This includes the formation of fear memories when the anticipation of threat demands learning about temporal or contextual cues, as in trace fear conditioning. In this variant of fear learning, the association of a cue and shock across an empty trace interval of several seconds requires sustained cue-elicited firing in the prelimbic cortex (PL). However, it is unknown how and when distinct PL afferents contribute to different associative components of memory. Among the prominent inputs to PL, the hippocampus shares with PL a role in both working memory and contextual processing. Here we tested the necessity of direct hippocampal input to the PL for the acquisition of trace-cued fear memory and the simultaneously acquired contextual fear association. Optogenetic silencing of ventral hippocampal (VH) terminals in the PL of adult male Long-Evans rats selectively during paired trials revealed that direct communication between the VH and PL during training is necessary for contextual fear memory, but not for trace-cued fear acquisition. The pattern of the contextual memory deficit and the disruption of local PL firing during optogenetic silencing of VH-PL suggest that the VH continuously updates the PL with the current contextual state of the animal, which, when disrupted during memory acquisition, is detrimental to the subsequent rapid retrieval of aversive contextual associations.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Learning to anticipate threat from available contextual and discrete cues is crucial for survival. The prelimbic cortex is required for forming fear memories when temporal or contextual complexity is involved, as in trace fear conditioning. However, the respective contribution of distinct prelimbic afferents to the temporal and contextual components of memory is not known. We report that direct input from the ventral hippocampus enables the formation of the contextual, but not trace-cued, fear memory necessary for the subsequent rapid expression of a fear response. This finding dissociates the contextual and working-memory contributions of prelimbic cortex to the formation of a fear memory and demonstrates the crucial role for hippocampal input in contextual fear learning.


Treatment with Mesenchymal-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Reduces Injury-Related Pathology in Pyramidal Neurons of Monkey Perilesional Ventral Premotor Cortex

Functional recovery after cortical injury, such as stroke, is associated with neural circuit reorganization, but the underlying mechanisms and efficacy of therapeutic interventions promoting neural plasticity in primates are not well understood. Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived extracellular vesicles (MSC-EVs), which mediate cell-to-cell inflammatory and trophic signaling, are thought be viable therapeutic targets. We recently showed, in aged female rhesus monkeys, that systemic administration of MSC-EVs enhances recovery of function after injury of the primary motor cortex, likely through enhancing plasticity in perilesional motor and premotor cortices. Here, using in vitro whole-cell patch-clamp recording and intracellular filling in acute slices of ventral premotor cortex (vPMC) from rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) of either sex, we demonstrate that MSC-EVs reduce injury-related physiological and morphologic changes in perilesional layer 3 pyramidal neurons. At 14-16 weeks after injury, vPMC neurons from both vehicle- and EV-treated lesioned monkeys exhibited significant hyperexcitability and predominance of inhibitory synaptic currents, compared with neurons from nonlesioned control brains. However, compared with vehicle-treated monkeys, neurons from EV-treated monkeys showed lower firing rates, greater spike frequency adaptation, and excitatory:inhibitory ratio. Further, EV treatment was associated with greater apical dendritic branching complexity, spine density, and inhibition, indicative of enhanced dendritic plasticity and filtering of signals integrated at the soma. Importantly, the degree of EV-mediated reduction of injury-related pathology in vPMC was significantly correlated with measures of behavioral recovery. These data show that EV treatment dampens injury-related hyperexcitability and restores excitatory:inhibitory balance in vPMC, thereby normalizing activity within cortical networks for motor function.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neuronal plasticity can facilitate recovery of function after cortical injury, but the underlying mechanisms and efficacy of therapeutic interventions promoting this plasticity in primates are not well understood. Our recent work has shown that intravenous infusions of mesenchymal-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) that are involved in cell-to-cell inflammatory and trophic signaling can enhance recovery of motor function after injury in monkey primary motor cortex. This study shows that this EV-mediated enhancement of recovery is associated with amelioration of injury-related hyperexcitability and restoration of excitatory-inhibitory balance in perilesional ventral premotor cortex. These findings demonstrate the efficacy of mesenchymal EVs as a therapeutic to reduce injury-related pathologic changes in the physiology and structure of premotor pyramidal neurons and support recovery of function.


Traces of Millennia-Old Milk Help Date Pottery Fragments to Neolithic London

These dairy products are no longer edible, but they're still valuable to researchers


Angel Wars: Guardian Force, Episode 3, Grace and Glory


Longji Rice Terraces

Rice terraces in Longji,China.


Regina braces for impact of likely Grey Cup cancellation

Hope for a 2020 Grey Cup in Regina is slowly dwindling as the CFL hints at a season cancellation. 

