
New partnership will explore how SL can avoid pollution from human waste

IWMI/Ministry of Water Supply and Drainage research project will look at how human waste from septic tanks can be turned into valuable fertilizer rather than an environmental concern. Download full media release

The post New partnership will explore how SL can avoid pollution from human waste first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Press Release: New Knowledge Platform on the Indus Basin

The Indus Basin Knowledge Platform (IBKP), which seeks to improve access to information and supports decision making on critical basin challenges, is launched at World Water Week 2016.

The post Press Release: New Knowledge Platform on the Indus Basin first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


Farming for the future: How climate-smart agriculture can protect Sri Lanka’s smallholders

More than 1,300 farmers received over 1.6 million LKR as part of insurance payouts for crop damage caused by excess rain or dry spells.

The post Farming for the future: How climate-smart agriculture can protect Sri Lanka’s smallholders first appeared on International Water Management Institute (IWMI).


How Early Screen Time Use Can Lead to Increased Anger in Young Children

Highlights: Tablet device use at age 3.5 is linked to increased anger by age 4.5 Early tablet device use disrup


How to Observe Krishna Janmashtami Fasting: Health Benefits of Nirjala

Highlights: Two main types of fasting are Nirjala (strict without water) and Phalahar (just fruits) Avoid grains


How Your Grandparents' Education Could Slow Your Aging

Highlights: Grandparents' education level impacts grandchildren's biological aging DNA methylation reveals slowe


Are You Addicted to Work? How to Spot and Overcome Workaholism

Highlights: Many people are struggling with workaholism, unable to disconnect from work Constantly checking emai


How to Brew Hibiscus Tea: A Simple Recipe and Its Health Benefits

Highlights: Hibiscus tea is packed with antioxidants and vitamins Supports heart health and aids digestion Ma


Five Common Signs of Low Immunity in Kids

Highlights: Frequent infections and colds are common indicators of low immunity Chronic fatigue can hinder a chi


How to Care for Your Skin in Your 20s, 30s, and Beyond

Highlights: Skin aging begins as early as your 20s with reduced collagen production Sun protection is the most


How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

Highlights: Sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, impacting mood and cognitive functions Individual s


Aging and Balance: How a Simple 30-Second Test Can Reveal Your Health

Highlights: Balance testing shows links between stability, strength, and aging Age-related muscle and sensory c


How Household Planning Weighs on Mothers' Mental Health

When you think about medlinkhousework/medlink, you likely imagine actions like scrubbing dishes, running errands, or chopping vegetables for dinner.


Hormone Therapy Slows Aging in Postmenopausal Women

medlinkHormone therapy/medlink (HT) may slow medlinkbiological aging/medlink in postmenopausal women, particularly those with lower socioeconomic


How Gender Disparities Impact Multiple Sclerosis Treatment for Women?

A groundbreaking study has unveiled a critical issue of therapeutic inertia in treating women with medlinkmultiple sclerosis/medlink (MS), underscoring


Sleep Well, Mom-to-Be: Insomnia Therapy Lowers Postpartum Depression Risk

While poor sleep is common during and after pregnancy, Canadian researchers suggest cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBTi) as an effective solution.


Low Sexual Desire Noticed by Men Up 32% in a Decade

Men are 32 per cent more likely to report low sexual desire than a decade ago, suggests new research that detected that change. The research showed


People Whose Gonorrhea Is Cured With Simple Oral Antibiotic Now Identified Easily

New test that can detect which people with gonorrhea will respond successfully to the inexpensive oral antibiotic ciprofloxacin has been discovered. In


All You Need to Know About Emergency Contraception

In 2020, one in every four consultations from women was for sexual and reproductive health, and seemed to be the top consulted specialty online, according to insights from Practo.


Study Identifies the 'Golden Window' for IVF Success

Teflon-like molecule makes womb slippery and prevents embryos implanting. New study finds IVF more likely to succeed when the slippery molecule is reduced.


How to Predict Future Fertility in Children With Undescended Testis?

The ratio of a few sex hormones in serum can serve as important clues to predict future infertility in cryptorchid boys, revealed a pioneering study by


How Do Educational Sexual Health Programs Improve Safe Sex Behaviors?

Sexual health programs that include sexual desire and sexual pleasure can improve knowledge and attitudes around sex, as well as condom use compared to


How Climate Change Will Worsen Ozone Pollution and What It Means for Us?

A recent study suggests that by 2050, climate change is expected to exacerbate ground-level ozone spikes, potentially causing numerous regions in the


Scorching Summer: How to Survive Extreme Heat While in a Heat Dome

Extreme heat alerts were sent to more than 100 million U.S. residents in 27 states this week due to the heat dome. h2What is a Heat Dome?/h2 A heat


Climate Change and the Growing Fungal Threat to Health

Researchers have suggested that fungi are adapting to human body temperature and becoming drug-resistant, potentially due to medlinkclimate change/medlink.