  • News/Canada/Saskatchewan


Covid-19’s Race and Class Warfare

This crisis is exposing the savagery of American democracy.


Broken but saved by grace - Chile

OM Chile team member Marloes Achterveld witnesses God change the life of a homeless man.


Brace Yourself for Waves of Coronavirus Infections

Here’s what we should be expecting in the war on Covid-19.


The Race for Influence in Zimbabwe


The ripple effect—grace that flows from the classroom to the home

The care the head teacher of Chiyembekezo School shows to her pupils even outside the classroom has a ripple effect on the larger community.


The taste of grace

A teacher in North Africa uses a special dessert to explain the concept of grace.


Grace and peace amidst chaos

OM workers in North Africa explain they have peace even during times of political unrest.


Amazing race: Outreach edition

10 challenges, 3 people, 0 phones and 1 awesome God.


Embrace your curves on Valentine's Day

Compiled by: Antigoni Markitani


Coronavirus: Professor raises 'big problem' with Nicola Sturgeon's test, trace, isolate strategy

A PUBLIC health professor has warned that the Scottish Government’s strategy to escape the lockdown will encounter “a big problem” unless test results can be provided quicker.


Neil Mackay: Scotland’s handling of schools in lockdown is a national disgrace

THE teacher had four pupils yesterday. Just four pupils out of a class of 33 took part in virtual online lockdown lessons.


Coronavirus: Fears universities could be merged if they don't embrace new normal

SCOTLAND’S universities must play their part in adapting to the “new normal” amid warnings that institutions could be forced to merge in return for government support.


No race balance, but desegregation ends for Georgia district


Senate Braced for Lengthy Debate on ESEA

The bipartisan proposal to overhaul the Elementary and Secondary Education Act may take up a week or more of the Senate's time.


Education Issues Resonate in Governors' Races

This year's November elections—a preview to next year's nationwide showdowns—cast their own spotlight on education, a dynamic that played out most prominently in the Kentucky governor's race, where teachers organized to unseat a combative incumbent who'd sparred with them.


Pharmacy Communication to Adolescents and Their Physicians Regarding Access to Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception is a safe and effective method of pregnancy prevention after unprotected intercourse.

Pharmacies commonly communicate misinformation, both to adolescents and to physicians, concerning who is able to access emergency contraception and through what means. (Read the full article)


Race and Unequal Burden of Perioperative Pain and Opioid Related Adverse Effects in Children

Disparities are known to exist in the prescription of opioid analgesics among racial and ethnic groups in the management of postoperative, cancer, and emergency department pain in patients across all ages, including children.

Race is associated with an unequal burden of perioperative pain and opioid adverse effects in children. Relatively, African American children had higher postoperative pain, and Caucasian children had higher incidences of opioid related adverse effects. (Read the full article)


Sexual Initiation, Contraceptive Use, and Pregnancy Among Young Adolescents

Among adolescents younger than 15, 18% have had sex and 16 000 pregnancies occur annually; among those aged 15 to 17, 30% have had sex and 252 000 get pregnant. Information on the youngest adolescents has not been previously published.

Sexual activity and pregnancy are rare among 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds, and sex is more likely to be nonconsensual. This arguably represents a different public health issue than sex among older teens, who have a greater need for contraception. (Read the full article)


Race and Acute Abdominal Pain in a Pediatric Emergency Department

Abdominal pain is a frequent complaint in pediatric emergency departments, with a broad differential diagnosis. The impact of demographic and clinical characteristics of patients on the evaluation and management of these children is not well known.

The most common cause of abdominal pain is constipation, which rarely requires hospital admission. Demographic factors, in particular race, do not seem to affect evaluation and management. (Read the full article)


Association of Race and Ethnicity With Management of Abdominal Pain in the Emergency Department

Racial/ethnic differences in care for adult and pediatric patients in the emergency department have been documented.

This study reveals racial/ethnic differences in analgesic administration and prolonged length of stay for pediatric emergency department visits for abdominal pain. Documenting such disparities is an important first step needed to improve the equity of care for this and other conditions. (Read the full article)


Autism Spectrum Disorders and Race, Ethnicity, and Nativity: A Population-Based Study

Autism prevalence is reported to be highest among non-Hispanic white children, lower in Hispanic and African American/black children, and highly variable in Asian/Pacific Islanders. More comorbid intellectual disability and delays in expressive language have been observed among Hispanic and African American children.

Maternal nativity is a risk factor for childhood autism in US populations. We observed higher risk of severe autism phenotypes in children of foreign-born black, Central/South American, Filipino, and Vietnamese mothers and US-born African Americans and Hispanics compared with US-born whites. (Read the full article)