Virchow Prize 2024 Honors Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockstrom's Contributions to Planetary Health

The 2024 Virchow Prize will honor Lucy Gilson and Johan Rockstrom for their holistic and systems-based approach to safeguarding human and medlinkplanetary health/medlink.


Forever Chemicals in U.S. Growing Health Risks

A new peer-reviewed study published today in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives reveals that per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), often


How Dairy Nutrition is Driving Emission Reduction?

Research on reducing medlinkgreenhouse gas emissions/medlink from livestock has surged as the dairy and agriculture sectors collaborate on shared sustainability/ and efficiency goals.


A Greener Future - How Plant-Based Diets Cut Emission

Shifting to more plant-based diets could reduce medlinkgreenhouse gas emissions/medlink from global food supply chains by 17%, as per a study published


Extreme Weather: A Growing Threat to Mental and Physical Health

A new report has unveiled the escalating health risks posed by increasingly severe and prolonged weather extremes in the UK, as climate change intensifies (!--ref1--).


Low-Polluting Populations Face Higher Flood Risks from Climate Change

World's smallest nations, which contribute the least to climate change, are disproportionately affected by its harmful impacts. This trend is expected to intensify in the future.


Growing Threat of Nitrous Oxide to Public Health and Climate

Nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas, is rapidly accelerating climate change and damaging the ozone layer. This jeopardizes the 1.5 degrees Celsius


Yoga is More Than Flexibility: Here's How

You do not need to be flexible to practice medlinkyoga/medlink. Yoga is having a say on the modulations and tendencies of the mind. Where there is a mind, there is conflict.


Walking Proven to Reduce Recurrence of Low Back Pain

A groundbreaking study has found that adults with a history of low back pain experienced nearly twice the duration without a recurrence when they walked regularly.


How Feeling Valued Strengthens Relationships?

Research from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign highlights that feeling appreciated by loved ones, not just being grateful, is key to improving


How Does Hernias Impact Top Athletes?

Doctors emphasize that an inguinal hernia can greatly affect elite athletes' performance and needs careful management, as highlighted by Neeraj Chopra's condition (!--ref1--).


Starch and Sucrose-Reduced Diet For Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients experienced significant symptom relief by reducing sugar and starch intake. This improvement was comparable to


How Stress Affects Eating Habits in College Athletes

College athletes develop poor medlinkeating habits/medlink as a result of medlinkstress/medlink during intense practice sessions. According


Sweetened Beverage Taxes Cut Consumption by Nearly 50% in Low-Income Households

Eight cities across the United States have introduced taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages, which are linked to health problems such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes (!--ref1--).


How High-Intensity Workouts Impact Hunger Levels?

Intense workouts reduce hunger in healthy adults more effectively than moderate exercise, with women showing an increased sensitivity to this effect,


How Do Tooth Abnormalities Differ Among Childhood Cancer Survivors?

The prevalence of developmental tooth anomalies in survivors of childhood cancer differs according to the type of cancer treatment administered, according


How Does Gum Disease Lead to Bone Loss?

Discovery regarding the mechanisms for bone loss in gum disease is reported by researchers at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. They


How to Treat Oral Cancer at the Early Stage?

The dialing back or even genetically deleting a protein seems to spur oral cancer's growth might help limit its development and spread, according to researchers at Boston University's Henry M.


Missing Teeth? No Issue, Grow Your Teeth

A 3D model is created with human dental stem cells to use as the building blocks to restore damaged teeth, according to results of lab experiments reported


How Long Does a Tooth Live After Root Canal?

Teeth survive about 11 years after a root canal, according to new research from Regenstrief Institute and Indiana University School of Dentistry. This


Artificial Intelligence Takes Manufacturing of Dental Crowns to Next Level

A new method of manufacturing dental crowns using generative medlinkartificial intelligence/medlink (AI) was developed by researchers from the Faculty


AI-Powered Tongue Analysis Diagnoses Diseases

With an impressive 98% accuracy, medlinkartificial intelligence/medlink (AI) accurately predicts various diseases based on the color of the human tongue.


How Fluoride Toothpaste Has Reduced the Need for Water Fluoridation

The benefits of medlinkfluoridating drinking water/medlink for dental health may be less than what was possible before the widespread use of medlinkfluoride toothpaste/medlink (!--ref1--).


High And Low Levels Of 'Good' Cholesterol Linked To Premature Death

Commonly touted as bgood cholesterol/b for helping to reduce risk of stroke and heart attack, both high and low levels of high-density lipoprotein


New Analysis Examines How Low Cholesterol Can Safely Go

Very aggressive reduction of LDL-cholesterol to ultra-low levels was associated with progressively fewer cardiovascular events and appears to pose no